/// <summary> /// ボタンなどのUIを作成する。 /// </summary> /// <param name="arr"></param> public void CreateUI(ArrayList arr) { Debug.LogFormat("{0} : {1}", this.GetType().Name, new System.Diagnostics.StackFrame().GetMethod().Name); GameObject FishUIHead = new GameObject("FishUI"); FishUIHead.transform.parent = _canvas.transform; Debug.LogFormat("Count {0}", arr.Count); for (int i = 0; i < _PAGE_ELEMENT && i < arr.Count; i++) { BioData data = ( BioData )arr[i]; Debug.LogFormat("Count {0}, data name : {1}", arr.Count, data.GetNameEn()); if (data.GetNameEn().Length < 1) { continue; } CreateUITip(FishUIHead, i, data); } FishUIHead.transform.localPosition = _UiHeadPos; FishUIHead.transform.localScale = _UiHeadScale; }
public Operation <BioData> UpdateBioData(BioData data) => _authorizer.AuthorizeAccess(UserContext.CurrentProcessPermissionProfile(), () => { var user = UserContext.CurrentUser(); var persisted = _query.GetBioData(user); if (persisted != null) { data.CopyTo(persisted, nameof(BioData.EntityId), nameof(BioData.OwnerId), nameof(BioData.Owner), nameof(BioData.CreatedOn), nameof(BioData.ModifiedOn)); if (persisted.Dob <= DateTime.Parse("1753/1/1")) { persisted.Dob = null; } return(_pcommand.Update(persisted)); } else { return(_pcommand.Add(data)); } });
/// <summary> /// 参照するUI画像をリソースから読み込んで表示 /// </summary> /// <param name="fishUI">画像を設定するゲームオブジェクトの親オブジェクト</param> /// <param name="data">設定するデータ</param> private void PictureRef(GameObject fishUI, BioData data) { string type = StringUtil.ToTitle(data.GetBioType().ToString()); Image image = fishUI.transform.FindChild("View").GetComponent <Image>(); string resourceString = "Image/" + type + "/" + data.GetNameEn(); Sprite View = Resources.Load(resourceString, typeof(Sprite)) as Sprite; image.sprite = View; }
public BioData(BioData bioData) //Copy Constructor { this.FirstName = bioData.FirstName; this.LastName = bioData.LastName; this.Age = bioData.Age; this.Address = bioData.Address; this.Profession = bioData.Profession; this.Gender = bioData.Gender; Console.WriteLine("Copy Constructor"); }
public void LoadBioData(BioData bioData) { _isLoading = true; _bioData = bioData; biodatasource.DataSource = _bioData; _status = BioDataStatus.Normal; this.pictureBox1.Image = global::OMLDatabaseEditor.Properties.Resources.people; _isLoading = false; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { BioData bdOld = new BioData(); bdOld.bpm = 128; bdOld.temperature = 36.6f; bdOld.moisture = 0.1f; Debug.Log(bdOld.toJson()); string json = bdOld.toJson(); BioData bd = BioData.getInstanceFromJson(json); Debug.Log("Recreated"); Debug.Log(bd.toJson()); }
/// <summary> /// UIオブジェクトの生成 /// </summary> /// <param name="FishUIHead">生成されたオブジェクトの親要素</param> /// <param name="i">生成位置を調整するインデックス</param> /// <param name="data">生成するオブジェクトのデータが入ったインスタンス</param> private void CreateUITip(GameObject FishUIHead, int i, BioData data) { Debug.LogFormat("uihead name :{0}, data en name :{1}", FishUIHead.name, data.GetNameEn()); GameObject fishUI; int posx = 820 + ((i % 2) * 95); int posy = 370 - ((i / 2) * 95); Vector2 position = new Vector2(posx, posy); fishUI = Instantiate(_fishUI, position, Quaternion.identity); fishUI.transform.parent = FishUIHead.transform; fishUI.name = data.GetNameJp(); PictureRef(fishUI, data); ClickEvent(fishUI, data); }
