        public void ShouldEncryptNotModEightCs2()
            var payloadLen = 374;

            var iv  = new BitString("00000000000000000000000000000000");
            var key = new BitString("00000000000000000000000000000000");
            var pt  = new BitString("F34481EC3CC627BACD5DC3FB08F273E600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")

            var encryptResult = _subjectCs2
                new ModeBlockCipherParameters(

            var decryptResult = _subjectCs2
                new ModeBlockCipherParameters(

            Assert.AreEqual(pt.ToHex(), decryptResult.ToHex(), "Expected decrypt back to original PT");
        public void ShouldEncryptNotModEightCs3()
            var payloadLen = 374;

            var iv  = new BitString("00000000000000000000000000000000");
            var key = new BitString("00000000000000000000000000000000");
            var pt  = new BitString("F34481EC3CC627BACD5DC3FB08F273E600000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000")

            var expectedCtAsPerAegis = new BitString("0336763E966D92595A567CC9CE537F5ED9492AAFC53406FCD852F32A99EED2AD6EF1A3F88079814A8E7083AB12EB10")
            var expectedCtFromServer = new BitString("0336763E966D92595A567CC9CE537F5ED2AD6EF1A3F88079814A8E7083AB12EBD9492AAFC53406FCD852F32A99EE08")

            var encryptResult = _subjectCs3
                new ModeBlockCipherParameters(

            var decryptResult = _subjectCs3
                new ModeBlockCipherParameters(

            //Assert.AreEqual(expectedCtFromServer.ToHex(), encryptResult.ToHex(), "Expected CT");
            Assert.AreEqual(pt.ToHex(), decryptResult.ToHex(), "Expected decrypt back to original PT");
        private MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse> Encrypt(IModeBlockCipherParameters param)
            var ivs = TdesPartitionHelpers.SetupIvs(param.Iv);

            var responses = new List <AlgoArrayResponse> {
                new AlgoArrayResponse {
                    IV        = ivs[0],
                    Keys      = param.Key.GetDeepCopy(),
                    PlainText = param.Payload.GetDeepCopy()
            var lastCipherTexts           = new List <BitString>();
            var indexAtWhichToStartSaving = NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS - NUMBER_OF_OUTPUTS_TO_SAVE;

            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfCases; i++)
                var encryptionOutputs = new List <BitString>();
                var cipherText        = new BitString(0);
                var encryptionInput   = new BitString(0);
                var key = responses.Last().Keys.GetDeepCopy();
                for (var j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS; j++)
                    encryptionInput = j < PARTITIONS ? ivs[j] : encryptionOutputs[j - PARTITIONS];
                    var encryptionOutput = _algo.ProcessPayload(new ModeBlockCipherParameters(
                                                                    BlockCipherDirections.Encrypt, key, encryptionInput

                    cipherText = param.Payload.XOR(encryptionOutput);

                    if (j >= indexAtWhichToStartSaving)
                        lastCipherTexts.Insert(0, cipherText.GetDeepCopy());
                    param.Payload = encryptionInput.GetDeepCopy();

                responses.Last().CipherText = cipherText.GetDeepCopy();

                ivs = TdesPartitionHelpers.SetupIvs(encryptionOutputs[9995].XOR(cipherText));

                responses.Add(new AlgoArrayResponse
                    IV        = ivs[0],
                    Keys      = _keyMaker.MixKeys(new TDESKeys(responses[i].Keys.GetDeepCopy()), lastCipherTexts.ToList()).ToOddParityBitString(),
                    PlainText = responses.Last().PlainText.XOR(encryptionInput)
            responses.RemoveAt(responses.Count() - 1);
            return(new MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse>(responses));
        public SignatureResult BuildSign()
            // Check for empty values that prevent building
            if (_paddingScheme == null || _rsa == null || _publicKey == null || _privateKey == null || _message == null)
                return(new SignatureResult("Improper signature build"));

            _key = new KeyPair {
                PubKey = _publicKey, PrivKey = _privateKey

            // Do provided padding method either correct or incorrect
            var preCheck = _paddingScheme.PrePadCheck(_key, _message.GetDeepCopy(), _publicKey.N.ExactBitLength());

            var paddedResult = _paddingScheme.Pad(preCheck.key.PubKey.N.ExactBitLength(), preCheck.message);

            if (!paddedResult.Success)
                return(new SignatureResult(paddedResult.ErrorMessage));

            // Perform the RSA Decryption
            var decryptionResult = _rsa.Decrypt(paddedResult.PaddedMessage.ToPositiveBigInteger(), preCheck.key.PrivKey, preCheck.key.PubKey);

            if (!decryptionResult.Success)
                return(new SignatureResult(decryptionResult.ErrorMessage));

            // Perform the Post-Check depending on the padding scheme
            var postCheck = _paddingScheme.PostSignCheck(decryptionResult.PlainText, preCheck.key.PubKey);

            return(new SignatureResult(postCheck));
        private BitString HashGen(BitString v, int bitsToReturn)
            // 1
            var m = bitsToReturn / HashAttributes.OutputLength + (bitsToReturn % HashAttributes.OutputLength != 0 ? 1 : 0);

            // 2
            var data = v.GetDeepCopy();

            // 3
            var W = new BitString(0);

            // 4
            for (var i = 0; i < m; i++)
                // 4.1
                var w = _sha.HashMessage(data).Digest;

