public override void Bind(Bind Options) { Console.WriteLine ("Bind Account:{0} PIN:{1}", Options.Account.Value, Options.PIN.Value); TicketBroker TicketBroker = new TicketBroker () ; TicketBroker.Bind (Options.Account.Value, Options.PIN.Value); }
public Window(Main _controller, Model.Buffer _model) { Controller = _controller; Model = new Bind<Model.Buffer>(_model); CurrentMode = new BindList<WindowMode>(); CurrentMode.Event.Changed += (list) => { CurrentKeyMap = list.FoldLeft(EmptyKeyMap, (a, b) => a + b.KeyMap); }; CurrentMode.Add(Controller.WindowModes[0]); CurrentMode.Add(Controller.WindowModes[2]); CurrentMode.Add(Controller.WindowModes[3]); Parser = new CommandParser(); }
public Window(Main _controller, Model.Buffer _model) { Controller = _controller; Model = new Bind<Model.Buffer>(_model); CurrentMode = new BindSet<WindowMode>(); CurrentMode.Changed.Add(() => { CurrentKeyMap = CurrentMode.ToList().FoldLeft(EmptyKeyMap, (a, b) => a + b.KeyMap); }); DefaultMode.ForEach(CurrentMode.Add); Parser = new CommandParser(); }
public void Second_Func_ThreeArgs() { Func <TimeSpan, uint, double, string> functionToBind = (duration, number, ratio) => duration.ToString() + number.ToString() + ratio.ToString(); uint bindingValue = 0xdeadbeef; Func <TimeSpan, double, string> boundFunction = Bind.Second(functionToBind, bindingValue); for (uint i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { TimeSpan functionArg_1 = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i); double functionArg_2 = 2.5 * i; Assert.That(boundFunction(functionArg_1, functionArg_2), Is.EqualTo(functionArg_1.ToString() + bindingValue.ToString() + functionArg_2.ToString())); } }
private void LL() { // 账户余额 DataTable dt = User_InfoL.GetUserCanMoney(LoginInfo.UserID); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { pageUserCanMoney = dt.Rows[0]["UserCanMoney"].ToString(); } Paging pg = Log_SetUserMoneyL.List(LoginInfo.UserID, 10); Bind.BGRepeater(pg.GetRead(), this.rpList); this.ucPS1.f = pg; }
public void First_Action_OneArg() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Action <uint> functionToBind = number => builder.Append(number); uint bindingValue = 0xdeadbeef; Action boundFunction = Bind.First(functionToBind, bindingValue); for (uint i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { boundFunction(); Assert.That(builder.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(bindingValue.ToString())); builder.Length = 0; } }
public Chart1Form() { InitializeComponent(); dtSample = new DataTable("Test"); dtSample.Columns.Add("X", typeof(Int32)); dtSample.Columns.Add("12.3", typeof(Double)); dtSample.Columns.Add("Test", typeof(Int32)); dtSample.Rows.Add(19, -0.1, 22); dtSample.Rows.Add(12, 21.5, 0); dtSample.Rows.Add(0, 31.5, 25); dtSample.Rows.Add(10, 20, -15); dgv.DataSource = dtSample; //Events lblValue.Text = lblItem.Text = ""; bar1.MouseLeaveAxisArea += new System.EventHandler(axisComponent_MouseLeaveAxisArea); bar1.MouseLocationValueChange += new AxileBase.MouseLocationValueEventHandler(axisComponent_MouseLocationValueChange); bar1.MouseEnterBar += new Bar.MouseAndItemEventHandler(component_MouseEnterItem); bar1.MouseLeaveBar += new Bar.MouseAndItemEventHandler(component_MouseLeaveItem); line1.MouseLeaveAxisArea += new System.EventHandler(axisComponent_MouseLeaveAxisArea); line1.MouseLocationValueChange += new AxileBase.MouseLocationValueEventHandler(axisComponent_MouseLocationValueChange); line1.MouseEnterPoint += new Line.MouseAndItemEventHandler(component_MouseEnterItem); line1.MouseLeavePoint += new