double newGainStep;      // set when Volume changes and takes effect when byte interval resets.

        /**<summary>If a multiply is cued, perform operation on all relevant members at the start of a stream read.</summary>*/
        public void MultiplyByteInterval()
            lock (_multLock)
                if (intervalMultiplyCued)

                    double mult = intervalMultiplyFactor * ByteInterval;
                    ByteInterval     = (int)mult;
                    Layer.Remainder *= intervalMultiplyFactor;
                    Layer.Remainder += mult - ByteInterval;

                    if (Layer.Remainder >= 1)
                        ByteInterval    += (int)Layer.Remainder;
                        Layer.Remainder -= (int)Layer.Remainder;

                    // multiply the offset aswell
                    if (hasOffset)
                        mult             = intervalMultiplyFactor * InitialOffset;
                        InitialOffset    = (int)mult;
                        OffsetRemainder *= intervalMultiplyFactor;
                        OffsetRemainder += mult - InitialOffset;

                    intervalMultiplyCued = false;
        /**<summary>Perform a cued byte interval multiplication.</summary>*/
        public void MultiplyByteInterval()
            lock (_multLock)
                if (intervalMultiplyCued)

                    double div = ByteInterval / 4;
                    div             *= intervalMultiplyFactor;
                    Layer.Remainder *= intervalMultiplyFactor; // multiply remainder as well
                    Layer.Remainder += div - (int)div;
                    ByteInterval     = (int)div * 4;

                    if (Layer.Remainder >= 1)
                        ByteInterval    += (int)Layer.Remainder * 4;
                        Layer.Remainder -= (int)Layer.Remainder;

                    // multiply the offset aswell
                    if (hasOffset)
                        div              = initialOffset / 4;
                        div             *= intervalMultiplyFactor;
                        offsetRemainder *= intervalMultiplyFactor;
                        offsetRemainder += div - (int)div;
                        initialOffset    = (int)div * 4;

                    //// do the hihat cutoff interval
                    if (IsHiHatOpen && CurrentHiHatDuration != 0)
                        div = CurrentHiHatDuration / 4;
                        CurrentHiHatDuration = (int)(div * intervalMultiplyFactor) * 4;

                    // recalculate the hihat count and byte to cutoff values
                    if (IsHiHatOpen && Layer.HasHiHatClosed)
                        int countDiff  = HiHatCycleToMute - cycle;
                        int totalBytes = countDiff * 2560 + HiHatByteToMute;
                        totalBytes       = (int)(totalBytes * intervalMultiplyFactor);
                        HiHatCycleToMute = cycle + totalBytes / 2560;
                        HiHatByteToMute  = totalBytes % 2560;
                        HiHatByteToMute -= HiHatByteToMute % 4; // align

                    intervalMultiplyCued = false;