                // 4.2
                W = W.ConcatenateBits(w);

                // 4.3
                data = data.BitStringAddition(BitString.One()).GetLeastSignificantBits(HashAttributes.SeedLength);

            // 5
            var returnedBits = W.MSBSubstring(0, bitsToReturn);

            // 6
        protected override BitString Wrap(BitString K, BitString S, bool wrapWithInverseCipher)
            // 0. Pre-conditions
            var n = S.BitLength / 32;

            if ((n < 3) || (S.BitLength % 32 != 0))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid {nameof(S)} length.");

            var keylen = K.BitLength;
            var K2     = K.GetDeepCopy();
            //if (keylen == 192)
            //    // Convert to 168 bits because TDES Block encrypt takes 168 bits
            //    K2 = to168BitKey(K);
            //    keylen = K2.BitLength;
            //    K2 = K;
            //if (keylen != 168)
            //    throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid {nameof(keylen)}");

            // 1. Initialize variables
            // 1.a) Let s = 6(n-1)
            int s = 6 * (n - 1);
            // 1.b) Let S1,S2,...,Sn be the semi-blocks s.t. S=S1 || S2 || ... || Sn
            // 1.c) Let A0 = S1
            BitString A = S.GetMostSignificantBits(32);
            // 1.d) For i=2,...,n: let Ri0 = Si
            BitString R2n = S.GetLeastSignificantBits(S.BitLength - 32);

            // 2. Calculate the intermediate values.  For t = 1,...,s update variables
            //    as follows:
            for (int t = 1; t <= s; ++t)
                // a) A^t = MSB32(CIPH_K(A^t-1 || R2^t-1)) xor [t]32
                BitString R2 = R2n.GetMostSignificantBits(32);

                //BitString t32 = to_bitstring32((unsigned long long)t);
                BitString t32 = BitString.To64BitString(t).GetLeastSignificantBits(32);

                var       param   = new ModeBlockCipherParameters(BlockCipherDirections.Encrypt, K2, A.ConcatenateBits(R2), wrapWithInverseCipher);
                BitString block_t = Cipher.ProcessPayload(param).Result;
                A = block_t.GetMostSignificantBits(32).XOR(t32);
                // b) For i=2,...,n: Ri^t = Ri+1^t-1
                // c) Rn^t = LSB32(CIPH_K(CIPH_K(A^t-1 || R2^t-1)))
                R2n = R2n.GetLeastSignificantBits(R2n.BitLength - 32).ConcatenateBits(block_t.GetLeastSignificantBits(32));

            // 3. Output the results:
            // a) Let C1 = A^s
            // b) For i=2,...,n: Ci = Ri^s
            // c) Return C1 || C2 || ... || Cn
        // Override with good or bad padding methods
        public virtual PaddingResult Pad(int nlen, BitString message)
            // 1. Message Hashing
            var hashedMessage = Sha.HashMessage(message).Digest;

            // 2. Hash Encapsulation
            var trailer = GetTrailer();

            // Header is always 4, trailer is always 16
            var paddingLen = nlen - Header.BitLength - Sha.HashFunction.OutputLen - trailer.BitLength;
            var padding    = GetPadding(paddingLen);

            var IR = Header.GetDeepCopy();

            IR = BitString.ConcatenateBits(IR, padding);
            IR = BitString.ConcatenateBits(IR, hashedMessage);
            IR = BitString.ConcatenateBits(IR, trailer);

            if (IR.BitLength != nlen)
                return(new PaddingResult("Improper length for IR"));

            return(new PaddingResult(IR));
        protected override BitString WrapInverse(BitString K, BitString C, bool wrappedWithInverseCipher)
            // 0. Pre-conditions
            int n = C.BitLength / 32;

            if ((n < 3) || (C.BitLength % 32 != 0))
                throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid {nameof(C)} length.");
            int keyLength = K.BitLength;
            var K2        = K.GetDeepCopy();
            //if (keyLength == 192)
            //    // Convert to 168 bits because TDES Block encrypt takes 168 bits
            //    K2 = to168BitKey(K);
            //    keyLength = K2.BitLength;
            //    K2 = K;
            //if (keyLength != 168)
            //    throw new ArgumentException($"Invalid {nameof(keyLength)}");

            // 1. Initialize variables
            // 1.a) Let s = 6(n-1)
            int s = 6 * (n - 1);
            // 1.b) Let C1,C2,...,Cn be the semi-blocks s.t. C=C1 || C2 || ... || Cn
            // 1.c) Let As = C1
            BitString A = C.GetMostSignificantBits(32);
            // 1.d) For i=2,...,n: let Ri0 = Ci
            BitString R2n = C.GetLeastSignificantBits(C.BitLength - 32);

            // 2. Calculate the intermediate values.  For t = s, s-1, ..., 1,
            //    update the variables as follows:
            for (int t = s; t >= 1; --t)
                // a) A^t-1 = MSB(CIPH^-1K((A^t xor [t]32) || Rn^t))
                BitString t32 = BitString.To64BitString(t).GetLeastSignificantBits(32);
                BitString Rn  = R2n.GetLeastSignificantBits(32);

                var       param   = new ModeBlockCipherParameters(BlockCipherDirections.Decrypt, K2, A.XOR(t32).ConcatenateBits(Rn), wrappedWithInverseCipher);
                BitString block_t = Cipher.ProcessPayload(param).Result;
                A = block_t.GetMostSignificantBits(32);
                // b) R2^t-1 = LSB(CIPH^-1K((A^t xor [t]32) || Rn^t))
                // c) For i=2,...,n-1, Ri+1^t-1 = Ri^t
                R2n = block_t.GetLeastSignificantBits(32).ConcatenateBits(R2n.GetMostSignificantBits(R2n.BitLength - 32));

