public void testDict() { TestRoundtrip(new Hashtable()); var ht = new Hashtable() { { 0.1, 7.7 }, { 8.7, 9 }, // { 2, 3 }, TODO: integral keys don't work well across bert because (int)7 becomes (byte)7 { -2, 3 }, { 666, 3 }, { "foo", ETFCodec.ToBytes("bar") }, { "", ETFCodec.ToBytes("empty") }, { "x", null }, { "a", new ETFTuple() }, { "b", new ETFTuple() { 7 } }, { "c", new Hashtable() }, { "d", new Hashtable() { { "P", ETFCodec.ToBytes("Q") } } }, }; var encoded = BertCodec.Encode(ht); var reencoded = (Hashtable)BertCodec.Decode(encoded); Assert.That(reencoded.Keys, Is.EquivalentTo(ht.Keys)); foreach (DictionaryEntry e in ht) { Assert.That(reencoded[e.Key], Is.EqualTo(e.Value)); } }
public void testTime() { var times = new DateTime[] { DateTime.Now, DateTime.MinValue, DateTime.MaxValue, }; foreach (var dt in times) { var recode = (DateTime)BertCodec.Decode(BertCodec.Encode(dt)); Assert.That(Math.Abs((dt - recode).Ticks), Is.LessThan(TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond)); } }
public void TestRoundtrip(object obj, Type expectType) { var encoded1 = BertCodec.Encode(obj); var encoded2 = BertCodec.Encode(obj); var reencoded = BertCodec.Decode(encoded1); Assert.That(reencoded, Is.EqualTo(obj)); // verify that decoding doesn't alter the encoded buffer Assert.That(encoded1, Is.EqualTo(encoded2)); // verify that types remain what we expect if (expectType != null) { Assert.That(reencoded, Is.InstanceOf(expectType)); } }
public void testExpando() { dynamic o = new ExpandoObject(); = 777; = 8.88; o.nothing = null; o.tuple = new Atom("something"); = new DateTime(); var encoded = BertCodec.Encode(o); var reencoded = (Hashtable)BertCodec.Decode(encoded); var reencDict = reencoded.Cast <DictionaryEntry>().ToDictionary( de => (string)de.Key, de => de.Value); Assert.That(reencDict, Is.EquivalentTo((IDictionary <string, object>)o)); }
public void testTuple() { Assert.That(new byte[] { Constants.FORMAT_VERSION, Constants.SMALL_TUPLE_EXT, 0 }, Is.EqualTo(BertCodec.Encode(new ETFTuple()))); TestRoundtrip(new ETFTuple()); TestRoundtrip(new ETFTuple() { null }); TestRoundtrip(new ETFTuple() { new ArrayList(), new ETFTuple(), new ETFTuple() { null }, 17 }); TestRoundtrip(new ETFTuple(Enumerable.Range(0, 300).ToList())); }
object Roundtrip(object obj) { return(BertCodec.Decode(BertCodec.Encode(obj))); }
public void testRegex() { var rxlist = new Regex[] { new Regex(""), new Regex("foo", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant), new Regex("x.*y", RegexOptions.Multiline), new Regex("a", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture), new Regex("b", RegexOptions.Singleline), }; foreach (var rx in rxlist) { var recode = (Regex)BertCodec.Decode(BertCodec.Encode(rx)); AssertRegexEqual(recode, rx); } /* It would be nice to translate * IgnorePatternWhitespace to erlang's "extended", but * they differ in their handling of whitespace within * character classes. Maybe that's ok, given other * possible differences of interpretation? */ Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => { BertCodec.Encode(new Regex("", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace)); }); Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => { BertCodec.Encode(new Regex("", RegexOptions.RightToLeft)); }); Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => { BertCodec.Encode(new Regex("", RegexOptions.ECMAScript)); }); Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => { BertCodec.Encode(new Regex("", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)); }); Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => { BertCodec.Encode(new Regex("", RegexOptions.CultureInvariant)); }); var decodeExamples = new List <Tuple <byte[], ArrayList, Regex> >() { Tuple.Create(new byte[0], new ArrayList(), new Regex("")), Tuple.Create(new byte[0], new ArrayList() { BertCodec.caseless }, new Regex("", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant)), Tuple.Create(new byte[0], new ArrayList() { BertCodec.caseless, BertCodec.dotall }, new Regex("", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.CultureInvariant | RegexOptions.Singleline)), Tuple.Create(new byte[0], new ArrayList() { BertCodec.multiline }, new Regex("", RegexOptions.Multiline)), Tuple.Create(new byte[0], new ArrayList() { BertCodec.no_auto_capture }, new Regex("", RegexOptions.ExplicitCapture)), new Tuple <byte[], ArrayList, Regex>(new byte[0], new ArrayList() { new Atom("invalid") }, null), }; foreach (var t in decodeExamples) { var rx = new ETFTuple() { BertCodec.bert, BertCodec.regex, t.Item1, t.Item2 }; if (t.Item3 == null) { Assert.Throws <NotSupportedException>(() => BertCodec.bertDecode(rx)); } else { AssertRegexEqual(t.Item3, (Regex)BertCodec.bertDecode(rx)); } } }