        internal void EventIDTests(
            DateTime timestamp,
            BatchID batchID,
            EventID id,
            EventID next
            GIVEN["a BatchID"]       = () => batchID = new BatchID(timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow);
            WHEN["calling GetFirst"] = () => id = EventID.GetFirst(batchID);
            THEN["a new value with given batch ID is returned"] = () => id.BatchID.Should().Be(batchID);
            AND["its Sequence is 1"] = () => id.Sequence.Should().Be(1);

            WHEN["calling GetNext"]                = () => next = id.GetNext();
            THEN["a new EventID is returned"]      = () => next.Should().NotBeSameAs(id);
            AND["its BatchID is the original one"] = () => next.BatchID.Should().Be(batchID);
            AND["its Sequence is 2"]               = () => next.Sequence.Should().Be(2);

            GIVEN["a EventID with max sequence"] = () => {
                id = EventID.GetFirst(batchID);

                for (int i = 2; i <= 65535; i++)
                    id = id.GetNext();

            WHEN["calling GetNext", ThenIsThrown <InvalidOperationException>()] = () => id.GetNext();
        internal void EventIDGeneratorTests(EventIDGenerator gen, BatchID batch, EventID res)
            GIVEN["a batch ID"] = () => batch = new BatchID(DateTime.UtcNow);
            AND["a generator"]  = () => gen = new EventIDGenerator(batch);

            WHEN["calling Next"] = () => res = gen.Next();
            THEN["the sequence of the EventID is 1"] = () => res.Sequence.Should().Be(1);
            AND["its batch sequence is 1"]           = () => res.BatchID.Sequence.Should().Be(1);

            WHEN["calling Next again"] = () => res = gen.Next();
            THEN["the sequence of the EventID is 2"] = () => res.Sequence.Should().Be(2);

            GIVEN["a new generator"]         = () => gen = new EventIDGenerator(batch);
            WHEN["calling Next 65535 times"] = () => Enumerable.Range(1, 65535).ForEach(i => res = gen.Next());
            THEN["the sequence of the EventID is 6555 (max)"] = () => res.Sequence.Should().Be(65535);

            WHEN["calling Next once more", ThenIsThrown <InvalidOperationException>()] = () => gen.Next();
        internal void EventIDSerialization(
            BatchID batch,
            DateTime timestamp,
            long raw,
            EventID id,
            EventID deserialized
            GIVEN["a BatchID"]      = () => batch = new BatchID(timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow);
            AND["its last EventID"] = () => id = EventID.GetLast(batch);

            WHEN["calling Serialize"] = () => raw = id.Serialize();
            THEN["the last 2 bytes should contain the event sequence"] = () =>
                                                                         (raw & 0xFFFF).Should().Be(65535);
            AND["the next 9 bits should contain the batch sequence"] = () =>
                                                                       (raw >> 16 & 0x1FF).Should().Be(1);
            AND["the first 31 bits should contain the timestamp"] = () =>
                                                                    new DateTime(2015, 1, 1).AddSeconds((raw >> 32 & 0x7FFFFFFF)).Should().BeCloseTo(timestamp, precision: 1000);

            WHEN["it is serialized and deserialized"] = () => deserialized = new EventID(id.Serialize());
            THEN["its value is the same"]             = () => deserialized.Should().Be(id);

            GIVEN["a timestamp with zero ms"]    = () => timestamp = new DateTime(2019, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc);
            AND["the subseconds serialize to 0"] = () => Subseconds(timestamp).Should().Be(0);

            GIVEN["a timestamp with 9 ms"]       = null;
            AND["the subseconds serialize to 0"] = () => Subseconds(timestamp.AddMilliseconds(9)).Should().Be(0);

            GIVEN["a timestamp with 10 ms"]      = null;
            AND["the subseconds serialize to 1"] = () => Subseconds(timestamp.AddMilliseconds(10)).Should().Be(1);

            GIVEN["a timestamp with 19 ms"]      = null;
            AND["the subseconds serialize to 1"] = () => Subseconds(timestamp.AddMilliseconds(19)).Should().Be(1);