Line.MouseAndItemEventHandler(component_MouseLeaveItem); chart1.DataMember = Bind.FromDataTable(dtSample); chart1.LegendItems.Clear(); chart1.LegendItems.Add(new SingleLineText("Legend")); SingleLineText slt = new SingleLineText(); slt.Add("E=X_1!Y^2!Z", '!', '_', '^'); chart1.LegendItems.Add(slt); chart1.LegendItems.Add(new SingleLineText("123")); slt = new SingleLineText(); slt.Add("فارسی", SingleLineText.TextFromBaseLine.Normal, true); chart1.LegendItems.Add(slt); list = new List <BaseChartComponent>(); list.Add(bar1); list.Add(line1); lblNearset.Text = ""; }
public void ShouldSubscribeToNewLinkInPath() { var source = new Source { InnerSource = new Source() }; var target = new Target(); Bind.Property(() => source.InnerSource.SourceName) .To(() => target.TargetName); source.InnerSource = new Source { SourceName = "not this" }; source.InnerSource.SourceName = "changed"; Assert.AreEqual("changed", target.TargetName); }
public void First_Func_FourArgs() { Func <uint, TimeSpan, double, DayOfWeek, string> functionToBind = (number, duration, ratio, day) => number.ToString() + duration.ToString() + ratio.ToString() + day.ToString(); uint bindingValue = 0xdeadbeef; Func <TimeSpan, double, DayOfWeek, string> boundFunction = Bind.First(functionToBind, bindingValue); for (uint i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { TimeSpan functionArg_1 = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i); double functionArg_2 = 2.5 * i; DayOfWeek functionArg_3 = DayOfWeek.Thursday; Assert.That(boundFunction(functionArg_1, functionArg_2, functionArg_3), Is.EqualTo(bindingValue.ToString() + functionArg_1.ToString() + functionArg_2.ToString() + functionArg_3.ToString())); } }
public ServiceCollectionBusConfigurator(IServiceCollection collection) : base(collection, new DependencyInjectionContainerRegistrar <TBus>(collection)) { IBusRegistrationContext CreateRegistrationContext(IServiceProvider serviceProvider) { var provider = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService <IConfigurationServiceProvider>(); return(new BusRegistrationContext(provider, Endpoints, Consumers, Sagas, ExecuteActivities, Activities, Futures)); } collection.AddScoped(provider => Bind <TBus> .Create(GetSendEndpointProvider(provider))); collection.AddScoped(provider => Bind <TBus> .Create(GetPublishEndpoint(provider))); collection.AddSingleton(provider => Bind <TBus> .Create(ClientFactoryProvider(provider.GetRequiredService <IConfigurationServiceProvider>(), provider.GetRequiredService <TBus>()))); collection.AddSingleton(provider => Bind <TBus> .Create(CreateRegistrationContext(provider))); }
public virtual void SetBusFactory <T>(T busFactory) where T : IRegistrationBusFactory { if (busFactory == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(busFactory)); } ThrowIfAlreadyConfigured(nameof(SetBusFactory)); Collection.AddSingleton(provider => Bind <IBus> .Create(CreateBus(busFactory, provider))); Collection.AddSingleton(provider => provider.GetRequiredService <Bind <IBus, IBusInstance> >().Value); Collection.AddSingleton <IReceiveEndpointConnector>(provider => provider.GetRequiredService <Bind <IBus, IBusInstance> >().Value); Collection.AddSingleton(provider => provider.GetRequiredService <Bind <IBus, IBusInstance> >().Value.BusControl); Collection.AddSingleton(provider => provider.GetRequiredService <Bind <IBus, IBusInstance> >().Value.Bus); }
