public static string GetGenericPublication(BibTexItem bibtex_item) { string generic_publication = null; generic_publication = GetField(bibtex_item, "journal"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(generic_publication)) { return(generic_publication); } generic_publication = GetField(bibtex_item, "booktitle"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(generic_publication)) { return(generic_publication); } generic_publication = GetField(bibtex_item, "container-title"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(generic_publication)) { return(generic_publication); } generic_publication = GetField(bibtex_item, "publisher"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(generic_publication)) { return(generic_publication); } return(null); }
public static bool DoesBibTeXMatchDocument(BibTexItem bibtex_item, PDFDocument pdf_document, out PDFSearchResultSet search_result_set) { try { string authors_string = BibTexTools.GetAuthor(bibtex_item); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authors_string)) { List <NameTools.Name> names = NameTools.SplitAuthors(authors_string, PDFDocument.UNKNOWN_AUTHORS); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (NameTools.Name name in names) { sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" ", name.last_name); } string names_search_string = sb.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(names_search_string)) { search_result_set = PDFSearcher.Search(pdf_document, 1, names_search_string, PDFSearcher.MATCH_CONTAINS); if (0 < search_result_set.Count) { return(true); } } } } catch (Exception) { } search_result_set = new PDFSearchResultSet(); return(false); }
public BibTexItem ToBibTeX() { BibTexItem bibtex_item = new BibTexItem(); bibtex_item.Key = GenerateReasonableKey(); // Process the type { string ris_type = ""; if (attributes.ContainsKey("%0")) { ris_type = attributes["%0"][0]; } bibtex_item.Type = MapRISToBibTeXType(ris_type); } // Process the generic fields -* note that we will silently throw away all "multiple" items with this field name foreach (var attribute_pair in attributes) { string bibtex_field_type = MapRISToBibTeXFieldType(attribute_pair.Key); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bibtex_field_type)) { bibtex_item[bibtex_field_type] = attribute_pair.Value[0]; } } // Create the authors if (attributes.ContainsKey("%A")) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List <string> author_list = attributes["%A"]; foreach (string author in author_list) { if (sb.Length > 0) { sb.Append(" and "); } sb.Append(author); } string authors = sb.ToString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(authors)) { bibtex_item["author"] = authors; } } // Create the keywords if (attributes.ContainsKey("%K")) { string keywords = (attributes["%K"][0]).Replace("\n", ","); bibtex_item["keywords"] = keywords; } return(bibtex_item); }
public static bool HasField(BibTexItem bibtex_item, string field) { if (null == bibtex_item) { return(false); } return(bibtex_item.ContainsField(field)); }
private void BuildTextFromBibTeX(string bibtex, BibTexItem bibtex_item) { if (updating_from_text) { return; } ObjBibTeXText.Text = bibtex; }
private static void PopulateTentativeField(BibTexItem bibtex_item, SQLiteDataReader reader, string mendeley_key, string bibtex_key) { object value = reader[mendeley_key]; if (DBNull.Value != value) { bibtex_item[bibtex_key] = Convert.ToString(value); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static string GetField(BibTexItem bibtex_item, string field) { if (null != bibtex_item) { return(bibtex_item[field]); } else { return(""); } }
public static string GetField(string bibtex, string field) { try { BibTexItem bibtex_item = BibTexParser.ParseOne(bibtex, false); return(GetField(bibtex_item, field)); } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Warn(ex, "There was a problem extracting from the BibTeX"); return(""); } }
public static int FindCitations(PDFDocument pdf_document) { int total_found = 0; BibTexItem bibtex_item = pdf_document.BibTexItem; if (null != bibtex_item) { string patent_id = bibtex_item["patent_id"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(patent_id)) { foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document_other in pdf_document.Library.PDFDocuments) { // Let's not work on the same document if (pdf_document.Fingerprint == pdf_document_other.Fingerprint) { continue; } // Lets not do work that has already been done before... { bool already_found = true; already_found = already_found && pdf_document.PDFDocumentCitationManager.ContainsInboundCitation(pdf_document_other.Fingerprint); already_found = already_found && pdf_document_other.PDFDocumentCitationManager.ContainsOutboundCitation(pdf_document.Fingerprint); if (already_found) { Logging.Info("Skipping check for citation from {0} to {1} because we know it already.", pdf_document_other.Fingerprint, pdf_document.Fingerprint); continue; } } BibTexItem bibtex_item_other = pdf_document_other.BibTexItem; if (null != bibtex_item_other) { string cites_other = bibtex_item_other["cites"]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(cites_other)) { if (cites_other.Contains(patent_id)) { pdf_document.PDFDocumentCitationManager.AddInboundCitation(pdf_document_other.Fingerprint); pdf_document_other.PDFDocumentCitationManager.AddOutboundCitation(pdf_document.Fingerprint); ++total_found; } } } } } } return(total_found); }
