public bool CreateBidRequest(CreateBidRequestViewModel requestModel) { var dev = freelancerDb.Developers.FirstOrDefault(t => t.DeveloperId == requestModel.DeveloperId); var project = freelancerDb.Projects.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ProjectId == requestModel.ProjectId); if (dev == null || project == null) { return(false); } var isExist = freelancerDb.BidRequests.Any(t => t.Developer.DeveloperId == requestModel.DeveloperId && t.Project.ProjectId == requestModel.ProjectId); if (isExist) { return(false); } var bidRequest = new BidRequest { BidRequestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), CreationDate = DateTime.Now, Developer = dev, Project = project, Note = requestModel.Note, Price = Convert.ToDouble(requestModel.Price), DaysToFinish = requestModel.DaysToFinish, RequestStatus = RequestStatus.Pending }; freelancerDb.BidRequests.Add(bidRequest); freelancerDb.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
public IActionResult DeleteBidReq(int bidrequestID) { BidRequest deletedBR = bidReqRepo.DeleteBR(bidrequestID); if (deletedBR == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Error")); } return(RedirectToAction("AdminPage", "Admin")); }
public BidRequest DeleteBR(int id) { BidRequest bReq = context.BidRequests.FirstOrDefault(br => br.BidRequestID == id); if (bReq != null) { context.BidRequests.Remove(bReq); context.SaveChanges(); } return(bReq); }
public void OnBidItem(int id) { BidRequest request = new BidRequest(); request.OfferId = id; request.ChatId = m_iChatId; m_BuyerBidItemId = id; AsyncBidRequest async = new AsyncBidRequest(request); async.TryRequest(); }
public ViewResult Bid(int bidrequestID) { //passing bid request info to the view BidRequest br = bidReqRepo.GetBidRequestByID(bidrequestID); VMBid vmbid = new VMBid(); vmbid.BidRequestID = bidrequestID; vmbid.CustomerFirst = br.User.FirstName; vmbid.CustomerLast = br.User.LastName; vmbid.ProjectDescription = br.ProjectDescription; return(View(vmbid)); }
public async Task <string> AcceptBidAsync(int proId, string userId, int price) { var message = string.Empty; var bidProduct = await _db.BidRequests.Where(p => p.ProductId == proId && p.UserId == userId).ToListAsync(); if (bidProduct.Count() == 0) { var bidRequest = new BidRequest { ProductId = proId, Price = price, UserId = userId, BidDate = DateTime.Now, BidTimes = 1 }; _db.BidRequests.Add(bidRequest); } else if (bidProduct.Count() == 1) { var bidRequest = new BidRequest { ProductId = proId, Price = price, UserId = userId, BidDate = DateTime.Now, BidTimes = 2 }; _db.BidRequests.Add(bidRequest); } else { message = "More than 2 bids"; } await _db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(message); }
public ActionResult Deletereq(int id) { BidRequest bdr = db.requests.Find(id); if (bdr != null) { db.requests.Remove(bdr); db.SaveChanges(); } return(RedirectToAction("Table")); }
public async Task <Guid> Add(BidRequest entity) { try { var result = await unitOfWork.GetConnection().QueryFirstAsync <Guid>(AddSql, entity, unitOfWork.GetTransaction()); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public int Update(BidRequest req) { if (req.BidRequestID == 0) { context.BidRequests.Add(req); } else { context.BidRequests.Update(req); } return(context.SaveChanges()); }
public bool UniqueEmail(string email) { BidRequest br = context.BidRequests.FirstOrDefault(r => r.User.Email == email); if (br == null) { return(false); //no user with that email in the db } else { return(true); } }
public override async Task <BidResponse> Bid(BidRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { Guid auctionId; if (!Guid.TryParse(request.AuctionId, out auctionId)) { throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.InvalidArgument, "auctionid is not a guid")); } var auction = _auctionService.GetAuction(auctionId); if (auction == null) { throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.InvalidArgument, "auction not found")); } var expiry = (auction.Duration + auction.StartedAt) - Utility.Utility.DateTimeToUnix(DateTime.UtcNow); if (auction.FinishedAt != 0 || expiry < 5) { throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.InvalidArgument, "auction is already finished")); } if (request.Amount < 1) { throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.InvalidArgument, "amount must be larger than 0")); } if (request.Message.Length > 140) { throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.InvalidArgument, "message must be smaller than 140 characters")); } var entry = await _auctionService.RequestAuctionEntryInvoice(auctionId, request.Amount, request.Message); if (entry == null) { throw new RpcException(new Status(StatusCode.Internal, "something went wrong...")); } var res = new BidResponse { Entry = new AuctionEntry { Amount = entry.Amount, Description = entry.Description, Id = entry.Id.ToString(), Message = entry.Message, PaymentRequest = entry.PaymentRequest, State = (AuctionEntry.Types.State)((int)entry.State) } }; return(res); }
public async Task <BaseResponses <ProjectBidRequestDTO> > Handle(ProjectCommentRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { BaseResponses <ProjectBidRequestDTO> response = null; using (var trx = unitOfWork.BeginTransaction()) { try { if (request.Comment != null) { var user1 = userManager.FindByNameAsync(request.FreekancerName); //ApplicationUser appuser = new ApplicationUser(); //appuser = user1.Result; BidRequest bid = new BidRequest(); bid.BidPrice = request.BidPrice; bid.Comment = request.Comment; bid.ProjectId = request.ProjectID.ToString(); bid.FreelancerId = user1.Result.Id; await bidRequestService.Add(bid); } var project = await projectService.GetById(request.ProjectID.ToString()); var bidRequests = await bidRequestService.GetBidRequestsByProjectId(request.ProjectID.ToString()); var projectDetailsDTO = new ProjectBidRequestDTO() { Project = project }; foreach (var item in bidRequests) { var user = await userManager.FindByIdAsync(item.FreelancerId.ToString()); projectDetailsDTO.BidRequests.Add( new BidRequestDTO { BidRequest = item, FreeLancer = user }); } unitOfWork.SaveChanges(); response = new BaseResponses <ProjectBidRequestDTO>(projectDetailsDTO); } catch (RestException ex) { trx.Rollback(); response = new BaseResponses <ProjectBidRequestDTO>(ex.StatusCode, ex.Message); } return(response); } }
public async Task <BidRequest> Add(BidRequest entity) { try { var addedId = await bidRequestRepository.Add(entity); var result = await bidRequestRepository.GetById(addedId.ToString()); return(result); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new RestException(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound, ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult RequestForBid(String pn, String sd, String mbp, String bti, String fn, HttpPostedFileBase image) { BidRequest bdr = new BidRequest(); if (Request.Form["submit"] != null) { try { bdr.ImageData = new byte[image.ContentLength]; image.InputStream.Read(bdr.ImageData, 0, image.ContentLength); bdr.ProductName = pn; bdr.Details = sd; double bp = double.Parse(mbp); bdr.BasePrice = bp; int bt = Int32.Parse(bti); bdr.MaxTime = bt; bdr.FileName = fn; string buyer = (string)(Session["log"]); bdr.SellerName = buyer; db.requests.Add(bdr); db.SaveChanges(); ibc = 1; } catch (DbEntityValidationException e) { ViewBag.error1 = 1; return(View()); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors) { sb.AppendLine(string.Format("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:", eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State)); foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors) { sb.AppendLine(string.Format("- Property: \"{0}\", Error: \"{1}\"", ve.PropertyName, ve.ErrorMessage)); } } throw new DbEntityValidationException(sb.ToString(), e); } } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public async Task <bool> BidOnAuction(List <Bid> bids) { var bidRequest = new BidRequest(bids); using (var client = InitializeHttpClientWithAccessToken(AccessToken)) { HttpResponseMessage bidResponse = await client.PostAsJsonAsync("api/v1/bid", bidRequest); if (bidResponse.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Accepted) { return(true); } else { Logger.LogError("Bid Request failed, Reason : " + await bidResponse.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()); } return(false); } }
