        private void CreateTableCopyForReference(BimRelationship rr, BimGeneratorModel model, int i)
            var dd         = rr.FromColumn.Table.DatabaseDefinition;
            var toSqlTable = dd.GetTable(rr.ToTableSchemaAndTableName);

            var suffix = " " + i.ToString("D", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            if (rr.RelationshipIdentifier != null)
                suffix = " " + rr.RelationshipIdentifier;

            var copyTableName = GetBimTableName(toSqlTable.SchemaAndTableName) + suffix;

            var copySchemaAndTableName = new SchemaAndTableName(toSqlTable.SchemaAndTableName.Schema, toSqlTable.SchemaAndTableName.TableName + suffix);

            rr.ToTableSchemaAndTableName = copySchemaAndTableName;

            if (!model.Tables.Any(t => t.Name == copyTableName))
                Context.Logger.Log(LogSeverity.Information, "Table {TableName} COPIED to bim model, multiple references from {FromTable}", "BimGenerator", copySchemaAndTableName, rr.FromColumn.Table.SchemaAndTableName);
                model.Tables.Add(GenerateTable(toSqlTable, copyTableName));
        private void GenerateReferences(RelationShipRegistrations relationShipRegistrations, BimGeneratorModel model)
            // Create shadow copies where multiple FKs are on a source table
            // Use same RelationShipIdentifier
            //  Omit Source table if no other FK is pointing to it

            foreach (var fromTable in relationShipRegistrations.FromTables())
                var toTables = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                var to       = relationShipRegistrations.GetByFromTable(fromTable);
                foreach (var rr in to)
                    if (rr.FromTableSchemaAndTableName == rr.ToTableSchemaAndTableName)
                        Context.Logger.Log(LogSeverity.Warning, "Table {TableName} is referencing itself. SKIPPED.", "BimGenerator", fromTable);

                    var trp = rr.FromColumn.Properties.OfType <TabularRelationProperty>().FirstOrDefault();

                    if (trp != null)
                        rr.RelationshipIdentifier = trp.RelationshipIdentifier;

                    // TODO TabularRelationProperty without FK should create replationship
                    // TODO IF we have a RelationshipIdentifier
                    //  A/ Create a Copy -> TableName + " " + RelationshipIdentifier
                    //   if any other reference exists (without RelationshipIdentifier)
                    //  B/ Rename existing TableName to TableName + " " + RelationshipIdentifier
                    //   if NO other reference exists (without RelationshipIdentifier or any other RelationshipIdentifier)

                    // same target on this table
                    if (!toTables.ContainsKey(rr.ToKey))
                        toTables.Add(rr.ToKey, 1);
                        var numberOfReferencesToTheSameTable = toTables[rr.ToKey];
                        if (numberOfReferencesToTheSameTable > 1)
                            CreateTableCopyForReference(rr, model, numberOfReferencesToTheSameTable);