            GIVEN["a timestamp with 999 ms"]      = null;
            AND["the subseconds serialize to 99"] = () => Subseconds(timestamp.AddMilliseconds(999)).Should().Be(99);

            long Subseconds(DateTime ts)
                long r = EventID.GetFirst(new BatchID(ts)).Serialize();

                return(r >> 25 & 0x7F);
        internal void BatchIDTests(BatchID id, DateTime timestamp, bool result)
            WHEN["creating an instance with invalid Timestamp (before MinTimestamp)", ThenIsThrown <InvalidOperationException>()] = () =>
                                                                                                                                    new BatchID(new DateTime(2015, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddMilliseconds(-1));

            WHEN["creating an instance with invalid Timestamp (after MaxTimestamp)", ThenIsThrown <InvalidOperationException>()] = () =>
                                                                                                                                   new BatchID(new DateTime(2083, 1, 19, 3, 14, 7, DateTimeKind.Utc).AddMilliseconds(1));

            WHEN["creating an instance with a local timezoned timestamp", ThenIsThrown <InvalidOperationException>()] = () =>
                                                                                                                        new BatchID(DateTime.Now);

            GIVEN["a new BatchID"]    = () => id = new BatchID(timestamp = DateTime.UtcNow);
            THEN["its Sequence is 1"] = () => id.Sequence.Should().Be(1);
            AND["its timestamp is rounded to 10ms"] = () => (id.Timestamp.Ticks % (TimeSpan.TicksPerMillisecond * 10)).Should().Be(0);

            WHEN["calling TryToAdvance with same timestamp"] = () => result = id.TryToAdvance(timestamp);
            THEN["it should return true"] = () => result.Should().BeTrue();
            AND["its Sequence is 2"]      = () => id.Sequence.Should().Be(2);

            GIVEN["a BatchID with a sequence one below maximum sequence"] = () => id = BatchID.DeserializeInternal(EventID.GetTimestampDate(timestamp), 510);
            WHEN["calling TryToAdvance"]     = () => id.TryToAdvance(timestamp);
            THEN["Sequence is max sequence"] = () => id.Sequence.Should().Be(511);

            WHEN["calling TryToAdvance once more"] = () => result = id.TryToAdvance(timestamp);
            THEN["it returns false"] = () => result.Should().BeFalse();
            AND["Sequence is max"]   = () => id.Sequence.Should().Be(511);

            WHEN["calling TryToAdvance with timestamp + 10 ticks"] = () => result = id.TryToAdvance(timestamp.AddTicks(10));
            THEN["it still returns false"] = () => result.Should().BeFalse();

            WHEN["calling TryToAdvance with timestamp + 10ms"] = () => result = id.TryToAdvance(timestamp = timestamp.AddMilliseconds(10));
            THEN["it returns true"] = () => result.Should().BeTrue();
            AND["its Timestamp is set to the new timestamp"] = () => id.Timestamp.Should().Be(EventID.GetTimestampDate(timestamp));
            AND["its Sequence should be 1"] = () => id.Sequence.Should().Be(1);

            WHEN["calling TryToAdvance with an invalid timestamp", ThenIsThrown <InvalidOperationException>()] = () =>
                                                                                                                 id.TryToAdvance(new DateTime(2090, 1, 1));

            WHEN["calling TryToAdvance with a timestamp before the current timestamp", ThenIsThrown <InvalidOperationException>()] = () =>
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        m_BatchRendererGroup = new BatchRendererGroup(this.OnPerformCulling, IntPtr.Zero);

        m_PickingMaterial = LoadMaterialWithHideAndDontSave("Hidden/HDRP/BRGPicking");

        if (SetFallbackMaterialsOnStart)
            m_ErrorMaterial = LoadMaterialWithHideAndDontSave("Hidden/HDRP/MaterialError");

            m_LoadingMaterial = LoadMaterialWithHideAndDontSave("Hidden/HDRP/MaterialLoading");

        // Create a batch...
        var renderers = FindObjectsOfType <MeshRenderer>();
        Debug.Log("Converting " + renderers.Length + " renderers...");

        m_renderers   = new NativeArray <DrawRenderer>(renderers.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
        m_batchHash   = new NativeHashMap <DrawKey, int>(1024, Allocator.Persistent);
        m_rangeHash   = new NativeHashMap <RangeKey, int>(1024, Allocator.Persistent);
        m_drawBatches = new NativeList <DrawBatch>(Allocator.Persistent);
        m_drawRanges  = new NativeList <DrawRange>(Allocator.Persistent);