public async Task <IActionResult> PlaceBid(BidSent newBid) { IDbContextTransaction transaction = _context.Database.BeginTransaction(); try { var user = _context.Users.FirstOrDefault(u => u.UserId == newBid.RequestUsersId); newBid.BidDate = DateTime.Now; _context.Add(newBid); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); var lastBidReq = await _context.BidsSent.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); BidRequest bidReq = new BidRequest { UserId = newBid.UserId, BidSentId = lastBidReq.Id, BidStatus = newBid.BidStatus, BidCoins = newBid.BidCoins, BidType = newBid.BidCoinsType, BidderName = $"{user.Firstname} {user.Lastname}", BidderCellphone = user.Cellphone, RecipientName = newBid.RecipientName, BidDate = DateTime.Now }; _context.Add(bidReq); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); transaction.Commit(); } catch { transaction.Rollback(); } return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Dashboard))); }
public Task Update(BidRequest entity) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public ActionResult Display([FromBody] BidRequest bidRequest) { // primary logic if (bidRequest is null || is null || == "") { return(StatusCode(404)); } // secondary logic // this is where we may want to check on things like keywords, context, etc... if (_kdbConnectorOptions.TestMode) { // return test bid var bid = new Models.BidResponseViewModels.Bid() { adomain = new string[] { "" }, attr = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }, cid = "campaign123", crid = "creative123", id =, impid = "102", iurl = "", nurl = "", price = 9.55f }; var seatbid = new Models.BidResponseViewModels.SeatBid() { bid = new Models.BidResponseViewModels.Bid[] { bid }, seat = "mrpfdseatid" }; var response = new Models.BidResponseViewModels.BidResponse() { bidid = "mrpfd1234567", cur = "USD", id =, seatbid = new Models.BidResponseViewModels.SeatBid[] { seatbid } }; return(new JsonResult(response)); } else { // submit bid to kdb by passing a disctionary object // we're using the qsharp library, documentation here: // TO DO: Not sure the library does connection pooling and this sample will open connections to Kdb with every bid // need to see how to reuse existing connections, perhaps by creating connections at startup and passing via dependency injection _logger.LogInformation("Bid received: {1}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bidRequest)); var qbidKeys = new List <String>(); var qbidValues = new List <Object>(); qbidKeys.Add("id"); qbidValues.Add(; qbidKeys.Add("time"); qbidValues.Add(new QDateTime(DateTime.Now)); qbidKeys.Add("ip"); qbidValues.Add(bidRequest.device.ip); qbidKeys.Add("ua"); qbidValues.Add(; qbidKeys.Add("urls"); qbidValues.Add(; qbidKeys.Add("ex"); qbidValues.Add("TEST"); qbidKeys.Add("UserID"); qbidValues.Add(; qbidKeys.Add("uid"); qbidValues.Add(bidRequest.user.buyeruid); qbidKeys.Add("bidfloor"); qbidValues.Add(bidRequest.imp.First().bidfloor); qbidKeys.Add("isTest"); qbidValues.Add(_kdbConnectorOptions.TestMode); qbidKeys.Add("at"); qbidValues.Add(; qbidKeys.Add("w"); qbidValues.Add(bidRequest.imp.First().banner.w); qbidKeys.Add("h"); qbidValues.Add(bidRequest.imp.First().banner.h); qbidKeys.Add("cat"); qbidValues.Add(; qbidKeys.Add("devcountry"); qbidValues.Add(; qbidKeys.Add("devregion"); qbidValues.Add(bidRequest.device.geo.region); qbidKeys.Add("devcity"); qbidValues.Add(; qbidKeys.Add("regsGDPR"); qbidValues.Add(""); qbidKeys.Add("iabGDPR"); qbidValues.Add(""); qbidKeys.Add("consentedVendors"); qbidValues.Add(""); qbidKeys.Add("json"); qbidValues.Add(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bidRequest)); try { // check if connection is lost need to reconnect if (!_qConnection.IsConnected()) { _qConnection.Reset(); _logger.LogInformation("Connection to kdb was reset"); } var qBidResponse = (QDictionary)_qConnection.Sync(".dmc_bidder.upd_bidRequest", new QDictionary(qbidKeys.ToArray(), qbidValues.ToArray())); // marshall values back into bidResponse var bid = new Models.BidResponseViewModels.Bid() { }; var seat = ""; foreach (var kvp in qBidResponse) { switch (kvp.Key) { case "w": bid.w = (Int16)kvp.Value; break; case "h": bid.h = (Int16)kvp.Value; break; case "bid": bid.price = Convert.ToSingle((Double)kvp.Value); break; case "ad": bid.adm = new string((char[])kvp.Value); break; case "cid": bid.cid = new string((char[])kvp.Value); break; case "burl": bid.nurl = new string((char[])kvp.Value); break; case "crid": bid.crid = new string((char[])kvp.Value); break; case "iurl": bid.iurl = new string((char[])kvp.Value); break; case "adomain": bid.adomain = new string[] { new string((char[])kvp.Value) }; break; case "seat": seat = new string((char[])kvp.Value); break; default: break; } ; } var seatbid = new Models.BidResponseViewModels.SeatBid() { bid = new Models.BidResponseViewModels.Bid[] { bid }, seat = seat }; var response = new Models.BidResponseViewModels.BidResponse() { bidid = "mrpfd1234567", cur = "USD", id =, seatbid = new Models.BidResponseViewModels.SeatBid[] { seatbid } }; _logger.LogInformation("Bid response: {1}", JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response)); return(new JsonResult(response)); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("`" + e.Message); if (e.Source == "System.Net.Sockets" && e.HResult == -2146232798) { // possibly lost connexion to socket - may want to try and reconnect try { _logger.LogInformation("Attempting to reset connection to kdb"); _qConnection.Reset(); _logger.LogInformation("Connection to kdb was reset"); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogCritical("Could not re-establish connection to kdb"); // well if this doesn't work.... } } _logger.LogCritical("Feedhandler error: {1}", e.Message); return(StatusCode(404)); } } }
//[ActionName("Bid")] public ActionResult Bid([FromForm] BidRequest bid) { return(Ok(_biddings.Bid(bid))); }
public ActionResult postreq(Product product) { success = 0; int count = db.products.Count(); BidRequest bdr = db.requests.Find(postreqid); if (ModelState.IsValid) { if (count < 13) { if (bdr != null) { product.productID = bdr.ProductName + postreqid; product.ProductName = bdr.ProductName; product.Details = bdr.Details; product.FileName = bdr.FileName; product.ImageData = bdr.ImageData; product.BasePrice = bdr.BasePrice; product.BiddingPrice = bdr.BasePrice; product.SellerName = bdr.SellerName; db.products.Add(product); db.SaveChanges(); success = 1; var r1 = db.alerts.Where(v => v.FavouriteCategory.Equals(product.Category)); foreach (var item1 in r1) { SmtpClient smtp1 = new SmtpClient("", 587); smtp1.EnableSsl = true; smtp1.Timeout = 100000; smtp1.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; smtp1.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smtp1.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "eauction 597"); MailMessage message1 = new MailMessage(); message1.To.Add(item1.Email); message1.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); message1.Subject = "LIVE BID!"; message1.Body = "NEW product in" + item1.FavouriteCategory + " Section. Please Visit our website! "; smtp1.Send(message1); } string a = null; var r = db.reg.Where(v => v.UserName.Equals(bdr.SellerName)); foreach (var item in r) { a = item.Email; } SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient("", 587); smtp.EnableSsl = true; smtp.Timeout = 100000; smtp.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network; smtp.UseDefaultCredentials = false; smtp.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("*****@*****.**", "eauction 597"); MailMessage message = new MailMessage(); message.To.Add(a); message.From = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"); message.Subject = "LIVE BID!"; message.Body = "Your product now in Live Auction. Please See Home of E-AUCTION for further confirmation."; smtp.Send(message); return(RedirectToAction("Table")); } } else { success = 2; return(RedirectToAction("Table")); } } return(View(product)); }
public static async Task EnsurePopulated(IApplicationBuilder app) { UserManager <UserIdentity> userManager = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <UserManager <UserIdentity> >(); RoleManager <IdentityRole> roleManager = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <RoleManager <IdentityRole> >(); ApplicationDbContext context = app.ApplicationServices.GetRequiredService <ApplicationDbContext>(); if (!context.Reviews.Any()) { UserIdentity user = new UserIdentity { FirstName = "Henry", LastName = "Homes", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", UserName = "******" }; string role = "User"; await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(role)); IdentityResult result = await userManager.CreateAsync(user, user.Password); await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user, role); Client client = new Client { FirstName = "Henry", LastName = "Homes", CompanyName = "Murder Company Inc.", Street = "999 Elm Street", City = "Eugene", State = "OR", Zipcode = "97405", PhoneNumber = "(541) 548-9852", Email = "*****@*****.