        private static BillLine FindOrCreateBillLine(RotoTrackDb db, string TxnLineID, string TxnID, string TimeCreated, string TimeModified, string EditSequence, string TxnDate, string AmountDue)
            BillLine bl = null;

            if (db.BillLines.Any(f => f.TxnLineId == TxnLineID))
                bl = db.BillLines.First(f => f.TxnLineId == TxnLineID);
                bl = new BillLine();

            bl.TxnLineId = TxnLineID;
            bl.BillTxnId = TxnID;
            DateTime createdDate;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(TimeCreated, out createdDate))
                bl.BillCreated = createdDate;
            DateTime modifiedDate;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(TimeModified, out modifiedDate))
                bl.BillModified = modifiedDate;
            bl.BillEditSequence = EditSequence;
            DateTime txnDate;

            if (DateTime.TryParse(TxnDate, out txnDate))
                bl.BillTxnDate = txnDate;
            decimal amountDue;

            if (Decimal.TryParse(AmountDue, out amountDue))
                bl.BillAmountDue = amountDue;

    public Bill CreateBill(User user2, List <ItemLine> lines)
        Bill b = new Bill();

        b.user = user2;
        foreach (ItemLine l in lines)
            BillLine bl = new BillLine();
            bl.itemLine  = l;
            bl.soustotal = l.quantite_item * l.item.prix_item;
        foreach (BillLine bl in b.AllBillLines)
            b.TotalHT += bl.soustotal;
        b.TotalTTC = b.TotalHT * 1.15; //on prend 15% de taxes ce qui correspond aux taxes au Québec
 private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //put the line level info into the bill lines
     foreach (DataGridViewRow row in grdBillLines.Rows)
         double amount;
         //new rows
         if (row.Cells["BillLineId"].Value == null ||
             row.Cells["BillLineId"].Value.ToString() == "" ||
             row.Cells["BillLineId"].Value.ToString() == "0")
             BillLine line = new BillLine();
             if (!Double.TryParse(row.Cells["AmountShown"].Value.ToString(), out amount))
                 amount = 0;
             line.Amount      = amount;
             line.OrderItemId = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["ItemId"].Value);
             //existing bill lines
             int      billLineId = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["BillLineId"].Value);
             BillLine line       = bill.BillLines.Where(p => p.Id == billLineId).First();
             if (!Double.TryParse(row.Cells["AmountShown"].Value.ToString(), out amount))
                 amount = 0;
             line.Amount = amount;
     if (bill.Id == 0)
     MessageBox.Show("Saved Successfully");
        private static BillLine FindOrCreateBillLine(RotoTrackDb db, string TxnLineID, string TxnID, string TimeCreated, string TimeModified, string EditSequence, string TxnDate, string AmountDue)
            BillLine bl = null;
            if (db.BillLines.Any(f => f.TxnLineId == TxnLineID))
                bl = db.BillLines.First(f => f.TxnLineId == TxnLineID);
                bl = new BillLine();

            bl.TxnLineId = TxnLineID;
            bl.BillTxnId = TxnID;
            DateTime createdDate;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(TimeCreated, out createdDate)) bl.BillCreated = createdDate;
            DateTime modifiedDate;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(TimeModified, out modifiedDate)) bl.BillModified = modifiedDate;
            bl.BillEditSequence = EditSequence;
            DateTime txnDate;
            if (DateTime.TryParse(TxnDate, out txnDate)) bl.BillTxnDate = txnDate;
            decimal amountDue;
            if (Decimal.TryParse(AmountDue, out amountDue)) bl.BillAmountDue = amountDue;

            return bl;
        public JsonResult CreateSale(SaleVM O)
            //CustomerName contiene el id del cliente
            bool status = false;
            bool final  = false;

            if (O.SaleState == "1")
                final = true;

            Sale sale = new Sale();
            Bill bill = new Bill();

            var cusid = Int32.Parse(O.CustomerName);

