/// <inheritdoc />
        public void Compress(TiffCompressionContext context, ReadOnlyMemory <byte> input, IBufferWriter <byte> outputWriter)
            if (context is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

            if (context.PhotometricInterpretation != TiffPhotometricInterpretation.WhiteIsZero && context.PhotometricInterpretation != TiffPhotometricInterpretation.BlackIsZero)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Modified Huffman compression does not support this photometric interpretation.");

            if (context.BitsPerSample.Count != 1 || context.BitsPerSample[0] != 8)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported bits per sample.");

            context.BitsPerSample = TiffValueCollection.Single <ushort>(1);

            ReadOnlySpan <byte> inputSpan = input.Span;

            int width     = context.ImageSize.Width;
            int height    = context.ImageSize.Height;
            var bitWriter = new BitWriter2(outputWriter, 4096);

            // Process every scanline
            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                ReadOnlySpan <byte> rowSpan = inputSpan.Slice(0, width);
                inputSpan = inputSpan.Slice(width);

                CcittEncodingTable currentTable = CcittEncodingTable.WhiteInstance;
                CcittEncodingTable otherTable   = CcittEncodingTable.BlackInstance;

                // ModifiedHuffman compression assumes WhiteIsZero photometric interpretation is used.
                // Since the first run is white run, we look for black pixel in the first iteration.
                byte nextRunPixel = 255;

                while (!rowSpan.IsEmpty)
                    // Get the length of the current run
                    int runLength = rowSpan.IndexOf(nextRunPixel);
                    if (runLength < 0)
                        runLength = rowSpan.Length;
                    currentTable.EncodeRun(ref bitWriter, runLength);
                    rowSpan = rowSpan.Slice(runLength);

                    // Switch to the other color
                    CcittHelper.SwapTable(ref currentTable, ref otherTable);
                    nextRunPixel = (byte)~nextRunPixel;


        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Compress(TiffCompressionContext context, ReadOnlyMemory <byte> input, IBufferWriter <byte> outputWriter)
            if (context is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(context));

            if (context.PhotometricInterpretation != TiffPhotometricInterpretation.WhiteIsZero && context.PhotometricInterpretation != TiffPhotometricInterpretation.BlackIsZero)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Modified Huffman compression does not support this photometric interpretation.");

            if (context.BitsPerSample.Count != 1 || context.BitsPerSample[0] != 8)
                throw new NotSupportedException("Unsupported bits per sample.");

            context.BitsPerSample = TiffValueCollection.Single <ushort>(1);

            ReadOnlySpan <byte> inputSpan = input.Span;

            int width     = context.ImageSize.Width;
            int height    = context.ImageSize.Height;
            var bitWriter = new BitWriter2(outputWriter, 4096);

            ReferenceScanline referenceScanline = new ReferenceScanline(whiteIsZero: true, width);

            // Process every scanline
            for (int row = 0; row < height; row++)
                ReadOnlySpan <byte> scanline = inputSpan.Slice(0, width);
                inputSpan = inputSpan.Slice(width);

                Encode2DScanline(ref bitWriter, referenceScanline, scanline);

                referenceScanline = new ReferenceScanline(whiteIsZero: true, scanline);
