public BestTutorNotes() { this.TableName = "BestTutorNotes"; this.SecurityPage = "Tutor - Notes"; TableFields.Add(new BestField() { fieldName = "guidfield", fieldHeader = "guid", displayField = false, fieldSize = 40, IsRequired = true, fieldType = "System.Guid", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Guid }); TableFields.Add(new BestField() { fieldName = "lastChange", fieldHeader = "Last Change", displayField = false, fieldSize = 20, IsRequired = true, fieldType = "System.DateTime", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.DBTimeStamp }); TableFields.Add(new BestField() { fieldName = "lastChangeUser", fieldHeader = "Last Change User", displayField = false, fieldSize = 128, IsRequired = true, fieldType = "System.String", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar }); TableFields.Add(new BestField() { fieldName = "tutorGuid", fieldHeader = "Tutor Name", displayField = true, fieldSize = 40, IsRequired = false, fieldType = "System.Guid", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Guid, displayFormatFunc = new Func<BestRow, object>((obj) => { BestRow bstd = (BestRow)obj; List<BestField> bparams = new List<BestField>(); BestField guid = new BestField() { fieldName = "tutorGuid", fieldSize = 40, fieldType = "System.Guid", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Guid, displayField = false }; guid.fieldValue = bstd.Fields["tutorGuid"].fieldValue; bparams.Add(guid); BestTutors bpstd = new BestTutors(); bpstd.LoadRows("guidfield=?", bparams); return bpstd.firstName + " " + bpstd.lastName; }) }); TableFields.Add(new BestField() { fieldName = "noteDate", fieldHeader = "Note Date", displayField = true, fieldSize = 20, IsRequired = true, fieldType = "System.DateTime", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.DBTimeStamp }); TableFields.Add(new BestField() { fieldName = "notes", fieldHeader = "Notes", displayField = true, fieldSize = 9000, IsRequired = true, fieldType = "System.String", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar }); TableFields.Add(new BestField() { fieldName = "CenterId", fieldSize = 50, fieldType = "System.String", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar, IsRequired = true }); }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentUser"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Logout.aspx"); } ltrSubMenu.Text = UtilMenu.TutorMenu("tutorinfo"); string ms = Request.QueryString["ms"]; ltrMScript.Text = Utils.MenuSelectScript(ms); if (!Utils.User.UserRoleByName("Tutor - Information").allowView) { ltrGrid.Text = "You do not have rights to view."; return; } this.ltrStateOpts.Text = Utils.StateOptions(); BestCenters bcs = new BestCenters(); bcs.LoadRows(); for (int rnum = 0; rnum < bcs.TableRows.Count; rnum++) { string cid = bcs.TableRows[rnum].Fields["CenterId"].fieldValue; if (cid.Equals(Utils.User.CenterId)) { this.CenterId.Items.Add(cid); } } string saveClicked = Request.Form["SaveClicked"] ?? ""; if (IsPostBack && saveClicked.Equals("1")) { BestTutors bs = new BestTutors(); string isnew = Request.Form["isnew"]; bool cansave = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isnew)) { List<BestField> bparams = new List<BestField>(); BestField guid = new BestField() { fieldName = "guidfield", fieldSize = 40, fieldType = "System.Guid", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Guid, displayField = false }; guid.fieldValue = Request.Form["guidfield"]; bparams.Add(guid); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid.fieldValue)) { bs.LoadRows("guidfield=?", bparams); } else { string delguid = Request.Form["deleteguid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(delguid)) { bparams[0].fieldValue = delguid; bs.LoadRows("guidfield=?", bparams); bs.CurrentRow.IsDelete = true; bs.CurrentRow.Save(); } cansave = false; } } if (cansave) { bs.TutorId = Request.Form["g_TutorId"]; bs.firstName = Request.Form["g_firstName"]; bs.lastName = Request.Form["g_lastName"]; bs.CenterId = this.CenterId.Value; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bs.TutorId)) { ltrValidateMsg.Text = Utils.WarningMessage("Tutor Id is Required."); cansave = false; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bs.firstName) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(bs.lastName)) { ltrValidateMsg.Text = Utils.WarningMessage("First Name or Last Name is required"); cansave = false; } if (cansave) { bs.middleName = Request.Form["g_middleName"]; bs.address1 = Request.Form["g_address1"]; bs.address2 = Request.Form["g_address2"]; = Request.Form["g_city"]; bs.state = Request.Form["g_state"]; = Request.Form["g_zip"]; bs.cellPhone = Request.Form["g_cellPhone"]; bs.workPhone = Request.Form["g_workPhone"]; bs.homePhone = Request.Form["g_homePhone"]; bs.emailId = Request.Form["g_emailId"]; bs.gender = Request.Form["g_gender"]; bs.School = Request.Form["g_school"]; bs.yearGraduated = Request.Form["g_yearGraduated"]; bs.GPA = Request.Form["g_GPA"]; bs.Major = Request.Form["g_Major"]; bs.Expertise = Request.Form["g_Expertise"]; bs.learningStyle = Request.Form["g_learningStyle"]; bs.Matchup = Request.Form["g_Matchup"]; bs.gradeLevels = Request.Form["g_gradeLevels"]; bs.otherSkill = Request.Form["g_otherSkill"]; bs.programStyle = Request.Form["g_programStyle"]; string salary = Request.Form["g_salary"]; string perhour = Request.Form["g_perhour"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(salary)) { bs.Salary = Convert.ToDecimal(salary); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(perhour)) { bs.PerHour = Convert.ToDecimal(perhour); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Form["g_joinDate"])) { bs.joinDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.Form["g_joinDate"]); } if (!bs.CurrentRow.Save()) { ltrValidateMsg.Text = Utils.WarningMessage(bs.CurrentRow.lastError); } } } } BestDatabase db = new BestDatabase(); OleDbCommand myCmd = db.dbCmd; myCmd.CommandText = "Best_GetNextTutorId"; OleDbParameter p1 = new OleDbParameter("@makehigherthan", OleDbType.VarChar, 10); p1.Value = "T0"; myCmd.Parameters.Add(p1); myCmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure; OleDbDataReader read = myCmd.ExecuteReader(); string tutorid = ""; if (read.Read()) { tutorid = read.GetValue(0).ToString(); } ltrLoadScript.Text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\n newtutorid='" + tutorid + "'\n</script>\n"; BestGrid bsGrid = new BestGrid(); bsGrid.PageRequest = Page.Request; bsGrid.Title = "Tutuor Information"; bsGrid.GridTable = new BestTutors(); bsGrid.securityPage = "Tutor - Information"; ltrGrid.Text = bsGrid.ToHTML(); }
private string TutorOptions() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string tutorguid = Request.Form["TutorGuid"] ?? ""; sb.Append("<option value=\"\"></option>"); BestTutors bs = new BestTutors(); bs.LoadRows("CenterId=?", "centerid", Utils.User.CenterId, "firstname"); sb.Append(string.Join("", bs.TableRows.Rows.Select(x => "<option value=\"" + Server.HtmlEncode(x.Fields["guidfield"].fieldValue) + "\" " + (tutorguid.Equals(x.Fields["guidfield"].fieldValue) ? "selected" : "") + " >" + Server.HtmlEncode(x.Fields["firstname"].fieldValue + " " + x.Fields["lastname"].fieldValue) + "</option>").ToArray())); return sb.ToString(); }
private void SendEMails() { /* Send EMails */ string strRows = Request.Form["rowcount"]; int rowCount; int.TryParse(strRows, out rowCount); List<BestField> bparams = new List<BestField>(); string paramQs = ""; for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { string chkStr = Request.Form["chk_" + i.ToString()]??""; if (chkStr.Equals("on")) { BestField bsf = new BestField() { fieldName = "guidfield", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Guid, fieldType = "System.Guid" }; bsf.fieldValue = Request.Form["guid" + i.ToString()]; bparams.Add(bsf); paramQs += "?,"; } } paramQs = (paramQs.Length > 0) ? paramQs.Substring(0, paramQs.Length - 1) : ""; string selWho = Request.Form["selWho"]; if (bparams.Count > 0) { Dictionary<string, BMails> nvc = new Dictionary<string, BMails>(); string emailBody = getEMailBody(); if (selWho.Equals("Student")) { BestStudents bs = new