public static BitmapBits DrawLayout(SphereType?[,] layout, int gridsize) { int width = layout.GetLength(0); int height = layout.GetLength(1); int off = (gridsize - 24) / 2; BitmapBits layoutbmp = new BitmapBits(width * gridsize, height * gridsize); for (int y = -gridsize / 2; y < layoutbmp.Height; y += gridsize * 2) { for (int x = -gridsize / 2; x < layoutbmp.Width; x += gridsize * 2) { layoutbmp.FillRectangle(1, x, y, gridsize, gridsize); } } for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { SphereType?sp = layout[x, y]; if (sp.HasValue && sp.Value != SphereType.Empty) { layoutbmp.DrawBitmapComposited(SphereBmps[sp.Value], x * gridsize + off, y * gridsize + off); } } } return(layoutbmp); }
public Sprite(IEnumerable <Sprite> sprites) { List <Sprite> sprlst = new List <Sprite>(sprites); int left = 0; int right = 0; int top = 0; int bottom = 0; bool first = true; foreach (Sprite spr in sprlst) { if (spr.Image != null) { if (first) { left = spr.Left; right = spr.Right; top = spr.Top; bottom = spr.Bottom; first = false; } else { left = Math.Min(spr.Left, left); right = Math.Max(spr.Right, right); top = Math.Min(spr.Top, top); bottom = Math.Max(spr.Bottom, bottom); } } } Offset = new Point(left, top); Image = new BitmapBits(right - left, bottom - top); for (int i = 0; i < sprlst.Count; i++) { if (sprlst[i].Image != null) { bool comp = false; for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { if (sprlst[j].Image != null && sprlst[i].Bounds.IntersectsWith(sprlst[j].Bounds)) { comp = true; break; } } if (comp) { Image.DrawBitmapComposited(sprlst[i].Image, new Point(sprlst[i].X - left, sprlst[i].Y - top)); } else { Image.DrawBitmap(sprlst[i].Image, new Point(sprlst[i].X - left, sprlst[i].Y - top)); } } } }
public static BitmapBits DrawLayout(LayoutData layout, bool shownum) { BitmapBits layoutbmp = DrawLayout(layout.Layout, shownum); if (layout.StartPosition != null) { layoutbmp.DrawBitmapComposited(StartPosBmp, layout.StartPosition.X - 736 - (StartPosBmp.Width / 2), layout.StartPosition.Y - 688 - (StartPosBmp.Height / 2)); } return(layoutbmp); }
public static BitmapBits DrawLayout(LayoutData layout, int gridsize) { BitmapBits layoutbmp = DrawLayout(layout.Layout.ToArray(), gridsize); int off = (gridsize - 24) / 2; switch (layout) { case SSLayoutData ss: layoutbmp.DrawBitmapComposited(StartBmps[ss.Angle >> 14], (ss.StartX / 0x100) * gridsize + off, (ss.StartY / 0x100) * gridsize + off); break; case BSChunkLayoutData bsc: layoutbmp.DrawBitmapComposited(StartBmps[3], 15 * gridsize + off, 3 * gridsize + off); break; case BSStageLayoutData bss: layoutbmp.DrawBitmapComposited(StartBmps[1], 16 * gridsize + off, 3 * gridsize + off); break; } return(layoutbmp); }
/** * Extracts image pixels into byte array "pixels" */ protected void GetImagePixels() { int w = image.Width; int h = image.Height; // int type = image.GetType().; if ((w != width) || (h != height) ) { // create new image with right size/format BitmapBits bmp = new BitmapBits(width, height); bmp.DrawBitmapComposited(image, Point.Empty); image = bmp; } indexedPixels = image.Bits; }
public static BitmapBits DrawLayout(byte[,] layout, bool shownum) { int width = layout.GetLength(0); int height = layout.GetLength(1); BitmapBits layoutbmp = new BitmapBits(width * 24, height * 24); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { byte sp = layout[x, y]; if (sp != 0 && ObjectBmps.ContainsKey(sp)) { layoutbmp.DrawBitmapComposited(shownum ? ObjectBmps[sp] : ObjectBmpsNoNum[sp], x * 24, y * 24); } } } return(layoutbmp); }
