private void gridViewBill_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { string Action = this.gridViewBill.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].HeaderText; if (Action == "Edit") { frmEntryBills frmbill = new frmEntryBills(); frmbill.BillId = Convert.ToInt32(gridViewBill.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value); frmbill.FormClosed += frmbill_FormClosed; frmbill.ShowDialog(); } if (Action == "Delete") { try { var messageBoxResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure want to delete this record?", "Delete", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (messageBoxResult == DialogResult.Yes) { var result = BillBusinessLogic.Delete(Convert.ToInt32(gridViewBill.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value)); MessageBox.Show("Bill deleted successfully."); FillGridData(); } } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Bill already used some where else can't deleted successfully."); } } }
public JsonResult DeleteBillEntry(int srNo, int billId, int billOrderId) { var result = false; if (billId == 0) { var billEntryList = (List <tblBillEntryDTO>)Session["BillEntrySession"]; if (billEntryList == null) { billEntryList = new List <tblBillEntryDTO>(); } var billEntry = billEntryList.Where(be => be.SrNo == srNo).FirstOrDefault(); billEntryList.Remove(billEntry); Session["BillEntrySession"] = SetBillEntrySrNo(billEntryList); result = true; } else { result = BillBusinessLogic.DeleteBillEntry(billOrderId); } if (result) { return(Json(new { Success = true, Message = "Delete Successfully." })); } return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = "Error in transaction." })); }
public JsonResult BillEntryPartial(tblBillEntryDTO tblBillEntryDTO) { if (tblBillEntryDTO.BillId == 0) { var billEntryList = (List <tblBillEntryDTO>)Session["BillEntrySession"]; if (billEntryList == null) { billEntryList = new List <tblBillEntryDTO>(); } if (tblBillEntryDTO.SrNo == 0) { billEntryList.Add(tblBillEntryDTO); } else { var billEntry = billEntryList.Where(be => be.SrNo == tblBillEntryDTO.SrNo).FirstOrDefault(); billEntry.BillId = tblBillEntryDTO.BillId; billEntry.BookingOldBrCode = tblBillEntryDTO.BookingOldBrCode; billEntry.OldBillNo = tblBillEntryDTO.OldBillNo; billEntry.OldBillDate = tblBillEntryDTO.OldBillDate; billEntry.DestnCode = tblBillEntryDTO.DestnCode; billEntry.Particulars = tblBillEntryDTO.Particulars; billEntry.ChargedWeight = tblBillEntryDTO.ChargedWeight; billEntry.Rate = tblBillEntryDTO.Rate; billEntry.Amount = tblBillEntryDTO.Amount; } Session["BillEntrySession"] = SetBillEntrySrNo(billEntryList); } else { BillBusinessLogic.SaveBillEntry(tblBillEntryDTO); } return(Json(new { Success = true, Message = "" })); }
public PartialViewResult BillEntryPartial(int srNO, int billId, int billOrderId) { var tblBillEntryDTO = new tblBillEntryDTO(); if (billId == 0) { if (srNO > 0) { var billEntryList = (List <tblBillEntryDTO>)Session["BillEntrySession"]; if (billEntryList == null) { billEntryList = new List <tblBillEntryDTO>(); } tblBillEntryDTO = billEntryList.Where(be => be.SrNo == srNO).FirstOrDefault(); } } else { if (billOrderId > 0) { tblBillEntryDTO = BillBusinessLogic.GetBillEntry(billOrderId); } } return(PartialView(tblBillEntryDTO)); }
void frmEntryBill_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { FillDropDown(); if (BillId > 0) { var bill = BillBusinessLogic.Get(BillId); ; textbillno.Text = Convert.ToString(bill.BillNo); dateTimebilldate.Text = Convert.ToString(bill.BillDateString); cmbParty.SelectedItem = Convert.ToString(bill.PartyId); textbranchcode.Text = bill.BranchCode; dateTimeduedate.Text = Convert.ToString(bill.PaymentDueDateString); combotickbill.SelectedItem = bill.BillType; textbasicofchange.Text = bill.BasicOfChargesGC; textenclosure.Text = bill.Enclosure; comboservicetax.SelectedItem = bill.ServiceTaxThrough; textcheckedby.Text = bill.CheckedBy; texttaxregdno.Text = bill.ServiceTaxThrough; textservicetax.Text = bill.ServiceTaxRegdNo; int i = 1; foreach (var item in bill.BillEntryList) { item.SrNo = i++; CommonClass.tblBillEntryDTO.Add(item); } fillGridData(); } else { textbillno.Text = Convert.ToString(BillBusinessLogic.GetBillNo() + 1); } }
public JsonResult DeleteBill(int billId) { var result = BillBusinessLogic.Delete(billId); if (result) { return(Json(new { Success = true, Message = "Delete Successfully." })); } return(Json(new { Success = false, Message = "Error in transaction." })); }