protected override void OnUpdateFrame(FrameEventArgs args) { if (_server != null) { _renderer.MainCamera.Position = LocalPlayer.Position; _renderer.MainCamera.AspectRatio = Size.X / (float)Size.Y; _renderer.MainCamera.Fov = 95f; if (Bind.GetBindKeyDown("forward")) { LocalPlayer.Position += _renderer.MainCamera.Front; } if (Bind.GetBindKeyDown("backward")) { LocalPlayer.Position -= _renderer.MainCamera.Front; } if (Bind.GetBindKeyDown("left")) { LocalPlayer.Position -= _renderer.MainCamera.Right; } if (Bind.GetBindKeyDown("right")) { LocalPlayer.Position += _renderer.MainCamera.Right; } if (Bind.GetBindKeyDown("jump")) { LocalPlayer.Position += Vector3.UnitY; } var deltaX = MouseState.X - LastPos.X; var deltaY = MouseState.Y - LastPos.Y; LastPos = new Vector2(MouseState.X, MouseState.Y); _renderer.MainCamera.Yaw += deltaX * 0.15f; _renderer.MainCamera.Pitch -= deltaY * 0.15f; } _server?.Update(args.Time); _renderer.Update(args.Time); base.OnUpdateFrame(args); }
private void AssignProperties(Document document, object model) { Type docType = typeof(Document); IEnumerable <System.Reflection.FieldInfo> propinfos = docType.GetFields().Where(prop => Attribute.IsDefined(prop, typeof(Bind))); foreach (var info in propinfos) { Bind bindAttr = (Bind)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(info, typeof(Bind)); System.Reflection.FieldInfo modelProp = model.GetType().GetField(bindAttr.ModelProperty); object value = modelProp.GetValue(model); IBindingRenderer renderer = (IBindingRenderer)Activator.CreateInstance(bindAttr.RendererType); string res = renderer.Render(value); info.SetValue(document, res); } }
public static bool Create(Bind b, out BindSerialized result) { result = null; if (!(b.First is Block block1 && b.Second is Block block2)) { return(false); } result = new BindSerialized { FirstX = block1.logic.X, FirstY = block1.logic.Y, SecondX = block2.logic.X, SecondY = block2.logic.Y, Strength = b.Strength, }; return(true); }
public void Explode() { if (CurrentState != State.ALIVE) { return; } CurrentState = State.EXPLODING; Bind colorCntrl = new Bind( delegate { return(mothershipColor); }, delegate(object value) { mothershipColor = (Color)value; } ); core2d.CoreAnimation.Instance.AnimateColor("mothership color transition", colorCntrl, Color.Transparent, 0.3f); SoundPlayer.Instance.StopSound("mothershipSound"); }
public void Second_Action_TwoArgs() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); Action <TimeSpan, uint> functionToBind = (duration, number) => builder.Append(duration).Append(number); uint bindingValue = 0xdeadbeef; Action <TimeSpan> boundFunction = Bind.Second(functionToBind, bindingValue); for (uint i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { TimeSpan functionArg = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(i); boundFunction(functionArg); Assert.That(builder.ToString(), Is.EqualTo(functionArg.ToString() + bindingValue.ToString())); builder.Length = 0; } }
public ActionResult RobotLogon(Dictionary <string, string> queryvalues) { int gametype = queryvalues.ContainsKey("gametype") ? Convert.ToInt32(queryvalues["gametype"]) : -1; int openmodule = queryvalues.ContainsKey("openmodule") ? Convert.ToInt32(queryvalues["openmodule"]) : -1; int second = queryvalues.ContainsKey("second") ? Convert.ToInt32(queryvalues["second"]) : 0; int num = queryvalues.ContainsKey("num") ? Convert.ToInt32(queryvalues["num"]) : 0; RobotControl robotCon = new RobotControl(); LoginRequest LoginRequest; LoginRequest = LoginRequest.CreateBuilder() .SetGameType((uint)gametype) .SetLoginFrequency((uint)second) .SetLoginCnt(num) .SetStrategy((uint)openmodule) .Build(); Bind tbind = Cmd.runClientRobot(new Bind(ServiceCmd.SC_ROBOT_LOGIN, LoginRequest.ToByteArray()), 12001); switch ((CenterCmd)tbind.header.CommandID) { case CenterCmd.CS_ROBOT_STATU: return(Json(new { res = 1, Data = "" })); case CenterCmd.C2S_ROBOT_ERRMSG: ErrorMessage ErrorMessage = ErrorMessage.ParseFrom(tbind.body.ToBytes()); return(Json(new { res = 0, Data = ErrorMessage.ErrorMessage_ })); } return(Json(new { res = 0, Data = "" })); }
