// Use this for initialization void Start() { detector = GameObject.Find("BeatDetector").GetComponent <BeatDetector>(); detector.Initialize(audio.clip); detector.SynchAndPlay(audio); }
public FormMain() { InitializeComponent(); Application.ApplicationExit += Application_ApplicationExit; // Initialize BeatDetector beatDetector = new BeatDetector(); beatDetector.BeatDetected += BeatDetector_BeatDetected; beatDetector.BpmDetected += BeatDetector_BpmDetected; // Initialize WASAPI try { wasapi = new WasapiLoopbackCapture(); wasapi.DataAvailable += Wasapi_DataAvailable; wasapi.Initialize(); wasapi.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message + "\n\nThe application will now exit.", "WASAPI error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Environment.Exit(0); return; } Timer t = new Timer(); t.Tick += T_Tick; t.Interval = 16; t.Start(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { detector = GameObject.Find("BeatDetector").GetComponent<BeatDetector>(); detector.Initialize(audio.clip); detector.SynchAndPlay(audio); }
public void LoadSong(Uri fileLocation, string songName) { //Uri songUri = new Uri(fileLocation.OriginalString + "/music.mp3", UriKind.Relative); //Music = Song.FromUri(songName, songUri); Music = BeatDetector.Instance(); Music.loadSystem(); Music.LoadSong(1024, fileLocation.OriginalString + "/music.mp3"); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _playedAudio = GameObject.Find("TrackPlayer").GetComponent <AudioSource>(); _beatDetector = GetComponent <BeatDetector>(); _beatDetector.Initialize(_playedAudio.clip); _beatDetector.SynchAndPlay(GameObject.Find("TrackPlayer").audio); }
private void DrawData(double[] data, Graphics g, Converter cvter) { var chkpoint2 = DateTime.Now; if (data == null || data.Length == 0 || sourceData == null) { return; } float ratioFreq = (float)panel1.Width / (float)data.Length;; float ratioFreqTest = (float)panel1.Width / 200; float ratioWave = (float)panel1.Width / (float)sourceData.Length; float value = 0; gTempBuffer.DrawImage(mainBuffer, new Rectangle(0, 0, tempBuffer.Width, tempBuffer.Height), 0, 0, mainBuffer.Width, mainBuffer.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); //BitmapFilter.GaussianBlur(mainBuffer as Bitmap, 5); gMainBuffer.DrawImage(tempBuffer, new Rectangle(-2, -1, mainBuffer.Width + 4, mainBuffer.Height + 3), 0, 0, tempBuffer.Width, tempBuffer.Height, GraphicsUnit.Pixel, imgAttribute); int sx, sy; for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { cvter.FromReal(i * ratioFreq, 0, out sx, out sy); value = (float)(data[i] * cvt.MaxScaledY); gMainBuffer.FillRectangle(Constants.Brushes.redLightBrush, i * ratioFreq, sy, ratioFreq - 1, value / 2); } for (int i = 0; i < sourceData.Length - 4; i += 4) { cvter.FromReal(i * ratioWave, 0, out sx, out sy); gMainBuffer.DrawLine(new Pen(Constants.Brushes.blueBrush), new PointF(i * ratioWave, sy - (int)(sourceData[i] * 150 * MasterScaleFFT) + 2), new PointF((i + 4) * ratioWave, sy - (int)(sourceData[i + 4] * 150 * MasterScaleFFT) + 2)); } g.DrawImage(mainBuffer, new Point(0, 0)); for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i++) { cvter.FromReal(i * ratioFreq, 0, out sx, out sy); value = (float)(data[i] * cvt.MaxScaledY); g.FillRectangle(Constants.Brushes.redBrush, i * ratioFreq, sy - value / 2, ratioFreq - 1, value / 2); } #region BeatDetector (Don't know what will to, just code) double newBass = 0, accumBass = 0; bool beatDetected = BeatDetector.Scan(data, 6, 13, ref accumBass, ref newBass); #endregion osdPanel.AddSet("Drawing delay(ms):", DateTime.Now.Subtract(chkpoint2).TotalMilliseconds.ToString()); }