BestStudents(); bs.LoadRows("guidfield in (" + paramQs + ")", bparams); for (int i = 0; i < bs.TableRows.Count; i++) { bs.currentRowId = i; BMails bm = new BMails(); bm.emailbody = ReplaceParams(bs, emailBody); bm.emailToName = bs.firstName + " " + bs.lastName; nvc.Add(bs.emailId, bm); } } else if (selWho.Equals("Tutor")) { BestTutors bt = new BestTutors(); bt.LoadRows("guidfield in (" + paramQs + ")", bparams); for (int i = 0; i < bt.TableRows.Count; i++) { bt.currentRowId = i; BMails bm = new BMails(); bm.emailbody = ReplaceParams(bt, emailBody); bm.emailToName = bt.firstName + " " + bt.lastName; nvc.Add(bt.emailId, bm); } } string emailSubject = Request.Form["emailSubject"] ?? ""; string message = "Send EMail To:\n"; foreach (string key in nvc.Keys) { BMails bm = (BMails)nvc[key]; if (Utils.User.emailUtil.Send(key, emailSubject, bm.emailbody, bm.emailToName)) { message += key + " " + bm.emailToName + "\n"; } } ltrValidateMsg.Text = Utils.InfoMessage(message); } }
private string EMailTargetHTML(string studTutor, string filter, string filterval) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.Append("<table id=\"available\" class=\"bestgrid\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"width:80%;\"><tr><th><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"checkAll\" onclick=\"ToggleCheck();\" /></th><th>Id</th><th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>EMail Address</th></tr>"); int rowcount = 0; if (studTutor.Equals("Student")) { BestStudents bs = new BestStudents(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(filter) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterval)) { BestField bfld = new BestField() { fieldName = "filterparam", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar, fieldSize = 50, fieldType = "System.String" }; bfld.fieldValue = filterval; List<BestField> bparam = new List<BestField>(); bparam.Add(bfld); bparam.Add(Utils.User.CenterIdField); if (filter.Equals("School")) { bs.LoadRows("school = ? and CenterId=?", bparam,"firstname,lastname"); } else if (filter.Equals("Grade")) { bs.LoadRows("grade = ? and CenterId=?", bparam, "firstname,lastname"); } } else { bs.LoadRows("CenterId=?",Utils.User.CIdParam,"firstname, lastname"); } rowcount = bs.TableRows.Count; for (int row = 0; row < bs.TableRows.Count; row++) { bs.currentRowId = row; string trclass = (row % 2 == 0) ? "" : " class=\"gridodd\" "; result.Append("<tr" + trclass + ">"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bs.emailId)) { result.Append("<td><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"chk_" + row.ToString() + "\" name=\"chk_" + row.ToString() + "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"guid" + row.ToString() + "\" name=\"guid" + row.ToString() + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bs.guidfield.ToString()) + "\" /></td>"); } else { result.Append("<td> </td>"); } result.Append("<td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bs.StudentId) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bs.firstName) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bs.lastName) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bs.emailId) + "</td></tr>"); } } else if (studTutor.Equals("Tutor")) { BestTutors bt = new BestTutors(); bt.LoadRows("CenterId=?", Utils.User.CIdParam, "firstname,lastname"); rowcount = bt.TableRows.Count; for (int row = 0; row < bt.TableRows.Count; row++) { bt.currentRowId = row; string trclass = (row % 2 == 0) ? "" : " class=\"gridodd\" "; result.Append("<tr" + trclass + ">"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(bt.emailId)) { result.Append("<td><input type=\"checkbox\" id=\"chk_" + row.ToString() + "\" name=\"chk_" + row.ToString() + "\" /><input type=\"hidden\" id=\"guid" + row.ToString() + "\" name=\"guid" + row.ToString() + "\" value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bt.guidfield.ToString()) + "\" /></td>"); } else { result.Append("<td> </td>"); } result.Append("<td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bt.TutorId) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bt.firstName) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bt.lastName) + "</td><td>" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(bt.emailId) + "</td></tr>"); } } result.Append("<input type=\"hidden\" id=\"rowcount\" name=\"rowcount\" value=\"" + rowcount.ToString() + "\" />"); result.Append("</table>"); return result.ToString(); }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentUser"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Logout.aspx"); } ltrSubMenu.Text = UtilMenu.TutorMenu("tutorusers"); if (!Utils.User.UserRoleByName("Tutor - Users").allowView) { ltrGrid.Text = "You do not have rights to view."; return; } string ms = Request.QueryString["ms"]; this.ltrMScript.Text = Utils.MenuSelectScript(ms); string saveClicked = Request.Form["SaveClicked"] ?? ""; if (IsPostBack && saveClicked.Equals("1")) { BestField fld = new BestField() { fieldName = "guidfield", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Guid, fieldType = "System.Guid" }; List<BestField> bparam = new List<BestField>(); string delguid = Request.Form["deleteguid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(delguid)) { BestUser bsduser = new BestUser(); fld.fieldValue = delguid; bparam.Add(fld); bsduser.LoadRows("guidfield=?", bparam); bsduser.CurrentRow.IsDelete = true; if (!bsduser.CurrentRow.Save()) { ltrValidateMsg.Text = Utils.WarningMessage(bsduser.CurrentRow.lastError); } } else { string tutorGud = Request.Form["tutorTag0"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tutorGud)) { fld.fieldValue = tutorGud; bparam.Add(fld); BestTutors bstutor = new BestTutors(); bstutor.LoadRows("guidfield=?", bparam); if (!bstutor.CurrentRow.IsNew) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(bstutor.emailId)) { ltrValidateMsg.Text = Utils.WarningMessage("Tutor E-Mail Address is Required."); } else { BestUser bstuser = new BestUser(); bstuser.userName = bstutor.emailId; bstuser.firstName = bstutor.firstName; bstuser.lastName = bstutor.lastName; bstuser.address1 = bstutor.address1; bstuser.address2 = bstutor.address2; =; bstuser.state = bstutor.state; =; bstuser.cellPhone = bstutor.cellPhone; bstuser.workPhone = bstutor.workPhone; bstuser.homePhone = bstutor.homePhone; bstuser.tutorGuid = bstutor.guidfield; bstuser.Centers = bstutor.CenterId; bstuser.emailId = bstutor.emailId; bstuser.userType = "Tutor"; string randPwd = RandomString(8); bstuser.password = Utils.GetMD5Hash(randPwd); bstuser.passwordExpiration = DateTime.Today.AddDays(3); if (bstuser.CurrentRow.Save()) { Utils.User.emailUtil.Send(bstuser.emailId, "BLC Login Information", @"<h2>Welcome to Bali Learning Center!</h2><br><h3>Your login information is enclosed.</h3> <b>Accessing Your Account</b><br> Step 1:<br> Click the link below or enter the URL below into your web browser<br> Address: <a href="""">Bali Learning Center Login</a><br><br> Step 2:<br> Enter the following user name and temporary password.<br> User Name: <b>" + bstuser.userName + @"</b><br> Password: <b>" + randPwd + @"</b><br><br> <h3>This temporary password expires in 24 hours.</h3><br><br> You will be prompted to change your user name and password during your initial log in as well as answer a few security related questions. <br> <br> <br> <br> Thank you,<br> Bali Learning Center", bstuser.firstName + " " + bstuser.lastName); /* Create Tutor - Personal Role */ List<BestField> bparams = new List<BestField>(); BestField paramUName = new BestField() { fieldName = "username", fieldSize = 80, fieldType = "System.String", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar, displayField = false }; paramUName.fieldValue = bstuser.userName; BestField service = new BestField() { fieldName = "service", fieldSize = 80, fieldType = "System.String", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.VarChar, displayField = false }; bparams.Add(paramUName); bparams.Add(service); string[] aryRoles = { "3.Tutors", "Tutor - Personal", "Tutor - Planner" }; for (int i = 0; i < aryRoles.Length; i++) { UserRoles urole = new UserRoles(); bparams[1].fieldValue = aryRoles[i]; urole.LoadRows("username = ? and service=?", bparams); if (urole.TableRows.Count == 0) { urole.Service = aryRoles[i]; urole.UserName = bstuser.userName; urole.allowView = "1"; urole.CurrentRow.Save(); } } } else { ltrValidateMsg.Text = Utils.WarningMessage( bstuser.CurrentRow.lastError); } } } } } } BestGrid bsGrid = new BestGrid(); bsGrid.PageRequest = Page.Request; bsGrid.Title = "Tutor Users"; bsGrid.securityPage = "Tutor - Users"; BestUser bsuser = new BestUser(); bsuser.overrideAdd = Utils.User.UserRoleByName("Tutor - Users").allowAdd; bsuser.overrideDelete = Utils.User.UserRoleByName("Tutor - Users").allowDelete; bsuser.overrideEdit = false; bsuser.TableFields["address1"].displayField = false; bsuser.TableFields["address2"].displayField = false; bsuser.TableFields["city"].displayField = false; bsuser.TableFields["zip"].displayField = false; bsuser.TableFields["state"].displayField = false; bsuser.TableFields["Centers"].displayField = false; bsGrid.GridTable = bsuser; bsGrid.whereClause = "usertype in ('Tutor')"; ltrGrid.Text = bsGrid.ToHTML(); /* Auto Tutors */ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string autoSample = "{value:\"[paramValue]\", label:[paramLabel]}"; sb.AppendLine("<script type=\"text/javascript\">"); sb.AppendLine("autoTutors = ["); BestTutors bstd = new BestTutors(); bstd.LoadRows(); for (int s = 0; s < bstd.TableRows.Count; s++) { string result = autoSample; result = result.Replace("[paramValue]", bstd.TableRows[s].Fields["guidfield"].fieldValue); result = result.Replace("[paramLabel]", Utils.EnquoteJS((bstd.TableRows[s].Fields["firstName"].fieldValue ?? "") + " " + (bstd.TableRows[s].Fields["lastName"].fieldValue ?? ""))); sb.Append(result); if (s < bstd.TableRows.Count - 1) sb.AppendLine(","); } sb.AppendLine("];"); sb.AppendLine("</script>"); this.ltrScript.Text = sb.ToString(); }
private string StudentAndTutors() { StringBuilder jsSb = new StringBuilder(); string autoSample = "{value:\"[paramValue]\", label:[paramLabel]}"; jsSb.AppendLine("autoStudents = ["); BestStudents bstd = new BestStudents(); bstd.LoadRows("CenterId=?", Utils.User.CIdParam, "firstname"); for (int s = 0; s < bstd.TableRows.Count; s++) { string result = autoSample; bstd.currentRowId = s; result = result.Replace("[paramValue]", bstd.guidfield.ToString()); result = result.Replace("[paramLabel]", Utils.EnquoteJS((bstd.firstName ?? "") + " " + (bstd.lastName ?? ""))); jsSb.Append(result); if (s < bstd.TableRows.Count - 1) jsSb.AppendLine(","); } jsSb.AppendLine("];"); BestTutors bstut = new BestTutors(); bstut.LoadRows("CenterId=?", Utils.User.CIdParam,"firstname"); jsSb.AppendLine("autoTutors = ["); for (int s = 0; s < bstut.TableRows.Count; s++) { string result = autoSample; bstut.currentRowId = s; result = result.Replace("[paramValue]", bstut.guidfield.ToString()); result = result.Replace("[paramLabel]", Utils.EnquoteJS((bstut.firstName ?? "") + " " + (bstut.lastName ?? "").Substring(0, 1) + "-" + bstut.TutorId)); jsSb.Append(result); if (s < bstut.TableRows.Count - 1) jsSb.AppendLine(","); } jsSb.AppendLine("];"); string studentSample = "{\"firstName\":[paramFirst], \"lastName\":[paramLast], \"guid\":\"[paramGuid]\"}"; jsSb.AppendLine("StudentInfo = ["); for (int s = 0; s < bstd.TableRows.Count; s++) { string result = studentSample; bstd.currentRowId = s; result = result.Replace("[paramGuid]", bstd.guidfield.ToString()); result = result.Replace("[paramFirst]", Utils.EnquoteJS(bstd.firstName?? "")); result = result.Replace("[paramLast]", Utils.EnquoteJS(bstd.lastName?? "")); jsSb.Append(result); if (s < bstd.TableRows.Count - 1) jsSb.AppendLine(","); } jsSb.AppendLine("];"); string tutorSample = "{\"Name\":[paramName], \"Id\":\"[paramId]\",\"guid\":\"[paramGuid]\"}"; jsSb.AppendLine("TutorInfo = ["); for (int s = 0; s < bstut.TableRows.Count; s++) { string result = tutorSample; bstut.currentRowId = s; result = result.Replace("[paramGuid]", bstut.guidfield.ToString()); result = result.Replace("[paramName]", Utils.EnquoteJS((bstut.firstName?? "") + " " + (bstut.lastName?? "").Substring(0,1) + "-" + bstut.TutorId)); result = result.Replace("[paramId]", bstut.TutorId); jsSb.Append(result); if (s < bstut.TableRows.Count - 1) jsSb.AppendLine(","); } jsSb.AppendLine("];"); return jsSb.ToString(); }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentUser"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Logout.aspx"); } ltrSubMenu.Text = UtilMenu.TutorMenu("tutorplanner"); if (!Utils.User.UserRoleByName("Tutor - Planner").allowView) { ltrValidateMsg.Text = "You do not have rights to view."; return; } string ms = Request.QueryString["ms"]; this.ltrMScript.Text = Utils.MenuSelectScript(ms); BestTutors bstd = new BestTutors(); string tutorLoginScript = ""; if (Utils.User.BestUser.userType.Equals("Tutor")) { List<BestField> bparam = new List<BestField>(); bparam.Add(new BestField() { fieldName = "tutorGuid", fieldType = "System.Guid", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Guid, fieldSize = 40 }); bparam[0].fieldValue = Utils.User.BestUser.tutorGuid.ToString(); bstd.LoadRows("guidfield=?", bparam); tutorLoginScript = "$('#tblStudentSel').css('display','none');"; } else { bstd.LoadRows("CenterId=?", Utils.User.CIdParam); } string selstudent = Request.Form["selTutor"]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string selName = ""; for (int i = 0; i < bstd.TableRows.Count; i++) { string sname = bstd.TableRows[i].Fields["firstname"].fieldValue + " " + bstd.TableRows[i].Fields["lastname"].fieldValue; string sguid = bstd.TableRows[i].Fields["guidfield"].fieldValue; sb.Append("<option value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sguid) + "\""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selstudent)) { selstudent = sguid; } if (sguid.Equals(selstudent)) { selName = sname; sb.Append(" selected "); } sb.Append(">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sname) + "</option>"); } ltrTutorOpts.Text = sb.ToString(); StringBuilder sbInfo = new StringBuilder(); sbInfo.Append("["); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selstudent)) { BestSTPlan bstPlan = new BestSTPlan(); BestField bfield = new BestField() { fieldName = "tutorguid", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Guid, fieldType = "System.Guid" }; bfield.fieldValue = selstudent; List<BestField> bparams = new List<BestField>(); bparams.Add(bfield); bparams.Add(Utils.User.CenterIdField); bstPlan.LoadRows("tutorguid=? and isdeleted=0 and centerid=?", bparams); string stplanInfo = "{guidfield:\"[paramguid]\",tutGuid:\"[paramstuGuid]\",schDay:\"[paramschDay]\",schFrom:\"[paramschFrom]\",schTo:\"[paramschTo]\"}"; for (int i = 0; i < bstPlan.TableRows.Count; i++) { string result = stplanInfo; bstPlan.currentRowId = i; result = result.Replace("[paramguid]", bstPlan.guidfield.ToString()); result = result.Replace("[paramstuGuid]", bstPlan.tutorguid.ToString()); result = result.Replace("[paramschDay]", bstPlan.schDay); result = result.Replace("[paramschFrom]", bstPlan.schFrom); result = result.Replace("paramschTo]", bstPlan.schTo); sbInfo.Append(result); if (i < bstPlan.TableRows.Count - 1) sbInfo.Append(","); } } sbInfo.Append("]"); ltrStdScript.Text = @"<script type=""text/javascript"">" + tutorLoginScript + @" g_nameOnScheduler = " + Utils.EnquoteJS(selName) + @"; g_curSTGuid = " + Utils.EnquoteJS(selstudent) + @"; g_IsStudent = false; STPlanInfo = " + sbInfo.ToString() + @" </script>"; }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentUser"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Logout.aspx"); } ltrSubMenu.Text = UtilMenu.TutorMenu("tutornotes"); if (!Utils.User.UserRoleByName("Tutor - Notes").allowView) { ltrGrid.Text = "You do not have rights to view."; return; } string ms = Request.QueryString["ms"]; this.ltrMScript.Text = Utils.MenuSelectScript(ms); string saveClicked = Request.Form["SaveClicked"] ?? ""; if (IsPostBack && saveClicked.Equals("1")) { BestTutorNotes bs = new BestTutorNotes(); string isnew = Request.Form["isnew"]; bool cansave = true; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(isnew)) { List<BestField> bparams = new