**", UserIdentity = user }; context.Clients.Add(client); BidRequest bidRequest = new BidRequest { User = user, Concrete = false, FrameWork = false, NewBuild = true, ProjectDescription = "Big deck", ProjectLocation = "Lane county", Remodel = false }; context.BidRequests.Add(bidRequest); Bid bid = new Bid { ProposedStartDate = DateTime.Now, TotalEstimate = 6548.06M, RevisedProjectDescription = "Wood deck with railing", BidReq = bidRequest, User = user }; context.Bids.Add(bid); Project project1 = new Project { Client = client, Bid = bid, ProjectName = "Wood Deck", OriginalEstimate = 6548.06M, StartDate = DateTime.Now, ProjectStatus = "Framing Complete", StatusDate = DateTime.Now, AdditionalCosts = 1.94M, TotalCost = 6550M }; context.Projects.Add(project1); Review message = new Review { Subject = "Loved it!", Body = "it them a bit more time than I though it would be but it was worth the wait!!", From = user, Approved = true, Date = new DateTime(2006, 8, 22), }; context.Add(message); UserIdentity user2 = new UserIdentity { FirstName = "Sherlock", LastName = "Homes", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", UserName = "******" }; IdentityResult result2 = await userManager.CreateAsync(user2, user2.Password); await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user2, role); //if (await roleManager.FindByNameAsync(role) == null) //{ // if (result2.Succeeded) // { // await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user2, role); // } //} //else //{ // await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(role)); // if (result2.Succeeded) // { // await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user2, role); // } //} Client client2 = new Client { FirstName = "Sherlock", LastName = "Homes", CompanyName = "Murder Company Inc.", Street = "999 Elm Street", City = "Eugene", State = "OR", Zipcode = "97405", PhoneNumber = "(541) 548-9852", Email = "*****@*****.**", UserIdentity = user2 }; context.Clients.Add(client2); BidRequest bidRequest2 = new BidRequest { User = user2, Concrete = false, FrameWork = false, NewBuild = false, ProjectDescription = "Remodel Bathroom", ProjectLocation = "Linn county", Remodel = true }; context.BidRequests.Add(bidRequest2); Bid bid2 = new Bid { ProposedStartDate = DateTime.Now, TotalEstimate = 2058.06M, RevisedProjectDescription = "Test bid for test project", BidReq = bidRequest2, User = user2 }; context.Bids.Add(bid2); Project project2 = new Project { Client = client2, Bid = bid2, ProjectName = "Bathroom Remodel", OriginalEstimate = 2058.06M, StartDate = DateTime.Now, ProjectStatus = "Started", StatusDate = DateTime.Now, AdditionalCosts = 2.94M, TotalCost = 2061.00M }; context.Projects.Add(project2); UserIdentity user3 = new UserIdentity { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", UserName = "******" }; IdentityResult result3 = await userManager.CreateAsync(user3, user3.Password); await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user3, role); //if (await roleManager.FindByNameAsync(role) == null) //{ // await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(role)); // if (result.Succeeded) // { // await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user2, role); // } //} //else //{ // await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(role)); // if (result3.Succeeded) // { // await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user2, role); // } //} message = new Review { Subject = "Hated it!", Body = "it them a bit more time than I though and it was not worth it!!", From = user2, Approved = false, Date = new DateTime(2010, 8, 10), }; context.Add(message); /*this adds a test project to seeddata. this needs to create a * client, bid and bidrequest in order to do so*/ UserIdentity user4 = new UserIdentity { FirstName = "Ricky", LastName = "Bobby", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", UserName = "******" }; IdentityResult result4 = await userManager.CreateAsync(user4, user4.Password); await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user4, role); UserIdentity user5 = new UserIdentity { FirstName = "Blue", LastName = "Sue", Email = "*****@*****.