	void Start ( ) {
		BMFontReader.registerFonts( bmFonts );
		// Font linkage from swf using font name & size mapping
		stage.addChild( new MovieClip("uniSWF/Examples/Extra examples/BMFont reader/swf/bmfonttest.swf:Font") );
		// Add Text to stage
		TextFormat format = new TextFormat();
		format.font = "Times Bold";
		format.color = Color.green;
		format.size = 64;
		BitmapTextField txt = new BitmapTextField( );
		txt.width = 500;
		txt.height = 200;
		txt.textFormat = format;		
		txt.text = "BMText set from code";
		txt.y = 100;
		txt.x = 10;
		txt.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
		txt.addCharColor( 7, 9, Color.cyan );
		txt.addCharColor( 16, 19, Color.red );
		txt.appendText( ", Appended text" );
		stage.addChild( txt );
	void Start ( ) {
		// Alter existing font
		// Add root with single textfield
		mc = new MovieClip( "uniSWF/Examples/Extra examples/ProgramaticTextFields/swf/programaticText.swf:Root" ) ;
		stage.addChild( mc );
		// Ensure player is not changing textfields on timeline
		 // Get textfield
		txt = mc.getChildByName<TextField>( "txt" );
		// Get format
		TextFormat format = txt.textFormat;
		// Set new format
		format.fontClassName = null;	// Clear class for bitmap fonts as this points to the exact font_size_filters assets
		format.size = 30;
		// Set format
		txt.textFormat = format;
		// Add new textfield using font and size ( must be exported )		
		format = new TextFormat();
		format.font = "Times Bold";
		format.color = Color.green;
		format.size = 64;
		BitmapTextField bmpTxt = new BitmapTextField( );
		bmpTxt.width = 500;
		bmpTxt.height = 200;
		bmpTxt.textFormat = format;		
		bmpTxt.text = "Text set from code";
		bmpTxt.y = 100;
		bmpTxt.x = 10;
		bmpTxt.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
		bmpTxt.addCharColor( 5, 8, Color.cyan );
		bmpTxt.addCharColor( 14, 17, Color.red );
		bmpTxt.appendText( ", Appended text" );
		stage.addChild( bmpTxt );		