public void ProcessSkill_AttackTest() { //Initialize necessary instances. BattleSimulator battleSim = this.BattleSimulator; //A custom attack skill used for the tests. Skill attackSkill = new Attack("attack", 1, 25, 999, Target.Opponent); //Initialize entities. Player player = this.Player; Enemy enemy = this.Enemy; //Give the player enough gauge to use the attack skill. player.Gauge = attackSkill.Gauge; //Trigger the skill. battleSim.ProcessSkill(attackSkill, player, enemy); //Verify to see if the player's gauge was consumed, which //indicates a successful execution. Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0, player.Gauge); //Follow up by making sure the enemy took //damage from the attack. Assert.AreNotEqual <short>(enemy.MaxHp, enemy.Hp); }
public static bool IsNuke(JSON.Army army) { return (BattleSimulator.TotalAttackPower(army) > 4e5 && ArmyStats.CalculateTotalPopulation(army.OfType(JSON.UnitBuild.Offensive)) > 10000 && ArmyStats.CalculateTotalPopulation(army) > FullArmyPopulation); }
public override void PostCombatEffect(BattleSimulator simulator) { if (Power != 0 && simulator.Chance(50)) { Power += 1; } }
public override void OnLeaveBattle(BattleSimulator simulator) { if ((Power <= 0) && (simulator.DarkSide.GetWarrior(simulator).Power > 0)) { simulator.DarkSide.GetWarrior(simulator).DecreasePower(simulator, 1); } }
public List <BattleTestResult> Test() { var result = new List <BattleTestResult>(); var simulator = new BattleSimulator(); foreach (var sample in testSamples) { var simulationResult = simulator.SimulateAttack(new Army(sample.Start.Attacker), new Army(sample.Start.Defender), sample.Start.Wall, sample.ArchersEnabled); var attackerError = sample.Expect.Attacker.Sum(kvp => Math.Abs(kvp.Value - simulationResult.AttackingArmy[kvp.Key]) / (float)(1 + (sample.Start.Attacker[kvp.Key] - kvp.Value))); var defenderError = sample.Expect.Defender.Sum(kvp => Math.Abs(kvp.Value - simulationResult.DefendingArmy[kvp.Key]) / (float)(1 + (sample.Start.Defender[kvp.Key] - kvp.Value))); var lossesError = attackerError + defenderError; var wallError = Math.Abs(sample.Expect.Wall - simulationResult.NewWallLevel) / (1 + sample.Expect.Wall); var finalError = lossesError * 0.75f + wallError * 0.25f; result.Add(new BattleTestResult { Passed = finalError < MaxErrorPercent, ErrorPercent = finalError, Sample = sample, Index = result.Count, ActualResult = new BattleTestState { Wall = simulationResult.NewWallLevel, Attacker = simulationResult.AttackingArmy, Defender = simulationResult.DefendingArmy } }); } return(result); }
public override void OnJoinBattle(BattleSimulator simulator) { if (simulator.LightSide.Morale < simulator.DarkSide.Morale) { this.Power += 2; } }
public void PerformSkillTest_EnemyHasNoGauge_SkillNotExecuted() { //Initialize required instances. GameBase gb = new GameBase(new RichTextBoxScroll()); BattleSimulator battleSim = gb.BattleSimulator; //Initialize the enemy and player. Enemy enemy = this.Enemy; Player player = this.Player; //Create the AI for the enemy. EnemyAI ai = new EnemyAI(enemy); //Set the skill delay to 0 in order to //trigger skills right away. ai.MinSkillDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); ai.MaxSkillDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); //Trigger a skill against the player. Action <Skill, Entity, Entity> processSkill = new Action <Skill, Entity, Entity>(battleSim.ProcessSkill); ai.PerformSkill(processSkill, player); //We expect the skill to not trigger due to the enemy having //no gauge value. //Check to see if the player took any damage. //This should be false, since the enemy shouldn't be able //to execute any skills, and thus the player takes no //damage and has equal HP and MaxHP. bool condition = player.Hp != player.MaxHp; Assert.IsFalse(condition); }