        // Fill the GPU-persistent scene data ComputeBuffer
        int bigDataBufferVector4Count = 4 /*zero*/ + 1 /*probes*/ + 1 /*speccube*/ + 7 /*SH*/ + m_renderers.Length * 3 * 2 /*per renderer 4x3 matrix+inverse*/;
        var vectorBuffer = new NativeArray <Vector4>(bigDataBufferVector4Count, Allocator.Temp);

        // First 4xfloat4 of ComputeBuffer needed to be zero filled for default property fall back!
        vectorBuffer[0] = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        vectorBuffer[1] = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        vectorBuffer[2] = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        vectorBuffer[3] = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        var startOffset = 4;

        // Fill global data (shared between all batches)
        var probesOcclusionOffset = startOffset;
        vectorBuffer[probesOcclusionOffset] = new Vector4(1, 1, 1, 1);

        var specCubeOffset = startOffset;
        vectorBuffer[specCubeOffset] = ReflectionProbe.defaultTextureHDRDecodeValues;

        var SHOffset = startOffset;
        var SH       = new SHProperties(RenderSettings.ambientProbe);
        vectorBuffer[SHOffset + 0] = SH.SHAr;
        vectorBuffer[SHOffset + 1] = SH.SHAg;
        vectorBuffer[SHOffset + 2] = SH.SHAb;
        vectorBuffer[SHOffset + 3] = SH.SHBr;
        vectorBuffer[SHOffset + 4] = SH.SHBg;
        vectorBuffer[SHOffset + 5] = SH.SHBb;
        vectorBuffer[SHOffset + 6] = SH.SHC;
        startOffset += 7;

        var localToWorldOffset = startOffset;
        var worldToLocalOffset = localToWorldOffset + m_renderers.Length * 3;

        m_instances = new NativeList <DrawInstance>(1024, Allocator.Persistent);

        for (int i = 0; i < renderers.Length; i++)
            var renderer = renderers[i];

            m_renderers[i] = new DrawRenderer {
                bounds = new AABB {
                    Center = new float3(0, 0, 0), Extents = new float3(0, 0, 0)

            var meshFilter = renderer.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>();
            if (!renderer || !meshFilter || !meshFilter.sharedMesh || renderer.enabled == false)

            // Disable the existing Unity MeshRenderer to avoid double rendering!
            renderer.enabled = false;

            /*  mat4x3 packed like this:
             *    p1.x, p1.w, p2.z, p3.y,
             *    p1.y, p2.x, p2.w, p3.z,
             *    p1.z, p2.y, p3.x, p3.w,
             *    0.0,  0.0,  0.0,  1.0

            var m = renderer.transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            vectorBuffer[i * 3 + 0 + localToWorldOffset] = new Vector4(m.m00, m.m10, m.m20, m.m01);
            vectorBuffer[i * 3 + 1 + localToWorldOffset] = new Vector4(m.m11, m.m21, m.m02, m.m12);
            vectorBuffer[i * 3 + 2 + localToWorldOffset] = new Vector4(m.m22, m.m03, m.m13, m.m23);

            var mi = renderer.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
            vectorBuffer[i * 3 + 0 + worldToLocalOffset] = new Vector4(mi.m00, mi.m10, mi.m20, mi.m01);
            vectorBuffer[i * 3 + 1 + worldToLocalOffset] = new Vector4(mi.m11, mi.m21, mi.m02, mi.m12);
            vectorBuffer[i * 3 + 2 + worldToLocalOffset] = new Vector4(mi.m22, mi.m03, mi.m13, mi.m23);

            // Renderer bounds
            var transformedBounds = AABB.Transform(m, meshFilter.sharedMesh.bounds.ToAABB());
            m_renderers[i] = new DrawRenderer {
                bounds = transformedBounds

            var mesh = m_BatchRendererGroup.RegisterMesh(meshFilter.sharedMesh);

            var sharedMaterials = new List <Material>();

            var shadows = renderer.shadowCastingMode;

            for (int matIndex = 0; matIndex < sharedMaterials.Count; matIndex++)
                var material = m_BatchRendererGroup.RegisterMaterial(sharedMaterials[matIndex]);

                var key = new DrawKey {
                    material = material, meshID = mesh, submeshIndex = (uint)matIndex, shadows = shadows

                key.pickableObjectInstanceID = renderer.gameObject.GetInstanceID();

                var drawBatch = new DrawBatch
                    key            = key,
                    instanceCount  = 0,
                    instanceOffset = 0

                m_instances.Add(new DrawInstance {
                    key = key, instanceIndex = i

                int drawBatchIndex;
                if (m_batchHash.TryGetValue(key, out drawBatchIndex))
                    drawBatch = m_drawBatches[drawBatchIndex];
                    drawBatchIndex = m_drawBatches.Length;
                    m_batchHash[key] = drawBatchIndex;