            // 3. Output the results:
            // 3.a) Let S1 = A0
            // 3.b) For i=2,...,n: Si = Ri0
            // 3.c) Return S1 || S2 || ... || Sn
 public static BitString[] SetupIvs(BitString iv)
         iv.AddWithModulo(new BitString("5555555555555555"), BLOCK_SIZE_BITS),
         iv.AddWithModulo(new BitString("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"), BLOCK_SIZE_BITS)
         * INPUT: The initial Msg of 256 bits long
         *        LmsParams
         *        SEED
         *        RootI
         * {
         *     lmsKeyPair = GenerateLmsKeyPair(SEED, RootI, Params);
         *     Output0 = Msg;
         *     for (j=0; j<100; j++) {
         *         for (i=1; i<(isSample ? 101 : 1001); i++) {
         *             M[i] = leftmost bits indexed from 96 to 352;
         *             if (lmsKeyPair is expired) {
         *                 lmsKeyPair = GenerateLmsKeyPair(M[i], 128 left most bits of M[i], Params);
         *             }
         *             Output[i] = LmsSignature(M[i],lmsKeyPair);
         *             lmsKeyPair = UpdateLmsKeyPair(lmsKeyPair);
         *         }
         *         Output[j] = Output[1000];
         *         OUTPUT: Output[j]
         *     }
         * }
        #endregion MonteCarloAlgorithm Pseudocode

        public async Task <MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse> > MCTHashAsync(LmsType[] lmsTypes, LmotsType[] lmotsTypes,
                                                                        BitString seed, BitString rootI, BitString message, bool isSample)
            var hss = _hssFactory.GetInstance(lmsTypes.Length, lmsTypes, lmotsTypes, EntropyProviderTypes.Testable, seed, rootI);

            var keyPair = await hss.GenerateHssKeyPairAsync();

            if (isSample)
                NUM_OF_RESPONSES = 3;

            var responses = new List <AlgoArrayResponse>();
            var i         = 0;
            var j         = 0;

            var innerMessage = message.GetDeepCopy();

                for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_RESPONSES; i++)
                    var innerSignature    = new BitString(0);
                    var iterationResponse = new AlgoArrayResponse()
                    iterationResponse.Message = innerMessage;

                    for (j = 0; j < (isSample ? 100 : 1000); j++)
                        if (keyPair.Expired)
                            hss = _hssFactory.GetInstance(lmsTypes.Length, lmsTypes, lmotsTypes,
                                                          EntropyProviderTypes.Testable, innerMessage, innerMessage.MSBSubstring(0, 128));
                            keyPair = await hss.GenerateHssKeyPairAsync();

                        innerSignature = (await hss.GenerateHssSignatureAsync(innerMessage, keyPair)).Signature;

                        keyPair = await hss.UpdateKeyPairOneStepAsync(keyPair);

                        innerMessage = innerSignature.MSBSubstring(96, 256);

                    iterationResponse.Signature = innerSignature.GetDeepCopy();
            catch (Exception ex)
                ThisLogger.Debug($"i count {i}, j count {j}");
                return(new MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse>($"{ex.Message}"));

            return(new MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse>(responses));
        protected override DrbgStatus ReseedAlgorithm(BitString entropyInput, BitString additionalInput)
            BitString seedMaterial;

            additionalInput = additionalInput.GetDeepCopy();

            if (!DrbgParameters.DerFuncEnabled)
                // 1. temp = len(additional_input)
                int temp = additionalInput.BitLength;

                // 2. If (temp < seedlen) then additional_input =
                // additional_input || 0^(seedlen - temp)
                if (temp < CounterAttributes.SeedLength)
                    additionalInput = additionalInput
                                      .ConcatenateBits(new BitString(CounterAttributes.SeedLength - temp)); // Concatenate with bitstring made up of 0s;

                if (additionalInput.BitLength != CounterAttributes.SeedLength)
                    ThisLogger.Debug($"{nameof(additionalInput.BitLength)} != {nameof(CounterAttributes.SeedLength)}");

                // 3. seed_material = entropy_input xor additional_input
                seedMaterial = entropyInput.XOR(additionalInput);
                // 1. seed_material = entropy_input || additional_input
                seedMaterial = entropyInput.ConcatenateBits(additionalInput);

                // 2. seed_material = Block_Cipher_df(seed_material, seedlen)
                var blockCipherDf = BlockCipherDf(seedMaterial, CounterAttributes.SeedLength);
                if (blockCipherDf.Success)
                    seedMaterial = blockCipherDf.Bits;

            // 3./4. (Key, V) = Update(seed_material, Key, V)

            // 4./5. reseed_counter = 1
            ReseedCounter = 1;

            // 5./6. Return V, Key, and reseed_counter as the new_working_state
            // NOTE: m_V, m_Key, and m_reseed_counter hold the new working state
        public SharedSecretResponse Encrypt(PublicKey rsaPublicKey, BitString keyingMaterial, BitString additionalInput)
            var keyingMaterialByteLen = keyingMaterial.BitLength.CeilingDivide(BitString.BITSINBYTE);

            var newKeyingMaterial = keyingMaterial.GetDeepCopy();