private static void AddDocumentMetadata_BibTex(Document document, BibTexItem bibtex_item) { if (null == bibtex_item) { return; } document.Add(new Field("type", bibtex_item.Type, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); document.Add(new Field("key", bibtex_item.Key, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); foreach (var pair in bibtex_item.EnumerateFields()) { document.Add(new Field(pair.Key, pair.Value, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); } }
public static bool DoesBibTeXMatchDocument(string bibtex, PDFDocument pdf_document, out PDFSearchResultSet search_result_set) { try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bibtex)) { BibTexItem bibtex_item = BibTexParser.ParseOne(bibtex, true); return(DoesBibTeXMatchDocument(bibtex_item, pdf_document, out search_result_set)); } } catch (Exception) { } search_result_set = new PDFSearchResultSet(); return(false); }
private void ButtonApplyBibTeX_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { List <PDFDocument> selected_pdf_documents = SelectedPDFDocuments; if (null == selected_pdf_documents) { return; } if (!MessageBoxes.AskQuestion("Are you sure you want to mass-edit {0} documents?", selected_pdf_documents.Count)) { return; } BibTexItem bibtex_item_global = BibTexParser.ParseOne(bibtex_stub.BibTex, true); int non_updateable_documents = 0; foreach (var pdf_document in selected_pdf_documents) { BibTexItem bibtex_item = pdf_document.BibTexItem; if (null != bibtex_item) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bibtex_item_global.Type)) { bibtex_item.Type = bibtex_item_global.Type; } foreach (var field_pair in bibtex_item_global.Fields) { bibtex_item[field_pair.Key] = field_pair.Value; } pdf_document.BibTex = bibtex_item.ToBibTex(); pdf_document.Bindable.NotifyPropertyChanged(() => pdf_document.BibTex); } else { ++non_updateable_documents; } } if (0 < non_updateable_documents) { MessageBoxes.Warn("There was a problem updating {0} documents as they do not have an existing BibTeX record associated with them.", non_updateable_documents); } }
public static void Test() { string ris_text = File.ReadAllText(@"c:\TEMP\SAMPLEENDNOTE.TXT"); List <List <string> > lines_set = SplitMultipleRISLines(ris_text); foreach (List <string> lines in lines_set) { RISRecord record = MapRISLinesToDictionary(lines); if (record.errors.Count > 0) { Logging.Warn("Errors!"); } BibTexItem bibtex = record.ToBibTeX(); string result = bibtex.ToBibTex(); } }
private static MatchingBibTeXRecord LocateBibTexForCitationItem_FOCUS(string reference_key, Library library) { foreach (PDFDocument pdf_document in library.PDFDocuments) { BibTexItem bibtex_item = pdf_document.BibTexItem; if (null != bibtex_item) { if (bibtex_item.Key == reference_key) { return(new MatchingBibTeXRecord { pdf_document = pdf_document, bibtex_item = bibtex_item }); } } } return(null); }
private void ButtonUseSummary_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { AugmentedBindable <PDFDocument> pdf_document_bindable = DataContext as AugmentedBindable <PDFDocument>; if (null == pdf_document_bindable) { return; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.BibTex)) { if (!MessageBoxes.AskQuestion("You already have BibTeX associated with this record. Are you sure you want to overwrite it?")) { return; } } BibTexItem bibtem_item = new BibTexItem(); bibtem_item.Type = "article"; bibtem_item.Key = String.Format( "{0}{1}{2}" , Constants.UNKNOWN_AUTHORS != pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.AuthorsCombined ? StringTools.GetFirstWord(pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.AuthorsCombined) : "" , Constants.UNKNOWN_YEAR != pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.YearCombined ? StringTools.GetFirstWord(pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.YearCombined) : "" , Constants.TITLE_UNKNOWN != pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.TitleCombined ? StringTools.GetFirstWord(pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.TitleCombined) : "" ); if (Constants.TITLE_UNKNOWN != pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.TitleCombined) { bibtem_item["title"] = pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.TitleCombined; } if (Constants.UNKNOWN_AUTHORS != pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.AuthorsCombined) { bibtem_item["author"] = pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.AuthorsCombined; } if (Constants.UNKNOWN_YEAR != pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.YearCombined) { bibtem_item["year"] = pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.YearCombined; } pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.BibTex = bibtem_item.ToBibTex(); pdf_document_bindable.NotifyPropertyChanged(nameof(pdf_document_bindable.Underlying.BibTex)); }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public static void Test() { string sample_bibtext = @"@conference{kamp1984theory,title = {{A theory of truth and semantic representation}},author = {Kamp, H.