public void bindRepeaterByLoginID(int LoginID) { try { List <FeatureConfigurationModel> list = obj.getFeatureListByLogin(LoginID, -1); if (list.Count > 0) { BindingClass.RepeaterViewBind(rptReports, list); } else { BindingClass.ClearRepeaterView(rptReports); BindingClass.CallScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType(), "toastr.error('No Report assigned to " + Session["DisplayName"] + "!', 'N/A',{positionClass:'toast-bottom-right'});"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { ClearControls(); try { if (Session["admin"] != null) { ddlClientbind(); ddlgroup.Visible = false; } else if (Session["poweruser"] != null) { string ID = Session["poweruser"].ToString(); string[] powerSession = ID.Split(','); int clientID = Convert.ToInt32(powerSession[1]); ddlGroupbind(clientID); sessionId.Text = clientID.ToString() + "ClientID"; ddlclientdiv.Visible = false; allowStaticMethods("setInterval(function () {$(GetAlertsByClient('" + clientID + "'));}, 10000); $('#imgnotify').show();"); } else if (Session["user"] != null) { ddlclientdiv.Visible = false; ddlgroupdiv.Visible = false; int loginID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["user"]); int groupID = globalobj.getGroupIDForUser(loginID); if (groupID != 0) { BindObjectRepeater(groupID); sessionId.Text = groupID.ToString() + "GroupID"; allowStaticMethods("setInterval(function () {$(GetAlertsByGroup('" + groupID + "'))}, 10000); $('#imgnotify').show();"); } } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } } }
public void bindRepeater() { try { List <ConfigurationModel> list = obj.getConfigurationList(-1); if (list.Count > 0) { rptReports.DataSource = list; rptReports.DataBind(); } else { BindingClass.ClearRepeaterView(rptReports); BindingClass.CallScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType(), "toastr.error('No Report assigned to " + Session["DisplayName"] + "!', 'N/A',{positionClass:'toast-bottom-right'});"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void ddlObject_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ddlObject.SelectedValue != "0") { gridBind(Convert.ToInt32(ddlObject.SelectedValue)); ddlObjsensorbind(Convert.ToInt32(ddlObject.SelectedValue)); gvdEventConfig.Visible = true; allowStaticMethods("applyDatatable('.gvdEventConfigClass');staticMethod('Disable');"); } else { BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlObjSensor, "Select Location"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (Session["admin"] != null) { clearControls(); } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (Session["admin"] != null) { ddlclient(); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlGroup, "Select Branch"); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlObject, "Select Device"); } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } } }
public void StrongBindingDoesNotRetainNotifier() { WeakReference Test(out IEventBinding binder) { var binding = new BindingClass(); var notifying = new NotifyingClass(); // Retain the IPropertyChangedBinding, in case that causes NotifyingClass to be retained binder = binding.BindStrong(notifying); return(new WeakReference(notifying)); } var weakNotifying = Test(out var retained); GC.Collect(); Assert.IsFalse(weakNotifying.IsAlive); GC.KeepAlive(retained); }
public void gridBind(string type) { try { List <ConfigurationModel> list = new List <ConfigurationModel>(); if (type == "Reports") { list = obj.getFeatureList(-1); } if (type == "Configuration") { list = obj.getFeatureList(0); } BindingClass.GridViewBind(gvdFeatures, list); gvdFeatures.Visible = true; } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void ddlObject_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ddlObject.SelectedValue != "0") { ddlNAsensorBind(); gridBind(); allowStaticMethods("applyDatatable('.gvdObjectSensorClass');staticMethod('Disable');"); } else { gvdObjectSensor.Visible = false; BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlSensor, "Select Sensor"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void ddlClient_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ddlClient.SelectedValue != "0") { gvdObjectMnt.Visible = false; ddlObjectBind(); } else { BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlObject, "Select Device"); } allowStaticMethods("staticMethod();"); } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void linkbtnEdit_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.CommandName == "UpdateID") { BindingClass.CallScriptManager(this, this.GetType(), "applyDatatable('.gvdObjectGroupClass'); staticMethod('Enable');"); int ID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); ObjectGroupModel li = obj.getObjectGroupByID(ID); ddlObject.SelectedValue = li.ObjectID.ToString(); ddlGroup.SelectedValue = li.GroupID.ToString(); Session["objectGroupId"] = ID.ToString(); btnAddObjectGroup.Text = "Update"; gridBind(); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void ddlgroup_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ddlgroup.SelectedValue != "0") { int val = Convert.ToInt32(ddlgroup.SelectedValue); ddlObjectbind(val); } else { BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlobject, "Select"); } hideControls(); allowStaticMethods("staticMethod();"); } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