private void btn_save_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (validatedata()) { if (CommonClass.tblBillEntryDTO.Count() == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Enter Atlease On Bill Entry"); return; } var resultDuplicateBllNo = BillBusinessLogic.CheckDuplicateBillNo(BillId, Convert.ToInt32(textbillno.Text)); if (resultDuplicateBllNo) { MessageBox.Show("Bill no already exists."); } else { tblBillDTO tblbilldto = new tblBillDTO(); if (BillId > 0) tblbilldto.BillId = BillId; tblbilldto.BillNo = Convert.ToInt32(textbillno.Text); tblbilldto.BillDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimebilldate.Text); tblbilldto.PartyId = Convert.ToInt32(cmbParty.SelectedValue); tblbilldto.BranchCode = textbranchcode.Text; tblbilldto.PaymentDueDate = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTimeduedate.Text); tblbilldto.BillType = Convert.ToString(combotickbill.SelectedItem); tblbilldto.BasicOfChargesGC = textbasicofchange.Text; tblbilldto.Enclosure = textenclosure.Text; tblbilldto.ServiceTaxThrough = Convert.ToString(comboservicetax.SelectedItem); tblbilldto.CheckedBy = textcheckedby.Text; tblbilldto.GrandTotal = Convert.ToInt32(CommonClass.tblBillEntryDTO.Sum(h => h.Amount)); tblbilldto.ServiceTaxRegdNo = textservicetax.Text; tblbilldto.BillEntryList = CommonClass.tblBillEntryDTO; var result = BillBusinessLogic.Save(tblbilldto); if (result > 0) { MessageBox.Show("Bill Succussfully Generate"); if (BillId != 0) { this.Close(); } else { CleanData(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Bill Generation Fail Dua to some Problem"); } } } }
public MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); _supplierBusinessLogic = new SupplierBusinessLogic(); _productBusinessLogic = new ProductBusinessLogic(); _userBusinessLogic = new UserBusinessLogic(); _billBusinessLogic = new BillBusinessLogic(); _shipperBusinessLogic = new ShipperBussinessLogic(); _productTypeBusinessLogic = new ProductTypeBusinessLogic(); _importBusinessLogic = new ImportBusinessLogic(); }
public ActionResult _AjaxGetBills() { var bills = BillBusinessLogic.GetAll(); foreach (var item in bills) { item.BillDateString = ((DateTime)item.BillDate).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); item.PaymentDueDateString = ((DateTime)item.PaymentDueDate).ToString("dd-MM-yyyy"); } return(View(new GridModel(bills))); }
public ActionResult Save(int id) { tblBillDTO tblBillDTO = new tblBillDTO(); if (id == 0) { tblBillDTO = new tblBillDTO(); tblBillDTO.BillNo = BillBusinessLogic.GetBillNo() + 1; } else { tblBillDTO = BillBusinessLogic.Get(id); } tblBillDTO = FillDropDown(tblBillDTO); return(View(tblBillDTO)); }
public BillDetailForm(int?BillId = null, int?CusId = null, int?ShipperId = null) { InitializeComponent(); _billBusinessLogic = new BillBusinessLogic(); _billDetailBusinessLogicLayer = new BillDetailBusinessLogicLayer(); _shipperBussinessLogic = new ShipperBussinessLogic(); _userBusinessLogic = new UserBusinessLogic(); _productBusinessLogic = new ProductBusinessLogic(); if (BillId == null || CusId == null || ShipperId == null) { return; } _BillId = (int)BillId; _CusId = (int)CusId; _ShipperId = (int)ShipperId; btn_UpdateNote.Enabled = false; btn_UpdateShipperForBill.Enabled = false; rTxtB_Note.Enabled = false; bill = _billBusinessLogic.GetBillById(_BillId); txtB_BillId.Text = bill.Id.ToString(); txtB_BillStatus.Text = bill.Status; txtB_DateOrder.Text = bill.DateOrder.ToString(); txtB_TotalMoney.Text = bill.Total.ToString(); txtB_Addr.Text = bill.Addr; txtB_Dis.Text = bill.Dis; txtB_city.Text = bill.City; rTxtB_Note.Text = bill.Note; customer = _userBusinessLogic.GetDetailUser(_CusId); txtB_NameCus.Text = customer.Name; GridView_BillDetails.DataSource = _billDetailBusinessLogicLayer.GetBillDetailsByBillId(_BillId); if (_ShipperId == 0) { return; } shipper = _shipperBussinessLogic.GetDetailShipper(_ShipperId); txtB_ShiperName.Text = shipper.Name; txtB_ShipperEmail.Text = shipper.Email; txtB_ShipperPhone.Text = shipper.Phone; }
public ActionResult _AjaxGetBillEntrys(int billId) { List <tblBillEntryDTO> billEntryList = new List <tblBillEntryDTO>(); if (billId == 0) { billEntryList = (List <tblBillEntryDTO>)Session["BillEntrySession"]; if (billEntryList == null) { billEntryList = new List <tblBillEntryDTO>(); } } else { billEntryList = BillBusinessLogic.GetBillEntryList(billId); } return(View(new GridModel(SetBillEntrySrNo(billEntryList)))); }
private void CleanData() { textbillno.Text = ""; dateTimebilldate.Text = ""; cmbParty.SelectedValue = ""; textbranchcode.Text = ""; dateTimeduedate.Text = ""; combotickbill.SelectedItem = ""; textbasicofchange.Text = ""; textenclosure.Text = ""; comboservicetax.SelectedItem = ""; textcheckedby.Text = ""; textservicetax.Text = ""; CommonClass.tblBillEntryDTO.Clear(); grdEntryBill.DataSource = null; textbillno.Text = Convert.ToString(BillBusinessLogic.GetBillNo() + 1); cmbParty.Focus(); }
public ActionResult Save(tblBillDTO tblBillDTO) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { var resultDuplicateBllNo = BillBusinessLogic.CheckDuplicateBillNo(tblBillDTO.BillId, tblBillDTO.BillNo); if (resultDuplicateBllNo) { ModelState.AddModelError("BillNo", "Bill no already exists."); } else { if (tblBillDTO.BillId == 0) { tblBillDTO.BillEntryList = (List <tblBillEntryDTO>)Session["BillEntrySession"]; } var result = BillBusinessLogic.Save(tblBillDTO); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } } tblBillDTO = FillDropDown(tblBillDTO); return(View(tblBillDTO)); }