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (final)
                    sale.SaleState = SaleState.Finalizada;
                    sale.SaleState = SaleState.Pendiente;
                bill.SaleTotal   = O.SaleTotal;
                bill.Comments    = O.Comments;
                bill.SaleDate    = O.SaleDate;
                bill.SaleAddress = O.SaleAddress;
                bill.LinesTotal  = O.SaleTotal;
                if (cusid != 0)
                    bill.IdCustomer = cusid;

                sale.SaleDate    = O.SaleDate;
                sale.SaleAddress = O.SaleAddress;
                sale.Comments    = O.Comments;
                sale.SaleTotal   = O.SaleTotal;
                sale.LinesTotal  = O.SaleTotal;
                sale.IdBill      = bill.IdBill;
                if (cusid != 0)
                    sale.IdCustomer = cusid;


                foreach (var i in O.SaleLines)
                    BillLine billline = new BillLine();
                    billline.IdProduct    = i.IdProduct;
                    billline.LinePrice    = i.LinePrice;
                    billline.LineDiscount = i.LineDiscount;
                    billline.LineQuantity = i.LineQuantity;
                    billline.LineTotal    = i.LineTotal;
                    billline.IdBill       = bill.IdBill;

                    SaleLine saleline = new SaleLine();
                    saleline.IdProduct    = i.IdProduct;
                    saleline.LinePrice    = i.LinePrice;
                    saleline.LineDiscount = i.LineDiscount;
                    saleline.LineQuantity = i.LineQuantity;
                    saleline.LineTotal    = i.LineTotal;
                    saleline.IdSale       = sale.IdSale;


                    Product prod = new Product();
                    prod = db.Products.Find(i.IdProduct);
                    if (final)
                        prod.Stock = prod.Stock - i.LineQuantity;
                    prod.ParcialStock    = prod.ParcialStock - i.LineQuantity;
                    db.Entry(prod).State = EntityState.Modified;
                status = true;
                status = false;
            return(new JsonResult {
                Data = new { status = status }
        private decimal CalculateSalePrice(BillLine billline, Item item)
            if (billline == null || item == null) return 0.0M;

            return CalculateSalePrice(billline.BillableStatus, billline.Amount, item);
        private static void WalkBillRetForQuery(XmlNode BillRet)
            if (BillRet == null)

            RotoTrackDb db = new RotoTrackDb();

            //Go through all the elements of BillRet
            //Get value of TxnID
            string TxnID = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TxnID").InnerText;

            // New or modified objects will return all current line items, so remove any existing ones first and then recreate them.
            RemoveExistingLineItems(db, TxnID);

            //Get value of TimeCreated
            string TimeCreated = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TimeCreated").InnerText;
            //Get value of TimeModified
            string TimeModified = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TimeModified").InnerText;
            //Get value of EditSequence
            string EditSequence = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./EditSequence").InnerText;

            //Get value of TxnNumber
            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TxnNumber") != null)
                string TxnNumber = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TxnNumber").InnerText;

            //Get all field values for APAccountRef aggregate
            XmlNode APAccountRef = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./APAccountRef");

            if (APAccountRef != null)
                //Get value of ListID
                if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./APAccountRef/ListID") != null)
                    string ListID = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./APAccountRef/ListID").InnerText;
                //Get value of FullName
                if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./APAccountRef/FullName") != null)
                    string FullName = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./APAccountRef/FullName").InnerText;
            //Done with field values for APAccountRef aggregate

            //Get value of TxnDate
            string TxnDate = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TxnDate").InnerText;

            //Get value of DueDate
            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./DueDate") != null)
                string DueDate = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./DueDate").InnerText;

            //Get value of AmountDue
            string AmountDue = "";

            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./AmountDue") != null)
                AmountDue = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./AmountDue").InnerText;

            //Get all field values for CurrencyRef aggregate
            XmlNode CurrencyRef = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./CurrencyRef");

            if (CurrencyRef != null)
                //Get value of ListID
                if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./CurrencyRef/ListID") != null)
                    string ListID = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./CurrencyRef/ListID").InnerText;
                //Get value of FullName
                if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./CurrencyRef/FullName") != null)
                    string FullName = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./CurrencyRef/FullName").InnerText;
            //Done with field values for CurrencyRef aggregate

            //Get all field values for VendorRef aggregate
            //Get value of ListID
            string VendorListID = "";

            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./VendorRef/ListID") != null)
                VendorListID = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./VendorRef/ListID").InnerText;
            //Get value of FullName
            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./VendorRef/FullName") != null)
                string FullName = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./VendorRef/FullName").InnerText;
            //Done with field values for VendorRef aggregate

