/// <summary>
        /// Create a response message content based on a requested index in a server batch info
        /// </summary>
        private HttpMessageSendChangesResponse GetChangesResponse(SyncContext syncContext, long remoteClientTimestamp, BatchInfo serverBatchInfo,
                                                                  DatabaseChangesSelected serverChangesSelected, int batchIndexRequested, ConflictResolutionPolicy policy)
            // 1) Create the http message content response
            var changesResponse = new HttpMessageSendChangesResponse(syncContext);

            changesResponse.ChangesSelected          = serverChangesSelected;
            changesResponse.ServerStep               = HttpStep.GetChanges;
            changesResponse.ConflictResolutionPolicy = policy;

            // If nothing to do, just send back
            if (serverBatchInfo.InMemory || serverBatchInfo.BatchPartsInfo.Count == 0)
                if (this.ClientConverter != null && serverBatchInfo.InMemoryData.HasRows)
                    BeforeSerializeRows(serverBatchInfo.InMemoryData, this.ClientConverter);

                changesResponse.Changes               = serverBatchInfo.InMemoryData.GetContainerSet();
                changesResponse.BatchIndex            = 0;
                changesResponse.IsLastBatch           = true;
                changesResponse.RemoteClientTimestamp = remoteClientTimestamp;

            // Get the batch part index requested
            var batchPartInfo = serverBatchInfo.BatchPartsInfo.First(d => d.Index == batchIndexRequested);

            // if we are not in memory, we set the BI in session, to be able to get it back on next request

            // create the in memory changes set
            var changesSet = new SyncSet(Schema.ScopeName);

            foreach (var table in Schema.Tables)
                DbSyncAdapter.CreateChangesTable(Schema.Tables[table.TableName, table.SchemaName], changesSet);

            batchPartInfo.LoadBatch(changesSet, serverBatchInfo.GetDirectoryFullPath());

            // if client request a conversion on each row, apply the conversion
            if (this.ClientConverter != null && batchPartInfo.Data.HasRows)
                BeforeSerializeRows(batchPartInfo.Data, this.ClientConverter);

            changesResponse.Changes = batchPartInfo.Data.GetContainerSet();

            changesResponse.BatchIndex            = batchIndexRequested;
            changesResponse.IsLastBatch           = batchPartInfo.IsLastBatch;
            changesResponse.RemoteClientTimestamp = remoteClientTimestamp;
            changesResponse.ServerStep            = batchPartInfo.IsLastBatch ? HttpStep.GetChanges : HttpStep.GetChangesInProgress;

            // If we have only one bpi, we can safely delete it
            if (batchPartInfo.IsLastBatch)
                // delete the folder (not the BatchPartInfo, because we have a reference on it)
                if (this.Options.CleanFolder)
                    var shouldDeleteFolder = true;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Options.SnapshotsDirectory))
                        var dirInfo  = new DirectoryInfo(serverBatchInfo.DirectoryRoot);
                        var snapInfo = new DirectoryInfo(this.Options.SnapshotsDirectory);
                        shouldDeleteFolder = dirInfo.FullName != snapInfo.FullName;

                    if (shouldDeleteFolder)

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a batch of changes to synchronize when given batch size,
        /// destination knowledge, and change data retriever parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A DbSyncContext object that will be used to retrieve the modified data.</returns>
        internal virtual async Task <(SyncContext, BatchInfo, DatabaseChangesSelected)> InternalGetChangesAsync(
            IScopeInfo scopeInfo, SyncContext context, bool isNew, long?fromLastTimestamp, long?toNewTimestamp, Guid?excludingScopeId,
            bool supportsMultiActiveResultSets, string batchRootDirectory, string batchDirectoryName,
            DbConnection connection, DbTransaction transaction,
            CancellationToken cancellationToken, IProgress <ProgressArgs> progress)
            // batch info containing changes
            BatchInfo batchInfo;

            // Statistics about changes that are selected
            DatabaseChangesSelected changesSelected;

            context.SyncStage = SyncStage.ChangesSelecting;

            if (context.SyncWay == SyncWay.Upload && context.SyncType == SyncType.Reinitialize)
                (batchInfo, changesSelected) = await this.InternalGetEmptyChangesAsync(scopeInfo, batchRootDirectory).ConfigureAwait(false);

                return(context, batchInfo, changesSelected);

            // create local directory
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(batchRootDirectory) && !Directory.Exists(batchRootDirectory))

            changesSelected = new DatabaseChangesSelected();

            // Create a batch
            // batchinfo generate a schema clone with scope columns if needed
            batchInfo = new BatchInfo(scopeInfo.Schema, batchRootDirectory, batchDirectoryName);

