private void mnuRawIndexNames_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     mnuDirectoryNames.Checked = false;
     mnuRawIndexNames.Checked  = true;
     mDirectoryMode            = BF.BigFile.DirectoryModes.Raw;
     if ((mBigFile != null) && (mBigFile.MasterDirectory != null))
        public frmMain()

            //these options will be replaced by registry key reads
            mnuDirectoryNames.Checked     = true;
            mDirectoryMode                = BigFile.DirectoryModes.Normal;
            mnuParseNames.Checked         = true;
            mParseNamesFromKnownFileTypes = true;
            mnuAlwaysUseHash.Checked      = false;

            //figure out if there is an ohrainBOWS file to work with
            BF.Fingerprint test      = new BF.Fingerprint();
            string         dllPath   = test.GetType().Assembly.Location;
            int            lastSlash = dllPath.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1;

            dllPath = dllPath.Substring(0, lastSlash);
            //if (System.IO.File.Exists(dllPath + "ohrainBOWS.mdb"))
            //    mHashLookupFileIsPresent = true;
            //    mHashLookupFileIsPresent = false;
            //    //UI.NotificationDialogue noDBFileDialogue = new BenLincoln.UI.NotificationDialogue();
            //    //noDBFileDialogue.SetTitle("No Rainbows");
            //    //noDBFileDialogue.SetMessage("Soul Spiral was unable to find the file 'ohrainBOWS.mdb' in the " +
            //    //    "application folder\r\n" + dllPath + "\r\nReverse hash name lookups will be disabled.");
            //    //noDBFileDialogue.SetIcon(UI.Dialogue.ICON_X);
            //    //noDBFileDialogue.ShowDialog();
            //    MessageBox.Show("Soul Spiral was unable to find the file 'ohrainBOWS.mdb' in the " +
            //        "application folder\r\n" + dllPath + "\r\nReverse hash name lookups will be disabled.",
            //        "No Rainbows",
            //        MessageBoxButtons.OK,
            //        MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);

            //set up the tooltips
            CreateToolTip(this.btnOpen, "Open a BigFile");
            CreateToolTip(this.btnExport, "Export the currently-selected file");
            CreateToolTip(this.btnExportAll, "Export all files");
            CreateToolTip(this.btnReplace, "Replace the current file");
            CreateToolTip(this.btnHexEdit, "Hex edit the current file");

            //disable controls if necessary