//评论列表 private void List() { //PagingList pl = new PagingList("News_Msg", "MsgSN", new PagingUrlVar(10, pageIndex)); //pl.SqlSelect = "select N.FK_User,Detail,N.AddDate as AddDate,UserName"; //pl.SqlFrom = "from News_Msg as N left join User_Info as U on N.FK_User=U.UserSN"; //pl.SqlWhere = "where Purview=1 and FK_News=" + id; //pl.SqlOrder = "order by N.AddDate desc"; //Paging pg = pl.List(true); //Bind.BGRepeater(pg.GetDataTable(), this.rpMsgList); //this.ucPS1.f = pg; //this.ucPS1.cs = GetURL.News.Msg(id) + "-{0}"; #region ajax提交 int cur_pageIndex = Fn.IsInt(Req.GetForm("ajax_page"), 1); string sqlSelect, sqlFrom, sqlWhere = string.Empty, sqlOrder, pkName; sqlSelect = "select N.FK_User,Detail,N.AddDate as AddDate,UserName"; sqlFrom = " from News_Msg as N left join User_Info as U on N.FK_User=U.UserSN"; sqlWhere = " where Purview=1 and FK_News=" + id; sqlOrder = " order by N.AddDate desc"; pkName = "MsgSN"; PagingVar pv = new PagingVar(); pv.SQLCount = "select count(0)" + sqlFrom + sqlWhere; pv.SQLRead = "select " + pkName + sqlFrom + sqlWhere + sqlOrder; pv.SQL = sqlSelect + sqlFrom + " where " + pkName + " in({0})" + sqlOrder; Paging pg = new Paging(pv, new PagingUrlVar(30, cur_pageIndex));//页记录 pg.load(); Bind.BGRepeater(pg.GetDataTable(), this.rpMsgList); lNum =; this.ucPS1.f = pg; this.ucPS1.cs = "javascript:ajaxPage('ajax_page_msg',{0});"; #endregion }
static public int setColor(IntPtr ctx) { try { Text textobj = (Text)Bind.RequireThis(ctx); int r = Native.duk_require_int(ctx, 0); int g = Native.duk_require_int(ctx, 1); int b = Native.duk_require_int(ctx, 2); int a = Native.duk_require_int(ctx, 3); textobj.color = new Color(r / 255f, g / 255f, b / 255f, a / 255f); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(Native.duk_throw_error(ctx, e.ToString())); } }
/// <summary> /// Unregisters a bind from its key combo if it has one. /// </summary> private void UnregisterBindFromCombo(Bind bind) { for (int n = 0; n < usedControls.Count; n++) { List <IBind> registeredBinds = controlMap[usedControls[n].Index]; registeredBinds.Remove(bind); if (registeredBinds.Count == 0) { bindMap.Remove(registeredBinds); usedControls.Remove(usedControls[n]); } } bind.Analog = false; bind.length = 0; }
private void InitializeListView() { olvColumn_Address.AspectGetter = delegate(object row) { Bind bind = row as Bind; if (bind.Error != null) { return(bind.Error.Message); } else { return(bind.Address.ToString()); } }; olvColumn_Description.AspectGetter = delegate(object row) { return((row as Bind).Description); }; olvColumn_OriginalAddress.AspectGetter = delegate(object row) { return((row as Bind).OriginalAddress); }; }
private int LL() { int userID = LoginInfo.UserID; int userLevel = LoginInfo.UserLevel; int userIdentity = LoginInfo.UserIdentity; Dictionary <int, DataTable> dic = User_Cart.List(userID, userLevel, userIdentity); DataTable dtTotal = dic[0]; DataTable dtProList = dic[10]; this.txtTotalPriceAll.Text = dtTotal.Rows[0][0].ToString(); this.txtProN.Text = dtProList.Rows.Count.ToString(); Bind.BGRepeater(dtProList, this.rpList); return(dtProList.Rows.Count); }
internal static Bind BuildBind(this Geocoding.IGeocoder geocoder, string address) { if (Geocoding.Location.TryParse(address, out Geocoding.Location location)) return BuildBind(geocoder, location); else { try { IEnumerable<Address> addresses = geocoder.Geocode(address); return Bind.Create(address, addresses); } catch (Exception ex) { return Bind.Create(address, ex); } } }