List<BestField>(); BestField guid = new BestField() { fieldName = "guidfield", fieldSize = 40, fieldType = "System.Guid", paramOledbType = System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Guid, displayField = false }; guid.fieldValue = Request.Form["guidfield"]; bparams.Add(guid); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid.fieldValue)) { bs.LoadRows("guidfield=?", bparams); } else { string delguid = Request.Form["deleteguid"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(delguid)) { bparams[0].fieldValue = delguid; bs.LoadRows("guidfield=?", bparams); bs.CurrentRow.IsDelete = true; bs.CurrentRow.Save(); } cansave = false; } } if (cansave) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(isnew)) { string guid = Request.Form["g_tutorGuid"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(guid)) { ltrValidateMsg.Text = Utils.WarningMessage("Tutor Name is Required."); cansave = false; } bs.tutorGuid = new Guid(guid); } if (cansave) { string notedate = Request.Form["g_noteDate"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(notedate)) { bs.noteDate = Convert.ToDateTime(notedate); } bs.notes = Request.Form["g_notes"]; bs.CenterId = Utils.User.CenterId; if (!bs.CurrentRow.Save()) { ltrValidateMsg.Text = Utils.WarningMessage(bs.CurrentRow.lastError); } } } } /* Auto Student */ string autoSample = "{value:\"[paramValue]\", label:[paramLabel]}"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine("autoTutors = ["); BestTutors bstd = new BestTutors(); bstd.LoadRows("CenterId=?", Utils.User.CIdParam); for (int s = 0; s < bstd.TableRows.Count; s++) { string result = autoSample; result = result.Replace("[paramValue]", bstd.TableRows[s].Fields["guidfield"].fieldValue); result = result.Replace("[paramLabel]", Utils.EnquoteJS((bstd.TableRows[s].Fields["firstName"].fieldValue ?? "") + " " + (bstd.TableRows[s].Fields["lastName"].fieldValue ?? ""))); sb.Append(result); if (s < bstd.TableRows.Count - 1) sb.AppendLine(","); } sb.AppendLine("];"); ltrScript.Text = @"<script type=""text/javascript""> $(document).ready(function(){ " + sb.ToString() + @" $('#tutorTag1').autocomplete( { source:autoTutors, delay: 0, select : function( event, ui){ $('#tutorGuid').val( ui.item.value ); $( this ).val( ui.item.label ); return false; } } ); }); </script>"; BestGrid bsGrid = new BestGrid(); bsGrid.PageRequest = Page.Request; bsGrid.Title = "Tutor Notes"; bsGrid.GridTable = new BestTutorNotes(); bsGrid.securityPage = "Tutor - Notes"; ltrGrid.Text = bsGrid.ToHTML(); }
protected void Page_LoadComplete(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (HttpContext.Current.Session["CurrentUser"] == null) { Response.Redirect("Logout.aspx"); } ltrSubMenu.Text = UtilMenu.TutorMenu("tutorschedule"); if (!Utils.User.UserRoleByName("Tutor - Schedule").allowView) { ltrValidateMsg.Text = "You do not have rights to view."; return; } string ms = Request.QueryString["ms"]; this.ltrMScript.Text = Utils.MenuSelectScript(ms); BestTutors bstd = new BestTutors(); bstd.LoadRows("CenterId=?", Utils.User.CIdParam,"firstname"); string selstudent = Request.Form["selTutor"]; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string selName = ""; string emailaddress = ""; for (int i = 0; i < bstd.TableRows.Count; i++) { string sname = bstd.TableRows[i].Fields["firstname"].fieldValue + " " + bstd.TableRows[i].Fields["lastname"].fieldValue; string sguid = bstd.TableRows[i].Fields["guidfield"].fieldValue; sb.Append("<option value=\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sguid) + "\""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(selstudent)) { selstudent = sguid; } if (sguid.Equals(selstudent)) { selName = sname; emailaddress = bstd.TableRows[i].Fields["emailId"].fieldValue; sb.Append(" selected "); } sb.Append(">" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(sname) + "</option>"); } ltrTutorOpts.Text = sb.ToString(); string fromdate = Request.Form["fromdate"] ?? ""; string todate = Request.Form["todate"] ?? ""; DateTime today = DateTime.Today; int curweek = ((int)today.DayOfWeek) * -1; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fromdate)) { fromdate = today.AddDays(curweek).