            // Modify a random byte in the keying material prior to executing the base method
            newKeyingMaterial[_random.GetRandomInt(0, keyingMaterialByteLen)] += 2;

            return(_kts.Encrypt(rsaPublicKey, newKeyingMaterial, additionalInput));
        private MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse> Decrypt(IModeBlockCipherParameters param)
            List <AlgoArrayResponse> responses = new List <AlgoArrayResponse>();

            int i = 0;
            int j = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < _OUTPUT_ITERATIONS; i++)
                    AlgoArrayResponse iIterationResponse = new AlgoArrayResponse()
                        IV         = param.Iv,
                        Key        = param.Key,
                        CipherText = param.Payload

                    List <BitString> previousPlainTexts = new List <BitString>();
                    param.Iv      = param.Iv.GetDeepCopy();
                    param.Payload = param.Payload.GetDeepCopy();
                    for (j = 0; j < _INNER_ITERATIONS_PER_OUTPUT; j++)
                        var jResult    = _algo.ProcessPayload(param);
                        var jPlainText = jResult.Result.GetDeepCopy();
                        iIterationResponse.PlainText = jPlainText;

                        param.Payload = GetNextPayload(j, iIterationResponse.IV, previousPlainTexts);

                        BitString iv      = param.Iv.GetDeepCopy();
                        BitString key     = param.Key.GetDeepCopy();
                        BitString payload = param.Payload.GetDeepCopy();
                        SetupNextOuterLoopValues(ref iv, ref key, ref payload, j, previousPlainTexts);
                        param.Iv      = iv.GetDeepCopy();
                        param.Key     = key.GetDeepCopy();
                        param.Payload = payload.GetDeepCopy();
            catch (Exception ex)
                ThisLogger.Debug($"i count {i}, j count {j}");
                return(new MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse>(ex.Message));

            return(new MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse>(responses));
        private Common.Symmetric.MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse> Encrypt(IModeBlockCipherParameters param)
            var responses = new List <AlgoArrayResponse> {
                new AlgoArrayResponse {
                    IV        = param.Iv,
                    Keys      = param.Key,
                    PlainText = param.Payload
            int numberOfOutputsToSave     = 192 / Shift;
            var indexAtWhichToStartSaving = NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS - numberOfOutputsToSave;

            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfCases; i++)
                Debug.WriteLineIf((i + 1) % 10 == 0, $"Running MCT Encryption round {i + 1} out of {NumberOfCases}");
                var       lastResponse     = responses.Last();
                var       tempText         = lastResponse.PlainText.GetDeepCopy();
                var       tempIv           = lastResponse.IV.GetDeepCopy();
                BitString prevTempIv       = null;
                var       lastCipherTexts  = new List <BitString>();
                BitString output           = null;
                var       keysForThisRound = responses[i].Keys;
                for (var j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS; j++)
                    prevTempIv = tempIv.GetDeepCopy();
                    output     = _algo.ProcessPayload(new ModeBlockCipherParameters(
                    tempText = prevTempIv.MSBSubstring(0, Shift);

                    if (j >= indexAtWhichToStartSaving)
                        lastCipherTexts.Insert(0, output.GetDeepCopy());
                lastResponse.CipherText = output;
                responses.Add(new AlgoArrayResponse()
                    Keys      = _keyMaker.MixKeys(new TDESKeys(lastResponse.Keys.GetDeepCopy()), lastCipherTexts).ToOddParityBitString(),
                    PlainText = prevTempIv.GetDeepCopy().MSBSubstring(0, Shift),
                    IV        = tempIv.GetDeepCopy()
            responses.RemoveAt(responses.Count() - 1);
            return(new Common.Symmetric.MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse>(responses));
        private Common.Symmetric.MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse> Decrypt(IModeBlockCipherParameters param)
            var responses = new List <AlgoArrayResponse> {
                new AlgoArrayResponse {
                    IV         = param.Iv.GetDeepCopy(),
                    Keys       = param.Key.GetDeepCopy(),
                    CipherText = param.Payload.GetDeepCopy()

            var indexAtWhichToStartSaving = NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS - NUMBER_OF_OUTPUTS_TO_SAVE;

            for (var i = 0; i < NumberOfCases; i++)
                var                   tempCipherText   = responses.Last().CipherText.GetDeepCopy();
                var                   tempIv           = responses.Last().IV.GetDeepCopy();
                BitString             prevTempIv       = null;
                SymmetricCipherResult decryptionResult = null;

                var lastPlainTexts = new List <BitString>();
                for (var j = 0; j < NUMBER_OF_ITERATIONS; j++)
                    prevTempIv       = tempIv.GetDeepCopy();
                    decryptionResult = _algo.ProcessPayload(new ModeBlockCipherParameters(

                    tempCipherText = prevTempIv.GetDeepCopy();
                    if (j >= indexAtWhichToStartSaving)
                        lastPlainTexts.Insert(0, decryptionResult.Result.GetDeepCopy());
                responses.Last().PlainText = decryptionResult.Result.GetDeepCopy();