},booktitle={Truth, Interpretation and Information: Selected Papers from the Third Amsterdam Colloquium},pages={1--41},year={1984}"; Logging.Info("BibTex is:\n" + sample_bibtext); BibTexItem bibtex_item = BibTexParser.ParseOne(sample_bibtext, false); Logging.Info("Title is: " + GetTitle(bibtex_item)); Logging.Info("Author is: " + GetAuthor(bibtex_item)); Logging.Info("Year is: " + GetYear(bibtex_item)); string replaced_bibtex = sample_bibtext; replaced_bibtex = SetTitle(replaced_bibtex, "New title"); replaced_bibtex = SetAuthor(replaced_bibtex, "New author"); replaced_bibtex = SetYear(replaced_bibtex, "New year"); Logging.Info("Replaced BibTex is:\n" + replaced_bibtex); }
void RebuidTextAndGrid() { string bibtex = BibTeX; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bibtex) && !ForceHideNoBibTeXInstructions) { ObjNoBibTeXInstructions.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { ObjNoBibTeXInstructions.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } BibTexItem bibtex_item = BibTexParser.ParseOne(bibtex, true); if (null == bibtex_item) { bibtex_item = new BibTexItem(); } // If there were any exceptions, go pink and jump to the text editor if (bibtex_item.Exceptions.Count > 0 || bibtex_item.Warnings.Count > 0) { TextBlock tb = new TextBlock(); tb.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Courier New"); tb.Text = bibtex_item.GetExceptionsAndMessagesString(); tb.TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap; tb.MaxWidth = 400; ImageBibTeXParseError.ToolTip = tb; ImageBibTeXParseError.Visibility = ObjErrorPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } else { ObjErrorPanel.ToolTip = null; ImageBibTeXParseError.Visibility = ObjErrorPanel.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } BuildGridFromBibTeX(bibtex, bibtex_item); BuildTextFromBibTeX(bibtex, bibtex_item); }
/// <summary> /// After setting the field, returns the WHOLE bibtex again /// </summary> /// <param name="bibtex"></param> /// <param name="field"></param> /// <param name="field_value"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string SetField(string bibtex, string field, string field_value) { try { BibTexItem item = BibTexParser.ParseOne(bibtex, false); if (null != item) { item[field] = field_value; return(item.ToBibTex()); } else { return(bibtex); } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Warn(ex, "There was a problem setting the BibTeX"); return(null); } }
public static void SetGenericPublication(BibTexItem bibtex_item, string generic_publication) { if (null == bibtex_item) { return; } bool set_a_field = false; if (bibtex_item.ContainsField("journal")) { set_a_field = true; bibtex_item["journal"] = generic_publication; } if (bibtex_item.ContainsField("booktitle")) { set_a_field = true; bibtex_item["booktitle"] = generic_publication; } if (bibtex_item.ContainsField("container-title")) { set_a_field = true; bibtex_item["container-title"] = generic_publication; } if (bibtex_item.ContainsField("publisher")) { set_a_field = true; bibtex_item["publisher"] = generic_publication; } // If no field was ever set, insert a new field. // NB: This could get smarter in that we don't always want to insert journal, depending on bibtex type if (!set_a_field) { bibtex_item["journal"] = generic_publication; } }
private void EnsureStartPageOffset() { try { // -1 means we are not initialised if (-1 == start_page_offset) { // 0 means that there is no known offset start_page_offset = 0; BibTexItem bibtex_item = pdf_document.BibTexItem; if (null != bibtex_item) { string start_page_offset_text = null; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(start_page_offset_text) && bibtex_item.ContainsField("page")) { start_page_offset_text = bibtex_item["page"]; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(start_page_offset_text) && bibtex_item.ContainsField("pages")) { start_page_offset_text = bibtex_item["pages"]; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(start_page_offset_text)) { MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(start_page_offset_text, @"(\d+).*"); if (0 < matches.Count && 1 < matches[0].Groups.Count) { string start_page_offset_string = matches[0].Groups[1].Value; start_page_offset = Convert.ToInt32(start_page_offset_string); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Error(ex, "Problem calculating start_page_offset"); } }