public void ddlClientBind() { try { List <ClientIDName> list = comObj.getClientList(); if (list.Count > 0) { BindingClass.BindDropDown(ddlClient, list, "Name", "ClientID", "Select Client"); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlObject, "Select Device"); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlSensor, "Select Sensor"); } else { BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlClient, "Select Client"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void rptObject_ItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.CommandName.Equals("lnkbtnviewObjdt")) { //Session["ObjIDTimer"] = null; string val = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument); int id = Convert.ToInt32(val); //Session["ObjIDTimer"] = id; if (val != null) { ObjectGridBind(id); allowStaticMethods("$('#myModal').modal();togl();chngeDin();ddlselect2('.ddlSelect');"); } } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
public void GvdBindObjdetail(int objectId, bool relayStatus) { try { List <ObjectRelayStatus> lirelays = obj.getObjectRelays(objectId, relayStatus); List <ObjectAnalog> liAin = obj.getObjectAin(objectId); List <ObjectDigital> liDin = obj.getObjectDin(objectId); List <ObjectTemperature> liTemp = obj.getObjectTemp(objectId); Gvdobjsensor.DataSource = lirelays; Gvdobjsensor.DataBind(); rptappliances.DataSource = lirelays; rptappliances.DataBind(); rptDIN.DataSource = liDin; rptDIN.DataBind(); rptdigitalsensor.DataSource = liDin; rptdigitalsensor.DataBind(); rptAnalog.DataSource = liAin; rptAnalog.DataBind(); rptAnalogsensor.DataSource = liAin; rptAnalogsensor.DataBind(); rptTemp.DataSource = liTemp; rptTemp.DataBind(); rpttempsensor.DataSource = liTemp; rpttempsensor.DataBind(); } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void linkbtnEdit_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.CommandName == "UpdateID") { allowStaticMethods("applyDatatable('.gvdGroupClass'); staticMethod('Enable');"); int cmdArg = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GetGroupModel li = obj.getGroupByGroupID(cmdArg); txtComments.Text = li.Comment; txtGroupName.Text = li.Name; ddlClient.SelectedValue = li.ClientID.ToString(); gridBind(); Session["GroupId"] = cmdArg.ToString(); btnGroup.Text = "Update"; } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
public void ddlListItemDaysForUser() { try{ ListItem[] items = new ListItem[9]; items[0] = new ListItem("Select Days", "0"); items[1] = new ListItem("Monday", "1"); items[2] = new ListItem("Tuesday", "2"); items[3] = new ListItem("Wednesday", "3"); items[4] = new ListItem("Thursday", "4"); items[5] = new ListItem("Friday", "5"); items[6] = new ListItem("Saturday", "6"); items[7] = new ListItem("Sunday", "7"); items[8] = new ListItem("Weekly", "8"); //items[9] = new ListItem("Holidays", "9"); ddlDays.Items.AddRange(items); ddlDays.DataBind(); } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void linkbtnEdit_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.CommandName == "UpdateID") { allowStaticMethods("staticMethod('Enable');applyDatatable('.gvdcategoryclass');"); int cmdArg = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); CategoryModel li = obj.getCategoryByCategoryID(cmdArg); txtName.Text = li.Name; txtMin.Text = li.Name; txtMax.Text = li.Name; chkEnable.Checked = Convert.ToBoolean(li.EnableORDisable); Session["CategoryId"] = cmdArg.ToString(); btnAddCategory.Text = "Update"; } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
public void gvdBind_Controlling(int ObjectId, DateTime StartDate, DateTime EndDate) { try { if (StartDate.Date == DateTime.Now.Date) { List <SwitchesReportControllingModel> Li = obj.getControllingToday(ObjectId); BindingClass.GridViewBind(gvdcontrollingReport, Li); gvdcontrollingReport.Visible = true; } else { List <SwitchesReportControllingModel> Li = obj.getControllingByDT(ObjectId, StartDate, EndDate); BindingClass.GridViewBind(gvdcontrollingReport, Li); gvdcontrollingReport.Visible = true; } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
public void ddlClientBind() { try { List <ClientIDName> list = cobj.getClientList(); if (list.Count > 0) { BindingClass.BindDropDown(ddlClient, list, "Name", "ClientID", "Select Client"); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlLogin, "Select User"); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlFeature, "Select Feature"); gvdLoginFeature.Visible = false; } else { BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlClient, "Select Client"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void ddlgroup_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (ddlgroup.SelectedValue != "0") { Timer1.Enabled = true; rptObject.Visible = true; var _sltdval = ddlgroup.SelectedValue; int val = Convert.ToInt32(_sltdval); BindObjectRepeater(val); } else { BindingClass.ClearRepeaterView(rptObject); } allowStaticMethods("ddlselect2('.ddlSelect');"); } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