public override void PreCombatEffect(BattleSimulator simulator) { foreach (var opponent in simulator.DarkSide.Warriors) { if (!(opponent is Sith)) { return; } } Power += 2; //string w [] = //foreach (var w in ) //{ // if (simulator.DarkSide.GetWarrior(simulator) is Sith) //{ // return; //} // else // { // } //} }
private async void ContentDialog_PrimaryButtonClick(ContentDialog sender, ContentDialogButtonClickEventArgs args) { BattleSimulator sim = new BattleSimulator(); this.Hide(); await sim.RandomBattle(); }
public override void OnJoinBattle(BattleSimulator simulator) { if (simulator.LightSide.Morale < simulator.DarkSide.Morale) { simulator.DarkSide.Morale += 2; Console.WriteLine($"A csapata új morálja: {simulator.DarkSide.Morale}"); } }
public void BattleTest() { BattleSimulator sim = new BattleSimulator(monkeyArmy, wizardArmy); sim.Battle(); Assert.AreEqual(wizardArmy.Name, sim.Result.Winner.Name); Console.WriteLine(sim.Result); }
public override void DecreasePower(BattleSimulator simulator, int power) { if (simulator.Chance(10)) { Power -= power / 2; } Power -= power; }
public override bool IsStrongerThan(BattleSimulator simulator, Warrior other) { if (other is ForceUser) { return(base.IsStrongerThan(simulator, other)); } return(Power + 2 > other.Power); }
private void CreateNonMonobehaviours() { units = new Units(); simulator = new BattleSimulator(); rule = new BattleRuleLastTeam(); statistics = new BattleStatistics(); saveLoad = new BattleSaveLoad(); }
public FightStat countFitness(Strategy tankStrategy) { var map = new Map(Map); var enemyStrategy = new Strategy(EnemyStrategy); var battleSimulator = new BattleSimulator(map, tankStrategy, enemyStrategy); return(battleSimulator.Execute()); }
public bool MeetsRequirement(decimal worldSpeed, decimal travelSpeed, Coordinate source, Coordinate target, Army army) { if (AllowedTypes != null) { army = army.Only(AllowedTypes); } return(BattleSimulator.AttackPower(army).Total >= MinimumOffense); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { //var battleship = Battleship.CreateBattleShip("Raven"); var factory = new ShipFactory <Battleship>(); var raven = factory.CreateShip(Battleships.Raven); var dominix = factory.CreateShip(Battleships.Dominix); var rokh = factory.CreateShip(Battleships.Rokh); var scorpion = factory.CreateShip(Battleships.Scorpion); var canon = new Weapon(Weapons.Cannon, WeaponGrades.Large); var projectile = new Weapon(Weapons.Projectile, WeaponGrades.Large); var laser = new Weapon(Weapons.Laser, WeaponGrades.Large); var missile = new Weapon(Weapons.Missile, WeaponGrades.Large); raven.InstallWeapon(canon, 1); dominix.InstallWeapon(projectile, 1); rokh.InstallWeapon(laser, 1); scorpion.InstallWeapon(missile, 1); var attackingPlanetOffensiveFormation = new BattleFormation("ap of"); var attackingPlanetDefensiveFormation = new BattleFormation("ap df"); var defensivePlanetOffensiveFormation = new BattleFormation("dp of"); var defensivePlanetDefensiveFormation = new BattleFormation("dp df"); attackingPlanetOffensiveFormation.SetFormationRow(raven, 100, 1); attackingPlanetDefensiveFormation.SetFormationRow(dominix, 100, 1); defensivePlanetOffensiveFormation.SetFormationRow(raven, 100, 1); defensivePlanetDefensiveFormation.SetFormationRow(raven, 100, 1); var attackingPlanetOffensiveFormationGeneral = new General(); var attackingPlanetDefensiveFormationGeneral = new General(); var defensivePlanetOffensiveFormationGeneral = new General(); var defensivePlanetDefensiveFormationGeneral = new General(); attackingPlanetOffensiveFormation.SetGeneral(attackingPlanetOffensiveFormationGeneral); attackingPlanetDefensiveFormation.SetGeneral(attackingPlanetDefensiveFormationGeneral); defensivePlanetDefensiveFormation.SetGeneral(defensivePlanetDefensiveFormationGeneral); defensivePlanetOffensiveFormation.SetGeneral(defensivePlanetOffensiveFormationGeneral); var