            //Get value of ExchangeRate
            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./ExchangeRate") != null)
                string ExchangeRate = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./ExchangeRate").InnerText;
            //Get value of AmountDueInHomeCurrency
            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./AmountDueInHomeCurrency") != null)
                string AmountDueInHomeCurrency = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./AmountDueInHomeCurrency").InnerText;
            //Get value of RefNumber
            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./RefNumber") != null)
                string RefNumber = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./RefNumber").InnerText;
            //Get all field values for TermsRef aggregate
            XmlNode TermsRef = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TermsRef");

            if (TermsRef != null)
                //Get value of ListID
                if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TermsRef/ListID") != null)
                    string ListID = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TermsRef/ListID").InnerText;
                //Get value of FullName
                if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TermsRef/FullName") != null)
                    string FullName = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./TermsRef/FullName").InnerText;
            //Done with field values for TermsRef aggregate

            //Get value of Memo
            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./Memo") != null)
                string Memo = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./Memo").InnerText;
            //Get value of IsPaid
            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./IsPaid") != null)
                string IsPaid = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./IsPaid").InnerText;
            //Get value of ExternalGUID
            if (BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./ExternalGUID") != null)
                string ExternalGUID = BillRet.SelectSingleNode("./ExternalGUID").InnerText;

            //Walk list of ExpenseLineRet aggregates
            XmlNodeList ExpenseLineRetList = BillRet.SelectNodes("./ExpenseLineRet");

            if (ExpenseLineRetList != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < ExpenseLineRetList.Count; i++)
                    XmlNode ExpenseLineRet = ExpenseLineRetList.Item(i);

                    //Get all field values for CustomerRef aggregate
                    string  CustomerListID = "";
                    XmlNode CustomerRef    = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef");
                    if (CustomerRef != null)
                        //Get value of ListID
                        if (ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/ListID") != null)
                            CustomerListID = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/ListID").InnerText;
                        //Get value of FullName
                        if (ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/FullName") != null)
                            string FullName = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/FullName").InnerText;
                    //Done with field values for CustomerRef aggregate

                    // Skip the rest of this iteration if no CustomerListID (associated work order)
                    if (CustomerListID == "")

                    //Get value of TxnLineID
                    string TxnLineID = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./TxnLineID").InnerText;

                    // Find existing or create new BillLine entry
                    BillLine bl = FindOrCreateBillLine(db, TxnLineID, TxnID, TimeCreated, TimeModified, EditSequence, TxnDate, AmountDue);
                    bl.WorkOrderListID = CustomerListID;
                    bl.VendorListID    = VendorListID;

                    string Description = "";

                    //Get all field values for AccountRef aggregate
                    XmlNode AccountRef = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./AccountRef");
                    if (AccountRef != null)
                        //Get value of ListID
                        if (ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./AccountRef/ListID") != null)
                            string ListID = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./AccountRef/ListID").InnerText;
                        //Get value of FullName
                        if (ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./AccountRef/FullName") != null)
                            string FullName = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./AccountRef/FullName").InnerText;
                            Description = FullName + " - ";
                    //Done with field values for AccountRef aggregate

                    //Get value of Memo
                    if (ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Memo") != null)
                        string Memo = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Memo").InnerText;
                        Description += Memo;
                    bl.Description = Description;

                    //Get value of Amount
                    if (ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Amount") != null)
                        string  Amount = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Amount").InnerText;
                        decimal amount;
                        if (Decimal.TryParse(Amount, out amount))
                            bl.Amount   = amount;
                            bl.UnitCost = amount;
                            bl.Quantity = 1.0M;

                    //Get all field values for ClassRef aggregate
                    XmlNode ClassRef = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef");
                    if (ClassRef != null)
                        //Get value of ListID
                        if (ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/ListID") != null)
                            string ListID = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/ListID").InnerText;
                            bl.AreaListID = ListID;
                        //Get value of FullName
                        if (ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/FullName") != null)
                            string FullName = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/FullName").InnerText;
                    //Done with field values for ClassRef aggregate

                    //Get value of BillableStatus
                    if (ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillableStatus") != null)
                        string BillableStatus = ExpenseLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillableStatus").InnerText;
                        bl.BillableStatus = BillableStatus;


