    protected void ButtonSupprimer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        String reference = Request.Params["ref"].ToString();
        Membre member    = (Membre)Session["membre"];
        String mail      = member.ID_CLIENT;

        BienDAO.removeBienSelection(reference, mail);
    protected void update_counter(int nbJour)
        DateTime today = DateTime.Now;
        string   now   = today.Month + "/" + today.Day + "/" + today.Year;

        Connexion c = new Connexion(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);

        b.VISITEFICHED      = (int)c.exeRequette("SELECT Count(*) AS TotalVisite FROM (SELECT ID FROM log_visite_page_bien WHERE ref='" + reference + "' AND ficheDetaillee = true AND Time > #" + now + "# - " + nbJour + ")").Tables[0].Rows[0]["TotalVisite"];
        b.NBRESULTRECHERCHE = (int)c.exeRequette("SELECT Count(*) AS TotalVisite FROM (SELECT ID FROM log_visite_page_bien WHERE ref='" + reference + "' AND ficheDetaillee = false AND Time > #" + now + "# - " + nbJour + ")").Tables[0].Rows[0]["TotalVisite"];

        if (Request.Params["ref"] != null &&
            Request.Params["ref"].CompareTo("") != 0 &&
            (member == null || member.STATUT != "ultranego" || b.NEGOCIATEUR != member.PRENOM + " " + member.NOM)
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if ((Membre)Session["Membre"] != null)
            member = (Membre)Session["Membre"];

        if ((Request.QueryString["ref"] != null) && (Request.QueryString["ref"] != ""))
            reference                 = Request.QueryString["ref"];
            Session["ref"]            = Request.Params["ref"];
            ficheDetail_Panel.Visible = true;

        String page = "-1";

        if (Request.Params["page"] != null)
            page = Request.Params["page"].ToString();

        b = BienDAO.getBien(reference);

        int nbJour = 30; //les X derniers jours pris en compte pour le compteur de visite


        //récupération de la racine du site web pour la vérificaton de la présence des images :
        c = new Connexion(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
        System.Data.DataSet ds = c.exeRequette("Select * from Environnement");
        String racine_site = (String)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Chemin_racine_site"];

        String path         = b.REFERENCE.ToString();
        string relativePath = "../images/";
        string absolutePath = "~/images/";
        String JpgA         = relativePath + path + "A.JPG";
        String JpgB         = relativePath + path + "B.JPG";
        String JpgC         = relativePath + path + "C.JPG";
        String JpgD         = relativePath + path + "D.JPG";
        String JpgE         = relativePath + path + "E.JPG";
        String JpgF         = relativePath + path + "F.JPG";
        String JpgG         = relativePath + path + "G.JPG";
        String JpgH         = relativePath + path + "H.JPG";

        if (b.REFERENCE.ToString().Length > 0)
            if (b.REFERENCE.ToString().Substring(0, 1) == "V")
                Session["Transaction"] = "achat";
                Session["Transaction"] = "location";
            Session["Transaction"] = "";

        tabpartage.Text = Request.Url.ToString();

        //Navigation entre les annonces

        if (Session["tabref"] != null)
            if (!((Request.Params["orig"] != null) && (Request.Params["orig"].ToString() == "nego")))
                ArrayList al         = Session["tabref"] as ArrayList;
                int       indexOfRef = al.IndexOf(reference);
                LBLNav.Text = "";
                if (indexOfRef > 0)
                    LBLNav.Text += "<a href=\"fichedetail1.aspx?ref=" + al[indexOfRef - 1] + "&page=" + page + "#bas\">    << </a>";
                LBLNav.Text += "Annonce " + (indexOfRef + 1) + " sur " + al.Count.ToString();
                if (indexOfRef < al.Count - 1)
                    LBLNav.Text += "<a href=\"fichedetail1.aspx?ref=" + al[indexOfRef + 1] + "&page=" + page + "#bas\"> >></a>";

                LBLNav2.Text = LBLNav.Text;

        LBLTitre.Text = "";

        if (b.CATEGORIE != "")
            LBLTitre.Text += b.CATEGORIE + " ";
            switch (b.TYPE_BIEN)
            case "A": LBLTitre.Text += "Appartement "; break;

            case "M": LBLTitre.Text += "Maison "; break;

            case "L": LBLTitre.Text += "Local "; break;

            case "T": LBLTitre.Text += "Terrain "; break;

            case "I": LBLTitre.Text += "Immeuble "; break;

            default: LBLTitre.Text += "Bien "; break;

