public CombinedSalesComparer(DateTime startdate, DateTime enddate, bool compare) { db = new BettingSuiteDataContext(); //get available sales for both shop and master in the date range List <master_daily_sale> mastersalesList = db.master_daily_sales.Where(a => >= startdate && <= enddate).ToList <master_daily_sale>(); if (compare) { shopsalesList = db.shop_daily_sales.Where(a => >= startdate && <= enddate).ToList <shop_daily_sale>(); } //get all the available shops List <shop> shops = db.shops.ToList <shop>(); foreach (shop shop in shops) { List <master_daily_sale> mlist = mastersalesList.Where(a => a.shop1 == shop).ToList <master_daily_sale>(); if (compare) { List <shop_daily_sale> slist = shopsalesList.Where(a => a.shop1 == shop).ToList <shop_daily_sale>(); SalesCombiner sc = new SalesCombiner(mlist, slist, shop); sc.computeSales(); sclist_.Add(sc); } else { SalesCombiner sc = new SalesCombiner(mlist, shop); sc.computeSales(); sclist_.Add(sc); } } }
private bool savePaymentDetails(PaymentNotificationRequestHelper pnr) { BettingSuiteDataContext db = new BettingSuiteDataContext(); if (iSNotDuplicate(pnr.getPaymentLogId(), db)) { try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { PaymentNotificationRequest pr = setPaymentRequestObjAndSave(pnr, db); shop shop = new CRUD.shop_crud().find_shop_By_ID(pr.CustReference); foreach (PaymentItemHelper it in pnr.getPaymentItems()) { if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SalesCode"].ToString())) { AddSalesTransaction(shop, pr, db); } else if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LEASE DEBT"].ToString())) { //do lease debt lodgement } else if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OPERATIONAL DEBT"].ToString())) { //do operational debt lodgement } else if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ONLINE AGENCY"].ToString())) { //send online dept updates on online agency } else if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ONLINE USER"].ToString())) { //send online dept updates on online user } else if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["PAYMENT COMMISION"].ToString())) { //futute implementation } else { //send acknologement message of payments } } db.SubmitChanges(); scope.Complete(); return(true); } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } else { } return(false); }
public void loadStream(string x) { //if (Request.ContentType == "text/xml" || Request.ContentType == "text/plain" || Request.ContentType == "text/html"|| Request.ContentType == "application/xml") //{ XDocument doc = null;; XDocument xmlInput = XDocument.Parse(x); IEnumerable <XElement> requests = xmlInput.Elements(); //initialize to objects and process then return request; string root = xmlInput.Root.Name.ToString(); if (root.Contains("Customer")) { doc = generateCustomerValidationRequests(doc, requests); } else if (root.Contains("PaymentNotificationRequest")) { payment_request req = new payment_request { request = x, date = DateTime.Now }; BettingSuiteDataContext db = new BettingSuiteDataContext(); db.payment_requests.InsertOnSubmit(req); db.SubmitChanges(); var paymentrequests = xmlInput.Descendants("Payment").ToList(); doc = generatePaymentNotificationRequests(doc, paymentrequests); } sendResponse(doc); // } //} }
private void AddSalesTransaction(shop shop, PaymentNotificationRequest pnr, BettingSuiteDataContext db) { int tt = db.transaction_categories.Single(a => a.code.Equals("L")).id; if (pnr.isReversal) { tt = db.transaction_categories.Single(a => a.code.Equals("LR")).id; } transaction_category selectedtran = db.transaction_categories.SingleOrDefault(a => == tt); //string[] MDS = {"S", "W", "C", "SR", "WR","CR"}; string[] MLR = { "L", "R", "LR", "RR" }; string[] LPT = { "LP", "LPR" }; if (MLR.Contains(selectedtran.code)) { decimal amount = new decimal(null); AddnewLodgementReimbursementTransaction(shop, selectedtran, pnr, db, amount); } else { } }