            XmlNodeList ORItemLineRetListChildren = BillRet.SelectNodes("./*");

            for (int i = 0; i < ORItemLineRetListChildren.Count; i++)
                XmlNode Child = ORItemLineRetListChildren.Item(i);
                if (Child.Name == "ItemLineRet")
                    //Get all field values for CustomerRef aggregate
                    string  CustomerListID = "";
                    XmlNode CustomerRef    = Child.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef");
                    if (CustomerRef != null)
                        //Get value of ListID
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/ListID") != null)
                            CustomerListID = Child.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/ListID").InnerText;
                        //Get value of FullName
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/FullName") != null)
                            string FullName = Child.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/FullName").InnerText;
                    //Done with field values for CustomerRef aggregate

                    // Skip this entity if no associated customer (work order)
                    if (CustomerListID == "")

                    //Get value of TxnLineID
                    string TxnLineID = Child.SelectSingleNode("./TxnLineID").InnerText;

                    // Find existing or create new BillLine entry
                    BillLine bl = FindOrCreateBillLine(db, TxnLineID, TxnID, TimeCreated, TimeModified, EditSequence, TxnDate, AmountDue);
                    bl.WorkOrderListID = CustomerListID;
                    bl.VendorListID    = VendorListID;

                    //Get all field values for ItemRef aggregate
                    XmlNode ItemRef = Child.SelectSingleNode("./ItemRef");
                    if (ItemRef != null)
                        //Get value of ListID
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./ItemRef/ListID") != null)
                            string ListID = Child.SelectSingleNode("./ItemRef/ListID").InnerText;
                            bl.ItemListID = ListID;
                    //Done with field values for ItemRef aggregate

                    //Get all field values for InventorySiteRef aggregate
                    XmlNode InventorySiteRef = Child.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteRef");
                    if (InventorySiteRef != null)
                        //Get value of ListID
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteRef/ListID") != null)
                            string ListID = Child.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteRef/ListID").InnerText;
                        //Get value of FullName
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteRef/FullName") != null)
                            string FullName = Child.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteRef/FullName").InnerText;
                    //Done with field values for InventorySiteRef aggregate

                    //Get all field values for InventorySiteLocationRef aggregate
                    XmlNode InventorySiteLocationRef = Child.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteLocationRef");
                    if (InventorySiteLocationRef != null)
                        //Get value of ListID
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteLocationRef/ListID") != null)
                            string ListID = Child.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteLocationRef/ListID").InnerText;
                        //Get value of FullName
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteLocationRef/FullName") != null)
                            string FullName = Child.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteLocationRef/FullName").InnerText;
                    //Done with field values for InventorySiteLocationRef aggregate

                    //Get value of Desc
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./Desc") != null)
                        string Desc = Child.SelectSingleNode("./Desc").InnerText;
                        bl.Description = Desc;
                    //Get value of Quantity
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./Quantity") != null)
                        string  Quantity = Child.SelectSingleNode("./Quantity").InnerText;
                        decimal quantity;
                        if (Decimal.TryParse(Quantity, out quantity))
                            bl.Quantity = quantity;
                    //Get value of UnitOfMeasure
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./UnitOfMeasure") != null)
                        string UnitOfMeasure = Child.SelectSingleNode("./UnitOfMeasure").InnerText;
                    //Get all field values for OverrideUOMSetRef aggregate
                    XmlNode OverrideUOMSetRef = Child.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef");
                    if (OverrideUOMSetRef != null)
                        //Get value of ListID
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/ListID") != null)
                            string ListID = Child.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/ListID").InnerText;
                        //Get value of FullName
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/FullName") != null)
                            string FullName = Child.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/FullName").InnerText;
                    //Done with field values for OverrideUOMSetRef aggregate

                    //Get value of Cost
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./Cost") != null)
                        string  Cost = Child.SelectSingleNode("./Cost").InnerText;
                        decimal unitCost;
                        if (Decimal.TryParse(Cost, out unitCost))
                            bl.UnitCost = unitCost;
                    //Get value of Amount
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./Amount") != null)
                        string  Amount = Child.SelectSingleNode("./Amount").InnerText;
                        decimal amount;
                        if (Decimal.TryParse(Amount, out amount))
                            bl.Amount = amount;