        LBLTitre.Text += " à " + b.VILLE_BIEN + " (" + b.CODE_POSTAL_BIEN + ")";
        LBLTitre.Text  = LBLTitre.Text.ToUpper();

        //On recupere le loyer et la surface carrez en (très) bourrin #I<3AncienStagiaires
        //String requette2 = "SELECT * FROM Biens WHERE (((Biens.ref)='" + b.REFERENCE.ToString() + "'));";
        String requette2 = "SELECT * FROM Biens, optionsBiens WHERE Biens.ref=optionsBiens.refOptions AND (((Biens.ref)='" + b.REFERENCE.ToString() + "'));";

        System.Data.DataSet ds1 = null;
        Connexion           c1  = new Connexion(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);

        ds1 = c1.exeRequette(requette2);
        System.Data.DataRowCollection dr1 = ds1.Tables[0].Rows;

        string refer = b.REFERENCE;

        if (member != null && (member.STATUT == "ultranego" || (member.STATUT == "nego" && b.NEGOCIATEUR == member.PRENOM + " " + member.NOM)))
            Admin_Panel.Visible = true;

            if (refer.Contains("L"))
                LBLModifBien.Text = "<a href=\"./modifier_nego_loc.aspx?reference=" + refer + "\"style='color:Gray'><img src='../img_site/flat_round/modifier.png' style='padding-left:15px' border='0' width='17px' > <strong>Modifier le bien</strong></a><br /><br />";
            if (refer.Contains("V"))
                LBLModifBien.Text = "<a href=\"./modifier_nego.aspx?reference=" + refer + "\"style='color:Gray'><img src='../img_site/flat_round/modifier.png' style='padding-left:15px' border='0' width='17px' ><strong> Modifier le bien</strong></a><br /><br />";

            LBL_Envois.Text = "";

            LBL_Envois.Text += get_Envois_sites(dr1);

            lbl_dates.Text = Get_dates();


        if (refer.Contains("V"))
            LBLPrix.Text = "<strong>" + espaceNombre(b.PRIX_VENTE.ToString()) + " &#8364;</strong>";
        if (refer.Contains("L"))
            String Loyer = dr1[0]["loyer_cc"].ToString();
            LBLPrix.Text = "<strong>" + espaceNombre(Loyer) + "&#8364;</strong>";

        LBLSurface.Text = "<strong>" + espaceNombre(b.S_HABITABLE.ToString()) + " m² </strong>";
        if (b.TYPE_BIEN == "T")
            LBLSurface.Text = "<strong>" + espaceNombre(b.S_TERRAIN.ToString()) + "</strong> m² ";
        else if (b.S_HABITABLE == 0)
            String S_CARREZ = dr1[0]["surface carrez"].ToString();
            LBLSurface.Text = "<strong>" + espaceNombre(S_CARREZ) + "</strong> m² ";

        //Zone surface/Pieces
        LBLPieces.Text = "";
        if (b.NBRE_PIECE != 0)
            LBLPieces.Text += "<td style='width:50%;border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey ; border-left: 1px solid lightgrey;'>"
                              + "<center><div style='font-size: 25px;text-align:left;margin-left:15px'><strong>" + b.NBRE_PIECE + "</strong> pièce(s) </div> "
                              + "</center></td>";
            LBLPieces.Text += "<td style='width:30%;border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey ;'></td>";

        //Prix par metre carre
        LBLPrixMetre.Text = "";
        if (refer.Contains("V") && b.TYPE_BIEN != "T")
            LBLPrixMetre.Text += "<tr><td style='border-bottom: 1px solid lightgrey ;' colspan='2'><div style='font-size: 25px;text-align:center;margin-left:15px'><strong>";
            if (b.PRIX_VENTE < b.S_HABITABLE)
                LBLPrixMetre.Text += "<br/>< 1 &#8364;/m²<br/>";
                if (b.S_HABITABLE != 0)
                    LBLPrixMetre.Text += (b.PRIX_VENTE / b.S_HABITABLE).ToString() + " &#8364;/m²";
                else if (b.S_CARREZ != 0)
                    LBLPrixMetre.Text += (b.PRIX_VENTE / b.S_CARREZ).ToString() + " &#8364;/m²";
            LBLPrixMetre.Text += "</td></tr>";

        String texte_internet = b.TEXTE_INTERNET.ToLower();

        LBLIcone.Text  = "";
        LBLIcone.Text += "<tr><td colspan='2'><center>";