private string CreatePaperTweet() { var pdf_document_bindable = DataContext as AugmentedBindable <PDFDocument>; if (null == pdf_document_bindable) { return(null); } PDFDocument pdf_document = pdf_document_bindable.Underlying; BibTexItem bibtex_item = pdf_document.BibTexItem; if (!BibTexTools.HasTitle(bibtex_item)) { return(null); } if (!BibTexTools.HasAuthor(bibtex_item)) { return(null); } List <NameTools.Name> names = NameTools.SplitAuthors(BibTexTools.GetAuthor(bibtex_item)); if (0 == names.Count) { return(null); } string tweet = String.Format("I'm reading {1}'s '{0}' with @Qiqqa", BibTexTools.GetTitle(bibtex_item), names[0].last_name); if (140 < tweet.Length) { return(null); } return(tweet); }
internal static void Export(WebLibraryDetail web_library_detail, List <PDFDocument> pdf_documents, string base_path, Dictionary <string, PDFDocumentExportItem> pdf_document_export_items) { Logging.Info("Exporting entries to BibTeXTAB separated"); // First work out what fields are available List <string> field_names = null; { HashSet <string> field_names_set = new HashSet <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < pdf_documents.Count; ++i) { PDFDocument pdf_document = pdf_documents[i]; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pdf_document.BibTex)) { BibTexItem item = BibTexParser.ParseOne(pdf_document.BibTex, true); if (null != item) { foreach (var field in item.Fields) { field_names_set.Add(field.Key.ToLower()); } } } } field_names = new List <string>(field_names_set); field_names.Sort(); } // Write out the header DateTime now = DateTime.Now; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("% -------------------------------------------------------------------------"); sb.AppendLine(String.Format("% This tab separated file was generated by Qiqqa ({0}?ref=EXPTAB)", Common.Configuration.WebsiteAccess.Url_Documentation4Qiqqa)); sb.AppendLine(String.Format("% {0} {1}", now.ToLongDateString(), now.ToLongTimeString())); sb.AppendLine("% Version 1"); sb.AppendLine("% -------------------------------------------------------------------------"); sb.AppendLine(); // Headers sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t", "Fingerprint"); sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t", "Filename"); sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t", "BibTexKey"); sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t", "BibTexType"); foreach (string field_name in field_names) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t", FormatFreeText(field_name)); } sb.AppendLine(); // Write out the entries for (int i = 0; i < pdf_documents.Count; ++i) { StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("TabExport", String.Format("Exporting entry {0} of {1}", i, pdf_documents.Count), i, pdf_documents.Count); PDFDocument pdf_document = pdf_documents[i]; sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t", pdf_document.Fingerprint); sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t", pdf_document_export_items.ContainsKey(pdf_document.Fingerprint) ? pdf_document_export_items[pdf_document.Fingerprint].filename : ""); try { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(pdf_document.BibTex)) { BibTexItem item = BibTexParser.ParseOne(pdf_document.BibTex, true); if (null != item) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t", item.Key); sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t", item.Type); foreach (string field_name in field_names) { sb.AppendFormat("{0}\t", item.ContainsField(field_name) ? FormatFreeText(item[field_name]) : ""); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Error(ex, "There was a problem exporting the tab representation for document {0}", pdf_document.Fingerprint); } sb.AppendLine(); } // Write to disk string filename = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(base_path, @"")); File.WriteAllText(filename, sb.ToString()); StatusManager.Instance.UpdateStatus("TabExport", String.Format("Exported your BibTeX tab entries to {0}", filename)); }
private void ButtonGet_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (null == library) { MessageBoxes.Error("You must choose a library..."); return; } TxtData.Text = ""; int MaxRecordCount; if (!int.TryParse(MaxNumberOfRecords.Text, out MaxRecordCount)) { MaxRecordCount = 0; } var items = library.LibraryDB.GetLibraryItems(TxtFingerprint.Text, TxtExtension.Text, MaxRecordCount); if (0 == items.Count) { MessageBoxes.Warn("No entry was found."); } else if (1 == items.Count) { byte[] data = items[0].data; string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); TxtData.Text = json; } else { MessageBoxes.Warn("{0} entries were found; we're showing them all but you'll only be able to PUT/WRITE the first one!", items.Count); StringBuilder allstr = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { allstr.Append("\n\n==========================================================\n\n"); } LibraryDB.LibraryItem item = items[i]; byte[] data =; string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); allstr.AppendLine(json); allstr.Append("\n--------------(decoded metadata)--------------------------\n"); allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("fingerprint: {0}", item.fingerprint)); allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("extension: {0}", item.extension)); allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("MD5 hash: {0}", item.md5)); try { PDFDocument doc = PDFDocument.LoadFromMetaData(library,, null); string bibtexStr = doc.BibTex; if (null == bibtexStr) { bibtexStr = "--(NULL)--"; } else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bibtexStr)) { bibtexStr = "--(EMPTY)--"; } else { BibTexItem bibtex = doc.BibTexItem; string bibtexParseErrors; string formattedBibStr; string rawStr; if (bibtex != null) { if (bibtex.Exceptions.Count > 0 || bibtex.Warnings.Count > 0) { bibtexParseErrors = bibtex.GetExceptionsAndMessagesString(); } else { bibtexParseErrors = String.Empty; } formattedBibStr = bibtex.ToBibTex(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(formattedBibStr)) { formattedBibStr = "--(EMPTY)--"; } rawStr = bibtex.ToString(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawStr)) { rawStr = "--(EMPTY)--"; } } else { bibtexParseErrors = "ERROR: This content is utterly INVALID BibTeX as far as the BibTeX parser is concerned!"; formattedBibStr = String.Empty; rawStr = String.Empty; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(formattedBibStr)) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("\nBibTeX Formatted:\n {0}", formattedBibStr.Replace("\n", "\n "))); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawStr)) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("\nBibTeX RAW FMT:\n {0}", rawStr.Replace("\n", "\n "))); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bibtexParseErrors)) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("\nBibTeX Parse Diagnostics:\n {0}", bibtexParseErrors.Replace("\n", "\n "))); } } allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("\nBibTeX RAW INPUT:\n {0}", bibtexStr.Replace("\n", "\n "))); } catch (Exception ex) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("*** PARSE ERROR ***:\n {0}", ex.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n "))); } } // also dump the output to file (for diagnostics) string path = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(library.LIBRARY_BASE_PATH, @"Qiqqa.DBexplorer.QueryDump.txt")); // overwrite previous query dump: using (StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(path, false /* overwrite */)) { sr.WriteLine(allstr); } TxtData.Text = allstr.ToString(); } }
private void ButtonGet_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (null == web_library_detail) { MessageBoxes.Error("You must choose a library..."); return; } TxtData.Text = ""; int MaxRecordCount; if (!int.TryParse(MaxNumberOfRecords.Text, out MaxRecordCount)) { MaxRecordCount = 0; } var items = web_library_detail.Xlibrary.LibraryDB.GetLibraryItems(TxtExtension.Text, new List <string>() { TxtFingerprint.Text }, MaxRecordCount); if (0 == items.Count) { MessageBoxes.Warn("No entry was found."); } else if (1 == items.Count) { byte[] data = items[0].data; string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); TxtData.Text = json; } else { MessageBoxes.Warn("{0} entries were found; we're showing them all but you'll only be able to PUT/WRITE the first one!", items.Count); StringBuilder allstr = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { if (i > 0) { allstr.Append("\n\n==========================================================\n\n"); } LibraryDB.LibraryItem item = items[i]; byte[] data =; string json = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); allstr.AppendLine(json); allstr.Append("\n--------------(decoded metadata)--------------------------\n"); allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("fingerprint: {0}", item.fingerprint)); allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("extension: {0}", item.extension)); allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("MD5 hash: {0}", item.md5)); if ( > 0) { switch (item.extension) { case "citations": try { string citations = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); // format: (hash, hash_REF, unknown_int) on every line. e.g. // // 99D81E4872BD14C8766C57B298175B92C9CA749,024F6E48744443D5B7D22DE2007EFA7C_REF,0 // E62116BFF03E2D6AF99D596C8EB5C3D3B6111B5,024F6E48744443D5B7D22DE2007EFA7C_REF,0 // EB9BAE68C451CEEC70E4FE352078AEA4050A427,024F6E48744443D5B7D22DE2007EFA7C_REF,0 // ... allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("citations = [\n{0}\n]", citations)); } catch (Exception ex) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("*** CITATIONS RECORD PARSE ERROR ***:\n {0}", ex.