                responses.Add(new AlgoArrayResponse()
                    Keys       = _keyMaker.MixKeys(new TDESKeys(responses.Last().Keys.GetDeepCopy()), lastPlainTexts).ToOddParityBitString(),
                    CipherText = responses.Last().CipherText.GetDeepCopy().XOR(prevTempIv),
                    IV         = tempIv.GetDeepCopy()
            responses.RemoveAt(responses.Count() - 1);
            return(new Common.Symmetric.MCTResult <AlgoArrayResponse>(responses));
        private BitString HmacPrf(IHmac hmac, BitString secret, BitString seed, int outputLength)
            var hmacLen   = hmac.OutputLength;
            var numBlocks = outputLength.CeilingDivide(hmacLen);

            var A      = seed.GetDeepCopy();
            var output = new BitString(0);

            for (var i = 0; i < numBlocks; i++)
                A      = hmac.Generate(secret, A).Mac;
                output = output.ConcatenateBits(hmac.Generate(secret, A.ConcatenateBits(seed)).Mac);

        public void OriginalSharedSecretShouldBeModified()
            var kdfFactory     = new KdfOneStepFactory(new NativeShaFactory(), new HmacFactory(new NativeShaFactory()), new KmacFactory(new CSHAKEWrapper()));
            var fakeKdfFactory = new FakeKdfFactory_BadZ(kdfFactory);

            var originalZ = new BitString("01");
            var copyZ     = originalZ.GetDeepCopy();

            Assert.AreEqual(copyZ, originalZ, "sanity check");

            var badKdf = fakeKdfFactory.GetInstance(KdaOneStepAuxFunction.SHA2_D256, true);

            badKdf.DeriveKey(originalZ, 256, new BitString(256), null);

            Assert.AreNotEqual(copyZ, originalZ, nameof(copyZ));
        //INPUT: A random Seed n bits long
        //    MD[0] = Seed;
        //    for (j=0; j<100; j++) {
        //        for (i=1; i<1001; i++) {
        //            M[i] = MD[i-1];
        //            MD[i] = SHA3(M[i]);
        //        }
        //        MD[0] = MD[1000];
        //        OUTPUT: MD[0]
        //    }

        public MctResult <AlgoArrayResponse> MctHash(BitString message, MathDomain domain = null, bool isSample = false)
            if (isSample)
                NUM_OF_RESPONSES = 3;

            var responses = new List <AlgoArrayResponse>();
            var i         = 0;
            var j         = 0;

                for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_RESPONSES; i++)
                    var iterationResponse = new AlgoArrayResponse {
                        Message = message
                    var innerMessage = message.GetDeepCopy();
                    var innerDigest  = new BitString(0);

                    for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
                        var innerResult = _sha.HashMessage(innerMessage);
                        innerDigest  = innerResult.Digest;
                        innerMessage = innerDigest.GetDeepCopy();

                    iterationResponse.Digest = innerDigest;
                    message = innerDigest;
            catch (Exception ex)
                ThisLogger.Debug($"i count {i}, j count {j}");
                return(new MctResult <AlgoArrayResponse>(ex.Message));

            return(new MctResult <AlgoArrayResponse>(responses));
        private BitString GetNextPayload(int j, BitString currentIv, List <BitString> previousOutputs)
            switch (Shift)
            case 1:
                if (j < 128)
                    // Note, Bits are stored in the opposite direction on the BitString in comparison to where the MCT pseudo code expects them
                           .Substring(currentIv.BitLength - 1 - j, Shift).GetDeepCopy());
                    return(previousOutputs[j - _blockSizeBits / Shift].GetDeepCopy());

            case 8:
                if (j < 16)
                    return(new BitString(new byte[] { currentIv[j] }));
                    return(previousOutputs[j - 16].GetDeepCopy());

            case 128:
                if (j == 0)
                    return(previousOutputs[previousOutputs.Count - 2].GetDeepCopy());

                throw new ArgumentException(nameof(Shift));
        public static BitString PadKey(BitString key, ISha sha)
            var keyLength = key.BitLength;
            var blockSize = sha.HashFunction.BlockSize;

            // Step 1 If the length of K = B: set K0 = K.Go to step 4.
            if (keyLength == blockSize)
            // Step 2 If the length of K > B: hash K to obtain an L byte string, then append(B - L) zeros to create a B - byte string K0(i.e., K0 = H(K) || 00...00). Go to step 4.
            else if (keyLength > blockSize)
                var hashedKey = sha.HashMessage(key).Digest;
                return(hashedKey.ConcatenateBits(BitString.Zeroes(blockSize - hashedKey.BitLength)).GetDeepCopy());
            // Step 3 If the length of K < B: append zeros to the end of K to create a B - byte string K0 (e.g., if K is 20 bytes in length and B = 64, then K will be appended with 44 zero bytes x’00’).
                return(key.ConcatenateBits(BitString.Zeroes(blockSize - keyLength)).GetDeepCopy());
        public MacResult Generate(BitString key, BitString message, int macLength = 0)
            // From MD5
            var blockSize = 512;

            BitString shortenedKey;

            if (key.BitLength > blockSize)
                shortenedKey = _hash.Hash(key).Digest;
            else if (key.BitLength == blockSize)
                shortenedKey = key.GetDeepCopy();
                shortenedKey = key.ConcatenateBits(BitString.Zeroes(blockSize - key.BitLength));

            var oKeyPad = _opad.XOR(shortenedKey);
            var iKeyPad = _ipad.XOR(shortenedKey);