        List <String> icones = setIcones(texte_internet, dr1[0]["Mer"].ToString(), dr1[0]["Montagne"].ToString());
        int           k      = 0; //On ne veux pas trop d'icones sur une même ligne (sinon pb avec le zoom)

        foreach (String s in icones)
            LBLIcone.Text += "<div class='new_span' style='display:inline-block'><div class='zoom_simple' style='display:inline-block'><img height=32px src='../img_site/flat_round/" + s + ".png' alt='" + s + "'/></div>"
                             + "<span style='margin-left:-60px;margin-top:45px;'>" + get_icon_text(s) + "</span> </div>";
            if (k % 7 == 0)
                LBLIcone.Text += "<br/>";
        if (icones.Count == 0)
            LBLIcone.Text = "";
        LBLIcone.Text += "</center></td></tr>";

        string localisation = b.VILLE_BIEN;

        adresse.Value = localisation;

        //PANNEAU NEGO
        LBLNego.Text = "";
        if (b.NEGOCIATEUR != "")
            BtnSiteNego.Visible = true;
            //Si l'annonce a été envoyée par un nego, on récupère dans la table Clients les coordonnées de ce nego.
            String PrenomNomNego = b.NEGOCIATEUR;

            String requette = "SELECT id_client, tel_client, adresse_client, ville_client FROM Clients WHERE `idclient`=" + b.IDCLIENT;

            Connexion c2 = new Connexion(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
            System.Data.DataSet ds2 = c2.exeRequette(requette);
            c2 = null;
            System.Data.DataRowCollection dr2 = ds2.Tables[0].Rows;

            LBLNego.Text += CheckPhotoProfil(b.IDCLIENT) + "<br/>";
            foreach (System.Data.DataRow ligne in dr2)
                mail_nego = ligne["id_client"].ToString();

                LBLNego.Text += "<strong>" + PrenomNomNego + "</strong><br/>"
                                + "Tel: " + ligne["tel_client"].ToString() + "<br/>";

                if (mail_nego.Length > 24)
                    LBLNego.Text += "<a href='mailto:" + mail_nego + "' > " + mail_nego.Substring(0, 20) + "... </a><br/><br/>";
                    LBLNego.Text += "<a href='mailto:" + mail_nego + "' > " + mail_nego + "</a><br/><br/>";
        else if (b.NOM_AGENCE != "")
            LBLNego.Text += "<STRONG>Reférence : </STRONG>" + b.REFERENCE + " - tel: " + b.TEL_AGENCE + "<br />"
                            + "<STRONG>Contact : </STRONG>"
                            + b.NOM_AGENCE + " - " + b.ADRESSE_AGENCE
                            + " - " + b.CODE_POSTALE_AGENCE + "  " + b.VILLE_AGENCE;

        //MENU BOUTONS
        LBLMenuBoutons.Text = "<br/><a href=\"./contact3.aspx?ref_bien=" + refer + "&appelcontact='menu'\"style='color:Gray'><img src='../img_site/flat_round/phone.png' style='margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px' width='24px'><strong> Contacter l'agence </strong></a><br /><br />";
        //LBLMenuBoutons.Text += "<a href='#' style='color:Gray'><img src='../img_site/flat_round/alerte.png' style='margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px' width='24px'><strong> Alerte sur ce bien </strong></a><br /><br />";

        LBLMenuBoutons.Text += "<a href=\"javascript:popUp('sendToFriend.aspx?ref=" + refer + "')\"style='color:Gray'><img src='../img_site/flat_round/courrier.png' style='margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;margin-top:5px' width='24px'><strong> Envoyer à un ami </strong></a><br /><br />";
        LBLMenuBoutons.Text += "<a href=\"./ajoutSelection.aspx?ref=" + refer + "\"style='color:Gray'><img src='../img_site/flat_round/ajouter.png' style='margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;margin-top:5px' width='24px'><strong> Ajouter à ma selection</strong></a><br /><br />";

        LBLMenuBoutons.Text += "<span  id='bouton_texte' style='color:Gray; cursor:pointer ' onclick=\"javascript:afficher_cacher('texte');\" onmouseover=><img src='../img_site/flat_round/partager.png' style='margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:5px;margin-right:5px;margin-top:5px' width='24px'><strong> Partager lien</strong></span>";

        LBLPhotos.Text = "";

        string sourceJpgExcl      = "../img_site/bandeau_exclusivite.png";
        string sourceJpgSemExcl   = "../img_site/bandeau_semiExclusif.png";
        string sourceJpgNouveaute = "../img_site/bandeau_nouveaute.png";

        int      nbJourNv = -15;
        DateTime today    = DateTime.Now;