attackingPlanet = new Planet(Planets.Pandora); var defensivePlanet = new Planet(Planets.Desert); attackingPlanet.AddFormation(attackingPlanetOffensiveFormation); attackingPlanet.AddFormation(attackingPlanetDefensiveFormation); defensivePlanet.AddFormation(defensivePlanetOffensiveFormation); defensivePlanet.AddFormation(defensivePlanetDefensiveFormation); attackingPlanet.ActivateFormation(attackingPlanetOffensiveFormation, BattleFormationType.Offensive); attackingPlanet.ActivateFormation(attackingPlanetDefensiveFormation, BattleFormationType.Defensive); defensivePlanet.ActivateFormation(defensivePlanetOffensiveFormation, BattleFormationType.Offensive); defensivePlanet.ActivateFormation(defensivePlanetDefensiveFormation, BattleFormationType.Defensive); BattleSimulator.CalculateBattleResult(attackingPlanet, defensivePlanet); }
public override void PreCombatEffect(BattleSimulator simulator) { foreach (var w in simulator.LightSide.Warriors) { if (w.IsForceUser) { simulator.LightSide.Morale -= 1; } } Console.WriteLine($"Az ellenfél új morálja: {simulator.LightSide.Morale}"); }
public override void OnJoinBattle(BattleSimulator simulator) { foreach (var w in simulator.DarkSide.Warriors) { if (w is Sith) { return; } } simulator.LightSide.Morale += 3; }
private static void Main(string[] args) { var gameSettingsJson = File.ReadAllText(GameSettingsFileName); var gameSettings = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GameSettings>(gameSettingsJson); var gameDatabase = GameDatabase.CreateFromFiles( gameSettings.TypesFileName, gameSettings.MovesFileName, gameSettings.NeuromonFileName ); var playerOneControllerFactory = PlayerControllerFactoryFactory.Create( gameSettings.PlayerOneType, gameSettings.NumberOfNeuromon, gameSettings.InputNeuronCount, gameSettings.OutputNeuronCount, gameSettings.PlayerOneBrain ); var playerTwoControllerFactory = PlayerControllerFactoryFactory.Create( gameSettings.PlayerTwoType, gameSettings.NumberOfNeuromon, gameSettings.InputNeuronCount, gameSettings.OutputNeuronCount, gameSettings.PlayerTwoBrain ); var randomNeuromonGenerator = new NeuromonCollectionGenerator(gameDatabase.Neuromon, gameSettings.NumberOfNeuromon); var playerOneState = new PlayerState(gameSettings.PlayerOneName, randomNeuromonGenerator.GenerateNeuromonCollection()); var playerOneController = playerOneControllerFactory.CreatePlayer(playerOneState); var playerOne = new Player.Player(playerOneState, playerOneController); var playerTwoState = new PlayerState(gameSettings.PlayerTwoName, randomNeuromonGenerator.GenerateNeuromonCollection()); var playerTwoController = playerTwoControllerFactory.CreatePlayer(playerTwoState); var playerTwo = new Player.Player(playerTwoState, playerTwoController); var damageCalculatorFactory = new DamageCalculatorFactory( gameSettings.EffectiveMultiplier, gameSettings.WeakMultiplier, gameSettings.MinimumRandomMultiplier, gameSettings.MaximumRandomMultiplier, gameSettings.NonDeterministic ); var battleSimulator = new BattleSimulator(playerOne, playerTwo, damageCalculatorFactory.Create()); Renderer renderer = null; if (gameSettings.ShouldRender) { renderer = new Renderer(battleSimulator, gameSettings.SimulateThinking); } battleSimulator.Run(); }
private void Awake() { if ((_instance != null) && (_instance != this)) { Destroy(this.gameObject); return; } _instance = this; DontDestroyOnLoad(this.gameObject); }
void Awake() { if (instance != null && instance != this) { Destroy(instance); } instance = this; #if UNITY_EDITOR loadFile(); #endif }