                    // Different renderer settings? -> new range
                    var rangeKey = new RangeKey {
                        shadows = shadows
                    var drawRange = new DrawRange
                        key        = rangeKey,
                        drawCount  = 0,
                        drawOffset = 0,

                    int drawRangeIndex;
                    if (m_rangeHash.TryGetValue(rangeKey, out drawRangeIndex))
                        drawRange = m_drawRanges[drawRangeIndex];
                        drawRangeIndex = m_drawRanges.Length;
                        m_rangeHash[rangeKey] = drawRangeIndex;

                    m_drawRanges[drawRangeIndex] = drawRange;

                m_drawBatches[drawBatchIndex] = drawBatch;

        m_GPUPersistentInstanceData = new GraphicsBuffer(GraphicsBuffer.Target.Raw, (int)bigDataBufferVector4Count * 16 / 4, 4);

        Debug.Log("DrawRanges: " + m_drawRanges.Length + ", DrawBatches: " + m_drawBatches.Length + ", Instances: " + m_instances.Length);

        // Prefix sum to calculate draw offsets for each DrawRange
        int prefixSum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_drawRanges.Length; i++)
            var drawRange = m_drawRanges[i];
            drawRange.drawOffset = prefixSum;
            m_drawRanges[i]      = drawRange;
            prefixSum           += drawRange.drawCount;

        // Generate draw index ranges for each DrawRange
        m_drawIndices = new NativeArray <int>(m_drawBatches.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
        var m_internalRangeIndex = new NativeArray <int>(m_drawRanges.Length, Allocator.Temp);
        for (int i = 0; i < m_drawBatches.Length; i++)
            var draw = m_drawBatches[i];
            if (m_rangeHash.TryGetValue(new RangeKey {
                shadows = draw.key.shadows
            }, out int drawRangeIndex))
                var drawRange = m_drawRanges[drawRangeIndex];
                m_drawIndices[drawRange.drawOffset + m_internalRangeIndex[drawRangeIndex]] = i;

        // Prefix sum to calculate instance offsets for each DrawCommand
        prefixSum = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < m_drawBatches.Length; i++)
            // DrawIndices remap to get DrawCommands ordered by DrawRange
            var remappedIndex = m_drawIndices[i];
            var drawBatch     = m_drawBatches[remappedIndex];
            drawBatch.instanceOffset     = prefixSum;
            m_drawBatches[remappedIndex] = drawBatch;
            prefixSum += drawBatch.instanceCount;

        // Generate instance index ranges for each DrawCommand
        m_instanceIndices = new NativeArray <int>(m_instances.Length, Allocator.Persistent);
        var m_internalDrawIndex = new NativeArray <int>(m_drawBatches.Length, Allocator.Temp);
        for (int i = 0; i < m_instances.Length; i++)
            var instance = m_instances[i];
            if (m_batchHash.TryGetValue(instance.key, out int drawBatchIndex))
                var drawBatch = m_drawBatches[drawBatchIndex];
                m_instanceIndices[drawBatch.instanceOffset + m_internalDrawIndex[drawBatchIndex]] = instance.instanceIndex;

        // Bounds ("infinite")
        UnityEngine.Bounds bounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(1048576.0f, 1048576.0f, 1048576.0f));

        // Batch metadata buffer...