private void exportGIFButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (SaveFileDialog fd = new SaveFileDialog() { DefaultExt = "gif", FileName = curanim.Name + ".gif", Filter = "GIF Images|*.gif" }) if (fd.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK) { string file = fd.FileName; string filebase = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(file), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file)); string fileext = Path.GetExtension(file); Animation anim = curanim; List <Animation> anims = new List <Animation>() { anim }; while (anims[anims.Count - 1].EndType == 0xFD) { anims.Add(animations[anims[anims.Count - 1].ExtraParam.Value]); } bool isFE = anims[anims.Count - 1].EndType == 0xFE; if (isFE) { file = filebase + "_intro" + fileext; } AnimatedGifEncoder gif = new AnimatedGifEncoder(); gif.Start(file); if (anim.EndType == 0xFF || anim.EndType == 0xFB) { gif.SetRepeat(0); } else { gif.SetRepeat(-1); } double delay = 0; double leftover = 0; gif.SetDelay(delay); gif.SetPalette(palette.Entries); int left = 0; int right = 0; int top = 0; int bottom = 0; for (int a = 0; a < anims.Count; a++) { for (int i = 0; i < anims[a].Count; i++) { left = Math.Min(sprites[anims[a][i]].Left, left); right = Math.Max(sprites[anims[a][i]].Right, right); top = Math.Min(sprites[anims[a][i]].Top, top); bottom = Math.Max(sprites[anims[a][i]].Bottom, bottom); } } for (int a = 0; a < anims.Count; a++) { for (int i = 0; i < anims[a].Count; i++) { delay = (anims[a].Speed < 0xFD ? anims[a].Speed : 4) * Frame; int samecnt = 0; while (i + samecnt < anims[a].Count && anims[a][i + samecnt] == anims[a][i]) { samecnt++; } delay *= samecnt; leftover += delay % 1; if (leftover >= 1) { delay++; } leftover %= 1; gif.SetDelay(delay); BitmapBits image = new BitmapBits(right - left, bottom - top); image.DrawBitmapComposited(sprites[anims[a][i]].Image, sprites[anims[a][i]].X - left, sprites[anims[a][i]].Y - top); gif.AddFrame(image); i += samecnt - 1; } } gif.Finish(); if (isFE) { anim = anims[anims.Count - 1]; file = filebase + "_loop" + fileext; gif = new AnimatedGifEncoder(); gif.Start(file); gif.SetRepeat(0); gif.SetPalette(palette.Entries); left = 0; right = 0; top = 0; bottom = 0; for (int i = anim.Count - anim.ExtraParam.Value; i < anim.Count; i++) { left = Math.Min(sprites[anim[i]].Left, left); right = Math.Max(sprites[anim[i]].Right, right); top = Math.Min(sprites[anim[i]].Top, top); bottom = Math.Max(sprites[anim[i]].Bottom, bottom); } for (int i = anim.Count - anim.ExtraParam.Value; i < anim.Count; i++) { delay = (anim.Speed < 0xFD ? anim.Speed : 4) * Frame; int samecnt = 0; while (i + samecnt < anim.Count && anim[i + samecnt] == anim[i]) { samecnt++; } delay *= samecnt; leftover += delay % 1; if (leftover >= 1) { delay++; } leftover %= 1; gif.SetDelay(delay); BitmapBits image = new BitmapBits(right - left, bottom - top); image.DrawBitmapComposited(sprites[anim[i]].Image, sprites[anim[i]].X - left, sprites[anim[i]].Y - top); gif.AddFrame(image); i += samecnt - 1; } gif.Finish(); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { LongOpt[] opts = new[] { new LongOpt("help", Argument.No, null, 'h'), new LongOpt("padding", Argument.Required, null, 'p'), new LongOpt("startpal", Argument.Required, null, 's'), new