            // HMAC_MD5 = Hash(oKeyPad || Hash(iKeyPad || message))
            var iKeyPadConcatMessage = iKeyPad.GetDeepCopy();

            if (message.BitLength != 0)
                iKeyPadConcatMessage = iKeyPadConcatMessage.ConcatenateBits(message);

            var innerDigest = _hash.Hash(iKeyPadConcatMessage).Digest;

            var oKeyPadConcatInnerDigest = oKeyPad.ConcatenateBits(innerDigest);
            var outerDigest = _hash.Hash(oKeyPadConcatInnerDigest).Digest;

            return(new MacResult(outerDigest));
        private void Update(BitString seedMaterial)
            BitString v   = V.GetDeepCopy();
            BitString key = Key.GetDeepCopy();

            // 1. temp = Null
            BitString temp = new BitString(0);

            // 2. While (len(temp)<seedlen) do:
            while (temp.BitLength < CounterAttributes.SeedLength)
                v = v
                    .ConcatenateBits(new BitString(CounterAttributes.OutputLength - v.BitLength)); // Add zeroes to bitstring to make it the length of the OutputLength

                BitString outputBlock = BlockEncrypt(key, v);

                temp = temp.ConcatenateBits(outputBlock);

            // 3. temp = Leftmost seedlen bits of temp
            temp = temp.GetMostSignificantBits(CounterAttributes.SeedLength);

            // 4. temp = temp xor provided_data
            Debug.Assert(temp.BitLength == seedMaterial.BitLength);
            temp = temp.XOR(seedMaterial);

            // 5. Key = Leftmost keylen bits of temp
            key = temp.GetMostSignificantBits(CounterAttributes.KeyLength);

            // 6. V = Rightmost outlen bits of temp
            v = temp.GetLeastSignificantBits(CounterAttributes.OutputLength);

            // 7. Return new values of Key and V
            Key = key.GetDeepCopy();
            V   = v.GetDeepCopy();
        public BitString AesCtr(BitString key, BitString initialCounterBlock, BitString input)
            var ecb        = _factory.GetStandardCipher(_engine, BlockCipherModesOfOperation.Ecb);
            var block      = initialCounterBlock.GetDeepCopy();
            var output     = new BitString(0);
            var iterations = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(input.BitLength / 128.0);

            for (var i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                var inputBlock = (i * 128 + 128 <= input.BitLength) ? input.MSBSubstring(i * 128, 128) : input.MSBSubstring(i * 128, input.BitLength % 128);

                if (block.BitLength != 128)
                    throw new Exception($"\nBlock length is not a mulitple of 128.\nInput: {input.ToHex()}\nKey: {key.ToHex()}\nInitialCtr: {initialCounterBlock.ToHex()}");

                var keyStreamBlock = ecb.ProcessPayload
                    new ModeBlockCipherParameters

                var beginOfBlock = block.MSBSubstring(0, 32);
                var endOfBlock   = block.MSBSubstring(32, 96);
                block = beginOfBlock.BitStringAddition(new BitString("01000000")).ConcatenateBits(endOfBlock).Substring(0, 128);

                var inputXor = inputBlock.GetDeepCopy().ConcatenateBits(BitString.Zeroes(keyStreamBlock.Result.BitLength - inputBlock.BitLength));
                var xor      = keyStreamBlock.Result.XOR(inputXor).MSBSubstring(0, inputBlock.BitLength);
                output = output.ConcatenateBits(xor);

        public void ShouldDecryptCorrectly(string label, BitString iv, BitString pt, BitString key, BitString ct)
            var result = _subjectCs3
                         .ProcessPayload(new ModeBlockCipherParameters(BlockCipherDirections.Decrypt, iv.GetDeepCopy(), key, ct)).Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(pt.ToHex(), result.ToHex());
        public void ShouldEncryptDecryptToSameValue(string label, BitString iv, BitString pt, BitString key, BitString ct)
            var encryptResult = _subjectCs3
                                .ProcessPayload(new ModeBlockCipherParameters(BlockCipherDirections.Encrypt, iv.GetDeepCopy(), key, pt)).Result;

            var decryptResult = _subjectCs3
                                .ProcessPayload(new ModeBlockCipherParameters(BlockCipherDirections.Decrypt, iv.GetDeepCopy(), key, encryptResult)).Result;

            Assert.AreEqual(pt.GetMostSignificantBits(pt.BitLength).ToHex(), decryptResult.GetMostSignificantBits(pt.BitLength).ToHex());
        public MacResult Generate(BitString keyBits, BitString message, int macLength = 0)
            // https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/specialpublications/nist.sp.800-38b.pdf

            //6.2 MAC Generation

            //    block cipher CIPH with block size b;
            //    key K;
            //    MAC length parameter Tlen

            //    message M of bit length Mlen.

            //    MAC T of bit length Tlen.

            //Suggested Notation:
            //    CMAC(K, M, Tlen) or, if Tlen is understood from the context, CMAC(K, M).

