 /// <summary>
 /// Convert this color to an hex string with format #AARRGGBB
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>Hex string.</returns>
 public string ColorToHex()
                          , Ab.ToString("X").Length == 1 ? String.Format("0{0}", Ab.ToString("X")) : Ab.ToString("X")
                          , Rb.ToString("X").Length == 1 ? String.Format("0{0}", Rb.ToString("X")) : Rb.ToString("X")
                          , Gb.ToString("X").Length == 1 ? String.Format("0{0}", Gb.ToString("X")) : Gb.ToString("X")
                          , Bb.ToString("X").Length == 1 ? String.Format("0{0}", Bb.ToString("X")) : Bb.ToString("X")));
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double Br, Bg, Bb;//三通道偏差指数

            double r, g, b;

            r = g = b = 0;
            Bitmap map2 = (Bitmap)img2;

            for (int i = 0; i < newBitmap.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < newBitmap.Height; j++)
                    Color pixel1 = newBitmap.GetPixel(i, j);
                    Color piexl2 = map2.GetPixel(i, j);

                    r += Math.Abs(pixel1.R - piexl2.R) * 1.0 / piexl2.R;
                    g += Math.Abs(pixel1.G - piexl2.G) * 1.0 / piexl2.G;
                    b += Math.Abs(pixel1.B - piexl2.B) * 1.0 / piexl2.B;

            Br = r / (newBitmap.Width * newBitmap.Height);
            Bg = g / (newBitmap.Width * newBitmap.Height);
            Bb = b / (newBitmap.Width * newBitmap.Height);

            MessageBox.Show("融合图三通道偏差指数" + "\r\n" + "Br:" + Br.ToString() + "   " + "Bg:" + Bg.ToString() + "   " + "Bb:" + Bb.ToString());