private XDocument ProcessCustomerValidationRequestsAndGetResponse(List <CustomerValidationRequest> cvrequests) { BettingSuiteDataContext db = new BettingSuiteDataContext(); List <CustomerValidationResponse> cvresponses = new List <CustomerValidationResponse>(cvrequests.Count()); List <CustomerValidationResponse> invalidcvresponses = new List <CustomerValidationResponse>(cvrequests.Count()); foreach (CustomerValidationRequest cvr in cvrequests) { int refr = int.Parse(cvr.getCustReference().Substring(1)); customer customer = null; //check Type of customer if (cvr.getCustReference().StartsWith(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AGENT PREFIX"])) { shop shop = db.shops.SingleOrDefault(a => == refr); if (shop != null) { customer = new customer(shop); customer.setPrefix(cvr.getCustReference().ElementAt(0).ToString()); if (customer.getReference() != refr) { customer = null; } } else { customer = null; } if (customer != null) { // customer.setPaymentItem(cvr.getPaymentItemCode()); CustomerValidationResponse cr = new CustomerValidationResponse(customer, cvr.getMerchantReference()); cvresponses.Add(cr); } else { customer = new customer(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1); customer.setPrefix(cvr.getCustReference().ElementAt(0).ToString()); customer.setReference(refr); CustomerValidationResponse icr = new CustomerValidationResponse(customer, cvr.getMerchantReference()); invalidcvresponses.Add(icr); } } else { // Implement Online Users Later customer = new customer(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1); // customer.setPrefix(cvr.getCustReference().ElementAt(0).ToString()); customer.setReference(refr); CustomerValidationResponse icr = new CustomerValidationResponse(customer, cvr.getMerchantReference()); invalidcvresponses.Add(icr); } } return(generateCustomerValidationResponse(cvresponses, invalidcvresponses)); }
public application Application(BettingSuiteDataContext db) { application app = new application { app_id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() }; db.applications.InsertOnSubmit(app); return(app); }
private bool iSNotDuplicate(int paymentID, BettingSuiteDataContext db) { PaymentNotificationRequest pr = db.PaymentNotificationRequests.SingleOrDefault(a => a.PaymentLogId == paymentID); if (pr != null) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void AddDebtTransaction(shop shop, PaymentNotificationRequest pr, BettingSuiteDataContext db) { try { List <debt> debts = new CRUD.debt_crud().getShopdebts(shop, null); if (debts != null && debts.Count > 0) { decimal amount = lodgeDebt(debts, pr.Amount, shop.master_balance_sheets[0]); if (amount > 0) { transaction_category saleslodge = db.transaction_categories.SingleOrDefault(a => a.code == "L"); //amount = LodgeSales(shop, amount, shop.master_balance_sheets[0]); AddnewLodgementReimbursementTransaction(shop, saleslodge, pr, db, amount); } } } catch (Exception) { } }
private void AddnewLodgementReimbursementTransaction(shop shop, transaction_category tran, PaymentNotificationRequest pnr, BettingSuiteDataContext db) { DateTime date = DateTime.Today; master_balance_sheet masterbalance = new CRUD.master_balance_sheet_crud().getMasterBalanceByShopId(; if (masterbalance == null) { masterbalance = new master_balance_sheet { shop =, credit_balance = 0, online_credit = 0, sales_balance = 0, netbalance = 0, }; masterbalance = new CRUD.master_balance_sheet_crud(masterbalance).insert_master_balance_sheet(); } master_transaction reversalmastertransaction = new master_transaction(); master_lodgement_reimbursment newmlr = new master_lodgement_reimbursment { amount = pnr.Amount, bank = 0,//interswitch id, date = date, shop =, teller_number = pnr.PaymentLogId.ToString(), islocked = true, isverified = true, payment_type = 5, transaction_category =, }; login lodin = db.logins.Single(a => a.username == "InterSwitch"); master_transaction newmastertransaction = new master_transaction { amount = Math.Abs(pnr.Amount), balance_before = (masterbalance != null) ? masterbalance.sales_balance : 0, balance_after = (masterbalance != null) ? getbal(masterbalance.sales_balance, pnr.Amount, tran) : pnr.Amount, shop =, trans_category =, trans_timestamp = DateTime.Now, trans_type = (tran.type == true) ? 