void Start() { audioSource.Play(); bd = new BeatDetector(1024); cubes = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("cube"); string songJson = System.IO.File.ReadAllText("Assets/Resources/songData/" + audioSource.clip.name + ".dat"); songData = JsonUtility.FromJson <SongData>(songJson); }
public void ApplyModel() { var songFilePath = @"C:\Users\Jan\Music\Dimitri Vegas - Ocarina.mp3"; var sut = new BeatDetector(); var signal = AudioSampleReader.ReadMonoSamples(songFilePath, out var sampleRate); var beatDetectorResult = sut.DetectBeats(signal, sampleRate); Console.WriteLine($@"BPM: {beatDetectorResult.BeatsPerMinute:F0}"); foreach (var beat in beatDetectorResult.DetectedBeats) { Console.WriteLine($@"{beat.SampleIndex};{beat.Strength}"); } }
private void Start_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (songs.Text == "") { } else { //set difficulty SetDifficulty(difficulty.Text); delay = (280 / gamespeed); //create a new instance of beat detector and load FMOD system detector = BeatDetector.Instance(); detector.loadSystem(); //load song in array detector.LoadSong(1024, songPaths[currentSongIndex]); //delay spawn to time beats detector.loadSongToDelay(delay); //start the song detector.setStarted(true); //start gravity timer gravity.Enabled = true; gravity.Start(); //hide main menu UI start.Visible = false; songs.Visible = false; loadSongs.Visible = false; difficulty.Visible = false; topEU.SendToBack(); //show in-game UI DisplayScore(); SetHitField(); SetHitBar(); highScore.Visible = true; scoreDisplay.Visible = true; NowPlaying(); np.Visible = true; np.Text = "Now Playing:\n" + songs.Text; Focus(); } }
private void InitSoundCapture() { endingNode = dataList; waveInStream = new WaveIn(); waveInStream.NumberOfBuffers = 5; waveInStream.BufferMilliseconds = 10; waveInStream.WaveFormat = new WaveFormat(samplingFrequency, 1); waveInStream.DataAvailable += new EventHandler <WaveInEventArgs>(waveInStream_DataAvailable); waveInStream.StartRecording(); Mode = 1; MasterScaleFFT = 1; DropOffScale = 0.4; N_FFT = 2048; BeatDetector.InitDetector(50); }
public static void OpenWindow(BeatDetector detector) { window = GetWindow <SpectogramWindow>(); window.detector = detector; }
public static void OpenWindow(BeatDetector detector) { window = GetWindow<SpectogramWindow>(); window.detector = detector; }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { _playedAudio = GameObject.Find("TrackPlayer").GetComponent<AudioSource>(); _beatDetector = GetComponent<BeatDetector>(); _beatDetector.Initialize( _playedAudio.clip ); _beatDetector.SynchAndPlay(GameObject.Find("TrackPlayer").audio); }
void Start() { BeatDetector processor = FindObjectOfType <BeatDetector> (); processor.AddAudioCallback(this); }
public static BeatReporter GetReporterInstance(BeatDetector detector) { return(myself ?? (myself = new BeatReporter(detector))); }
private BeatReporter(BeatDetector detector) { this.detector = detector; }
void Start() { //here you tell the beat detector which function it should call detector = GameObject.Find("BeatDetector").GetComponent <BeatDetector>(); detector.AddBeatListener(ChangeColor, band); }
void OnEnable() { detector = (BeatDetector)target; }
public SongGenerator(SongGeneratorSettings settings) { beatDetector = new BeatDetector(); levelInstructionGenerator = new LevelInstructionGenerator(settings); }
void Start() { //here you tell the beat detector which function it should call detector = GameObject.Find("BeatDetector").GetComponent<BeatDetector>(); detector.AddBeatListener(ChangeColor, band); }