public override void Execute(Tag data = null) { if (data == null) { var a = TagRegistry.GetTag <Bind>("bind", Namespaces.Bind); var b = TagRegistry.GetTag <Iq>("iq", Namespaces.Client); if (UbietySettings.Id.Resource != null) { var res = TagRegistry.GetTag <GenericTag>("resource", Namespaces.Bind); res.InnerText = UbietySettings.Id.Resource; a.AddChildTag(res); } b.IqType = IqType.Set; b.Payload = a; ProtocolState.Socket.Write(b); } else { var iq = data as Iq; Bind bind = null; if (iq != null) { if (iq.IqType == IqType.Error) { var e = iq["error"]; if (e != null) { Errors.SendError(this, ErrorType.XMLError, e.InnerText); } } bind = iq.Payload as Bind; } if (bind != null) { UbietySettings.Id = bind.JidTag.JID; } Logger.InfoFormat(this, "Current XID is now: {0}", UbietySettings.Id); ProtocolState.State = new SessionState(); ProtocolState.State.Execute(); } }
public void Start(TimelineCode global) { if (!this._gui.enabled) { return; } this._gui.Start(global, this._gui);;;;;;;; = new float[1]; Bind.OnRevert( /* this.gui.slider_box*/, this._code.timeframe, OnRevert); Bind.OnRuntime( /* this.gui.slider_box*/, this._code.timeframe, OnRuntime); }
private void GetCaiPu() { string sOrder = " order by a.AddDate desc"; string sWhere = " where a.FK_User="******" and InfoType=" + t; PagingVar pv = new PagingVar(); pv.SQLCount = "select count(0) from User_Fav a" + sWhere; pv.SQLRead = "select FavSN from User_Fav a" + sWhere + sOrder; pv.SQL = "select FavSN,FK_All,FK_User,ProName,PicS,Item,a.AddDate from User_Fav a left join CaiPu_Info b on a.FK_All=b.ProSN where FavSN in({0})" + sOrder; Paging pg = new Paging(pv, new PagingUrlVar(10)); pg.load(); Bind.BGRepeater(pg.GetRead(), this.rpCaiPu); this.ucPS1.f = pg; }
private void BindResource() { if (SupportsFeature(XmppStreamFeatures.ResourceBinding)) { var bind = new Bind(); bind.Resource = UserId.ResourceName; var iq = new IQ(); iq.Type = IQType.Set; iq.ID = XmppIdentifierGenerator.Generate(); iq.Items.Add(bind); Send(iq); bindResourceEvent.WaitOne(); } }
public GUIRenderer() { Texture = new Texture(); _program = new ShaderProgram("Shaders/GUI.vert", "Shaders/GUI.frag"); _vao = new VAO(); var flatBuffer = new VBO(); using (Bind.These(_vao, flatBuffer)) { var flatData = new float[] { -1, -1, 0, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0 }; flatBuffer.Update(flatData, flatData.Length * sizeof(float)); const int stride = sizeof(float) * 4; GL.EnableVertexAttribArray(0); GL.VertexAttribPointer(0, 2, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, stride, new IntPtr(0)); GL.EnableVertexAttribArray(1); GL.VertexAttribPointer(1, 2, VertexAttribPointerType.Float, false, stride, new IntPtr(sizeof(float) * 2)); } }
public void ShouldApplyBindingOnceAfterCreation(BindingMode mode) { var calls = 0; var source = new Source { SourceName = "changed" }; var target = new Target(); target.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => calls++; Bind.Property(() => source.SourceName) .In(mode) .To(() => target.TargetName); target.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) => { }; Assert.AreEqual(1, calls); }
public void ShouldUnsubscribeFromBrokenLinkInPath() { var source = new Source { InnerSource = new Source() }; var brokenLink = source.InnerSource; var target = new Target(); Bind.Property(() => source.InnerSource.SourceName) .To(() => target.TargetName); source.InnerSource = new Source { SourceName = "changed" }; brokenLink.SourceName = "not this"; Assert.AreEqual("changed", target.TargetName); }