1 : 0, posted_by =,// interswitch id, description = pnr.PaymentReference + " Posted For " + date.ToShortDateString(), details = (tran.code == "L") ? "Lodgement For " + date.ToShortDateString() : "Lodgement Reversal For " + date.ToShortDateString() }; masterbalance.sales_balance = (masterbalance != null) ? getbal(masterbalance.sales_balance, newmastertransaction.amount, tran) : newmastertransaction.amount; masterbalance.netbalance = (masterbalance != null) ? getbal(masterbalance.netbalance, newmastertransaction.amount, tran) : newmastertransaction.amount; bool loadtran = new Utilities.TransactionHelper().SaveMasterLodgementTransaction(newmlr, newmastertransaction, masterbalance); if (loadtran) { try { bool mailvalidity = new Utilities.Mail_Validity_Helper().getMailSendingStatus(); SMS_Vendor_Validity_Helper valhelp = new SMS_Vendor_Validity_Helper(); sms_vendor vendor = valhelp.getVendorsByName("50kobo"); bool smsvalidity = (DateTime.Today <= vendor.expiry_date) ? true : false; if (newmlr.bank1.code != "CASH") { sms message; if (tran.code == "L") { if (smsvalidity) { sm mm = new CRUD.sms_crud().findByCode("CA"); message = new sms(); if (message.initializeParameters(shop, mm.subject.Trim() + "\r\n" + mm.content.Trim() + "\r\n" + mm.conclusion.Trim(), newmlr)) { message.CustomizeAndSendSMS(); } } if (mailvalidity) { mail mail = new CRUD.mail_crud().findByCode("LA"); MailClient client = new MailClient(); client.SendLodgementReimbursementMail(shop, mail, newmastertransaction); } } else if (tran.code == "R") { if (smsvalidity) { sm mm = new CRUD.sms_crud().findByCode("DA"); message = new sms(); if (message.initializeParameters(shop, mm.subject + "\r\n" + mm.content + "\r\n" + mm.conclusion, newmlr)) { message.CustomizeAndSendSMS(); } } if (mailvalidity) { mail mail = new CRUD.mail_crud().findByCode("RA"); MailClient client = new MailClient(); client.SendLodgementReimbursementMail(shop, mail, newmastertransaction); } } } } catch (Exception) { } } else { } }
private PaymentNotificationRequest setPaymentRequestObjAndSave(PaymentNotificationRequestHelper pnr, BettingSuiteDataContext db) { try { PaymentNotificationRequest newpr = new PaymentNotificationRequest(); newpr.Amount = Math.Abs(pnr.getAmount()); newpr.BankCode = pnr.getBankCode(); newpr.BankName = pnr.getBankName(); newpr.BranchName = pnr.getBranchName(); newpr.CategoryCode = pnr.getCategoryCode(); newpr.CategoryName = pnr.getCategoyName(); newpr.ChannelName = pnr.getChannelName(); newpr.CollectionsAccount = pnr.getCollectionsAccount(); newpr.CustomerAddress = pnr.getCustomerAddress(); newpr.CustomerName = pnr.getCustomerName(); newpr.CustomerPhoneNumber = pnr.getCustomerPhoneNumber(); newpr.CustReference = int.Parse(pnr.getCustReference().Substring(1)); newpr.DepositorName = pnr.getDepositorName(); newpr.FeeName = pnr.getFeeName(); newpr.FTPPassword = pnr.getFTPPassword(); newpr.FTPUsername = pnr.getFTPUsername(); newpr.InstitutionId = pnr.getInstitutionID(); newpr.InstitutionName = pnr.getInstitutionName(); newpr.isReversal = pnr.isReversal(); newpr.Location = pnr.getLocation(); newpr.OriginalPaymentLogid = pnr.getOriginalPaymentLogId(); newpr.OriginalPaymentName = pnr.getOriginalPaymentName(); newpr.OriginalPaymentReference = pnr.getOriginalPaymentReference(); newpr.OtherCustomerInfo = pnr.getOtherCustomerInfo(); newpr.PaymentCurrency = pnr.getPaymentCurrency(); newpr.PaymentDate = pnr.getPaymentDate(); newpr.PaymentLogId = pnr.getPaymentLogId(); newpr.PaymentMethod = pnr.getPaymentMethod(); newpr.PaymentReference = pnr.getPaymentReference(); newpr.PaymentStatus = pnr.getPaymentStatus(); newpr.ServicePassword = pnr.getServicePassword(); newpr.ServiceUsername = pnr.getServiceUsername(); newpr.SettlementDate = pnr.getSettlementDate(); List <PaymentItem> pItems = null; List <PaymentItemHelper> phs = pnr.getPaymentItems(); // List<Item> t = db.Items.ToList<Item>(); if (phs.Count > 0) { pItems = new List <PaymentItem>(); foreach (PaymentItemHelper pay in phs) { PaymentItem p = new PaymentItem(); p.ItemAmount = pay.getItemAmount(); p.LeadBankCbnCode = pay.getLeadBankCbnCode(); p.LeadBankCode = pay.getLeadBankCode(); p.LeadBankName = pay.getLeadBankName(); p.Item = db.Items.SingleOrDefault(a => a.code.Equals(pay.getItemCode())).id; pItems.Add(p); // setItemCodeLater } db.PaymentItems.InsertAllOnSubmit(pItems); db.PaymentNotificationRequests.InsertOnSubmit(newpr); } return(newpr); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } }
private XDocument ProcessNotificationRequestsAndGetResponse(List <PaymentNotificationRequestHelper> pnrequests) { BettingSuiteDataContext db = new BettingSuiteDataContext(); List <PaymentNotificationResponse> pnresponses = new List <PaymentNotificationResponse>(pnrequests.Count()); // List<PaymentNotificationResponse> invalidpnresponses = new List<PaymentNotificationResponse>(pnrequests.Count()); foreach (PaymentNotificationRequestHelper pnr in pnrequests) { int refr = int.Parse(pnr.getCustReference().Substring(1)); customer customer = null; //check Type of customer if (pnr.getCustReference().StartsWith(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AGENT PREFIX"])) { shop shop = db.shops.SingleOrDefault(a => == refr); if (shop != null) { customer = new customer(shop); if (customer.getReference() != refr) { customer = null; } } else { customer = null; } if (customer != null) { // customer.setPaymentItem(cvr.getPaymentItemCode()); PaymentNotificationResponse pr = new PaymentNotificationResponse(customer, pnr); pr.setStatus(0); savePaymentDetails(pnr); pr.setPaymentLogId(pnr.getPaymentLogId().ToString()); pnresponses.Add(pr); } else { customer = new customer(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1); customer.setReference(refr); PaymentNotificationResponse ipr = new PaymentNotificationResponse(customer, pnr); ipr.setStatus(1); pnresponses.Add(ipr); } } else if (pnr.getCustReference().StartsWith(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ONLINE USER PREFIX"])) { // SORT OUT ONLINE LATER } else { customer = new customer(null, null, null, null, null, null, 1); customer.setReference(refr); PaymentNotificationResponse ipr = new PaymentNotificationResponse(customer, pnr); ipr.setStatus(1); pnresponses.Add(ipr); } } return(generatePaymentNotificationResponse(pnresponses)); }
private bool savePaymentDetails(PaymentNotificationRequestHelper pnr) { BettingSuiteDataContext db = new BettingSuiteDataContext(); if (iSNotDuplicate(pnr.getPaymentLogId(), db)) { try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { PaymentNotificationRequest pr = setPaymentRequestObjAndSave(pnr, db); shop shop = new CRUD.shop_crud().find_shop_By_ID(pr.CustReference); foreach (PaymentItemHelper it in pnr.getPaymentItems()) { if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SalesCode"].ToString())) { AddSalesTransaction(shop, pr, db); } else if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["LeaseDebtCode"].ToString())) { AddDebtTransaction(shop, pr, db); } else if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["OperationalDebtCode"].ToString())) { AddDebtTransaction(shop, pr, db); } else if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Online Agency"].ToString())) { //sendmail MailClient mc = new MailClient(); mail mail = new CRUD.mail_crud().findByCode("OL"); string body = mail.content; body = body.Replace("{shop_code}", shop.shop_code); body = body.Replace("{account_name}", pnr.getCustomerName()); body = body.Replace("{amount}", "₦" + pr.Amount.ToString()); body = body.Replace("{amount_to_lodge}", "₦" + (decimal.Multiply(pr.Amount, decimal.Parse("1.10"))).ToString()); body = body.Replace("{payment_method}", "InterSwitch"); mc.SendBulkMail(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ONLINE SENDING MAIL"].ToString(), shop.shop_code + " (₦" + pr.Amount.ToString() + ") ", body); //send sms to agent SMS_Vendor_Validity_Helper valhelp = new SMS_Vendor_Validity_Helper(); sms_vendor vendor = valhelp.getVendorsByName("50kobo"); bool smsvalidity = (DateTime.Today <= vendor.expiry_date) ? true : false; if (smsvalidity) { sms message = new sms(); if (message.initializeParameters(shop, "Online Lodgement Confirmation" + "\r\n" + "Your lodgement of " + pr.Amount.ToString() + " for online agency has being confirmed. You would be credited with " + (decimal.Multiply(pr.Amount, decimal.Parse("1.10"))).ToString() + "\r\n" + "", pr.PaymentDate)) { message.CustomizeAndSendSMS(); } } //send online dept updates on online user } else if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Online User"].ToString())) { } else if (it.getItemCode().Equals(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Payment Commision"].ToString())) { //futute implementation } else { SMS_Vendor_Validity_Helper valhelp = new SMS_Vendor_Validity_Helper(); sms_vendor vendor = valhelp.getVendorsByName("50kobo"); bool smsvalidity = (DateTime.Today <= vendor.expiry_date) ? true : false; if (smsvalidity) { sms message = new sms(); if (message.initializeParameters(shop, "Payment Confirmation" + "\r\n" + "Your lodgement of " + pr.Amount.ToString() + " for " + it.getItemName() + " has being confirmed and would be processed shortly" + "\r\n" + "call 014609630 for info/complaints", pr.PaymentDate)) { message.CustomizeAndSendSMS(); } } } } db.SubmitChanges(); scope.Complete(); return(true); } } catch (Exception) { return(false); } } else { } return(false); }