        DateTime todayMoinsJourNv = today.AddDays(nbJourNv);

        switch (b.TYPE_MANDAT)
        case "Exclusif": LBLPhotos.Text += "<img id=\"bandeau2\" alt=\"photo\" src= \"" + sourceJpgExcl + "\" width=\"240\" height=\"240\" />"; break;

        case "SemiExclusif": LBLPhotos.Text += "<img id=\"bandeau2\" alt=\"photo\" src= \"" + sourceJpgSemExcl + "\" />"; break;

        default: if (b.DATE_MODIFICATION >= todayMoinsJourNv)
                LBLPhotos.Text += "<img id=\"bandeau2\" alt=\"photo\" src= \"" + sourceJpgNouveaute + "\" width=\"240\" height=\"240\" />";

        if (!testFile(absolutePath + JpgA))
            JpgA = "../img_site/images_par_defaut/" + b.TYPE_BIEN + ".jpg";
        JpgA            = relativePath + JpgA;
        LBLPhotos.Text += "<img id='grosseImage' style='vertical-align:top' src=" + JpgA + " />";

        LBLPhotos.Text += "<br/><br/>";
        LBLPhotos.Text += "<span id='videoAnnonce' style='margin-left:100px;'>" + b.URLVIDEO + "</span>";

        LBLPhotos.Text += "<div class='fichePhotoDroite'><table><tr>";
        if (testFile(absolutePath + JpgA))
            LBLPhotos.Text += "<td><img alt=\"Cliquez pour agrandir\" src=" + relativePath + JpgA + " onclick=\"metGrosseImage(this.src)\" style='width:100px;height:80px;margin-left:-5px' /></td>";
        if (testFile(absolutePath + JpgB))
            LBLPhotos.Text += "<td><img alt=\"Cliquez pour agrandir\" src=" + relativePath + JpgB + " onclick=\"metGrosseImage(this.src)\" style='width:100px;height:80px;margin-left:15px' /></td>";
        if (testFile(absolutePath + JpgC))
            LBLPhotos.Text += "<td><img alt=\"Cliquez pour agrandir\" src=" + relativePath + JpgC + " onclick=\"metGrosseImage(this.src)\" style='width:100px;height:80px;margin-left:15px' /></td>";
        if (testFile(absolutePath + JpgD))
            LBLPhotos.Text += "<td><img alt=\"Cliquez pour agrandir\" src=" + relativePath + JpgD + " onclick=\"metGrosseImage(this.src)\" style='width:100px;height:80px;margin-left:15px' /></td>";
        LBLPhotos.Text += "</tr><tr>";
        if (testFile(absolutePath + JpgE))
            LBLPhotos.Text += "<td><img alt=\"Cliquez pour agrandir\" src=" + relativePath + JpgE + " onclick=\"metGrosseImage(this.src)\" style='width:100px;height:80px;margin-left:-5px' /></td>";
        if (testFile(absolutePath + JpgF))
            LBLPhotos.Text += "<td><img alt=\"Cliquez pour agrandir\" src=" + relativePath + JpgF + " onclick=\"metGrosseImage(this.src)\" style='width:100px;height:80px;margin-left:15px' /></td>";
        if (testFile(absolutePath + JpgG))
            LBLPhotos.Text += "<td><img alt=\"Cliquez pour agrandir\" src=" + relativePath + JpgG + " onclick=\"metGrosseImage(this.src)\" style='width:100px;height:80px;margin-left:15px' /></td>";
        if (testFile(absolutePath + JpgH))
            LBLPhotos.Text += "<td><img alt=\"Cliquez pour agrandir\" src=" + relativePath + JpgH + " onclick=\"metGrosseImage(this.src)\" style='width:100px;height:80px;margin-left:15px' /></td>";
        LBLPhotos.Text += "</tr></table></div><br/>";

        if (b.TEXTE_INTERNET == "")
            Texte_Panel.Visible = false;
        LBLTexteInternet.Text  = "<strong>DESCRIPTION DU BIEN: </strong><br/><br/>";
        LBLTexteInternet.Text += nl2br(b.TEXTE_INTERNET);

        LBLTexteInternet.Text += "<br/><br/>";