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n "))); } break; // highlights format: JSON: // // [ // { // "P": 3, // "L": 0.21154, // "T": 0.1395, // "W": 0.09829, // "H": 0.01615, // "C": 0 // }, // ... // /* * example annotation: JSON format: * * [ * { * "Guid": "329abf6b-59b4-450a-b015-65402c25068d", * "DocumentFingerprint": "0E294EABE45DD6B903A3F6EEF964D80645F272C", * "Page": 4, * "DateCreated": "20120427153803358", * "Deleted": false, * "ColorWrapper": "#FF87CEEB", * "Left": 0.11479289940828402, * "Top": 0.06685699621479417, * "Width": 0.41301775147928993, * "Height": 0.25688073394495414, * "FollowUpDate": "00010101000000000", * "Text": "rgrgdrgdrgdrgdrgdrgdrdrgdrg" * } * ] */ case "annotations": try { string s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("{1} = [\n{0}\n]", s, item.extension)); } catch (Exception ex) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("*** {1} RECORD PARSE ERROR ***:\n {0}", ex.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n "), item.extension)); } break; case "highlights": try { string s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("{1} = [\n{0}\n]", s, item.extension)); } catch (Exception ex) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("*** {1} RECORD PARSE ERROR ***:\n {0}", ex.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n "), item.extension)); } break; // inks format: binary serialized // case "inks": try { string s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("{1} = [\n{0}\n]", s, item.extension)); } catch (Exception ex) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("*** {1} RECORD PARSE ERROR ***:\n {0}", ex.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n "), item.extension)); } break; case "metadata": try { PDFDocument doc = PDFDocument.LoadFromMetaData(web_library_detail, item.fingerprint,; string bibtexStr = doc.BibTex; if (null == bibtexStr) { bibtexStr = "--(NULL)--"; } else if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(bibtexStr)) { bibtexStr = "--(EMPTY)--"; } else { BibTexItem bibtex = doc.BibTexItem; string bibtexParseErrors; string formattedBibStr; string rawStr; if (bibtex != null) { if (bibtex.Exceptions.Count > 0 || bibtex.Warnings.Count > 0) { bibtexParseErrors = bibtex.GetExceptionsAndMessagesString(); } else { bibtexParseErrors = String.Empty; } formattedBibStr = bibtex.ToBibTex(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(formattedBibStr)) { formattedBibStr = "--(EMPTY)--"; } rawStr = bibtex.ToString(); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawStr)) { rawStr = "--(EMPTY)--"; } } else { bibtexParseErrors = "ERROR: This content is utterly INVALID BibTeX as far as the BibTeX parser is concerned!"; formattedBibStr = String.Empty; rawStr = String.Empty; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(formattedBibStr)) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("\nBibTeX Formatted:\n {0}", formattedBibStr.Replace("\n", "\n "))); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(rawStr)) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("\nBibTeX RAW FMT:\n {0}", rawStr.Replace("\n", "\n "))); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bibtexParseErrors)) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("\nBibTeX Parse Diagnostics:\n {0}", bibtexParseErrors.Replace("\n", "\n "))); } } allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("\nBibTeX RAW INPUT:\n {0}", bibtexStr.Replace("\n", "\n "))); } catch (Exception ex) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("*** PARSE ERROR ***:\n {0}", ex.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n "))); } break; default: try { string s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("{1} = [\n{0}\n]", s, item.extension)); } catch (Exception ex) { allstr.AppendLine(string.Format("*** XXX = {1} RECORD PARSE ERROR ***:\n {0}", ex.ToString().Replace("\n", "\n "), item.extension)); } break; } } } // also dump the output to file (for diagnostics) string path = Path.GetFullPath(Path.Combine(web_library_detail.LIBRARY_BASE_PATH, @"Qiqqa.DBexplorer.QueryDump.txt")); // overwrite previous query dump: using (StreamWriter sr = new StreamWriter(path, false /* overwrite */)) { sr.WriteLine(allstr); } TxtData.Text = allstr.ToString(); } }