public override void PreCombatEffect(BattleSimulator simulator) { foreach (var w in simulator.LightSide.Warriors) { if (w is Jedi) { { simulator.LightSide.Morale -= 1; Console.WriteLine("Az ellenfél morálját minden ellenséges Jedi után 1 ponttal csökkenti."); } } } }
public Renderer(BattleSimulator battleSimulator, bool simulateThinking) { _battleSimulator = battleSimulator; _simulateThinking = simulateThinking; _moveRenderLength = CalculateMoveRenderLength(); _battleSimulator.OnAttackMade += RenderAttack; _battleSimulator.OnNeuromonChanged += RenderNeuromonChanged; _battleSimulator.OnGameOver += RenderGameOver; _battleSimulator.OnGameStateChanged += OnGameStateChanged; _battleSimulator.OnNeuromonDefeated += OnNeuromonDefeated; }
static void TestBattleSimulation() { var attackingArmy = new Army { { TroopType.Axe, 7000 }, { TroopType.Light, 3000 }, { TroopType.Ram, 220 }, { TroopType.Catapult, 75 } }; var defendingArmy = new Army { { TroopType.Spear, 10000 }, { TroopType.Sword, 10000 } }; int testWallLevel = 15; var simulator = new BattleSimulator(); var battleResults = simulator.SimulateAttackWithoutArchers(attackingArmy, defendingArmy, testWallLevel); Console.WriteLine("Attacker results:"); PrintArmy(attackingArmy, battleResults.AttackingArmy); Console.WriteLine("\nDefender results:"); PrintArmy(defendingArmy, battleResults.DefendingArmy); Console.WriteLine("\nWall level: {0} - {1} = {2}", testWallLevel, testWallLevel - battleResults.NewWallLevel, battleResults.NewWallLevel); DateTime start = DateTime.UtcNow; int numNukes = 0; int wallLevel = testWallLevel; while (true) { var partialResults = simulator.SimulateAttackWithoutArchers(attackingArmy, defendingArmy, wallLevel); wallLevel = partialResults.NewWallLevel; defendingArmy = partialResults.DefendingArmy; ++numNukes; if (defendingArmy.Count == 0) { break; } } DateTime end = DateTime.UtcNow; Console.WriteLine("It would take {0} total attacks like this to defeat all defending troops.", numNukes); Console.WriteLine("Took {0}ms to simulate", (end - start).TotalMilliseconds); }
public override void OnJoinBattle(BattleSimulator simulator) { bool isSith = false; foreach (var s in simulator.DarkSide.Warriors) { if (s is Sith) { isSith = true; } } if (isSith == false) { simulator.LightSide.Morale += 3; } }
/// <summary> /// 5% eséllyel növeli csapata morálját 20 egységgel, /// ha ez nem sikerül akkor további 20% esélye van 5-el növelni azt. /// </summary> /// <param name="simulator">Simulator.</param> public override void OnJoinBattle(BattleSimulator simulator) { if (simulator.Chance(5)) { simulator.LightSide.Morale += 20; Console.WriteLine($"Jar Jar nagyon szerencsés, csapata új morálja: {simulator.LightSide.Morale}"); } else if (simulator.Chance(20)) { simulator.LightSide.Morale += 5; Console.WriteLine($"Jar Jar szerencsés, csapata új morálja: {simulator.LightSide.Morale}"); } else { Console.WriteLine($"Jar Jar semmit nem tett a csapatért..."); } }
// public static void Main() // { // Clear(); // var configuration = Configuration.DeserializeFromFile(ConfigFilename); // var geneticAlgorithm = new GeneticAlgorithm(configuration); // geneticAlgorithm.Run(); // } // // private static void Clear() // { // for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) // { // string folderName = $"Logs\\Generation{i}"; // if (Directory.Exists(folderName)) // Directory.Delete(folderName, true); // } // } public static void Main() { var configuration = Configuration.DeserializeFromFile(ConfigFilename); var strategiesGenerator = new StrategiesGenerator(5000); var strategy = strategiesGenerator.GenerateProgram(); var enemyStrategy = strategiesGenerator.GenerateEnemyProgram(); System.IO.File.WriteAllLines("strategy.txt", strategy.commands); var mapGenerator = new MapGenerator(configuration); var map = mapGenerator.GenerateMap(); // SerializeMap(map); var simulator = new BattleSimulator(map, strategy, enemyStrategy, true); var value = simulator.Execute(); Console.WriteLine($"Fitness value: {value}"); }