LongOpt("nullfirst", Argument.No, null, 'n'), new LongOpt("twoplayer", Argument.No, null, '2'), new LongOpt("format", Argument.Required, null, 'f'), new LongOpt("game", Argument.Required, null, 'g'), new LongOpt("artcmp", Argument.Required, null, 'c'), new LongOpt("lowplane", Argument.Required, null, 0), new LongOpt("highplane", Argument.Required, null, 0), new LongOpt("palette", Argument.Required, null, 0), new LongOpt("center", Argument.Required, null, 0), new LongOpt("artfile", Argument.Required, null, 0), new LongOpt("mapfile", Argument.Required, null, 0), new LongOpt("dplcfile", Argument.Required, null, 0), new LongOpt("palfile", Argument.Required, null, 0) }; if (args.Length == 0) { args = new string[] { "-h" } } ; Getopt getopt = new Getopt("SpritePlotter.NET", args, Getopt.digest(opts), opts); int padding = 2; byte startpal = 0; bool nullfirst = false; bool twoplayer = false; MappingsFormat mapfmt = MappingsFormat.Binary; EngineVersion mapgame = EngineVersion.Invalid; bool s3kp = false; CompressionType artcmp = CompressionType.Uncompressed; Bitmap lowplanefile = null; Bitmap highplanefile = null; Color[] palette = null; Bitmap centerfile = null; string artfile = null; string mapfile = null; string dplcfile = null; string palfile = null; int opt = getopt.getopt(); while (opt != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': Console.Write(Properties.Resources.HelpText); return; case 'p': padding = int.Parse(getopt.Optarg); break; case 's': startpal = byte.Parse(getopt.Optarg); break; case 'n': nullfirst = true; break; case '2': twoplayer = true; break; case 'f': mapfmt = (MappingsFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(MappingsFormat), getopt.Optarg, true); break; case 'g': if (getopt.Optarg.Equals("s3kp", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { mapgame = EngineVersion.S3K; s3kp = true; } else { mapgame = (EngineVersion)Enum.Parse(typeof(EngineVersion), getopt.Optarg, true); } break; case 'c': artcmp = (CompressionType)Enum.Parse(typeof(CompressionType), getopt.Optarg, true); break; case 0: switch (opts[getopt.Longind].Name) { case "lowplane": lowplanefile = new Bitmap(getopt.Optarg); if (palette == null && (lowplanefile.PixelFormat & PixelFormat.Indexed) == PixelFormat.Indexed) { palette = lowplanefile.Palette.Entries; } break; case "highplane": highplanefile = new Bitmap(getopt.Optarg); if (palette == null && (highplanefile.PixelFormat & PixelFormat.Indexed) == PixelFormat.Indexed) { palette = highplanefile.Palette.Entries; } break; case "palette": switch (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(getopt.Optarg)) { case ".bin": palette = SonLVLColor.Load(getopt.Optarg, EngineVersion.S2).Select(a => a.RGBColor).ToArray(); break; case ".bmp": case ".png": case ".jpg": case ".gif": using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(getopt.Optarg)) { if ((bmp.PixelFormat & PixelFormat.Indexed) == PixelFormat.Indexed) { palette = bmp.Palette.Entries; } else { List <Color> pal = new List <Color>(); for (int y = 0; y < bmp.Height; y += 8) { for (int x = 0; x < bmp.Width; x += 8) { pal.Add(bmp.GetPixel(x, y)); } } palette = pal.ToArray(); } } break; } break; case "center": centerfile = new Bitmap(getopt.Optarg); break; case "artfile": artfile = getopt.Optarg; break; case "mapfile": mapfile = getopt.Optarg; break; case "dplcfile": dplcfile = getopt.Optarg; break; case "palfile": palfile = getopt.Optarg; break; } break; } opt = getopt.getopt(); } if (mapgame == EngineVersion.Invalid) { Console.Error.WriteLine("No game specified."); return; } if (lowplanefile == null && highplanefile == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("No image file specified."); return; } if (palette == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("No palette specified, and image(s) did not contain palette."); return; } if (artfile == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("No output art file specified."); return; } if (mapfile == null) { Console.Error.WriteLine("No output mappings file specified."); return; } if (palette.Length > 64) { palette = palette.Take(64).ToArray(); // lazy } BitmapBits lowplane = null, highplane = null, combinedplanes = null; if (lowplanefile != null) { if ((lowplanefile.PixelFormat & PixelFormat.Indexed) == PixelFormat.Indexed) { lowplane = new BitmapBits(lowplanefile); } else { using (Bitmap bmp = lowplanefile.To32bpp()) lowplane = LoadBitmap32BppArgb(bmp, palette); } lowplanefile.Dispose(); if (highplanefile == null) { combinedplanes = lowplane; } } if (highplanefile != null) { if ((highplanefile.PixelFormat & PixelFormat.Indexed) == PixelFormat.Indexed) { highplane = new BitmapBits(highplanefile); } else { using (Bitmap bmp = highplanefile.To32bpp()) highplane = LoadBitmap32BppArgb(bmp, palette); } highplanefile.Dispose(); if (lowplanefile == null) { combinedplanes = highplane; } } if (combinedplanes == null) { combinedplanes = new BitmapBits(Math.Max(lowplane.Width, highplane.Width), Math.Max(lowplane.Height, highplane.Height)); combinedplanes.DrawBitmap(lowplane, 0, 0); combinedplanes.DrawBitmapComposited(highplane, 0, 0); } List <Point> centers = null; if (centerfile != null) { centers = new List <Point>(); BitmapBits cntr; if ((centerfile.PixelFormat & PixelFormat.Indexed) == PixelFormat.Indexed) { cntr = new BitmapBits(centerfile); } else { using (Bitmap bmp = centerfile.To32bpp()) cntr = LoadBitmap32BppArgb(bmp, Color.Black, Color.White); } centerfile.Dispose(); for (int y = 0; y < cntr.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < cntr.Width; x++) { if (cntr[x, y] != 0) { centers.Add(new Point(x, y)); } } } } List <Rectangle> sprites = new List <Rectangle>(); for (int y = 0; y < combinedplanes.Height; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < combinedplanes.Width; x++) { if (combinedplanes[x, y] % 16 != 0) { Rectangle newrect = new Rectangle(x - padding, y - padding, (padding * 2) + 1, (padding * 2) + 1); for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; i++) { if (newrect.IntersectsWith(sprites[i])) { newrect = Rectangle.Union(newrect, sprites[i]); sprites.RemoveAt(i); i = -1; } } sprites.Add(newrect); } } } List <Rectangle> rows = new List <Rectangle>(); for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; i++) { Rectangle rect = sprites[i]; rect.Inflate(-padding, -padding); sprites[i] = rect; if (rows.Count > 0 && sprites[i].IntersectsWith(rows[rows.Count - 1])) { rows[rows.Count - 1] = Rectangle.Union(sprites[i], rows[rows.Count - 1]); } else { rows.Add(new Rectangle(0, sprites[i].Y, combinedplanes.Width, sprites[i].Height)); } } List <Rectangle> newsprites = new List <Rectangle>(sprites.Count); foreach (Rectangle rect in rows) { newsprites.AddRange(sprites.Where(a => a.IntersectsWith(rect)).OrderBy(a => a.X)); } sprites = newsprites; List <byte[]> tiles = new List <byte[]>(); NamedList <MappingsFrame> map = new NamedList <MappingsFrame>("Map_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(mapfile), sprites.Count); NamedList <DPLCFrame> dplc = null; if (dplcfile != null) { dplc = new NamedList <DPLCFrame>("DPLC_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dplcfile), sprites.Count); } if (nullfirst) { map.Add(new MappingsFrame(map.Name + "_Null")); if (dplc != null) { dplc.Add(new DPLCFrame(dplc.Name + "_Null")); } } for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Count; i++) { Point center = new Point(sprites[i].Width / 2, sprites[i].Height / 2); if (centers != null) { foreach (Point item in centers) { if (sprites[i].Contains(item)) { center = new Point(item.X - sprites[i].Left, item.Y - sprites[i].Top); break; } } } MappingsFrame mapframe = new MappingsFrame(map.Name + "_" + i); map.Add(mapframe); DPLCFrame dplcframe = null; if (dplc != null) { dplcframe = new DPLCFrame(dplc.Name + "_" + i); dplc.Add(dplcframe); } if (lowplane != null) { SpriteToMap(sprites[i], center, lowplane, tiles, mapframe, dplcframe, startpal, false, twoplayer); } if (highplane != null) { SpriteToMap(sprites[i], center, highplane, tiles, mapframe, dplcframe, startpal, true, twoplayer); } } using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(tiles.Count * 32)) { using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(ms)) foreach (byte[] b in tiles) { bw.Write(b); } Compression.Compress(ms.ToArray(), artfile, artcmp); } if (mapfmt == MappingsFormat.Binary) { File.WriteAllBytes(mapfile, MappingsFrame.GetBytes(map, mapgame)); if (dplc != null) { File.WriteAllBytes(dplcfile, DPLCFrame.GetBytes(dplc, s3kp ? EngineVersion.S2 : mapgame)); } } else { MappingsFrame.ToASM(mapfile, map, mapgame, mapfmt == MappingsFormat.Macro); if (dplc != null) { DPLCFrame.ToASM(dplcfile, dplc, mapgame, mapfmt == MappingsFormat.Macro, s3kp); } } if (palfile != null) { using (FileStream fs = File.Create(palfile)) using (BinaryWriter bw = new BinaryWriter(fs)) foreach (Color c in palette) { bw.Write(ByteConverter.GetBytes(new SonLVLColor(c).MDColor)); } } }
public static void Init() { using (Bitmap tmp = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)) Palette = tmp.Palette; SonLVLColor[] pal = SonLVLColor.Load(Properties.Resources.Palette, EngineVersion.S1); for (int i = 0; i < pal.Length; i++) { Palette.Entries[i] = pal[i].RGBColor; } Palette.Entries[0] = Color.Transparent; BitmapBits bmp = new BitmapBits(Properties.Resources.GFX); BitmapBits[] sprites = new BitmapBits[bmp.Width / 24]; for (int i = 0; i < sprites.Length; i++) { sprites[i] = bmp.GetSection(i * 24, 0, 24, 24); } bmp = new BitmapBits(Properties.Resources.Font); BitmapBits[] font = new BitmapBits[11]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { font[i] = bmp.GetSection(i * 8, 0, 8, 8); } font[10] = bmp.GetSection(10 * 8, 0, 16, 8); ObjectBmps[0] = new BitmapBits(24, 24); byte ind = 1; // walls for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { BitmapBits tmp = new BitmapBits(sprites[0]); ObjectBmps[ind++] = tmp; for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++) { BitmapBits t2 = new BitmapBits(tmp); t2.DrawBitmapComposited(font[i], 16, 16); ObjectBmps[ind++] = t2; } sprites[0].IncrementIndexes(16); } // misc for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++) { ObjectBmps[ind++] = sprites[i]; } // "R" sprites[7].IncrementIndexes(16); ObjectBmps[ind++] = sprites[7]; // red/white