**", Password = "******", UserName = "******" }; await roleManager.CreateAsync(new IdentityRole(role)); IdentityResult result5 = await userManager.CreateAsync(user5, user5.Password); await userManager.AddToRoleAsync(user5, role); ////finds user //UserIdentity bidUser = await userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**"); ////creates bidrequest from //BidRequest bidReq3 = new BidRequest //{ // User = bidUser, // Concrete = false, // FrameWork = false, // NewBuild = true, // ProjectDescription = "Test bidrequest", // ProjectLocation = "Your house", // Remodel = false //}; //context.BidRequests.Add(bidReq3); ////creates bid from user Henry Holmes //Bid bid3 = new Bid //{ // ProposedStartDate = DateTime.Now, // TotalEstimate = 6548.06M, // RevisedProjectDescription = "Test bid for test project", // BidReq = bidReq3 //}; //bid.User = bidUser; ////if (bid.User != null) ////{ // context.Bids.Add(bid3); ////} ////creates client from Henry //Client client4 = new Client(); //UserIdentity clientUser = bidUser; //client4.UserIdentity = clientUser; ////if (client.UserIdentity != null) ////{ // client4.FirstName = clientUser.FirstName; // client4.LastName = clientUser.LastName; // client4.Email = clientUser.Email; ////} ////else ////{ //// client.FirstName = "Ricky"; //// client.LastName = "Bobby"; //// //client.Email = "*****@*****.**"; ////} //context.Clients.Add(client4); ////creates project //Project project = new Project //{ // Client = client4, // Bid = bid3, // ProjectName = "Test Project", // OriginalEstimate = 6548.06M, // StartDate = DateTime.Now, // ProjectStatus = "Waiting for permit.", // StatusDate = DateTime.Now, // AdditionalCosts = 1.94M, // TotalCost = 6550M //}; //context.Projects.Add(project); context.SaveChanges(); } }
//[Route("/{auctionId}/item/{itemId}/bid")] public async Task AddBidToAuctionItem(/*[FromUri]*/ string auctionId, /*[FromUri]*/ int itemId, [FromBody] BidRequest bidRequest) { //TODO: get ambient user info var bidCommand = new AddBidCommand("TODO: GET AMBIENT USER INFO", Guid.Parse(auctionId), itemId, bidRequest.Amount, DateTime.UtcNow); //Todo: dispatch command. await _mediator.Send(bidCommand); //Todo: read from read model the command results. {bidder,item,timestamp as key to lookup} }
// Post Methods /// <summary> /// <para>Performs the Bidding Method: /// Place a bid request. /// </para><para> /// Serializes the given BidRequest into xml and sends the message. /// </para> /// REQUIRES AUTHENTICATION. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">The object that will be serialized into xml and then sent in a POST message.</param> /// <returns>XDocument.</returns> public XDocument BidRequest(BidRequest request) { if (_bidding == null) { _bidding = new BiddingMethods(_connection); } return _bidding.BidRequest(request); }
/// <summary> /// <para>Performs the Bidding Method: /// Place a bid request. POST /// </para><para> /// Serializes the given BidRequest into xml and sends the message. /// </para> /// REQUIRES AUTHENTICATION. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">The object that will be serialized into xml and then sent in a POST message.</param> /// <returns>XDocument: AuctionBidResponse</returns> public XDocument BidRequest(BidRequest request) { var query = String.Format(Constants.Culture, "{0}/Bid{1}", Constants.BIDDING, Constants.XML); return(_connection.Post(request, query)); }
public bool Bid(BidRequest bid) { _context.Bids.Add(new BidEntity(bid)); _context.SaveChanges(); return(true); }