//客户调查 private void Vote() { if (ShowType == "0") { ShowType = "checkbox"; } else { ShowType = "radio"; } string sql = "select VoteSN,VoteName,Total from Questionnaire_Vote where FK_Questionnaire=" + QuSN + " order by Taxis asc"; DataTable dt = DbHelp.GetDataTable(sql); Bind.BGRepeater(dt, rpVote, false); Bind.BGRepeater(dt, rpVoteN); }
public void BindNodeToHTTP() { string host = "http://localhost:8080/"; TestServer s = new TestServer(host); s.response = "key: value"; s.Run(); Bind b = new Bind(host); Assert.IsTrue(["key"] == "value", "Bound node did not read from HTTP"); s.response = "key: updated"; Thread.Sleep(6000); // Bind is on a 5 sec refresh Assert.IsTrue(["key"] == "updated", "Bound node did not update from HTTP"); s.Stop(); }
private void LL() { string sSQL = "select UserIntegral from User_Info where UserSN=" + LoginInfo.UserID; using (IDataReader dr = DbHelp.Read(sSQL)) { if (dr.Read()) { pageUserIntegral = dr["UserIntegral"].ToString(); } } Paging pg = Log_SetUserIntegralL.List(LoginInfo.UserID, 10); Bind.BGRepeater(pg.GetRead(), this.rpList); this.ucPS1.f = pg; }
public DatePicker BorderBrush( Bind<System.Windows.Media.Brush> bind ) { C.BorderBrush = bind.V; return this; }
public DatePicker DisplayDateStart( Bind<DateTime?> bind ) { C.DisplayDateStart = bind.V; return this; }
public new DatePicker DataContext( Bind<System.Object> bind ) { return base.DataContext( bind ) as DatePicker; }
void TranslateType(Bind.Structures.Type type, XPathNavigator function_override, XPathNavigator overrides, EnumProcessor enum_processor, EnumCollection enums, string category, string apiname) { Bind.Structures.Enum @enum; string s; category = enum_processor.TranslateEnumName(category); // Try to find out if it is an enum. If the type exists in the normal GLEnums list, use this. // Special case for Boolean which is there simply because C89 does not support bool types. // We don't really need that in C# bool normal = enums.TryGetValue(type.CurrentType, out @enum) || enums.TryGetValue(enum_processor.TranslateEnumName(type.CurrentType), out @enum); // Translate enum types type.IsEnum = false; if (normal && @enum.Name != "GLenum" && @enum.Name != "Boolean") { type.IsEnum = true; if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.ConstIntEnums) != Settings.Legacy.None) { type.QualifiedType = "int"; } else { // Some functions and enums have the same names. // Make sure we reference the enums rather than the functions. if (normal) { type.QualifiedType = String.Format("{0}.{1}", Settings.EnumsOutput, @enum.Name); } } } else if (Generator.GLTypes.TryGetValue(type.CurrentType, out s)) { // Check if the parameter is a generic GLenum. If it is, search for a better match, // otherwise fallback to Settings.CompleteEnumName (named 'All' by default). if (s.Contains("GLenum") /*&& !String.IsNullOrEmpty(category)*/) { type.IsEnum = true; if ((Settings.Compatibility & Settings.Legacy.ConstIntEnums) != Settings.Legacy.None) { type.QualifiedType = "int"; } else { // Better match: enum.Name == function.Category (e.g. GL_VERSION_1_1 etc) // Note: for backwards compatibility we use "category" only for the gl api. // glcore, gles1 and gles2 use the All enum instead. if (apiname == "gl" && enums.ContainsKey(category)) { type.QualifiedType = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", Settings.EnumsOutput, Settings.NamespaceSeparator, enum_processor.TranslateEnumName(category)); } else { type.QualifiedType = String.Format("{0}{1}{2}", Settings.EnumsOutput, Settings.NamespaceSeparator, Settings.CompleteEnumName); } } } else { // Todo: what is the point of this here? It is overwritten below. // A few translations for consistency switch (type.CurrentType.ToLower()) { case "string": type.QualifiedType = "String"; break; } type.QualifiedType = s; } } type.CurrentType = Generator.CSTypes.ContainsKey(type.CurrentType) ? Generator.CSTypes[type.CurrentType] : type.CurrentType; // Make sure that enum parameters follow enum overrides, i.e. // if enum ErrorCodes is overriden to ErrorCode, then parameters // of type ErrorCodes should also be overriden to ErrorCode. XPathNavigator enum_override = overrides.SelectSingleNode( EnumProcessor.GetOverridesPath(apiname, type.CurrentType)); if (enum_override != null) { // For consistency - many overrides use string instead of String. if (enum_override.Value == "string") type.QualifiedType = "String"; else if (enum_override.Value == "StringBuilder") type.QualifiedType = "StringBuilder"; else type.CurrentType = enum_override.Value; } if (type.CurrentType == "IntPtr" && String.IsNullOrEmpty(type.PreviousType)) type.Pointer = 0; if (type.Pointer >= 3) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(String.Format( "[Error] Type '{0}' has a high pointer level. Bindings will be incorrect.", type)); } if (!type.IsEnum) { // Remove qualifier if type is not an enum // Resolves issues when replacing / overriding // an enum parameter with a non-enum type type.QualifiedType = type.CurrentType; } }
private static void Usage() { Console.WriteLine ("Omnibroker Client"); Console.WriteLine (""); { Resolve Dummy = new Resolve (); Console.Write ("{0}resolve ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Domain.Usage (null, "domain", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Service.Usage (null, "service", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Verbose.Usage ("verbose", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); } { Bind Dummy = new Bind (); Console.Write ("{0}bind ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Account.Usage (null, "account", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.PIN.Usage (null, "pin", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Server.Usage ("server", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Port.Usage ("port", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); } { Unbind Dummy = new Unbind (); Console.Write ("{0}unbind ", UsageFlag); Console.WriteLine (); } }
public virtual void Bind( Bind Options ) { char UsageFlag = '-'; { Bind Dummy = new Bind (); Console.Write ("{0}bind ", UsageFlag); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Account.Usage (null, "account", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.PIN.Usage (null, "pin", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Server.Usage ("server", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.Write ("[{0}] ", Dummy.Port.Usage ("port", "value", UsageFlag)); Console.WriteLine (); } Console.WriteLine (" {0}\t{1} = [{2}]", "String", "Account", Options.Account); Console.WriteLine (" {0}\t{1} = [{2}]", "String", "PIN", Options.PIN); Console.WriteLine (" {0}\t{1} = [{2}]", "String", "Server", Options.Server); Console.WriteLine (" {0}\t{1} = [{2}]", "Integer", "Port", Options.Port); Console.WriteLine ("Not Yet Implemented"); }
public Control Width( Bind<double> width ) { C.Width = width.V; return this; }
public Control Height( Bind<double> height ) { C.Height = height.V; return this; }
public Control Background( Bind<System.Windows.Media.Brush> background ) { C.Background = background; return this; }