                    //Get all field values for ClassRef aggregate
                    XmlNode ClassRef = Child.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef");
                    if (ClassRef != null)
                        //Get value of ListID
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/ListID") != null)
                            string ListID = Child.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/ListID").InnerText;
                            bl.AreaListID = ListID;
                        //Get value of FullName
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/FullName") != null)
                            string FullName = Child.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/FullName").InnerText;
                    //Done with field values for ClassRef aggregate

                    //Get value of BillableStatus
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./BillableStatus") != null)
                        string BillableStatus = Child.SelectSingleNode("./BillableStatus").InnerText;
                        bl.BillableStatus = BillableStatus;


                if (Child.Name == "ItemGroupLineRet")
                    //Get value of TxnLineID
                    string TxnLineID = Child.SelectSingleNode("./TxnLineID").InnerText;

                    //Get all field values for ItemGroupRef aggregate
                    //Get value of ListID
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./ItemGroupRef/ListID") != null)
                        string ListID = Child.SelectSingleNode("./ItemGroupRef/ListID").InnerText;
                    //Get value of FullName
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./ItemGroupRef/FullName") != null)
                        string FullName = Child.SelectSingleNode("./ItemGroupRef/FullName").InnerText;
                    //Done with field values for ItemGroupRef aggregate

                    //Get value of Desc
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./Desc") != null)
                        string Desc = Child.SelectSingleNode("./Desc").InnerText;
                    //Get value of Quantity
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./Quantity") != null)
                        string Quantity = Child.SelectSingleNode("./Quantity").InnerText;
                    //Get value of UnitOfMeasure
                    if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./UnitOfMeasure") != null)
                        string UnitOfMeasure = Child.SelectSingleNode("./UnitOfMeasure").InnerText;
                    //Get all field values for OverrideUOMSetRef aggregate
                    XmlNode OverrideUOMSetRef = Child.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef");
                    if (OverrideUOMSetRef != null)
                        //Get value of ListID
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/ListID") != null)
                            string ListID = Child.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/ListID").InnerText;
                        //Get value of FullName
                        if (Child.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/FullName") != null)
                            string FullName = Child.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/FullName").InnerText;
                    //Done with field values for OverrideUOMSetRef aggregate

                    //Get value of TotalAmount
                    string TotalAmount = Child.SelectSingleNode("./TotalAmount").InnerText;
                    //Walk list of ItemLineRet aggregates
                    XmlNodeList ItemLineRetList = Child.SelectNodes("./ItemLineRet");
                    if (ItemLineRetList != null)
                        for (int j = 0; j < ItemLineRetList.Count; j++)
                            XmlNode ItemLineRet = ItemLineRetList.Item(j);

                            //Get all field values for CustomerRef aggregate
                            string  CustomerListID = "";
                            XmlNode CustomerRef    = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef");
                            if (CustomerRef != null)
                                //Get value of ListID
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/ListID") != null)
                                    CustomerListID = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/ListID").InnerText;
                                //Get value of FullName
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/FullName") != null)
                                    string FullName = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./CustomerRef/FullName").InnerText;
                            //Done with field values for CustomerRef aggregate

                            // Skip the rest if no associated customer (work order)
                            if (CustomerListID == "")

                            //Get value of TxnLineID
                            string TxnLineID2 = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./TxnLineID").InnerText;

                            // Find existing or create new BillLine entry
                            BillLine bl = FindOrCreateBillLine(db, TxnLineID2, TxnID, TimeCreated, TimeModified, EditSequence, TxnDate, AmountDue);
                            bl.WorkOrderListID = CustomerListID;
                            bl.VendorListID    = VendorListID;

                            //Get all field values for ItemRef aggregate
                            XmlNode ItemRef = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ItemRef");
                            if (ItemRef != null)
                                //Get value of ListID
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ItemRef/ListID") != null)
                                    string ListID = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ItemRef/ListID").InnerText;
                                    bl.ItemListID = ListID;
                                //Get value of FullName
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ItemRef/FullName") != null)
                                    string FullName = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ItemRef/FullName").InnerText;
                            //Done with field values for ItemRef aggregate