private void fetchImage(object sender,DoWorkEventArgs e) { var image = e.Argument as FingerImage; String type,data; Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => currDevice.Dispatch(COMMAND.SINGLECAPTURE_STOP))); Thread.Sleep(250); // it's magic! image.Serialize(out type,out data); var bioData = new BioData(type,data); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => SendBio(bioData))); FingerPicture pic = image.MakePicture(); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => showImage(pic))); }
/// <summary> /// 配列の値を初期化する /// </summary> /// <param name="fish">データを追加したい配列</param> /// <param name="type">設定する生体型</param> /// <param name="en">設定する英語名</param> /// <param name="jp">設定する日本語名</param> private void ArrayInit(ArrayList fish, BioType type, string[] en, string[] jp) { for (int i = 0; i < en.Length; i++) { BioData data = new BioData() .SetType(type) .SetNameEn(en[i]) .SetNameJp(jp[i]); fish.Add(data); } BioData blank = new BioData().SetType(type); int pageData = 8; int fillSize = pageData - (en.Length % pageData); ArrayListUtil <BioData> .Fill(fish, blank, fillSize); }
private void SetupTransformationGoalScreenButtonActions(Window window) { this.appViews.ChooseGoalScreen.SelectButton.Clicked += () => { //mapper BiodataEntitie to Biodata BioData userBioData = new BioData(loggedInUser.BioData.Age, (GenderType)loggedInUser.BioData.Gender, loggedInUser.BioData.Weight, loggedInUser.BioData.Height, loggedInUser.BioData.NeckSize, loggedInUser.BioData.WaistSize, loggedInUser.BioData.HipsSize); //mapper UserEntitie to User User user = new User(loggedInUser.Username, userBioData); var currentFatPerc = this.bodyCalculator.CalculateBodyFat(user); var caloriesNeed = this.bodyCalculator.CalculateCalories(user); IBodyTransformationGoal goal = transformationGoalFactory.GetGoal(this.appViews.ChooseGoalScreen.RadioGroup.Selected, user.BioData.Weight, currentFatPerc, caloriesNeed); window.Remove(this.appViews.ChooseGoalScreen); string finalAdvise = string.Empty; if (goal != null) { user.SetTransformationGoal(goal); finalAdvise = user.Goal.ToString(); //Update user goal at db loggedInUser.TrainingProgramAdvise = finalAdvise; userService.UpdateUser(loggedInUser); window.Add(new TextView { Text = finalAdvise }); } Application.Run(window); }; }
/// <summary> /// OnClickイベントの作成 /// </summary> /// <param name="fishUI">UI単位をまとめるオブジェクト。</param> /// <param name="data">作成する魚のデータ</param> private void ClickEvent(GameObject fishUI, BioData data) { BiologicalManager _manager = GetComponent <BiologicalManager>(); FishManager fish = _manager.GetFishManager(); Button createButton = GetButtonComponent(fishUI, "CreateButton"); createButton.onClick.AddListener(() => { fish.FishCreate(data.GetBioType(), data.GetNameEn()); }); Button deleteButton = GetButtonComponent(fishUI, "DeleteButton"); if (BioType.FISH == data.GetBioType()) { deleteButton.onClick.AddListener(() => fish.ObjectDelete(data.GetNameEn())); return; } // 魚以外はDeleteButtonは使わないので削除 Destroy(deleteButton.gameObject); }
public static void RemoveBioData(BioData bd) { // delete the image if it exists if (bd.DaoBioData.PhotoID != null) { Dao.TitleCollectionDao.SetDeleteImage((int)bd.DaoBioData.PhotoID); } Dao.DBContext.Instance.BioDatas.DeleteOnSubmit(bd.DaoBioData); Dao.DBContext.Instance.SubmitChanges(); }
private void AddBioData() { SaveCurrentBioData(); var e = from Object li in lbBioData.Items where li.ToString() == "New Person" select li; if (e.Count() == 0) { BioData bd = new BioData(); bd.FullName = "New Person"; lbBioData.Items.Add(bd); lbBioData.SelectedItem = bd; TitleCollectionManager.AddBioData(bd); bioDataEditor.LoadBioData((BioData)bd); } else { lbBioData.SelectedItem = e.First(); } }
void SendBio(BioData data) { _collectorServer.SendBiometrics(data,CryptoProvidersCombo.SelectedIndex); }
