public BatchProcessorViewModel()
            State = new BatchProcessorState();

            Start = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Starting Local BatchProcessorServer..." + System.Environment.NewLine;

                RunProcess("", false);

            Stop = new ButtonCommand(() =>

            Install = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Installing BatchProcessorServer Service..." + System.Environment.NewLine;

                RunProcess("install", true);

            Uninstall = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Uninstalling BatchProcessorServer Service..." + System.Environment.NewLine;

                RunProcess("uninstall", true);

            StartService = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Start BatchProcessorServer Service..." + System.Environment.NewLine;

                RunProcess("start", true);

            StopService = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Stop BatchProcessorServer Service..." + System.Environment.NewLine;

                RunProcess("stop", true);

            CheckStatus = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText += System.Environment.NewLine + $"Launching http://localhost:{State.Port}..." + System.Environment.NewLine;


            Save = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText += "Saving Config, Restarting BatchProcessorServer Service..." + System.Environment.NewLine;


                RunProcess("stop", true);
                RunProcess("start", true);

            Load = new ButtonCommand(() =>

            Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing += MainWindow_Closing;
        public BatchProcessorViewModel()
            State = new BatchProcessorState();

            Start = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Starting Local BatchProcessor..." + System.Environment.NewLine;

                RunProcess("", false);

            Stop = new ButtonCommand(() =>

            Install = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Installing BatchProcessor Service..." + System.Environment.NewLine;

                RunProcess("install", true);

                MessageBoxResult result = MessageBox.Show(
                    "If you need to use Network Files, please make sure to:" + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine +
                    "Options 1) Edit the installed service.  Go to: Services -> Batch Processor -> Properties -> Log On and set an account with appropriate credentials." + System.Environment.NewLine + System.Environment.NewLine +
                    "Options 2) Add credentials for the NetworkService user via Administrator Command Line.",
                    "Network Credential Info",

            Uninstall = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Uninstalling BatchProcessor Service..." + System.Environment.NewLine;

                RunProcess("uninstall", true);

            StartService = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Start BatchProcessor Service..." + System.Environment.NewLine;

                RunProcess("start", true);

            StopService = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Stop BatchProcessor Service..." + System.Environment.NewLine;

                RunProcess("stop", true);

            CheckStatus = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText += System.Environment.NewLine + $"Launching http://{State.ServerAddress}:{State.ServerPort}..." + System.Environment.NewLine;


            Save = new ButtonCommand(() =>
                State.ConsoleText = "Saving Config, Restarting BatchProcessor Service..." + System.Environment.NewLine;


                RunProcess("stop", true);
                RunProcess("start", true);

            Load = new ButtonCommand(() =>

            Application.Current.MainWindow.Closing += MainWindow_Closing;