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(todate)) { todate = today.AddDays(curweek).AddDays(7).ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"); } ltrLoadScript.Text = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">$(document).ready(function(){$('#fromdate').val('" + fromdate + "'); $('#todate').val('" + todate + @"'); }); </script>"; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selstudent)) { string tsql = "select Date, [Sunday], [Monday], [Tuesday], [Wednesday], [Thursday], [Friday], [Saturday],stud1name,stud2name,stud3name,stud4name,stud5name from VBestSchedules where "; tsql += "(tutGuid='" + selstudent + "') and convert(datetime,date) between '" + fromdate + @"' and '" + todate + @"' order by convert(datetime, date), convert(numeric, schfrom)"; StringBuilder sbSchd = new StringBuilder(); BestDatabase db = new BestDatabase(); OleDbCommand myCmd = db.dbCmd; myCmd.CommandText = tsql; OleDbDataReader tblReader = myCmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.KeyInfo); //Retrieve column schema into a DataTable. DataTable schemaTable = tblReader.GetSchemaTable(); sbSchd.Append("<table cellpadding=\"0\" style=\"padding:1px;font-family:Tahoma;font-size:12px;border:1px solid #999;background-color:#A11117\"><tr>"); //For each field in the table... int fieldCnt = 0; foreach (DataRow myField in schemaTable.Rows) { fieldCnt++; if (fieldCnt > 8) break; sbSchd.Append("<th style=\"color:#000;background-color:#E9BA15;padding:2px;\">" + myField[0] + "</th>"); } sbSchd.Append("</tr>"); int cnt = 0; while (tblReader.Read()) { string name = " " + tblReader[8].ToString(); name += !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[9].ToString()) ? ", "+tblReader[9].ToString() : ""; name += !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[10].ToString()) ? ", "+tblReader[10].ToString() : ""; name += !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[11].ToString()) ? ", "+tblReader[11].ToString() : ""; name += !string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[12].ToString()) ? ", "+tblReader[12].ToString() : ""; string trclass = (cnt % 2 == 0) ? "" : "trordd"; sbSchd.Append("<tr style=\"font-family:Tahoma;color:#FFF;font-size:12px;\"><td>" + (tblReader[0].ToString()) + "</td>"); sbSchd.Append("<td>" + Utils.ToTimeFormat(tblReader[1].ToString()) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[1].ToString())?name:"") + "</td>"); sbSchd.Append("<td>" + Utils.ToTimeFormat(tblReader[2].ToString()) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[2].ToString())?name:"") +"</td>"); sbSchd.Append("<td>" + Utils.ToTimeFormat(tblReader[3].ToString()) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[3].ToString())?name:"") +"</td>"); sbSchd.Append("<td>" + Utils.ToTimeFormat(tblReader[4].ToString()) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[4].ToString())?name:"") +"</td>"); sbSchd.Append("<td>" + Utils.ToTimeFormat(tblReader[5].ToString()) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[5].ToString())?name:"") +"</td>"); sbSchd.Append("<td>" + Utils.ToTimeFormat(tblReader[6].ToString()) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[6].ToString())?name:"") +"</td>"); sbSchd.Append("<td>" + Utils.ToTimeFormat(tblReader[7].ToString()) + (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tblReader[7].ToString())?name:"") +"</td></tr>"); cnt++; } tblReader.Close(); sbSchd.Append("</table>"); ltrTutorSchedule.Text = sbSchd.ToString(); string sendEClick = Request.Form["sendEMailClick"] ?? ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendEClick) && sendEClick.Equals("1") && emailaddress.Length > 0) { string emailbody = "Dear " + selName + "<br />Following is your Schedule from " + fromdate + " to " + todate + ":<br />" + sbSchd.ToString() + "<br />Thank you<br />Bali Learning"; if (Utils.User.emailUtil.Send(emailaddress, "Schedule Info", emailbody, selName)) { ltrEMessage.Text = "EMail Sent To: " + Server.HtmlEncode(emailaddress); } } } }