private static ImportingIntoLibrary.FilenameWithMetadataImport ConvertEndnoteToFilenameWithMetadataImport(string endnote_database_filename, MYDRecord record) { BibTexItem bibtex_item = new BibTexItem(); string type = "article"; TransformType(record.reference_type, ref type); bibtex_item.Type = type; bibtex_item.Key = BibTexTools.GenerateRandomBibTeXKey(); foreach (var pair in record.fields) { string key = pair.Key; string value = pair.Value; TransformKeyValue(record.reference_type, ref key, ref value); if ("notes" == key) { continue; } if ("keywords" == key) { continue; } if ("link_to_pdf" == key) { continue; } bibtex_item[key] = value; } ImportingIntoLibrary.FilenameWithMetadataImport fwmi = new ImportingIntoLibrary.FilenameWithMetadataImport(); fwmi.tags.Add("import_endnote"); fwmi.tags.Add("import_endnote_" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(endnote_database_filename)); fwmi.bibtex = bibtex_item.ToBibTex(); if (record.fields.ContainsKey("notes")) { fwmi.notes = record.fields["notes"]; } if (record.fields.ContainsKey("keywords")) { string keywords = record.fields["keywords"]; string[] tags = keywords.Split(new char[] { ' ', '\r', '\n' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); fwmi.tags.AddRange(tags); } // Handle the attachments if (record.fields.ContainsKey("link_to_pdf")) { string links_string = record.fields["link_to_pdf"]; string[] links = links_string.Split(new string[] { ",", "internal-pdf://", "\r", "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // Build up the list of candidates string base_directory = endnote_database_filename.Substring(0, endnote_database_filename.Length - 4) + ".Data\\PDF\\"; List <string> pdf_links = new List <string>(); { // First candidates are those in the subdirectory corresponding to the .ENL file foreach (string link in links) { pdf_links.Add(base_directory + link); } // Second candidates are raw pathnames foreach (string link in links) { pdf_links.Add(link); } } // Use the first PDF file that exists in the file system foreach (string pdf_link in pdf_links) { if (pdf_link.ToLower().EndsWith(".pdf") && File.Exists(pdf_link)) { fwmi.filename = pdf_link; break; } } } return(fwmi); }
internal static MendeleyDatabaseDetails DetectMendeleyDatabaseDetails() { MendeleyDatabaseDetails mdd = new MendeleyDatabaseDetails(); string BASE_DIR_FOR_MENDELEY_DATABASE = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData) + @"\Mendeley Ltd\Mendeley Desktop\"; if (!Directory.Exists(BASE_DIR_FOR_MENDELEY_DATABASE)) { Logging.Info("Mendeley not found."); mdd.databases_found = 0; mdd.documents_found = 0; mdd.pdfs_found = 0; return(mdd); } try { string[] sqlite_filenames = Directory.GetFiles(BASE_DIR_FOR_MENDELEY_DATABASE, "*.sqlite", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly); foreach (string sqlite_filename in sqlite_filenames) { // Skip the monitor database if (sqlite_filename.EndsWith("monitor.sqlite")) { continue; } try { using (SQLiteConnection connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=" + sqlite_filename)) { connection.Open(); // Build the authors lookup Dictionary <long, string> authors_lookup = new Dictionary <long, string>(); { string command_string = "SELECT * FROM DocumentContributors"; using (var command = new SQLiteCommand(command_string, connection)) { SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { long document_id = (long)reader["documentId"]; string surname = reader["lastName"] as string; string firstnames = reader["firstNames"] as string; string compound_name = (String.IsNullOrEmpty(surname)) ? firstnames : (String.IsNullOrEmpty(firstnames) ? surname : (surname + ", " + firstnames)); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(compound_name)) { if (!authors_lookup.ContainsKey(document_id)) { authors_lookup[document_id] = compound_name; } else { authors_lookup[document_id] = authors_lookup[document_id] + " AND " + compound_name; } } } } } Dictionary <long, List <string> > tags_lookup = new Dictionary <long, List <string> >(); { string command_string = "SELECT * FROM DocumentKeywords"; using (var command = new SQLiteCommand(command_string, connection)) { SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { long document_id = (long)reader["documentId"]; string keyword = reader["keyword"] as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(keyword)) { if (!tags_lookup.ContainsKey(document_id)) { tags_lookup[document_id] = new List <string>(); } tags_lookup[document_id].Add(keyword); } } } } // Get the bibtexes { //string command_string = "SELECT * FROM Documents WHERE 1=1 "; string command_string = "" + "SELECT * " + "FROM Documents " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN DocumentFiles ON == DocumentFiles.documentId " + "LEFT OUTER JOIN Files ON DocumentFiles.Hash = Files.Hash " ; using (var command = new SQLiteCommand(command_string, connection)) { SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); ++mdd.databases_found; while (reader.Read()) { try { BibTexItem bibtex_item = new BibTexItem(); bibtex_item.Type = reader["type"] as string; bibtex_item.Key = reader["citationKey"] as string; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(bibtex_item.Key)) { bibtex_item.Key = BibTexTools.GenerateRandomBibTeXKey(); } PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "title"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "abstract"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "advisor"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "city"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "country"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "day"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "month"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "dateAccessed", "accessed"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "department"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "doi"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "edition"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "institution"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "isbn"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "issn"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "issue"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "medium"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "pages"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "pmid"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "publication"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "publisher"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "sections", "section"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "series"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "session"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "volume"); PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, "year"); long document_id = (long)reader["id"]; if (authors_lookup.ContainsKey(document_id)) { bibtex_item["author"] = authors_lookup[document_id]; } ImportingIntoLibrary.FilenameWithMetadataImport fwmi = new ImportingIntoLibrary.FilenameWithMetadataImport(); fwmi.tags.Add("import_mendeley"); fwmi.bibtex = bibtex_item.ToBibTex(); string filename = reader["localUrl"] as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(filename)) { const string FILE_PREFIX = "file:///"; if (filename.StartsWith(FILE_PREFIX)) { filename = filename.Substring(FILE_PREFIX.Length); } filename = Uri.UnescapeDataString(filename); filename = filename.Replace('/', '\\'); fwmi.filename = filename; ++mdd.pdfs_found; } if (tags_lookup.ContainsKey(document_id)) { fwmi.tags.AddRange(tags_lookup[document_id]); } string note = reader["note"] as string; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(note)) { note = note.Replace("<m:italic>", ""); note = note.Replace("</m:italic>", ""); note = note.Replace("<m:bold>", ""); note = note.Replace("</m:bold>", ""); note = note.Replace("<m:note>", ""); note = note.Replace("</m:note>", ""); note = note.Replace("<m:underline>", ""); note = note.Replace("</m:underline>", ""); note = note.Replace("<m:right>", ""); note = note.Replace("</m:right>", ""); note = note.Replace("<m:center>", ""); note = note.Replace("</m:center>", ""); note = note.Replace("<m:linebreak/>", "\n"); fwmi.notes = note; } mdd.metadata_imports.Add(fwmi); ++mdd.documents_found; } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Error(ex, "Exception while extracting a Mendeley document."); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Error(ex, "Exception while exploring for Mendeley instance in file '{0}'.", sqlite_filename); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.Error(ex, "Exception while exploring for Mendeley instances."); } Logging.Info("Got {0} libraries with {1} documents and {2} PDFs.", mdd.databases_found, mdd.documents_found, mdd.pdfs_found); return(mdd); }
public static string GetAuthor(BibTexItem bibtex_item) { return(GetField(bibtex_item, "author")); }
private static void PopulateTentativeField(BibTexItem bibtex_item, SQLiteDataReader reader, string shared_key) { PopulateTentativeField(bibtex_item, reader, shared_key, shared_key); }
//public static string GetYear(string bibtex) //{ // return GetField(bibtex, "year"); //} public static string GetYear(BibTexItem bibtex_item) { return(GetField(bibtex_item, "year")); }
public void AddDocumentMetadata(bool is_deleted, string fingerprint, string title, string author, string year, string comment, string tag, string annotation, string bibtex, BibTexItem bibtex_item) { Document document = null; // Create the document only if it is not to be deleted if (!is_deleted) { document = new Document(); document.Add(new Field("fingerprint", fingerprint, Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); document.Add(new Field("page", "0", Field.Store.YES, Field.Index.NOT_ANALYZED_NO_NORMS)); StringBuilder content_sb = new StringBuilder(); AddDocumentMetadata_SB(document, content_sb, "title", title); AddDocumentMetadata_SB(document, content_sb, "author", author); AddDocumentMetadata_SB(document, content_sb, "year", year); AddDocumentMetadata_SB(document, content_sb, "comment", comment); AddDocumentMetadata_SB(document, content_sb, "tag", tag); AddDocumentMetadata_SB(document, content_sb, "annotation", annotation); AddDocumentMetadata_SB(document, content_sb, "bibtex", bibtex); AddDocumentMetadata_BibTex(document, bibtex_item); string content = content_sb.ToString(); document.Add(new Field("content", content, Field.Store.NO, Field.Index.ANALYZED)); } AddDocumentPage_INTERNAL(fingerprint, 0, document); }