            //    1. Apply the subkey generation process in Sec. 6.1 to K to produce K1 and K2.
            var subKeys = ComputeSubKey(keyBits);
            var K1      = subKeys.k1;
            var K2      = subKeys.k2;

            //    2. If Mlen = 0, let n = 1; else, let n = ceiling(Mlen / b).
            //var n = message.BitLength == 0 ? 1 : System.Math.Ceiling(
            //    message.BitLength / (double)Engine.BlockSizeBits
            var n = message.BitLength == 0 ? 1 : message.BitLength.CeilingDivide(Engine.BlockSizeBits);

            //    3. Let M1, M2, ... , Mn - 1, Mn* denote the unique sequence of bit strings
            //       such that M = M1 || M2 || ... || Mn - 1 || Mn*,
            //       where M1, M2,..., Mn-1 are complete blocks.2

            //    4. If Mn* is a complete block, let Mn = K1 XOR Mn*;

            //var numOfBlocks = (int)System.Math.Ceiling(message.BitLength / (double)_engine.BlockSizeBits);
            var numOfBlocks = message.BitLength.CeilingDivide(Engine.BlockSizeBits);

            var s1 = message.BitLength > Engine.BlockSizeBits ?
                     message.MSBSubstring(0, (numOfBlocks - 1) * Engine.BlockSizeBits) :
                     new BitString(0);

            var lastBlock = message.BitLength != 0
                ? message.MSBSubstring(s1.BitLength, message.BitLength - s1.BitLength) :
                            new BitString(0);

            if (message.BitLength % Engine.BlockSizeBits == 0 && message.BitLength != 0)
                lastBlock = lastBlock.XOR(K1);
            //       else, let Mn = K2 XOR (Mn* || 10^j), where j = nb - Mlen - 1.
                var padding = new BitString(Engine.BlockSizeBits - lastBlock.BitLength);
                padding.Set(padding.BitLength - 1, true);
                lastBlock = K2.XOR(lastBlock.ConcatenateBits(padding));
            message = s1.ConcatenateBits(lastBlock).GetDeepCopy();
            //if this was an empty message, it would have been padded with another block
            if (message.BitLength % Engine.BlockSizeBits != 0)
                throw new Exception("Message isn't composed of same sized blocks.");
            numOfBlocks = message.BitLength / Engine.BlockSizeBits;
            BitString prevC = new BitString(Engine.BlockSizeBits);
            BitString currC = new BitString(Engine.BlockSizeBits);

            for (var i = 0; i < numOfBlocks; i++)
                var block  = message.MSBSubstring(i * Engine.BlockSizeBits, Engine.BlockSizeBits);
                var param2 = new ModeBlockCipherParameters(
                    BlockCipherDirections.Encrypt, keyBits, prevC.XOR(block)
                currC = AlgoMode.ProcessPayload(param2).Result;
                prevC = currC.GetDeepCopy();

            //    5. Let C0 = 0^b.
            //    6. For i = 1 to n, let Ci = CIPHK(Ci - 1 XOR Mi).
            //    7. Let T = MSBTlen(Cn).
            //    8. Return T.

            BitString mac;

            if (macLength != 0)
                mac = currC.GetMostSignificantBits(macLength);
                mac = currC.GetDeepCopy();

            return(new MacResult(mac));
 public EdSignature(BitString sig)
     Sig = sig.GetDeepCopy();
         *  INPUT: The initial Msg is the length of the digest size
         *  MCT(Msg, MaxOutLen, MinOutLen, OutLenIncrement, MaxBlockSize, MinBlockSize)
         *  {
         *    Range = (MaxOutLen – MinOutLen + 1);
         *    OutputLen = MaxOutLen;
         *    BlockRange = (MaxBlockSize – MinBlockSize + 1);
         *    BlockSize = MinBlockSize;
         *    Customization = "";
         *    Output[0] = Msg;
         *    for (j = 0; j < 100; j++)
         *    {
         *      for (i = 1; i < 1001; i++)
         *      {
         *        InnerMsg = Left(Output[i-1] || ZeroBits(128), 128);
         *        Output[i] = ParallelHash(InnerMsg, OutputLen, BlockSize, FunctionName, Customization);
         *        Rightmost_Output_bits = Right(Output[i], 16);
         *        OutputLen = MinOutLen + (floor((Rightmost_Output_bits % Range) / OutLenIncrement) * OutLenIncrement);
         *        BlockSize = MinBlockSize + Right(Rightmost_Output_bits, 8) % BlockRange;
         *        Customization = BitsToString(InnerMsg || Rightmost_Output_bits);
         *      }
         *      OutputJ[j] = Output[1000];
         *    }
         *    return OutputJ;
         *  }
        #endregion MonteCarloAlgorithm Pseudocode

        public MctResult <AlgoArrayResponseWithCustomization> MCTHash(HashFunction function, BitString message, MathDomain outputLength, MathDomain blockSizeDomain, bool hexCustomization, bool isSample)
            _hexCustomization = hexCustomization;
            if (isSample)
                NUM_OF_RESPONSES = 3;

            var responses    = new List <AlgoArrayResponseWithCustomization>();
            var i            = 0;
            var j            = 0;
            var min          = outputLength.GetDomainMinMax().Minimum;
            var max          = outputLength.GetDomainMinMax().Maximum;
            var increment    = outputLength.GetDomainMinMax().Increment;
            var minBlockSize = blockSizeDomain.GetDomainMinMax().Minimum;
            var maxBlockSize = blockSizeDomain.GetDomainMinMax().Maximum;

            var outputLen      = max;
            var blockSize      = minBlockSize;
            var blockSizeRange = (maxBlockSize - minBlockSize) + 1;
            var customization  = "";
            var range          = (max - min) + 1;
            var innerMessage   = message.GetDeepCopy();

                for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_RESPONSES; i++)
                    var innerDigest       = new BitString(0);
                    var iterationResponse = new AlgoArrayResponseWithCustomization()
                    iterationResponse.Message       = innerMessage;
                    iterationResponse.Customization = customization;
                    iterationResponse.BlockSize     = blockSize;

                    for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
                        // Might not have 128 bits to pull from so we pad with 0
                        innerMessage = BitString.ConcatenateBits(innerMessage, BitString.Zeroes(128))