                            //Get all field values for InventorySiteRef aggregate
                            XmlNode InventorySiteRef = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteRef");
                            if (InventorySiteRef != null)
                                //Get value of ListID
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteRef/ListID") != null)
                                    string ListID = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteRef/ListID").InnerText;
                                //Get value of FullName
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteRef/FullName") != null)
                                    string FullName = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteRef/FullName").InnerText;
                            //Done with field values for InventorySiteRef aggregate

                            //Get all field values for InventorySiteLocationRef aggregate
                            XmlNode InventorySiteLocationRef = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteLocationRef");
                            if (InventorySiteLocationRef != null)
                                //Get value of ListID
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteLocationRef/ListID") != null)
                                    string ListID = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteLocationRef/ListID").InnerText;
                                //Get value of FullName
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteLocationRef/FullName") != null)
                                    string FullName = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./InventorySiteLocationRef/FullName").InnerText;
                            //Done with field values for InventorySiteLocationRef aggregate

                            //Get value of Desc
                            if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Desc") != null)
                                string Desc = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Desc").InnerText;
                                bl.Description = Desc;
                            //Get value of Quantity
                            if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Quantity") != null)
                                string  Quantity = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Quantity").InnerText;
                                decimal quantity;
                                if (Decimal.TryParse(Quantity, out quantity))
                                    bl.Quantity = quantity;
                            //Get value of UnitOfMeasure
                            if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./UnitOfMeasure") != null)
                                string UnitOfMeasure = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./UnitOfMeasure").InnerText;
                            //Get all field values for OverrideUOMSetRef aggregate
                            XmlNode OverrideUOMSetRef2 = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef");
                            if (OverrideUOMSetRef2 != null)
                                //Get value of ListID
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/ListID") != null)
                                    string ListID = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/ListID").InnerText;
                                //Get value of FullName
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/FullName") != null)
                                    string FullName = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./OverrideUOMSetRef/FullName").InnerText;
                            //Done with field values for OverrideUOMSetRef aggregate

                            //Get value of Cost
                            if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Cost") != null)
                                string  Cost = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Cost").InnerText;
                                decimal cost;
                                if (Decimal.TryParse(Cost, out cost))
                                    bl.UnitCost = cost;
                            //Get value of Amount
                            if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Amount") != null)
                                string  Amount = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./Amount").InnerText;
                                decimal amount;
                                if (Decimal.TryParse(Amount, out amount))
                                    bl.Amount = amount;

                            //Get all field values for ClassRef aggregate
                            XmlNode ClassRef = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef");
                            if (ClassRef != null)
                                //Get value of ListID
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/ListID") != null)
                                    string ListID = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/ListID").InnerText;
                                    bl.AreaListID = ListID;
                                //Get value of FullName
                                if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/FullName") != null)
                                    string FullName = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./ClassRef/FullName").InnerText;
                            //Done with field values for ClassRef aggregate

                            //Get value of BillableStatus
                            if (ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillableStatus") != null)
                                string BillableStatus = ItemLineRet.SelectSingleNode("./BillableStatus").InnerText;
                                bl.BillableStatus = BillableStatus;

 public BillLine Update(BillLine billLine)
 public BillLine Create(BillLine billLine)
 private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     //put the line level info into the bill lines
     foreach (DataGridViewRow row in grdBillLines.Rows)
         double amount;
         //new rows
         if (row.Cells["BillLineId"].Value == null ||
             row.Cells["BillLineId"].Value.ToString() == "" ||
             row.Cells["BillLineId"].Value.ToString() == "0")
             BillLine line = new BillLine();
             if (!Double.TryParse(row.Cells["AmountShown"].Value.ToString(), out amount)) amount = 0;
             line.Amount = amount;
             line.OrderItemId = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["ItemId"].Value);
             //existing bill lines
             int billLineId = Convert.ToInt32(row.Cells["BillLineId"].Value);
             BillLine line = bill.BillLines.Where(p => p.Id == billLineId).First();
             if (!Double.TryParse(row.Cells["AmountShown"].Value.ToString(), out amount)) amount = 0;
             line.Amount = amount;
     if(bill.Id == 0) context.Bills.AddObject(bill);
     MessageBox.Show("Saved Successfully");