public Control AllowDrop( Bind<bool> allowDrop ) { C.AllowDrop = allowDrop.V; return this; }
public new AccessText Width( Bind<System.Double> bind ) { return base.Width( bind ) as AccessText; }
public new DatePicker Cursor( Bind<System.Windows.Input.Cursor> bind ) { return base.Cursor( bind ) as DatePicker; }
public void Write(Bind.Structures.Enum e) { foreach (string s in splitLines.Split(e.ToString())) WriteLine(s.TrimEnd('\r', '\n')); }
public void Write(Bind.Structures.Function f) { foreach (string s in splitLines.Split(f.ToString())) WriteLine(s); }
public new DatePicker ContextMenu( Bind<System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenu> bind ) { return base.ContextMenu( bind ) as DatePicker; }
private static void Handle_Bind( OBPClient Dispatch, string[] args, int index) { Bind Options = new Bind (); Registry Registry = new Registry (); Options.Account.Register ("account", Registry, (int) TagType_Bind.Account); Options.PIN.Register ("pin", Registry, (int) TagType_Bind.PIN); Options.Server.Register ("server", Registry, (int) TagType_Bind.Server); Options.Port.Register ("port", Registry, (int) TagType_Bind.Port); // looking for parameter Param.Name} if (index < args.Length && !IsFlag (args [index][0] )) { // Have got the parameter, call the parameter value method Options.Account.Parameter (args [index]); index++; } // looking for parameter Param.Name} if (index < args.Length && !IsFlag (args [index][0] )) { // Have got the parameter, call the parameter value method Options.PIN.Parameter (args [index]); index++; } #pragma warning disable 162 for (int i = index; i< args.Length; i++) { if (!IsFlag (args [i][0] )) { throw new Exception ("Unexpected parameter: " + args[i]);} string Rest = args [i].Substring (1); TagType_Bind TagType = (TagType_Bind) Registry.Find (Rest); // here have the cases for what to do with it. switch (TagType) { case TagType_Bind.Server : { int OptionParams = Options.Server.Tag (Rest); if (OptionParams>0 && ((i+1) < args.Length)) { if (!IsFlag (args [i+1][0] )) { i++; Options.Server.Parameter (args[i]); } } break; } case TagType_Bind.Port : { int OptionParams = Options.Port.Tag (Rest); if (OptionParams>0 && ((i+1) < args.Length)) { if (!IsFlag (args [i+1][0] )) { i++; Options.Port.Parameter (args[i]); } } break; } default : throw new Exception ("Internal error"); } } #pragma warning restore 162 Dispatch.Bind (Options); }
public new DatePicker ClipToBounds( Bind<System.Boolean> bind ) { return base.ClipToBounds( bind ) as DatePicker; }
public new DatePicker AllowDrop( Bind<System.Boolean> bind ) { return base.AllowDrop( bind ) as DatePicker; }
public Border Background( Bind<System.Windows.Media.Brush> bind ) { C.Background = bind.V; return this; }
public new AccessText Visibility( Bind<System.Windows.Visibility> bind ) { return base.Visibility( bind ) as AccessText; }
public DatePicker DisplayDate( Bind<System.DateTime> bind ) { C.DisplayDate = bind.V; return this; }
public DatePicker CalendarStyle( Bind<System.Windows.Style> bind ) { C.CalendarStyle = bind.V; return this; }
public new Border AllowDrop( Bind<System.Boolean> bind ) { return base.AllowDrop( bind ) as Border; }
public new DataGrid Width( Bind<System.Double> bind ) { return base.Width( bind ) as DataGrid; }
public DatePicker BorderThickness( Bind<System.Windows.Thickness> bind ) { C.BorderThickness = bind.V; return this; }
public BindData(Bind bind) { control = bind.control; keys = bind.keys; }
public DatePicker DisplayDateEnd( Bind<DateTime?> bind ) { C.DisplayDateEnd = bind.V; return this; }