            // Call interceptor
            var databaseChangesSelectingArgs = new DatabaseChangesSelectingArgs(context, batchInfo.GetDirectoryFullPath(), this.Options.BatchSize, isNew,
                                                                                fromLastTimestamp, toNewTimestamp, connection, transaction);

            await this.InterceptAsync(databaseChangesSelectingArgs, progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            var cptSyncTable    = 0;
            var currentProgress = context.ProgressPercentage;

            var schemaTables = scopeInfo.Schema.Tables.SortByDependencies(tab => tab.GetRelations().Select(r => r.GetParentTable()));

            var lstAllBatchPartInfos    = new ConcurrentBag <BatchPartInfo>();
            var lstTableChangesSelected = new ConcurrentBag <TableChangesSelected>();

            var threadNumberLimits = supportsMultiActiveResultSets ? 16 : 1;

            if (supportsMultiActiveResultSets)
                await schemaTables.ForEachAsync(async syncTable =>
                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                    // tmp count of table for report progress pct

                    List <BatchPartInfo> syncTableBatchPartInfos;
                    TableChangesSelected tableChangesSelected;
                    (context, syncTableBatchPartInfos, tableChangesSelected) = await InternalReadSyncTableChangesAsync(
                        scopeInfo, context, excludingScopeId, syncTable, batchInfo, isNew, fromLastTimestamp, connection, transaction, cancellationToken, progress).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (syncTableBatchPartInfos == null)

                    // We don't report progress if no table changes is empty, to limit verbosity
                    if (tableChangesSelected != null && (tableChangesSelected.Deletes > 0 || tableChangesSelected.Upserts > 0))

                    // Add sync table bpi to all bpi
                    syncTableBatchPartInfos.ForEach(bpi => lstAllBatchPartInfos.Add(bpi));

                    context.ProgressPercentage = currentProgress + (cptSyncTable * 0.2d / scopeInfo.Schema.Tables.Count);
                }, threadNumberLimits);
                foreach (var syncTable in schemaTables)
                    if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)

                    // tmp count of table for report progress pct

                    List <BatchPartInfo> syncTableBatchPartInfos;
                    TableChangesSelected tableChangesSelected;
                    (context, syncTableBatchPartInfos, tableChangesSelected) = await InternalReadSyncTableChangesAsync(
                        scopeInfo, context, excludingScopeId, syncTable, batchInfo, isNew, fromLastTimestamp, connection, transaction, cancellationToken, progress).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    if (syncTableBatchPartInfos == null)

                    // We don't report progress if no table changes is empty, to limit verbosity
                    if (tableChangesSelected != null && (tableChangesSelected.Deletes > 0 || tableChangesSelected.Upserts > 0))

                    // Add sync table bpi to all bpi
                    syncTableBatchPartInfos.ForEach(bpi => lstAllBatchPartInfos.Add(bpi));

                    context.ProgressPercentage = currentProgress + (cptSyncTable * 0.2d / scopeInfo.Schema.Tables.Count);

            while (!lstTableChangesSelected.IsEmpty)
                if (lstTableChangesSelected.TryTake(out var tableChangesSelected))

            // delete all empty batchparts (empty tables)
            foreach (var bpi in lstAllBatchPartInfos.Where(bpi => bpi.RowsCount <= 0))
                File.Delete(Path.Combine(batchInfo.GetDirectoryFullPath(), bpi.FileName));

            // Generate a good index order to be compliant with previous versions
            var tmpLstBatchPartInfos = new List <BatchPartInfo>();

            foreach (var table in schemaTables)
                // get all bpi where count > 0 and ordered by index
                foreach (var bpi in lstAllBatchPartInfos.Where(bpi => bpi.RowsCount > 0 && bpi.Tables[0].EqualsByName(new BatchPartTableInfo(table.TableName, table.SchemaName))).OrderBy(bpi => bpi.Index).ToArray())
                    batchInfo.RowsCount += bpi.RowsCount;


            var newBatchIndex = 0;

            foreach (var bpi in tmpLstBatchPartInfos)
                bpi.Index = newBatchIndex;
                bpi.IsLastBatch = newBatchIndex == tmpLstBatchPartInfos.Count;

            //Set the total rows count contained in the batch info

            if (batchInfo.RowsCount <= 0)
                var cleanFolder = await this.InternalCanCleanFolderAsync(scopeInfo.Name, context.Parameters, batchInfo, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);


            var databaseChangesSelectedArgs = new DatabaseChangesSelectedArgs(context, fromLastTimestamp, toNewTimestamp, batchInfo, changesSelected, connection);

            await this.InterceptAsync(databaseChangesSelectedArgs, progress, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return(context, batchInfo, changesSelected);