        LBLInfoCompl.Text = "";
        string imgSource;

        if (b.COUP_DE_COEUR && b.PRESTIGE)
            imgSource          = "../img_site/band_CdC_Lux/Trigl_cdcPrestige.png";
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "<img id=\"imgcdcPrestige_fichedetail\" src=\"" + imgSource + "\" alt=\"Coup de coeur et Prestige\"/>";
        else if (b.COUP_DE_COEUR)
            imgSource          = "../img_site/band_CdC_Lux/Trigl_coupDeCoeur.png";
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "<img id=\"imgcdcPrestige_fichedetail\" src=\"" + imgSource + "\" alt=\"Coup de coeur\"/>";
        else if (b.PRESTIGE)
            imgSource          = "../img_site/band_CdC_Lux/Trigl_prestige.png";
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "<img id=\"imgcdcPrestige_fichedetail\" src=\"" + imgSource + "\" alt=\"Prestige\"/>";

        LBLInfoCompl.Text += "<table class='fdetail1' style='font-size: 10pt; color: black; width:92%'>"
                             + "<tr class='fdetail2' style='vertical-align:top'><td>";
        if (b.TYPE_BIEN == "M")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "<strong>La maison</strong> <br />";
        if (b.TYPE_BIEN == "A")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "<strong>L'appartement</strong> <br />";
        if (b.S_HABITABLE != 0)
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Surface habitable : " + b.S_HABITABLE.ToString() + " m²<br />";
        if (b.S_TERRAIN != 0)
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Surface terrain : " + b.S_TERRAIN + " m²<br />";
        if (b.S_SEJOUR != 0)
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Surface séjour : " + b.S_SEJOUR + " m²<br />";
        if (b.A_CONSTRUCTION != "0" && b.A_CONSTRUCTION != "")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Année de construction : " + b.A_CONSTRUCTION + "<br />";
        if (b.ASCENSEUR == "OUI")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Ascenceur : oui <br />";
        LBLInfoCompl.Text += "</td><td><strong>Equipement</strong> <br />";
        if (b.T_CUISINE != "")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Type de cuisine : " + b.T_CUISINE + "<br />";
        if (b.NBRE_SALLE_BAIN != "0" && b.NBRE_SALLE_BAIN != "")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "SDB avec baignoire : " + b.NBRE_SALLE_BAIN + "<br /> ";
        if (b.TYPE_CHAUFFAGE != "")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Type de chauffage : " + b.TYPE_CHAUFFAGE + "<br />";
        if (b.NATURE_CHAUFFAGE != "")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Nature du chaffage : " + b.NATURE_CHAUFFAGE + "<br />";
        if (b.BALCON == "OUI")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Balcon : oui <br />";
        if (b.TERRASSE == "OUI")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Terrasse  : oui <br />";
        LBLInfoCompl.Text += "</td><td>";
        if (b.ANCIEN_PRIX > b.PRIX_VENTE && b.ANCIEN_PRIX != 0)
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "<img class=\"gifPrixEnBaisse\" src=\"../img_site/prixEnBaisse.gif\" alt=\"PRIX EN BAISSE\"/><br/>";
        if (b.NEUF)
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "<img class=\"gifNeuf\" src=\"../img_site/Neuf.gif\" alt=\"PRIX EN BAISSE\"/><br/>";
        if (b.LOCALISATION != "")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "<strong>Localisation</strong>";
        if (b.LOCALISATION != "")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Localisation du bien : " + b.LOCALISATION + "<br />" + "<br />";
        if (b.TAXE_FONCIERE != "0" || b.TAXE_HABITATION != "0" || b.CHARGES != "0")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "<strong>Autre:</strong> <br />";
        if (b.TAXE_FONCIERE != "0")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Taxe foncière : " + b.TAXE_FONCIERE + " &#8364;<br />";
        if (b.TAXE_HABITATION != "0")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Taxe d'habitation : " + b.TAXE_HABITATION + " &#8364;<br />";
        if (b.CHARGES != "0")
            LBLInfoCompl.Text += "Charges : " + b.CHARGES + "&#8364; <br />";
        LBLInfoCompl.Text += "</td></tr></table>";


        LBLConso.Text = "";
        if (b.LETTRE_CONSO == "" && b.LETTRE_ENERGIE == "")
            Conso_Panel.Visible = false;
            if (b.LETTRE_CONSO != "")
                LBLConso.Text += "<td><center><img src=\"../img_dpe/high_quality/dpe/dpe_" + b.LETTRE_CONSO.ToLower() + ".gif\"/HEIGHT=299 WIDTH=298></center></td>";
            if (b.LETTRE_ENERGIE != "")
                LBLConso.Text += "<td><center><img src=\"../img_dpe/high_quality/ges/ges_" + b.LETTRE_ENERGIE.ToLower() + ".gif\"/HEIGHT=299 WIDTH=298></center></td>";
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        ((Label)Page.Master.FindControl("titrebandeau")).Text = "Statistiques<br/>Pages visitées";