                        function.DigestLength = outputLen;

                        var innerResult = _iParallelHash.HashMessage(function, innerMessage, blockSize, customization);
                        innerDigest = innerResult.Digest.GetDeepCopy();

                        // Will always have 16 bits to pull from
                        var rightmostBitString = innerDigest.GetLeastSignificantBits(16);

                        var rightmostBits = rightmostBitString.Bits;

                        outputLen     = min + (int)System.Math.Floor((double)(rightmostBits.ToInt() % range) / increment) * increment;
                        blockSize     = minBlockSize + rightmostBitString.GetLeastSignificantBits(8).Bits.ToInt() % blockSizeRange;
                        customization = GetStringFromBytes(BitString.ConcatenateBits(innerMessage, rightmostBitString).ToBytes());

                        innerMessage = innerDigest.GetDeepCopy();

                    iterationResponse.Digest = innerDigest.GetDeepCopy();
            catch (Exception ex)
                ThisLogger.Debug($"i count {i}, j count {j}");
                return(new MctResult <AlgoArrayResponseWithCustomization>($"{ex.Message}; {outputLen}"));

            return(new MctResult <AlgoArrayResponseWithCustomization>(responses));
         * INPUT: The initial Msg of 128 bits long
         * Initial Outputlen = (floor(maxoutlen/8) )*8
         * //makes maxoutlen a multiple of 8 and remains within the range specified.
         * {
         *     Output0 = Msg;
         *     for (j=0; j<100; j++) {
         *         for (i=1; i<1001; i++) {
         *             M[i] = 128 leftmost bits of Output[i-1];
         *             Output[i] = SHAKE(M[i],Outputlen);
         *             If (i == 1000){
         *                 Outputlen[j] = Outputlen;
         *             }
         *             Rightmost_Output_bits = rightmost 16 bits of Output[i];
         *             Range = (maxoutbytes – minoutbytes + 1);
         *             Outputlen = minoutbytes + (Rightmost_Output_bits mod Range);
         *         }
         *         Output[j] = Output[1000];
         *         OUTPUT: Outputlen[j], Output[j]
         *     }
         * }
        #endregion MonteCarloAlgorithm Pseudocode

        public MctResult <AlgoArrayResponse> MctHash(BitString message, MathDomain domain, bool isSample = false)
            if (isSample)
                NUM_OF_RESPONSES = 3;

            var responses = new List <AlgoArrayResponse>();
            var i         = 0;
            var j         = 0;
            var min       = domain.GetDomainMinMax().Minimum;
            var max       = domain.GetDomainMinMax().Maximum;
            var minBytes  = min / 8;
            var maxBytes  = max / 8;

            var outputLen = (int)System.Math.Floor((double)max / 8) * 8;
            var range     = (max - min) + 8;
            //var range = (max - min) + min;

            var innerMessage = message.GetDeepCopy();

            // Might not have 128 bits to pull from so we pad with 0
            innerMessage = BitString.ConcatenateBits(innerMessage, BitString.Zeroes(128));
            innerMessage = BitString.MSBSubstring(innerMessage, 0, 128);

                for (i = 0; i < NUM_OF_RESPONSES; i++)
                    var innerDigest       = new BitString(0);
                    var iterationResponse = new AlgoArrayResponse()
                    iterationResponse.Message = innerMessage;

                    for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++)
                        var innerResult = _sha.HashMessage(innerMessage, outputLen);
                        innerDigest = innerResult.Digest.GetDeepCopy();

                        // Will always have 16 bits to pull from
                        var rightmostBits = BitString.Substring(innerDigest, 0, 16).Bits;

                        outputLen = min + (8 * GetIntFromBits(rightmostBits)) % range;

                        innerMessage = innerDigest.GetDeepCopy();
                        // Might not have 128 bits to pull from so we pad with 0
                        innerMessage = BitString.ConcatenateBits(innerMessage, BitString.Zeroes(128));
                        innerMessage = BitString.MSBSubstring(innerMessage, 0, 128);

                    iterationResponse.Digest = innerDigest.GetDeepCopy();
            catch (Exception ex)
                ThisLogger.Debug($"i count {i}, j count {j}");
                return(new MctResult <AlgoArrayResponse>($"{ex.Message}; {outputLen}"));

            return(new MctResult <AlgoArrayResponse>(responses));
        public void EncryptDecryptToSameResultTestsCs3(string label, BitString key, BitString iv, BitString pt, BitString ct, BitString nextIv)
            var encryptResult =
                _subjectCs3.ProcessPayload(new ModeBlockCipherParameters(BlockCipherDirections.Encrypt, iv.GetDeepCopy(), key, pt));

            var decryptResult =
                _subjectCs3.ProcessPayload(new ModeBlockCipherParameters(BlockCipherDirections.Decrypt, iv, key,

            Assert.AreEqual(pt.ToHex(), decryptResult.Result.ToHex());