ObjectBmps[ind++] = sprites[8]; // diamonds for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { BitmapBits tmp = new BitmapBits(sprites[9]); ObjectBmps[ind++] = tmp; sprites[9].IncrementIndexes(16); } // unused blocks ind += 3; // "ZONE" blocks for (int i = 10; i < 16; i++) { ObjectBmps[ind++] = sprites[i]; } // ring sprites[16].IncrementIndexes(16); ObjectBmps[ind++] = sprites[16]; // blue/yellow/pink/green emerald for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { BitmapBits tmp = new BitmapBits(sprites[19]); ObjectBmps[ind++] = tmp; sprites[19].IncrementIndexes(16); } // red emerald ObjectBmps[ind++] = sprites[17]; // gray emerald ObjectBmps[ind++] = sprites[18]; // pass-through barrier ObjectBmps[ind++] = sprites[20]; ObjectBmps[0x4A] = new BitmapBits(sprites[20]); ObjectBmps[0x4A].DrawBitmapComposited(font[10], 4, 8); ObjectBmpsNoNum = new Dictionary <byte, BitmapBits>(ObjectBmps); for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { BitmapBits tmp = ObjectBmps[(byte)(p * 9 + 1)]; for (int i = 1; i < 9; i++) { ObjectBmpsNoNum[(byte)(p * 9 + 1 + i)] = tmp; } } StartPosBmp = new BitmapBits(Properties.Resources.StartPos); }
static void Main(string[] args) { byte[] art; ColorPalette palette; List <MappingsFrame> map; List <DPLCFrame> dplc; SpriteInfo spriteInfo; LevelData.littleendian = false; LongOpt[] opts = new[] { new LongOpt("help", Argument.No, null, 'h'), new LongOpt("padding", Argument.Required, null, 'p'), new LongOpt("columns", Argument.Required, null, 'c'), new LongOpt("width", Argument.Required, null, 'w'), new LongOpt("background", Argument.Required, null, 'b'), new LongOpt("grid", Argument.No, null, 'g') }; Getopt getopt = new Getopt("SpriteSheetGen", args, Getopt.digest(opts), opts); int padding = 2; int columns = 8; int width = 0; bool fixedwidth = false; int gridsize = -1; Color background = Color.Transparent; int opt = getopt.getopt(); while (opt != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'h': Console.Write(Properties.Resources.HelpText); return; case 'p': padding = int.Parse(getopt.Optarg); break; case 'c': columns = int.Parse(getopt.Optarg); break; case 'w': width = int.Parse(getopt.Optarg); columns = -1; fixedwidth = true; break; case 'g': gridsize = 0; break; case 'b': if (getopt.Optarg.StartsWith("#")) { background = Color.FromArgb((int)(0xFF000000 | uint.Parse(getopt.Optarg.Substring(1), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.HexNumber))); } else { background = Color.FromName(getopt.Optarg.Replace(" ", "")); } break; } opt = getopt.getopt(); } string filename; Console.Write("File: "); if (getopt.Optind == args.Length) { filename = Console.ReadLine(); } else { filename = args[getopt.Optind]; Console.WriteLine(filename); } filename = Path.GetFullPath(filename); Environment.CurrentDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(filename); spriteInfo = IniSerializer.Deserialize <SpriteInfo>(filename); if (spriteInfo.MappingsGame == EngineVersion.Invalid) { spriteInfo.MappingsGame = spriteInfo.Game; } if (spriteInfo.DPLCGame == EngineVersion.Invalid) { spriteInfo.DPLCGame = spriteInfo.Game; } MultiFileIndexer <byte> tiles = new MultiFileIndexer <byte>(); foreach (SonicRetro.SonLVL.API.FileInfo file in spriteInfo.Art) { tiles.AddFile(new List <byte>(Compression.Decompress(file.Filename, spriteInfo.ArtCompression)), file.Offset); } art = tiles.ToArray(); tiles.Clear(); byte[] tmp = null; using (Bitmap palbmp = new Bitmap(1, 1, PixelFormat.Format8bppIndexed)) palette = palbmp.Palette; for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { palette.Entries[i] = Color.Black; } foreach (PaletteInfo palent in spriteInfo.Palette) { tmp = File.ReadAllBytes(palent.Filename); SonLVLColor[] palfile; palfile = new SonLVLColor[tmp.Length / 2]; for (int pi = 0; pi < tmp.Length; pi += 2) { palfile[pi / 2] = new SonLVLColor(SonicRetro.SonLVL.API.ByteConverter.ToUInt16(tmp, pi)); } for (int pa = 0; pa < palent.Length; pa++) { palette.Entries[pa + palent.Destination] = palfile[pa + palent.Source].RGBColor; } } palette.Entries[0] = background; Dictionary <string, int> labels = new Dictionary <string, int>(); tmp = null; switch (spriteInfo.MappingsFormat) { case MappingsFormat.Binary: tmp = File.ReadAllBytes(spriteInfo.MappingsFile); break; case MappingsFormat.ASM: case MappingsFormat.Macro: tmp = LevelData.ASMToBin(spriteInfo.MappingsFile, spriteInfo.MappingsGame, out labels); break; } map = MappingsFrame.Load(tmp, spriteInfo.MappingsGame, labels); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(spriteInfo.DPLCFile)) { labels = new Dictionary <string, int>(); tmp = null; switch (spriteInfo.DPLCFormat) { case MappingsFormat.Binary: tmp = File.ReadAllBytes(spriteInfo.DPLCFile); break; case MappingsFormat.ASM: case MappingsFormat.Macro: tmp = LevelData.ASMToBin(spriteInfo.DPLCFile, spriteInfo.DPLCGame, out labels); break; } dplc = DPLCFrame.Load(tmp, spriteInfo.DPLCGame, labels); } else { dplc = null; } List <BitmapBits> spritesLow = new List <BitmapBits>(map.Count); List <BitmapBits> spritesHigh = new List <BitmapBits>(map.Count); List <BitmapBits> spritesMerged = new List <BitmapBits>(map.Count); List <Point> offsets = new List <Point>(map.Count); List <Point> centers = new List <Point>(map.Count); for (int i = 0; i < map.Count; i++) { if (map[i].TileCount == 0) { //File.AppendAllText("log.txt", "Frame " + i + " empty.\r\n"); continue; } Sprite[] spr; if (dplc != null) { spr = LevelData.MapFrameToBmp(art, map[i], dplc[i], spriteInfo.StartPalette); } else { spr = LevelData.MapFrameToBmp(art, map[i], spriteInfo.StartPalette); } BitmapBits sprLow = spr[0].Image; BitmapBits sprHigh = spr[1].Image; BitmapBits sprMerged = new BitmapBits(sprLow); sprMerged.DrawBitmapComposited(sprHigh, 0, 0); int cx = -spr[0].X; int cy = -spr[0].Y; for (int _x = 0; _x < sprMerged.Width; _x++) { for (int _y = 0; _y < sprMerged.Height; _y++) { if (sprMerged[_x, _y] != 0) { sprMerged = sprMerged.GetSection(_x, 0, sprMerged.Width - _x, sprMerged.Height); sprLow = sprLow.GetSection(_x, 0, sprLow.Width - _x, sprLow.Height); sprHigh = sprHigh.GetSection(_x, 0, sprHigh.Width - _x, sprHigh.Height); cx -= _x; goto checkright; } } } checkright: for (int _x = sprMerged.Width - 1; _x >= 0; _x--) { for (int _y = 0; _y < sprMerged.Height; _y++) { if (sprMerged[_x, _y] != 0) { sprMerged = sprMerged.GetSection(0, 0, _x + 1, sprMerged.Height); sprLow = sprLow.GetSection(0, 0, _x + 1, sprLow.Height); sprHigh = sprHigh.GetSection(0, 0, _x + 1, sprHigh.Height); goto checktop; } } } checktop: for (int _y = 0; _y < sprMerged.Height; _y++) { for (int _x = 0; _x < sprMerged.Width; _x++) { if (sprMerged[_x, _y] != 0) { sprMerged = sprMerged.GetSection(0, _y, sprMerged.Width, sprMerged.Height - _y); sprLow = sprLow.GetSection(0, _y, sprLow.Width, sprLow.Height - _y); sprHigh = sprHigh.GetSection(0, _y, sprHigh.Width, sprHigh.Height - _y); cy -= _y; goto checkbottom; } } } checkbottom: for (int _y = sprMerged.Height - 1; _y >= 0; _y--) { for (int _x = 0; _x < sprMerged.Width; _x++) { if (sprMerged[_x, _y] != 0) { sprMerged = sprMerged.GetSection(0, 0, sprMerged.Width, _y + 1); sprLow = sprLow.GetSection(0, 0, sprLow.Width, _y + 1); sprHigh = sprHigh.GetSection(0, 0, sprHigh.Width, _y + 1); goto checkdone; } } } checkdone: spritesMerged.Add(sprMerged); spritesLow.Add(sprLow); spritesHigh.Add(sprHigh); centers.Add(new Point(cx, cy)); } if (gridsize == 0) { for (int i = 0; i < spritesMerged.Count; i++) { gridsize = Math.Max(gridsize, Math.Max(spritesMerged[i].Width, spritesMerged[i].Height)); } if (!fixedwidth) { width = (padding * 2 + gridsize) * columns; } } int x = padding; int y = padding; int height = 0; int rowcnt = 0; int rowheight = 0; for (int i = 0; i < spritesMerged.Count; i++) { BitmapBits spr = spritesMerged[i]; Point off; if (gridsize == -1) { if (fixedwidth && x + spr.Width + padding > width) { x = padding; y += rowheight; rowheight = 0; } off = new System.Drawing.Point(x, y); centers[i] = new Point(centers[i].X + off.X, centers[i].Y + off.Y); if (!fixedwidth) { width = Math.Max(width, x + spr.Width + padding); } height = Math.Max(height, y + spr.Height + padding); if (spr.Height + 2 * padding > rowheight) { rowheight = spr.Height + 2 * padding; } if (!fixedwidth && ++rowcnt == columns) { x = padding; y += rowheight; rowcnt = 0; rowheight = 0; } else { x += spr.Width + 2 * padding; } } else { if (fixedwidth && x + gridsize + padding > width) { x = padding; y += gridsize + 2 * padding; } off = new Point(x + (gridsize - spr.Width) / 2, y + (gridsize - spr.Height) / 2); centers[i] = new Point(centers[i].X + off.X, centers[i].Y + off.Y); height = Math.Max(height, y + gridsize + padding); if (!fixedwidth && ++rowcnt == columns) { x = padding; y += gridsize + 2 * padding; rowcnt = 0; } else { x += gridsize + 2 * padding; } } offsets.Add(off); } BitmapBits bmpMerged = new BitmapBits(width, height); for (int i = 0; i < spritesMerged.Count; i++) { bmpMerged.DrawBitmap(spritesMerged[i], offsets[i]); } BitmapBits bmpLow = new BitmapBits(width, height); for (int i = 0; i < spritesLow.Count; i++) { bmpLow.DrawBitmap(spritesLow[i], offsets[i]); } BitmapBits bmpHigh = new BitmapBits(width, height); for (int i = 0; i < spritesHigh.Count; i++) { bmpHigh.DrawBitmap(spritesHigh[i], offsets[i]); } BitmapBits bmpCenter = new BitmapBits(width, height); for (int i = 0; i < centers.Count; i++) { bmpCenter[centers[i].X, centers[i].Y] = 1; } Console.Write("Save as: "); if (getopt.Optind + 1 >= args.Length) { filename = Console.ReadLine(); } else { filename = args[getopt.Optind + 1]; Console.WriteLine(filename); } filename = Path.GetFullPath(filename); bmpMerged.ToBitmap(palette).Save(filename); if (!bmpLow.Bits.FastArrayEqual(0) && !bmpHigh.Bits.FastArrayEqual(0)) { bmpLow.ToBitmap(palette).Save(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + "_low" + Path.GetExtension(filename))); bmpHigh.ToBitmap(palette).Save(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + "_high" + Path.GetExtension(filename))); } bmpCenter.ToBitmap1bpp(Color.Black, Color.White).Save(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(filename), Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename) + "_center" + Path.GetExtension(filename))); }