        string reference = Request.Params["ref"];
        Membre member    = (Membre)Session["Membre"];

        b = BienDAO.getBien(reference);

        if (member != null && Request.QueryString["ref"] != null && (member.STATUT == "ultranego" || (member.STATUT == "nego" && b.NEGOCIATEUR == member.PRENOM + " " + member.NOM)))
            string requete1 = "SELECT Year(Time) AS year, Month(Time) AS month, Count(*) AS nbvisite "
                              + "FROM (SELECT ref,Time FROM log_visite_page_bien WHERE ref='" + reference + "' AND ficheDetaillee = true) "
                              + "GROUP BY Year(Time), Month(Time) ORDER BY Year(Time),Month(Time);";

            string requete2 = "SELECT Year(Time) AS year, Month(Time) AS month, Count(*) AS nbvisite "
                              + "FROM (SELECT ref,Time FROM log_visite_page_bien WHERE ref='" + reference + "' AND ficheDetaillee = false) "
                              + "GROUP BY Year(Time), Month(Time) ORDER BY Year(Time),Month(Time);";

            Connexion c = new Connexion(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
            statsFiche  = c.exeRequette(requete1).Tables[0].Rows;
            statsResult = c.exeRequette(requete2).Tables[0].Rows;

            listeMois        = new ArrayList();
            listeVisiteFiche = new ArrayList();
            listeVisite      = new ArrayList();
            DateTime today = DateTime.Now;

            int y = 0;
            int j = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
                string month = ((today.Month + i) % 12 + 1).ToString();
                string year  = (today.Month + i > 12)? today.Year.ToString() : (today.Year - 1).ToString();
                listeMois.Add(((today.Month + i) % 12 + 1).ToString() + "/" + year);

                bool found1 = false;
                for (int k = j; k < statsResult.Count; k++)
                    if (month == statsResult[k]["month"].ToString() && year == statsResult[k]["year"].ToString())
                        j      = k + 1;
                        found1 = true;
                if (!found1)

                bool found2 = false;
                for (int x = y; x < statsFiche.Count; x++)
                    if (month == statsFiche[x]["month"].ToString() && year == statsFiche[x]["year"].ToString())
                        y      = x + 1;
                        found2 = true;
                if (!found2)
    /// <summary>
    /// permet d'afficher un bien au format html a partir de sa reference
    /// Attention, on formate en utf8 pour la page html (grâce à "System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode");
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="reference"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private String afficheBien(String reference) 

        String texteHtmlDeRetour = "";

        Connexion c = new Connexion(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
        System.Data.DataSet ds = c.exeRequette("Select * from Environnement");

        String racine_site = (String)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Chemin_racine_site"];

        String path = reference;
        string srcJpg = racine_site+"/images/" + path + "A.JPG";
        string sourceJpg = "./" + path + "A.JPG";
        if (System.IO.File.Exists(srcJpg) == false) sourceJpg = "./logo_320.jpg";

        Bien b = BienDAO.getBien(reference);

        double prixFranc = b.PRIX_VENTE * 6.55957;

        String  Francs = prixFranc.ToString();
        String euro = b.PRIX_VENTE.ToString();

        int indexF = Francs.IndexOf(',');

        int indexFin = Francs.Length;
        int indexFinEuro = euro.Length;

        if (indexF != -1) Francs = Francs.Remove(indexF, indexFin - indexF);
        indexFin = Francs.Length;

            indexFin = indexFin - 3;
            if (indexFin > 0) Francs = Francs.Insert(indexFin, " ");
        while (indexFin > 0);

            indexFinEuro = indexFinEuro - 3;
            if (indexFinEuro > 0) euro = euro.Insert(indexFinEuro, " ");
        while (indexFinEuro > 0);

