     * private bool LoadTextFile(string inFileName)
     * {
     * //FileInfo theSourceFile = null;
     * TextAsset textFile = (TextAsset)AssetBundleManager.Instance.LoadFromResources("MainMenuResources", inFileName, typeof(TextAsset));
     * if ( textFile == null )
     * {
     *  Debug.Log(inFileName + " -- was not found");
     *  return false;
     * }
     * // puzdata.text is a string containing the whole file. To read it line-by-line:
     * StringReader reader = new StringReader(textFile.text);
     * if ( reader == null )
     * {
     *  Debug.Log("puzzles.txt not found or not readable");
     *  return false;
     * }
     * else
     * {
     *              ParseFNTFile(reader);
     *              return true;
     *      }
     * }

    /// <summary>Parses the FNT file.</summary>
    void ParseFNTFile(StringReader inReader)
        m_CharSet = new BitmapCharacterSet();
        m_CharSet.MaxCharHeight = 0;
        //string fntFile = Utility.GetMediaFile( m_fntFile );
        //StreamReader stream = new StreamReader( fntFile );
        StringReader stream = inReader;
        string       line;

        char[] separators = new char[] { ' ', '=' };
        while ((line = stream.ReadLine()) != null)
            string[] tokens = line.Split(separators);
            if (tokens[0] == "info")
                // Get rendered size
                for (int i = 1; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                    if (tokens[i] == "size")
                        m_CharSet.RenderedSize = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
            else if (tokens[0] == "common")
                // Fill out BitmapCharacterSet fields
                for (int i = 1; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                    if (tokens[i] == "lineHeight")
                        m_CharSet.LineHeight = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "base")
                        m_CharSet.Base = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "scaleW")
                        m_CharSet.Width = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "scaleH")
                        m_CharSet.Height = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
            else if (tokens[0] == "char")
                // New BitmapCharacter
                int index = 0;
                for (int i = 1; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                    if (tokens[i] == "id")
                        index = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                        m_CharSet.Characters[index]      = new BitmapCharacter();
                        m_CharSet.Characters[index].Char = index;
                    else if (tokens[i] == "x")
                        m_CharSet.Characters[index].X = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "y")
                        m_CharSet.Characters[index].Y = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "width")
                        m_CharSet.Characters[index].Width = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "height")
                        m_CharSet.Characters[index].Height = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                        m_CharSet.MaxCharHeight            = Mathf.Max(m_CharSet.MaxCharHeight, m_CharSet.Characters[index].Height);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "xoffset")
                        m_CharSet.Characters[index].XOffset = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "yoffset")
                        m_CharSet.Characters[index].YOffset = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "xadvance")
                        m_CharSet.Characters[index].XAdvance = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
            else if (tokens[0] == "kerning")
                // Build kerning list
                int     index = 0;
                Kerning k     = new Kerning();
                for (int i = 1; i < tokens.Length; i++)
                    if (tokens[i] == "first")
                        index = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "second")
                        k.Second = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);
                    else if (tokens[i] == "amount")
                        k.Amount = int.Parse(tokens[i + 1]);

 /// <summary>Creates a new bitmap font.</summary>
 /// <param name="faceName">Font face name.</param>
 public BitmapFont( string fntFile, string textureFile )
     m_quads = new List<FontQuad>();
     m_strings = new List<StringBlock>();
     m_fntFile = fntFile;
     m_textureFile = textureFile;
     m_charSet = new BitmapCharacterSet();