void Schedule_AppointmentEditorOpening(object sender, AppointmentEditorOpeningEventArgs e) { Appointment app; app = (Appointment)(e.Appointment); eSauve = e; e.Cancel = true; Schedule1.IsHitTestVisible = false; AddDataContext = new BindingClass() { CurrentSelectedDate = e.StartTime, Appointment = e.Appointment }; if (e.Appointment != null) { editAppointmentCourse(); } else { addAppointmentCourse(); } }
public void ddlClientBind() { try { List <ClientIDName> list = cobj.getClientList(); if (list.Count > 0) { BindingClass.BindDropDown(ddlClient, list, "Name", "ClientID", "Select Client"); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlGroup, "Select Branch"); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlObject, "Select Device"); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlObjSensor, "Select Location"); gvdEventConfig.Visible = false; } else { BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlClient, "Select Client"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
void IVisitor.Visit(BindingClass @class) { Generate(new ClassInstanceModel { BaseName = @class.BaseName, OriginalName = @class.OriginalName, Name = @class.Name, OriginalNamespace = @class.OriginalNamespace, Namespace = _options.Namespace, GenericArguments = GenericRef(@class), Getters = @class.Getters.Select(CreateMethod).ToArray(), Setters = @class.Setters.Select(CreateMethod).ToArray(), Deleters = @class.Deleters.Select(CreateMethod).ToArray(), Fields = @class.GetAll<BindingField>().Select(m => CreateField(m.Key, m.Value)).ToArray() }); Generate(new ClassPrototypeModel { OriginalName = @class.OriginalName, Name = @class.Name, OriginalNamespace = @class.OriginalNamespace, Namespace = _options.Namespace, Prototype = String.Concat("engine.Constructors.", @class.BaseName, ".PrototypeObject"), Events = @class.GetAll<BindingEvent>().Select(m => CreateEvent(m.Key, m.Value)).ToArray(), Properties = @class.GetAll<BindingProperty>().Select(m => CreateProperty(m.Key, m.Value)).ToArray(), Methods = @class.GetAll<BindingMethod>().Select(m => CreateMethod(m.Key, m.Value)).ToArray() }); Generate(new ClassConstructorModel { Name = @class.Name, Namespace = _options.Namespace, OriginalNamespace = @class.OriginalNamespace, OriginalName = @class.OriginalName, Constructors = @class.Constructors.Select(CreateMethod).ToArray(), Constants = @class.GetAll<BindingField>().Select(m => CreateField(m.Key, m.Value)).ToArray() }); _names.Include(@class.Name, @class.BaseName); }
protected void linkUpdateAll_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.CommandName == "Update") { int _cmdArg = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); SchedulingModel li = SS.GetSchedulingById(_cmdArg); Session["scheduleId"] = _cmdArg.ToString(); int obs = li.ObjectSensorId; int _days = li.Days; bool cbstatus = false; var lb = (LinkButton)sender; var row = (GridViewRow)lb.NamingContainer; if (row != null) { TextBox S_Time = row.FindControl("txtstarttime") as TextBox; string StartTime = S_Time.Text; TextBox E_Time = row.FindControl("txtendtime") as TextBox; string EndTime = E_Time.Text; CheckBox chk = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkstatus"); if (chk.Checked == true) { cbstatus = true; } bool responce = SS.PutEquipmentScheduling(_cmdArg, Convert.ToInt32(ddlObject.SelectedValue), StartTime, EndTime, _days, obs, cbstatus); if (responce == true) { GvdBindObjdetail(Convert.ToInt32(ddlObject.SelectedValue), Convert.ToInt32(ddlDays.SelectedValue)); _alert = AlertsClass.SuccessUpdate; } } allowStaticMethods("ALerts('" + _alert + "');staticMethod();"); } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (Session["admin"] != null) { ddlClientbind(); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlgroup, "Select Branch"); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlObject, "Select Device"); ddlScheduleBind(); ddlHoursBind(); ddlMinsBind(); ddlSecsBind(); } //else if (Session["poweruser"] != null) //{ // var list = (LoginModelForUser)Session["poweruser"]; // int _clId = list.ClientID; // ddlGroupbind(_clId); // ddlgroup.Visible = true; //} //else if (Session["user"] != null) //{ // var list = (LoginModelForUser)Session["user"]; // int sessionLoginID = list.LoginID; // LoginGroupModel li = LGS.GetLoginGroupByLogin(sessionLoginID); // if (li != null) // { // ddlObjectbind(li.GroupID); // ddlObject.Visible = true; // } //} } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (Session["admin"] != null) { ddlclient(); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlGroup, "Select Branch"); BindingClass.ClearDropDown(ddlObject, "Select Device"); } else { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } } catch (Exception) { Alert = AlertsClass.ErrorWentWrong; } ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this.Page, this.GetType(), "script", "ALerts('" + Alert + "')", true); } }
