protected override int onUpdate(BehaviourTreeData wData) { TBTActionPrioritizedSelectorContext thisContext = getContext <TBTActionPrioritizedSelectorContext>(wData); int runningState = BehaviourTreeRunningStatus.FINISHED; if (thisContext.currentSelectedIndex != thisContext.lastSelectedIndex) { if (IsIndexValid(thisContext.lastSelectedIndex)) { BehaviourAction node = GetChild <BehaviourAction>(thisContext.lastSelectedIndex); node.Transition(wData); } thisContext.lastSelectedIndex = thisContext.currentSelectedIndex; } if (IsIndexValid(thisContext.lastSelectedIndex)) { BehaviourAction node = GetChild <BehaviourAction>(thisContext.lastSelectedIndex); runningState = node.Update(wData); if (BehaviourTreeRunningStatus.IsFinished(runningState)) { thisContext.lastSelectedIndex = -1; } } return(runningState); }
protected override void onTransition(BehaviourTreeData wData) { TBTActionPrioritizedSelectorContext thisContext = getContext <TBTActionPrioritizedSelectorContext>(wData); BehaviourAction node = GetChild <BehaviourAction>(thisContext.lastSelectedIndex); if (node != null) { node.Transition(wData); } thisContext.lastSelectedIndex = -1; }
protected override bool onEvaluate(/*in*/ BehaviourTreeData wData) { TBTActionPrioritizedSelectorContext thisContext = getContext <TBTActionPrioritizedSelectorContext>(wData); thisContext.currentSelectedIndex = -1; int childCount = GetChildCount(); for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) { BehaviourAction node = GetChild <BehaviourAction>(i); if (node.Evaluate(wData)) { thisContext.currentSelectedIndex = i; return(true); } } return(false); }
void CheckTreeAvailablility() { _treeData = null; if (Selection.activeObject is BehaviourTreeData) { _treeData = Selection.activeObject as BehaviourTreeData; } else if (Selection.activeGameObject != null) { _tree = Selection.activeGameObject.GetComponent <BehaviourTree>(); if (_tree != null) { _treeData = _tree.treeData; _showFrameResult = true; UnregisterTreeUpdateCallback(); _tree.onTreeUpdated += OnTreeUpdated; } } _hasTarget = _treeData != null; }
override public void OnInspectorGUI() { BehaviourTreeData activeTreeData = BTEditor.activeTreeData; if (activeTreeData != null && behaviourTree != null && activeTreeData.GetInstanceID() == behaviourTree.GetInstanceID()) { BehaviourNodeEditor node = BTEditor.lastActiveNode; if (node != null && node.nodeID < behaviourTree.nodeName.Count) { switch (node.type) { case BehaviourNodeType.action: EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Node ID: " + node.nodeID.ToString()); } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); behaviourTree.nodeName[node.nodeID] = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Node Name", behaviourTree.nodeName[node.nodeID], EditorStyles.textField); break; default: DrawDefaultInspector(); break; } } else { DrawDefaultInspector(); } if (GUI.changed) { EditorUtility.SetDirty(behaviourTree); } } Repaint(); }
public void OnGUI() { if (Selection.activeObject != null && Selection.activeObject is BehaviourTreeData) { if (activeTreeData == null || activeTreeData != Selection.activeObject || editorTree.root == null || lastSelectedObject != Selection.activeObject) { activeTreeData = Selection.activeObject as BehaviourTreeData; activeNode = null; lastActiveNode = null; editorTree.buildTree(activeTreeData); } } lastSelectedObject = Selection.activeObject; #if true //title and asset name GUILayout.Label("Behaviour Tree Editor", EditorStyles.boldLabel); EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { EditorGUILayout.PrefixLabel("Name"); if (activeTreeData != null) { GUILayout.Label(, EditorStyles.label); } else { GUILayout.Label("none", EditorStyles.label); } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); #endif editorTree.OnGUI(new Rect(0, 50, position.width, position.height - 50)); if (activeNode != null) { lastActiveNode = activeNode; } activeNode = editorTree.clickedNode; #if true //context menu Event evt = Event.current; if (evt.button == 1 && (activeNode != null || evt.rawType == EventType.MouseUp)) { GenericMenu menu = new GenericMenu(); if (activeNode == null) { if (editorTree.root == null) { AddActionItem(menu); menu.AddSeparator(""); AddInverterItem(menu); menu.AddSeparator(""); AddPrioritySelectorItem(menu); AddSequenceSelectorItem(menu); } } else { switch (activeNode.type) { case BehaviourNodeType.action: AddDeleteNodeItem(menu); break; case BehaviourNodeType.inverter: AddDeleteNodeItem(menu); menu.AddSeparator(""); AddActionItem(menu); menu.AddSeparator(""); AddPrioritySelectorItem(menu); AddSequenceSelectorItem(menu); break; case BehaviourNodeType.prioritySelector: AddDeleteNodeItem(menu); menu.AddSeparator(""); AddActionItem(menu); menu.AddSeparator(""); AddInverterItem(menu); menu.AddSeparator(""); AddPrioritySelectorItem(menu); AddSequenceSelectorItem(menu); break; case BehaviourNodeType.sequenceSelector: AddDeleteNodeItem(menu); menu.AddSeparator(""); AddActionItem(menu); menu.AddSeparator(""); AddInverterItem(menu); menu.AddSeparator(""); AddPrioritySelectorItem(menu); break; } } menu.ShowAsContext(); evt.Use(); } #endif if (evt.commandName == "UndoRedoPerformed" && activeTreeData != null) { editorTree.buildTree(activeTreeData); } }
public void buildTree(BehaviourTreeData treeData) { nodeList.Clear(); dim =; if (treeData.nodeDepth != null && treeData.nodeDepth.Count > 0) { Vector2[] leftRight = new Vector2[treeData.nodeDepth.Count]; int x = 0; int oldDepth = treeData.nodeDepth[treeData.nodeDepth.Count - 1]; int deepestDepth = 0; //set type and y position and work out an x value for each node for (int i = treeData.nodeDepth.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { int depth = treeData.nodeDepth[i]; deepestDepth = Mathf.Max(deepestDepth, depth); BehaviourNodeEditor editorNode = new BehaviourNodeEditor(); editorNode.type = treeData.nodeList[i]; editorNode.position.x = x; editorNode.position.y = depth * yGap; editorNode.nodeID = i; editorNode.depth = depth; Vector2 position = leftRight[depth]; if (depth < oldDepth) { Vector2 childPos = leftRight[depth + 1]; editorNode.position.x = Mathf.Lerp(childPos.x, childPos.y, 0.5f); position.x = x + 1; } else if (depth > oldDepth) { for (int j = oldDepth + 1; j < depth; ++j) { leftRight[j] = new Vector2(x, x); } position = new Vector2(x, x); --x; } else { position.x = x; --x; } leftRight[depth] = position; nodeList.Insert(0, editorNode); //as we're going backwards through the behaviour tree, we add nodes to the front of the list oldDepth = depth; } //calculate x position x = Mathf.Abs(x + 1); dim.x = x * (xGap + nodeWidth); dim.y = deepestDepth * yGap + nodeHeight; for (int i = 0; i < nodeList.Count; ++i) { BehaviourNodeEditor editorNode = nodeList[i]; editorNode.position.x += x; editorNode.position.x *= nodeWidth + xGap; nodeList[i] = editorNode; } } root = null; if (nodeList.Count > 0) { root = nodeList[0]; } }