public string AddProjectBidRequest(string projectId) { var faker = new Bogus.Faker(); var project = freelancerDb.Projects.FirstOrDefault(t => t.ProjectId == projectId); var user = new User { Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), UserName = faker.Person.UserName, Email = faker.Person.Email, Name = faker.Person.FirstName, Surname = faker.Person.LastName, ProfilePicture = faker.Person.Avatar, Country = faker.Address.Country() }; var developer = new Developer { DeveloperId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Rating = Convert.ToInt16(faker.Random.Int(1, 10)), RatingCount = Convert.ToInt16(faker.Random.Int(1, 10)), User = user }; developer.DeveloperSkill = new List <DeveloperSkill> { new DeveloperSkill { Developer = developer, Skill = new Skill { SkillId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = faker.Company.CompanySuffix() } }, new DeveloperSkill { Developer = developer, Skill = new Skill { SkillId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = faker.Company.CompanySuffix() } }, new DeveloperSkill { Developer = developer, Skill = new Skill { SkillId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = faker.Company.CompanySuffix() } }, new DeveloperSkill { Developer = developer, Skill = new Skill { SkillId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), Name = faker.Company.CompanySuffix() } } }; var bidRequest = new BidRequest { BidRequestId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), CreationDate = faker.Date.Recent(), DaysToFinish = faker.Random.Int(1, 300), Price = faker.Random.Int(10, 1000), Project = project, RequestStatus = RequestStatus.Pending, Note = faker.Lorem.Sentences(), Developer = developer }; freelancerDb.BidRequests.Add(bidRequest); freelancerDb.SaveChanges(); return("Added"); }
public async Task <IActionResult> BidRequest(BidRequest bidreq) { //check to see if email is in the db if (!bidReqRepo.UniqueEmail(bidreq.User.Email)) //if false, its not in the database so it is a unique eamil { if (ModelState.IsValid) { bidreq.User.UserName = bidreq.User.Email; bidreq.User.Email = bidreq.User.Email; bidreq.User.FirstName = bidreq.User.FirstName; bidreq.User.LastName = bidreq.User.LastName; bidreq.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; IdentityResult result = await UserManager.CreateAsync(bidreq.User, bidreq.User.Password); //if the user was successfully created if (result.Succeeded) { //emailing the client to notify of request var message = new MimeMessage(); message.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("MCCInc", Email)); message.To.Add(new MailboxAddress("MCCInc", Email)); message.Subject = "bid Request Requested"; message.Body = new TextPart("plain") { Text = @"Hey Admin, A new bid request was created please look at it and respond." }; using (var client = new SmtpClient()) { client.Connect(Server, Port); client.Authenticate(Email, Password); client.Send(message); client.Disconnect(true); } //Here is where I send the confirmation link /*string confirmationToken = UserManager.GenerateEmailConfirmationTokenAsync(bidreq.User).Result; * * string confirmationLink = Url.Action("ConfirmEmail", "Account", new { userid = bidreq.User.Id, token = confirmationToken }, protocol: HttpContext.Request.Scheme); * * * var email = new MimeMessage(); * email.From.Add(new MailboxAddress("MCCInc", Email)); * email.Subject = "Confirm Email"; * email.Body = new TextPart("plain") * { * Text = "Click the link to confirm your email " + confirmationLink * }; * email.To.Add(new MailboxAddress(bidreq.User.Email)); * * using (var client_c = new SmtpClient()) * { * * client_c.Connect(Server, Port, SecureSocketOptions.SslOnConnect); * * client_c.AuthenticationMechanisms.Remove("XOAUTH2"); * * client_c.Authenticate(Email, Password); * * client_c.Send(email); * * client_c.Disconnect(true); * }*/ //here bidReqRepo.Update(bidreq); //TODO: redirect to a modal! partial view..? return(RedirectToAction("Success")); } else { foreach (IdentityError error in result.Errors) { ModelState.AddModelError("", error.Description); } return(View(bidreq)); } } } //if the email already exists return to view ViewBag.Error = "The email already exists in the database."; return(View(bidreq)); }
/// <summary> /// <para>Performs the Bidding Method: /// Place a bid request. POST /// </para><para> /// Serializes the given BidRequest into xml and sends the message. /// </para> /// REQUIRES AUTHENTICATION. /// </summary> /// <param name="request">The object that will be serialized into xml and then sent in a POST message.</param> /// <returns>XDocument: AuctionBidResponse</returns> public XDocument BidRequest(BidRequest request) { var query = String.Format(Constants.Culture, "{0}/Bid{1}", Constants.BIDDING, Constants.XML); return _connection.Post(request, query); }