        // Per instance data
        int objectToWorldID = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_ObjectToWorld");
        int worldToObjectID = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_WorldToObject");
        int colorID         = Shader.PropertyToID("_BaseColor");

        // Global data (should be moved to C++ side)
        int probesOcclusionID = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_ProbesOcclusion");
        int specCubeID        = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_SpecCube0_HDR");
        int SHArID            = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_SHAr");
        int SHAgID            = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_SHAg");
        int SHAbID            = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_SHAb");
        int SHBrID            = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_SHBr");
        int SHBgID            = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_SHBg");
        int SHBbID            = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_SHBb");
        int SHCID             = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_SHC");

        var batchMetadata = new NativeArray <MetadataValue>(11, Allocator.Temp);
        batchMetadata[0]  = CreateMetadataValue(objectToWorldID, localToWorldOffset * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), true);
        batchMetadata[1]  = CreateMetadataValue(worldToObjectID, worldToLocalOffset * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), true);
        batchMetadata[2]  = CreateMetadataValue(probesOcclusionID, probesOcclusionOffset * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), false);
        batchMetadata[3]  = CreateMetadataValue(specCubeID, specCubeOffset * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), false);
        batchMetadata[4]  = CreateMetadataValue(SHArID, (SHOffset + 0) * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), false);
        batchMetadata[5]  = CreateMetadataValue(SHAgID, (SHOffset + 1) * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), false);
        batchMetadata[6]  = CreateMetadataValue(SHAbID, (SHOffset + 2) * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), false);
        batchMetadata[7]  = CreateMetadataValue(SHBrID, (SHOffset + 3) * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), false);
        batchMetadata[8]  = CreateMetadataValue(SHBgID, (SHOffset + 4) * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), false);
        batchMetadata[9]  = CreateMetadataValue(SHBbID, (SHOffset + 5) * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), false);
        batchMetadata[10] = CreateMetadataValue(SHCID, (SHOffset + 6) * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>(), false);

        // Register batch
        m_batchID = m_BatchRendererGroup.AddBatch(batchMetadata, m_GPUPersistentInstanceData.bufferHandle);

        m_initialized = true;
        internal void Save(
            MongoFake db,
            MongoEventStore store,
            IEventStoreTransaction tx,
            PresetIDGenerator generator,
            EventBatch <Customer> s,
            BatchID batch
            GIVEN["a configured store"] = () => store = CreateStore(
                new List <StreamConfiguration> {
                new StreamConfiguration(typeof(Customer), "customer"),
                new StreamConfiguration(typeof(OrderProcessor), "order_processor")
                db        = new MongoFake(),
                generator = new PresetIDGenerator()

            Given["a transaction"] = async() => tx = store.UseTransaction(await db.StartTransactionAsync());

            Then["saving an unregistered stream type", ThrowsA <EventStoreConfigurationException>()] = () =>
                                                                                                       tx.Save(CreateStream <Order>(streamID: Guid.NewGuid()));

            GIVEN["a stream with some events"] = () => s = CreateStream <Customer>(
                streamID: Guid.NewGuid(),
                new Customer.Created(),
                new Customer.Relocated {
                OldAddress = "ADR 1", NewAddress = "ADR 2"

            When["saving the stream"] = () => {
                batch = new BatchID(DateTime.UtcNow);

            THEN["an EventID is assigned to each event"] = () => {
                EventIDGenerator gen = new EventIDGenerator(batch);

                s.Events.Select(x => x.ID).Should()
                .AllBeOfType <EventID>().And
                .ContainInOrder(gen.Next(), gen.Next());

            AND["the events are persisted properly"] = () =>
                                                       db.Log.Should().BeExactly(b => b
                                                                                 .Transaction(t => t
                                                                                              .InsertMany("Events", s.Events.ToArray()) // TODO: Better interface on Fake...
                                                                                              .Upsert("customer_Info", s.StreamID, new StreamInfo(s.StreamID))

            List <RecordedEvent> act = default;

            WHEN["getting the saved stream"]             = () =>
                                                     act = tx.Get(new StreamLocator <Customer>(s.StreamID)).Result.ToList().Result;

            THEN["it contains the original events"] = () =>
 public EventIDGenerator(BatchID batchID)
 => _currentID = EventID.GetFirst(batchID);
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        m_BatchRendererGroup = new BatchRendererGroup(this.OnPerformCulling, IntPtr.Zero);

        int itemCount = itemGridSize * itemGridSize;

        m_itemCount = itemCount;

        // Bounds
        UnityEngine.Bounds bounds = new Bounds(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(1048576.0f, 1048576.0f, 1048576.0f));

        // Register mesh and material
        if (m_mesh)
            m_meshID = m_BatchRendererGroup.RegisterMesh(m_mesh);
        if (m_material)
            m_materialID = m_BatchRendererGroup.RegisterMaterial(m_material);

