        /// <summary>
        /// Bills with no recorded positions are considered bills with no reports.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private IOrderedEnumerable <BillRow> CollectNoPositionBills()
            var all_bills = BillRow.RowSet(); // All bills for the current biennium.
            var result    =
                from item in all_bills
                where ((item.Position == string.Empty) && (item.NegativeScore > 0))
                orderby item.NegativeScore descending select item;

        /// <summary>
        /// Sets contents of some database tables, using data from table files contained in the zipped download.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if all is well, False if unable to access table files expected to be present</returns>
        public static bool EnsureGlobalData()   // public so that XUnit TestNewOrChangePrefix can ensure table contents are available
            bool result = true;

            Config.Instance.ReadYourself(); // Start of configuration data lifetime
            GlobalData.Profiles = new List <BillProfile>();
            if (GlobalData.BillRows == null)
                GlobalData.BillRows = BillRow.RowSet();
            if (GlobalData.HistoryTable == null)
                string path = Path.Combine(Config.Instance.BillsFolder, "BILL_HISTORY_TBL.dat");
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    GlobalData.HistoryTable = new BillHistoryTable(path);
                    result = false;
            if (GlobalData.VersionTable == null)
                string path = Path.Combine(Config.Instance.BillsFolder, "BILL_VERSION_TBL.dat");
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    GlobalData.VersionTable = new BillVersionTable(path);
                    result = false;
            if (GlobalData.LocationTable == null)
                string path = Path.Combine(Config.Instance.BillsFolder, "LOCATION_CODE_TBL.dat");
                if (File.Exists(path))
                    GlobalData.LocationTable = new LocationCodeTable(path);
                    result = false;
            GlobalData.MostRecentEachBill = new List <Bill_Identifier>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Build GlobalData.BillRows from scratch.
        /// The steps for this are
        ///   1. Import the BILL_TBL.dat data into GlobalData.BillRows.  This fills 9 of the 15 BillRow fields.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="form1">The main (Form1) display form. Display messages and progress here.</param>
        /// <param name="path_bill_tbl">Fully-qualified path to BILL_TBL.dat</param>
        /// <param name="mostRecentEachBill">For each bill, the Bill_Identifier identifying the most recent version</param>
        private void BuildBillRowsTable(Form1 form1, string path_bill_tbl, List <BillProfile> profiles)
            // Import BILL_TBL.dat, which is the legislative site's information on bills before the legislature.
            // Trim all non-bill items during the import -- we want only type AB and SB (Assembly and Senate Bills)
            var bill_table_wrapper = new Bill_Tbl_Wrapper();

            bill_table_wrapper.ReadYourself();  // Import BILL_TBL.dat
            List <BillRow> rows_with_positions = BillRow.RowsetByQuery("Select * from Billrows Where Position <> ''");
            List <BillRow> all_rows            = BillRow.RowSet();
            List <string>  reports             = BillUtils.HtmlFolderContents();

            // Re-create GlobalData.BillRows, using data from bill_table_wrapper and elsewhere.
            List <string> SkipIf = new List <String>()
                "Chaptered", "Died", "Enrolled", "Failed", "Failed Passage in Committee", "Vetoed"

            foreach (var item in bill_table_wrapper)
                // Don't process bills that will not progress further in the legislature.
                //string result = SkipIf.FirstOrDefault(s => s == item.Current_status);
                //if (result != null) continue;

                // Use data from bill_table_wrapper.  Some fields are left blank.
                var bill_row = new BillRow();
                bill_row.MeasureType = item.Measure_type;                                                                  // e.g. AB
                bill_row.MeasureNum  = BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(item.Measure_num);                                     // e.g. 0010
                bill_row.Bill        = $"{bill_row.MeasureType}{BillUtils.EnsureNoLeadingZerosBill(bill_row.MeasureNum)}"; // e.g. AB10
                //bill_row.Lob           = item.;
                //bill_row.NegativeScore = item;
                //bill_row.PositiveScore = item;
                //bill_row.Position      = item; // Hand Entered, e.g. Monitor
                bill_row.BillVersionID = VersionID(item); // e.g. 20190AB199INT
                //bill_row.Author        = item;
                //bill_row.Title         = item;
                bill_row.Location      = item.Current_location;      // e.g. CX08
                bill_row.Location2nd   = item.Current_secondary_loc; // e.g. Committee
                bill_row.MeasureState  = item.Measure_state;         // e.g. Amended Assembly
                bill_row.CurrentHouse  = item.Current_house;         // e.g. Assembly
                bill_row.CurrentStatus = item.Current_status;        // e.g. In Committee Process