        texteHtmlDeRetour +=
                 "<br />"
                 + "<table border=\"0\" width=\"600\">"
                 + "<tr><td width=\"128\"></td><td width=\"322\"></td><td width=\"150\"></td></tr>"
            //+"<div class=\"Resultat-header\">"
                 + "<tr><td colspan=\"2\" width=\"450\" bgcolor=\"#31536c\"><b>"
            // + "<div class=\"Resultat-header-prix-euro\">"
                              + "<a href=\"http://www.patrimo.fr/fichedetail.aspx?ref=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.REFERENCE) + "\">"
                              + "<font color=\"#FFFFFF\">" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.CATEGORIE) + " - " + b.NBRE_PIECE + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(" pièces - ")
                              + b.S_HABITABLE + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(" m²") + " - " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.VILLE_BIEN) + "</b></font>"
                          + "</a>"
            // + "</div>"
                     + "</td><td colspan=\"1\" width=\"150\" bgcolor=\"#31536c\">"
                      + "<div class=\"Resultat-header-left\" align=\"right\">"
                          + "<a href=\"http://www.patrimo.fr/pages/fichedetail.aspx?ref=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.REFERENCE) + "\">"
                              + "<font color=\"#FFFFFF\"><b>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(euro) + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(" euros  ") + "</b></font>"
                              + "</a>"
                      + "</div>"
                  //+ "</div>"
                  //+ "<div class=\"Resultat\">"
                  + "</td></tr>"
                 //+ "<table border=\"0\" width=\"600\">"
                 + "<tr><td colspan=\"1\" width=\"128\">"
                     // + "<div class=\"Resultat-photo\">"
                          + "<a class=\"lienImage\" href=\"http://www.patrimo.fr/pages/fichedetail1.aspx?ref=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.REFERENCE) + "\"> <img alt=\"photo\" src=\"http://www.patrimo.fr/images/" + sourceJpg + "\" style=\" border:none; float:left; width:128px; height:96px\" /></a>"
                    //  + "</div>"
                      + "</td><td colspan=\"2\" width=\"472\">"
                     // + "<div class=\"Resultat-text\">"
                         + "<p align=\"justify\">"+System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.TEXTE_INTERNET)+"</p>" + "<br />"
                         + "<STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("Référence : ") + " </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.REFERENCE) + "<br />"
                         + "<STRONG>Contact : </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.NOM_AGENCE) + " - " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.ADRESSE_AGENCE)
                         + " " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.CODE_POSTALE_AGENCE) + "  " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.VILLE_AGENCE) + "<br />T&eacute;l : " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.TEL_AGENCE)
                     // + "</div>"
                      + "</td></tr></table>"
                 //+ "</div>"
                 + "<p>&nbsp;</p><hr />"
        return texteHtmlDeRetour;
    private String afficheBien(String reference)
        String    texteHtmlDeRetour = "";
        Connexion c = new Connexion(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);

        System.Data.DataSet ds = c.exeRequette("Select * from Environnement");

        String racine_site = (String)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Chemin_racine_site"];

        String path      = reference;
        string srcJpg    = racine_site + "/images/" + path + "A.JPG";
        string sourceJpg = "./" + path + "A.JPG";

        if (System.IO.File.Exists(srcJpg) == false)
            sourceJpg = "./logo_320.jpg";

        Bien   b    = BienDAO.getBien(reference);
        String euro = "";
        String type = "";

        if (b.LOYER == 0)
            euro  = b.PRIX_VENTE.ToString();
            euro += " euros";
            type  = "4";
            euro  = b.LOYER.ToString();
            euro += " euros CC";
            type  = "5";

        int indexFinEuro = euro.Length;

        texteHtmlDeRetour +=
            "<br />"

            + "<div class=\"Resultat-header-prix-euro\" style=\"float:right;font-size:12pt;font-family:Times New Roman;color:Black;background-color:White;margin-right:10px;font-weight: bold;\">"
            + "<a style=\"color:black;text-decoration:none\" href=http://www.patrimo.net/patrimo/pages/fichedetail1.aspx?page=" + type + "+&ref=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.REFERENCE) + ">"
            + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(euro)
            + "</a>"
            + "</div>"

            + "<div class=\"Resultat-header-left\" style=\"font-weight: bold;font-size: 12pt;color: black;font-family: 'Times New Roman';text-decoration: none;margin-left:2px;\">"
            + "<a style=\"color:black;text-decoration:none\" href=http://www.patrimo.net/patrimo/pages/fichedetail1.aspx?page=" + type + "&ref=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.REFERENCE) + ">"
            + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.CATEGORIE) + " - " + b.NBRE_PIECE + " pieces - " + b.S_HABITABLE + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(" m² - ") + b.CODE_POSTAL_BIEN + " - " + b.VILLE_BIEN
            + "</a>"
            + "</div>"
            + "</div>"

            + "<div class=\"Resultat\" style=\"background-color:White;border-bottom: black 1px solid;margin-bottom: 0px;\">"
            + "<div class=\"Resultat-photo\" style=\"float: left;height: 96px;border-top: #ffffff 2px solid;border-bottom: #ffffff 2px solid;margin-left:2px;margin-right:2px;\">"
            + "<a class=\"lienImage\" href=http://www.patrimo.net/patrimo/pages/fichedetail1.aspx?page=" + type + "&ref=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.REFERENCE) + "> <img alt=\"photo\" src=http://www.patrimo.net/patrimo/images/" + sourceJpg + " style=\" border:none; float:left; width:128px; height:96px\" /></a>"
            + "</div>";