protected void linkbtnEdit_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { try { if (e.CommandName == "UpdateID") { allowStaticMethods("staticMethod('Enable'); applyDatatable('.gvdSensorclass');"); clearControls(); int _cmdArg = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); SensorModel li = SNS.GetSensor(_cmdArg); Session["sensorId"] = _cmdArg.ToString(); txtSourceName.Text = li.SourceName; txtSourceId.Text = li.SourceID; txtUnit.Text = li.Unit; cbEnabled.Checked = li.EnableOrDisable; txtSourceName.Text = li.SourceName; btnAddSensor.Text = "Update"; } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } }
protected void linkbtnDel_Command(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "Remove") { try { int _cmdArg = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); bool response = OBJ.PutAttendanceObjectStatus(_cmdArg); if (response == true) { Alert = AlertsClass.SuccessRemove; } else { Alert = AlertsClass.ErrorWentWrong; } Gridbind(Convert.ToInt32(ddlObject.SelectedValue)); allowStaticMethods("ALerts('" + Alert + "'); staticMethod();"); } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { if (Session["admin"] != null) { ddlClientbind(); ddlDays.Items.Clear(); ddlgroup.Visible = false; ddlObject.Visible = false; } else if (Session["poweruser"] != null) { divClient.Visible = false; ddlObject.Visible = false; var list = (LoginModelForUser)Session["poweruser"]; int _clId = list.ClientID; ddlGroupbind(_clId); ddlgroup.Visible = true; } else if (Session["user"] != null) { divClient.Visible = false; divGroup.Visible = false; int loginID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["user"]); LoginGroupModel li = LGS.GetLoginGroupByLogin(loginID); if (li != null) { ddlObjectbind(li.GroupID); ddlObject.Visible = true; } } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } } }
public static IEnumerable<BindingClass> GetBindings(this IDictionary<String, List<Type>> mappings) { foreach (var mapping in mappings) { var name = mapping.Key; var types = mapping.Value; var type = types.Where(m => !m.IsEnum).FirstOrDefault() ?? types.First(); if (type.IsNotInterfaced()) continue; var binding = new BindingClass(name, type.Name.Replace("`1", ""), type.Namespace, type.ResolveBase()); if (type.IsGenericType) { var args = type.GetGenericArguments(); binding.GenericArguments.AddRange(args); } yield return binding.GetClassBindings(types, name); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!IsPostBack) { try { clearControls(); if (Session["admin"] != null) { ddlClientbind(); } if (Session["poweruser"] != null) { string ID = Session["poweruser"].ToString(); string[] powerSession = ID.Split(','); if (powerSession[1] != "") { ddlclientdiv.Visible = false; int clientID = Convert.ToInt32(powerSession[1]); ddlGroupbind(clientID); } } if (Session["user"] != null) { int loginID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["user"]); if (loginID != 0) { ddlclientdiv.Visible = false; ddlgroupdiv.Visible = false; int groupID = cObj.getGroupIDForUser(loginID); ddlObjectbind(groupID); } } } catch (Exception) { BindingClass.ExceptionAlertScriptManager(this.Page, this.GetType()); } } }
public void WeakBindingDoesNotRetainBindingClass() { var binding = new BindingClass(); // Means of determining whether the class has been disposed var weakBinding = new WeakReference<BindingClass>(binding); var notifying = new NotifyingClass(); binding.BindWeak(notifying); binding = null; GC.Collect(); Assert.IsFalse(weakBinding.TryGetTarget(out binding)); }
public void StrongBindingDoesNotRetainNotifier() { var binding = new BindingClass(); var notifying = new NotifyingClass(); // Means of determining whether the class has been disposed var weakNotifying = new WeakReference<NotifyingClass>(notifying); // Retain the IPropertyChangedBinding, in case that causes NotifyingClass to be retained var binder = binding.BindStrong(notifying); notifying = null; GC.Collect(); Assert.IsFalse(weakNotifying.TryGetTarget(out notifying)); }
public void Visit(BindingClass @class) { foreach (var member in @class.GetMembers()) member.Accept(this); }
public void WeakBindingDoesNotRetainNotifier() { var binding = new BindingClass(); var notifying = new NotifyingClass(); // Means of determining whether the class has been disposed var weakNotifying = new WeakReference<NotifyingClass>(notifying); // Retain binder, as that shouldn't affect anything var binder = binding.BindWeak(notifying); notifying = null; GC.Collect(); Assert.IsFalse(weakNotifying.TryGetTarget(out notifying)); }
static String GenericRef(BindingClass @class) { if (@class.GenericArguments.Count > 0) { var strs = @class.GenericArguments. Select(m => m.GetGenericParameterConstraints().FirstOrDefault() ?? typeof(Object)). Select(m => m.Name); var rep = String.Join(", ", strs); return String.Concat("<", rep, ">"); } return String.Empty; }