                // Obtain the author, title, lob file path, and positive/negative scores from the profile for this bill
                var four_digit_billid = BillUtils.Ensure4DigitNumber(bill_row.Bill);
                var profile           = (from x in profiles where x.Identifier.BillID == four_digit_billid select x).First();
                if (profile != null)
                    bill_row.Author        = profile.Identifier.Author;
                    bill_row.Title         = profile.Identifier.Title;
                    bill_row.Lob           = profile.Identifier.LobPath;
                    bill_row.NegativeScore = profile.NegScore;
                    bill_row.PositiveScore = profile.PosScore;
                    throw new ApplicationException($"InitializeBillRows.BuildBillRowsTable: Bill {bill_row.Bill} is present in bill_table_wrapper, but not in GlobalData.Profiles.");

                // Fill in the Position data -- the position we are taking on this bill.  If we have a position, it is
                // in one of two places
                //    1.  The database BillRows table (not all bills have a report), or
                var pos = (from x in rows_with_positions where x.Bill == bill_row.Bill select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (pos != null)
                    bill_row.Position = pos.Position;
                //    2.  If that table hasn't been updated, in the actual report
                // If the two are in conflict, the bill report wins.
                var short_id    = BillUtils.EnsureNoLeadingZerosBill(bill_row.Bill);
                var report_file = (from x in reports where x.Contains($"{short_id}.html") select x).FirstOrDefault();
                if (report_file != null)
                    var report = new BillReport(report_file);
                    bill_row.Position = report.Position;
                // Add this row to GlobalData.BillRows

            // Sort the table before returning it.  Ordered by bill ID, e.g. AB0001, communicates well
            GlobalData.BillRows = GlobalData.BillRows.OrderBy(a => a.Bill).ToList();
        /// <summary>
        /// This background worker performs the time-consuming task of searching all current bills for two words
        /// that are within a specified distance of each other.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void bgw_SearchNearby(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;

            if (worker == null)
                throw new ApplicationException("bgw_SearchNearby failed to instantiate BackgroundWorker");

            // Ensure passed strings are valid.  If so take the minimum and maximum distance values.
            string             param_problem = "";
            bgwSearchArguments args          = (bgwSearchArguments)e.Argument;

            if (NEWs(args.word1))
                BuildErrorMessage(ref param_problem, "First word must be specified");
            if (NEWs(args.word2))
                BuildErrorMessage(ref param_problem, "Second word must be specified");
            if (NEWs(args.text_min))
                BuildErrorMessage(ref param_problem, "Minimum size must be specified");
            if (NEWs(args.text_max))
                BuildErrorMessage(ref param_problem, "Maximum must be specified");
            args.word1    = args.word1.Trim(); args.word2 = args.word2.Trim();
            args.text_min = args.text_min.Trim(); args.text_max = args.text_max.Trim();
            if (!Int16.TryParse(args.text_min, out short min_dist))
                BuildErrorMessage(ref param_problem, "Unable to parse Minimum distance");
            if (min_dist < 0)
                BuildErrorMessage(ref param_problem, "Minimum distance must not be negative");
            if (!Int16.TryParse(args.text_max, out short max_dist))
                BuildErrorMessage(ref param_problem, "Unable to parse Maximum distance");
            if (max_dist < 0)
                BuildErrorMessage(ref param_problem, "Maximum distance must not be negative");
            if (param_problem.Length > 0)
                throw new ApplicationException(param_problem);

            GlobalData.BillRows = BillRow.RowSet();
            var bills       = GlobalData.BillRows.OrderBy(item => item.Bill).ToList();
            int one_percent = bills.Count / 100;

            Regex rx = CreateRegex(args.word1, args.word2, min_dist, max_dist);
            int   progress_bar_value = 0;

            using (StreamWriter sw_matches = new StreamWriter("C:/Scratch/Scout2_Matches.txt")) {
                using (StreamWriter sw_bills = new StreamWriter("C:/Scratch/Scout2_Bills.txt")) {
                    int count = 0;
                    foreach (var bill in bills)
                        MatchCollection found = SingleFile(bill, rx);
                        if (found.Count > 0)
                            sw_matches.WriteLine($"{bill.Bill} {bill.Title} ({bill.Author})");
                            foreach (var match in found)
                        if (++count % one_percent == 0)