static void Main(string[] args) { TroopReader troopReader = new TroopReader(); troopTypes = troopReader.Read(); TroopFactory troopFactory = new TroopFactory(troopTypes); ArmyReader armyReader = new ArmyReader(troopFactory); armies = armyReader.Read(); PrintArmy("Good Army"); Console.WriteLine(); PrintArmy("Bad Army"); Army a = armies["Good Army"]; Army b = armies["Bad Army"]; BattleSimulator sim = new BattleSimulator(a, b); sim.Battle(); Console.WriteLine(sim.Result); Console.ReadLine(); }
void ExecuteMove(Area origin, Area destination, List <Unit> _attackers) { //Make copy of attackers for looping when we might be altering the original (which derives from area lists) List <Unit> attackers = new List <Unit>(_attackers); Debug.Log(string.Format("Now attacking from {0} with {1} attackers into {2}",, attackers.Count,; if (destination.owner == origin.owner) { net.CmdRequestMoveUnits(attackers.Select(u => u.ID).ToArray(), origin.ID, destination.ID); } else { BattleInfo info = new BattleInfo(attackers, destination.units, destination); BattleResult result = BattleSimulator.SimulateBattle(info); foreach (Unit unit in result.units) { if (unit.dead) { net.CmdRequestDespawnUnit(unit.ID); } else { unit.Reset(); } } if (result.victor != destination.owner) { net.CmdRequestChangeOwner(destination.ID,; int[] unitIDs = attackers.Where(u => !u.dead).Select(u => u.ID).ToArray(); net.CmdRequestMoveUnits(unitIDs, origin.ID, destination.ID); } } origin.selectable = false; destination.selectable = false; InitSelectMoveFrom(); }
public void ProcessSkill_RecoveryTest() { //Initialize necessary instances. BattleSimulator battleSim = this.BattleSimulator; //A custom healing skill used for the tests. Skill attackSkill = new Heal("Heal", 1, 25, 999, Target.Self); //Initialize entities. Player player = this.Player; Enemy enemy = this.Enemy; //Give the player enough gauge to use the healing skill. player.Gauge = attackSkill.Gauge; //Damage the player to verify that Hp gets recovered. player.Hp = 1; //Damage the enemy to make sure the enemy is not //recovering from the skill as well. enemy.Hp = 1; //Trigger the skill. battleSim.ProcessSkill(attackSkill, player, enemy); //Verify to see if the player's gauge was consumed, which //indicates a successful execution. Assert.AreEqual <byte>(0, player.Gauge); //Follow up by making sure the player recovered Hp. Assert.IsTrue(player.Hp > 1); //Check to make sure the healing effects were not //also applied to the enemy's Hp. Assert.AreEqual <short>(1, enemy.Hp); }
public void PerformSkillTest_EnemyHasMaxGauge_SkillIsExecuted() { //Initialize required instances. GameBase gb = new GameBase(new RichTextBoxScroll()); BattleSimulator battleSim = gb.BattleSimulator; //Initialize the enemy and player. Enemy enemy = this.Enemy; Player player = this.Player; //Give the enemy maximum gauge to execute skills. enemy.Gauge = enemy.MaxGauge; //Create the AI for the enemy. EnemyAI ai = new EnemyAI(enemy); //Set the skill delay to 0 in order to //trigger skills right away. ai.MinSkillDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); ai.MaxSkillDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(0); //Trigger a skill against the player. Action <Skill, Entity, Entity> processSkill = new Action <Skill, Entity, Entity>(battleSim.ProcessSkill); ai.PerformSkill(processSkill, player); //We expect the skill to trigger and damage the player //due to having a sufficient amount of gauge. //Check to see if the player took any damage. //This should be true, since the enemy should be able //to execute skills which will damage the player's HP. bool condition = player.Hp != player.MaxHp; Assert.IsTrue(condition); }