// This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to configure the HTTP request pipeline. public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); //lancia, distrugge il db, e ne crea uno nuovo //se voglio tenere il vecchio db, metto sotto commento sta roba bibloDbContext.Database.EnsureDeleted(); bibloDbContext.Database.EnsureCreated(); FakeData.InitializeApp(bibloDbContext); } else { app.UseHsts(); } //app.UseHttpsRedirection(); app.UseCors("Cors"); app.UseMvc(); }
public CommentBoardService(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { _bibloDbContext = bibloDbContext; }
public BookService(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { _bibloDbContext = bibloDbContext; }
public AddressService(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { _bibloDbContext = bibloDbContext; }
public AuthorService(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { _bibloDbContext = bibloDbContext; }
public InsertingService(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { _bibloDbContext = bibloDbContext; }
public UserService(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { _bibloDbContext = bibloDbContext; }
public static void InitializeApp(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { //UTENTE if (!bibloDbContext.Users.Any()) { bibloDbContext.Users.AddRange(new List <User> { //i parametri key non è necessario inizializzarli, ci pensa il robo new User { username = "******", pictureId = 0, email = "", password = "******", phoneNumber = "331", geolocation = "Napoli" }, new User { username = "******", pictureId = 0, email = "", password = "******", phoneNumber = "331", geolocation = "Roma" }, new User { username = "******", pictureId = 0, email = "*****@*****.**", password = "******", phoneNumber = "331", geolocation = "Genova" }, new User { username = "******", pictureId = 0, email = "*****@*****.**", password = "******", phoneNumber = "331", geolocation = "Roma" }, }); //questo è per salvare nel db bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); } //ADDRESS if (!bibloDbContext.Addresses.Any()) { bibloDbContext.Addresses.AddRange(new List <Address> { new Address { nation = "Italy", region = "Abruzzo", city = "L'Aquila" } }); bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); } //AUTHOR if (!bibloDbContext.Authors.Any()) { bibloDbContext.Authors.AddRange(new List <Author> { new Author { name = "gigi", pictureId = 0 }, new Author { name = "roberto", pictureId = 0 }, }); bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); } //BOOK if (!bibloDbContext.Books.Any()) { bibloDbContext.Books.AddRange(new List <Book> { new Book { authorId = 1, title = "libro 1" }, new Book { authorId = 1, title = "libro 2" } }); bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); } //BOARD MESSAGE if (!bibloDbContext.BoardMessages.Any()) { bibloDbContext.BoardMessages.AddRange(new List <BoardMessage> { new BoardMessage { text = "Questo è un messaggio", commentBoardId = 1, publishDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 18), userId = 1 }, new BoardMessage { text = "Questo è un altro messaggio", commentBoardId = 1, publishDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 19), userId = 1 }, }); bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); } //BOARD if (!bibloDbContext.CommentBoards.Any()) { bibloDbContext.CommentBoards.AddRange(new List <CommentBoard> { new CommentBoard { insertingId = 1 }, }); bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); } //INSERTING if (!bibloDbContext.Pictures.Any()) { bibloDbContext.Insertings.AddRange(new List <Inserting> { new Inserting { userId = 1, pictureId = 0, genres = "Fantasy", genreSelected = "Fantasy", description = "qualsiasi cosa", publishDate = new DateTime(1, 1, 1), title = "mah", geolocation = "Napoli" }, new Inserting { userId = 1, pictureId = 0, genres = "Fantasy, Thriller", genreSelected = "Avventura", description = "che non so cosa scrivere", publishDate = new DateTime(1, 1, 1), title = "Non lo dite a nessuno", geolocation = "Napoli" }, new Inserting { userId = 2, pictureId = 0, genres = "Avventura", genreSelected = "Noir, Giallo", description = "questo è un libro bellissimo", publishDate = new DateTime(1, 1, 1), title = "Lalaland", geolocation = "Roma" }, }); bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); } //PICTURE if (!bibloDbContext.Pictures.Any()) { bibloDbContext.Pictures.AddRange(new List <Picture> { new Picture { id = 0, url = "" }, }); bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); } //PRIVATE CHAT if (!bibloDbContext.PrivateChats.Any()) { bibloDbContext.PrivateChats.AddRange(new List <PrivateChat> { new PrivateChat { }, new PrivateChat { }, }); bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); } //PRIVATE MESSAGE if (!bibloDbContext.PrivateMessages.Any()) { bibloDbContext.PrivateMessages.AddRange(new List <PrivateMessage> { new PrivateMessage { text = "chatid 1 user 1", privateChatId = 1, publishDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 18), userId = 1 }, new PrivateMessage { text = "chatid 1 user 2", privateChatId = 1, publishDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 19), userId = 2 }, new PrivateMessage { text = "chatid 2 user 1", privateChatId = 2, publishDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 19), userId = 1 }, new PrivateMessage { text = "chatid 2 user 1", privateChatId = 2, publishDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 19), userId = 1 }, new PrivateMessage { text = "chatid 2 user 2", privateChatId = 2, publishDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 19), userId = 2 }, new PrivateMessage { text = "chatid 2 user 3", privateChatId = 2, publishDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 19), userId = 3 }, new PrivateMessage { text = "chatid 3 user 1", privateChatId = 3, publishDate = new DateTime(2020, 1, 19), userId = 1 }, }); bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); } }
public static void EnsureSeeded(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { InitializeApp(bibloDbContext); bibloDbContext.SaveChanges(); }
public BoardMessageService(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { _bibloDbContext = bibloDbContext; }
public PrivateChatService(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { _bibloDbContext = bibloDbContext; }
public PrivateMessageService(BibloDbContext bibloDbContext) { _bibloDbContext = bibloDbContext; }