public override bool PreventDraw => true; //Prevents the default drawing code public override void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, IBigProgressBar currentBar, BigProgressBarInfo info) { if (currentBar == null) { return; //Only draw if vanilla decided to draw one (we let it update because we didn't override PreventUpdate to return true) } if (currentBar is CommonBossBigProgressBar) { //If this is a regular bar without any special features, we draw our own thing. Sadly, "life to display" is not a variable we can access, //but since we are dealing with the very basic implementation that only tracks a single NPC, we can use "info" NPC npc = Main.npc[info.npcIndexToAimAt]; float lifePercent = Utils.Clamp( / (float)npc.lifeMax, 0f, 1f); //Unused method by vanilla, which simply draws a few boxes that represent a boss bar (fixed position, colors, no icon) BigProgressBarHelper.DrawBareBonesBar(spriteBatch, lifePercent); } else { //If a bar with special behavior is currently selected, draw it instead because we don't have access to its special features currentBar.Draw(ref info, spriteBatch); } }
public void Draw(ref BigProgressBarInfo info, SpriteBatch spriteBatch) { //Questionmark icon as fallback Rectangle?iconFrame = null; Texture2D iconTexture = (GetIconTexture(ref iconFrame) ?? TextureAssets.NpcHead[0]).Value; iconFrame ??= iconTexture.Frame(); //TML handles modifying draw parameters inside of it BigProgressBarHelper.DrawFancyBar(spriteBatch, lifePercent, iconTexture, iconFrame.Value, shieldPercent); }