public static void xMain() { #region Type System (Value Types/Reference Types, Memory Allocation of value types and ref types, Methods,Type Casting //Value types:- all those types which are primitive types or system generated types. //1-All structs //2-Value types creates on Stack in memory(RAM) //3-Example all those types which are not human made. //4-It hold the values only. uint ui = 10; int i = 0; // Int32 short s = 1; //Int16 long l = 10; //Int64 byte b = 1; double d = 1.6; float f = 1.34f; bool b_bool = true; char c = 'a'; char c1 = 'b'; //Reference Type:- //Address to the object //Object Vitz1999Standard vitz = new Vitz1999Standard(); Console.WriteLine(vitz.dimensions); Console.WriteLine(vitz.engine); //All references create on heap //User defined Types/Classes string str = "1dkashdkash1.45true"; Vegitable v = GiveMeVegitable(100, new Bike()); int subResult = Subtract(1, 2); //Type Casting int result = (int)(3.5 - 1.2); //Explicit type casting double dResult = 5 - 2; //Implicit Type Casting float fResult = 1.5f - 1; //Implicit Type Casting int iResult = (int)(1.5f - (float)3.2d); //Explicit type casting #endregion // Copy by Value (Value Type) int x = 10; int y = x; y = 12; Console.WriteLine($"{x}, {y}");// 10,12 // Copy by Reference (Reference Type) //200 //100 A obj1 = new A() { a = 10 }; //300 = //200 A obj2 = obj1; obj2.a = 12; Console.WriteLine($"{obj1.a}, {obj2.a}");//12,12 Console.WriteLine("Hello world"); //Arithmatic Operations:- //pre-fix int p1 = 0; // ++ == increment by one, => x=x+1, x+=1 Console.WriteLine(++p1); // p1=1, print(1) Console.WriteLine(p1++); // p1=2, print(1) p1 = 0; int val = p1++ + ++p1; p1 += 2; /*equals*/ p1 = p1 + 2; p1 -= 4; /*equals*/ p1 = p1 - 4; --p1; p1--; //Concatination Console.WriteLine("aamir" + "akhtar"); //Reference type casting C objC1 = new C(); P objB1 = (P)objC1; // Valid bcz Child can be type casted to parent but not vice versa P objB2 = new P(); //C objC2 = (C)objB2; //Invalid bcz Parent cannot be type casted to child //String Formatting //1-Parameterized Console.WriteLine("x={0}, y={1}", x, y); //2-Dollar Console.WriteLine($"x={x}, y={y}"); Console.WriteLine("**aamir\nakhtar**"); Console.WriteLine("**aamir\takhtar**"); //BioData objBioData1 = new BioData();//Default Constructor //BioData objBioData2 = new BioData(30);//Overloaded Constructor BioData farasatBioData = new BioData() { FirstName = "Farasat", LastName = "Hussain", Age = 21, Address = "Austria", Gender = "Male", Profession = "Student" }; BioData farasatBioDataCopy = new BioData(farasatBioData); BioData objBioData3 = new BioData(); //Static property BioData.FathersName = "Donald"; //Non-static properties BioData b1 = new BioData(); b1.FirstName = "noman"; b1.LastName = "Aqeel"; BioData.GetFullName(b1.FirstName, b1.LastName); BioData b2 = new BioData(); b2.FirstName = "aamir"; b2.LastName = "akhtar"; BioData.GetFullName(b2.FirstName, b2.LastName); BioData b3 = new BioData(); b3.FirstName = "farast"; b3.LastName = "hussain"; BioData.GetFullName(b3.FirstName, b3.LastName); b1.GetBio(); BioData.PrintFathersName(); Console.ReadLine(); }
public IHttpActionResult UpdateBioData([FromBody] BioData data) => this.Log(() => Operation.Try(() => data.ThrowIfNull(new MalformedApiArgumentsException())) .Then(opr => _account.UpdateBioData(data)) .OperationResult(Request));
public static void AddBioData(BioData bd) { UpdatesImagesForBioData(bd.DaoBioData); Dao.DBContext.Instance.BioDatas.InsertOnSubmit(bd.DaoBioData); Dao.DBContext.Instance.SubmitChanges(); }