/// <summary>
        /// Button to add or update a bike based on details in the forms
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void AddBike_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            // +1 Because the indexes are being used (0-5) while
            int bikeToModify = BikeNumCombo.SelectedIndex + 1;

            int  count     = 0;
            bool bikeFound = false;

            foreach (var bike in bikeList)
                // Updating existing bike
                if (bikeList[count].BikeId == bikeToModify)
                    ModifyBike(bike, stockList[count]);
                    bikeFound = true;

            // Adding new bike
            if (!bikeFound)
                bikeList.Add(new Bike(Order.OrderId, bikeToModify));
                stockList.Add(new BikeStock());
                Bike      bike  = bikeList[bikeList.Count - 1];
                BikeStock stock = stockList[stockList.Count - 1];

                ModifyBike(bike, stock);
        // Updates the wheels
        public void UpdateWheels(string comboBox, BikeStock stock)
            double temp = 0;

            if (stock.WheelCost != 0)
                Cost = Cost - stock.WheelCost;

            temp            = stock.Wheels(comboBox);
            Cost            = Cost + temp;
            stock.WheelCost = temp;
        // Updates the frame
        public void UpdateFrame(string firstCombo, string secondCombo, BikeStock stock)
            double temp = 0;

            if (stock.FrameCost != 0)
                Cost = Cost - stock.FrameCost;

            temp            = stock.Frame(firstCombo, secondCombo);
            Cost            = Cost + temp;
            stock.FrameCost = temp;
        // Updates the finishing set
        public void UpdateFinishingSet(string firstCombo, string secondCombo, BikeStock stock)
            double temp = 0;

            if (stock.FinishingSetCost != 0)
                Cost = Cost - stock.FinishingSetCost;

            temp  = stock.FinishingSet(firstCombo, secondCombo);
            Cost += temp;
            stock.FinishingSetCost = temp;
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates the display fields
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bikeToUpdate">Bike to display</param>
 /// <param name="stockToUpdate">Stock to display</param>
 private void UpdateText(Bike bikeToUpdate, BikeStock stockToUpdate)
     OrderCost.Text      = "Order Cost: £" + Orders.OrderCost;
     OrderIdField.Text   = "Order Id: " + Order.OrderId;
     BikeCost.Text       = "Bike Cost: £" + bikeToUpdate.Cost;
     FrameCost.Text      = "Frame Cost: £" + stockToUpdate.FrameCost;
     WheelCost.Text      = "Wheel Cost: £" + stockToUpdate.WheelCost;
     GroupCost.Text      = "Group Set Cost: £" + stockToUpdate.GroupSetCost;
     FinishingCost.Text  = "Finishing Set Cost: £" + stockToUpdate.FinishingSetCost;
     FrameStock.Text     = "Frames Left: " + stockToUpdate.AvailableFrame;
     WheelStock.Text     = "Wheels Left: " + stockToUpdate.AvailableWheels;
     GroupStock.Text     = "Group Sets Left: " + stockToUpdate.AvailableGroupSet;
     FinishingStock.Text = "Finishing Sets Left: " + stockToUpdate.AvailableFinishingSet;
        /// <summary>
        /// Modifies a bike with an existing Id
        /// </summary>
        private void ModifyBike(Bike bikeToUpdate, BikeStock stockToUpdate)
            // Update frame size combo
            if (FrameSizeCombo.SelectedIndex != -1 && FrameColourCombo.SelectedIndex != -1)
                bikeToUpdate.Size   = FrameSizeCombo.Text;
                bikeToUpdate.Colour = FrameColourCombo.Text;
                bikeToUpdate.UpdateFrame(FrameSizeCombo.Text, FrameColourCombo.Text, stockToUpdate);

            // Update wheels from combo
            if (WheelsCombo.SelectedIndex != -1)
                bikeToUpdate.Wheels = WheelsCombo.Text;
                bikeToUpdate.UpdateWheels(WheelsCombo.Text, stockToUpdate);

            // Update gears from combo
            if (GearCombo.SelectedIndex != -1 && BrakeCombo.SelectedIndex != -1)
                bikeToUpdate.Gears  = GearCombo.Text;
                bikeToUpdate.Brakes = BrakeCombo.Text;
                bikeToUpdate.UpdateGroupSet(GearCombo.Text, BrakeCombo.Text, stockToUpdate);

            // Update handlebars from combo
            if (HandlebarCombo.SelectedIndex != -1 && SaddleCombo.SelectedIndex != -1)
                bikeToUpdate.Handlebars = HandlebarCombo.Text;
                bikeToUpdate.Saddle     = SaddleCombo.Text;
                bikeToUpdate.UpdateFinishingSet(HandlebarCombo.Text, SaddleCombo.Text, stockToUpdate);

            // If a warranty has been added
            if (WarrantyBox.IsChecked == true)


            // Updates the display fields
            UpdateText(bikeToUpdate, stockToUpdate);