        // Au niveau du contact de la fiche détail dans le mail envoyé, on va chercher soit les coordonnées de l'agence
        // Soit celles du négo
        if (b.REFERENCE.Substring(1, 3) == "999") // pour le négo, adresse siege mais tel et mail négo
            String nom_siege     = (String)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["nom_societe"];
            String adresse_siege = (String)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["adresse_societe"];
            String cp_siege      = (String)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["cp_societe"];
            String ville_siege   = (String)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ville_societe"];
            String tel_siege     = (String)ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tel_societe"];

            Connexion c2 = new Connexion(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
            System.Data.DataSet ds2 = c2.exeRequette("Select * from Clients WHERE `idclient`=" + b.IDCLIENT);

            String tel_nego   = (String)ds2.Tables[0].Rows[0]["tel_client"];
            String email_nego = (String)ds2.Tables[0].Rows[0]["id_client"];

            texteHtmlDeRetour +=

                "<div class=\"Resultat-text\" style=\"background-color: White;color: Black;font-family: Times New Roman;font-size: 10pt;height: 110px;width: 500px;border-top: #ffffff 2px solid;border-bottom: #ffffff 2px solid;text-align: justify; \">"
                + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.TEXTE_INTERNET) + "<br />" + "<br />"
                + "<STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("Reférence : ") + " </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.REFERENCE) + " - tel: " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(tel_nego) + "<br />"
                + "<STRONG>Contact : </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(nom_siege) + " - " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(adresse_siege)
                + " - " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(cp_siege) + "  " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ville_siege) + "<br />"
                + "<STRONG> email : </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(email_nego)
                + "</div>"
                + "</div>"
        else // Pour l'agence
            if (b.NEGOCIATEUR != "")
                //Si l'annonce a été envoyée par un nego, on récupère dans la table Clients les coordonnées de ce nego.
                string   PrenomNomNego = b.NEGOCIATEUR;
                string[] WordArray;
                string[] stringSeparators = new string[] { " " };
                WordArray = PrenomNomNego.Split(stringSeparators, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (WordArray.Length > 1)
                    String NomNego          = WordArray[1];
                    String PrenomNego       = WordArray[0];
                    String requette         = "select id_client, tel_client from Clients where `idclient`=" + b.IDCLIENT;
                    System.Data.DataSet ds2 = null;

                    Connexion c2 = null;

                    c2 = new Connexion(System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
                    ds2 = c2.exeRequette(requette);
                    c2 = null;

                    System.Data.DataRowCollection dr2 = ds2.Tables[0].Rows;

                    foreach (System.Data.DataRow ligne in dr2)
                        texteHtmlDeRetour +=

                            "<div class=\"Resultat-text\" style=\"background-color: White;color: Black;font-family: Times New Roman;font-size: 10pt;height: 110px;width: 500px;border-top: #ffffff 2px solid;border-bottom: #ffffff 2px solid;text-align: justify; \">"
                            + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.TEXTE_INTERNET) + "<br />" + "<br />"
                            + "<STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("Reférence : ") + " </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.REFERENCE) + "<br/><strong>tel vendeur:</strong> " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.TEL_AGENCE) + "<br />"
                            + "<br/><STRONG>Contact : </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(PrenomNego) + " " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(NomNego)
                            + "<br/><strong>tel : </strong>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ligne["tel_client"].ToString())
                            + "<br/><STRONG>email : </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ligne["id_client"].ToString())
                            + "</div>"
                            + "</div>"
            else if (b.NOM_AGENCE != "")
                texteHtmlDeRetour +=

                    "<div class=\"Resultat-text\" style=\"background-color: White;color: Black;font-family: Times New Roman;font-size: 10pt;height: 110px;width: 500px;border-top: #ffffff 2px solid;border-bottom: #ffffff 2px solid;text-align: justify; \">"
                    + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.TEXTE_INTERNET) + "<br />" + "<br />"
                    + "<STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode("Reférence : ") + " </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.REFERENCE) + " - tel: " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.TEL_AGENCE) + "<br />"
                    + "<STRONG>Contact : </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.NOM_AGENCE) + " - " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.ADRESSE_AGENCE)
                    + " - " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.CODE_POSTALE_AGENCE) + "  " + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.VILLE_AGENCE)
                    + "<STRONG> email : </STRONG>" + System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(b.MAIL_AGENCE)
                    + "</div>"
                    + "</div>"