        // Batch metadata buffer
        int objectToWorldID   = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_ObjectToWorld");
        int matrixPreviousMID = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_MatrixPreviousM");
        int worldToObjectID   = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_WorldToObject");
        int colorID           = Shader.PropertyToID("_BaseColor");

        // Generate a grid of objects...
        int bigDataBufferVector4Count = 4 + itemCount * (3 * 3 + 1);      // 4xfloat4 zero + per instance = { 3x mat4x3, 1x float4 color }

        m_sysmemBuffer = new NativeArray <Vector4>(bigDataBufferVector4Count, Allocator.Persistent, NativeArrayOptions.ClearMemory);
        m_GPUPersistentInstanceData = new GraphicsBuffer(GraphicsBuffer.Target.Raw, (int)bigDataBufferVector4Count * 16 / 4, 4);

        // 64 bytes of zeroes, so loads from address 0 return zeroes. This is a BatchRendererGroup convention.
        int positionOffset = 4;

        m_sysmemBuffer[0] = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        m_sysmemBuffer[1] = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        m_sysmemBuffer[2] = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);
        m_sysmemBuffer[3] = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 0);

        // Matrices

        // Colors
        int colorOffset = positionOffset + itemCount * 3 * 3;

        for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++)
            Color col = Color.HSVToRGB(((float)(i) / (float)itemCount) % 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

            // write colors right after the 4x3 matrices
            m_sysmemBuffer[colorOffset + i] = new Vector4(col.r, col.g, col.b, 1.0f);

        var batchMetadata = new NativeArray <MetadataValue>(4, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);

        batchMetadata[0] = CreateMetadataValue(objectToWorldID, 64, true);                                                        // matrices
        batchMetadata[1] = CreateMetadataValue(matrixPreviousMID, 64 + itemCount * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>() * 3, true);   // previous matrices
        batchMetadata[2] = CreateMetadataValue(worldToObjectID, 64 + itemCount * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>() * 3 * 2, true); // inverse matrices
        batchMetadata[3] = CreateMetadataValue(colorID, 64 + itemCount * UnsafeUtility.SizeOf <Vector4>() * 3 * 3, true);         // colors

        // Register batch
        m_batchID = m_BatchRendererGroup.AddBatch(batchMetadata, m_GPUPersistentInstanceData.bufferHandle);

        m_initialized = true;
    // During initialization, we will allocate all required objects, and set up our custom instance data.
    void Start()
        // Create the BatchRendererGroup and register assets
        m_BRG        = new BatchRendererGroup(this.OnPerformCulling, IntPtr.Zero);
        m_MeshID     = m_BRG.RegisterMesh(mesh);
        m_MaterialID = m_BRG.RegisterMaterial(material);

        // Create the buffer that holds our instance data
        m_InstanceData = new GraphicsBuffer(GraphicsBuffer.Target.Raw,
                                            (kExtraBytes + kBytesPerInstance * kNumInstances) / sizeof(int),

        // Place one zero matrix at the start of the instance data buffer, so loads from address 0 will return zero
        var zero = new Matrix4x4[1] {

        // Create transform matrices for our three example instances
        var matrices = new Matrix4x4[kNumInstances]
            Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(-2, 0, 0)),
            Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(0, 0, 0)),
            Matrix4x4.Translate(new Vector3(2, 0, 0)),

        // Convert the transform matrices into the packed format expected by the shader
        var objectToWorld = new PackedMatrix[kNumInstances]
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[0]),
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[1]),
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[2]),

        // Also create packed inverse matrices
        var worldToObject = new PackedMatrix[kNumInstances]
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[0].inverse),
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[1].inverse),
            new PackedMatrix(matrices[2].inverse),

        // Make all instances have unique colors
        var colors = new Vector4[kNumInstances]
            new Vector4(1, 0, 0, 1),
            new Vector4(0, 1, 0, 1),
            new Vector4(0, 0, 1, 1),

        // In this simple example, the instance data is placed into the buffer like this:
        // Offset | Description
        //      0 | 64 bytes of zeroes, so loads from address 0 return zeroes
        //     64 | 32 uninitialized bytes to make working with SetData easier, otherwise unnecessary
        //     96 | unity_ObjectToWorld, three packed float3x4 matrices
        //    240 | unity_WorldToObject, three packed float3x4 matrices
        //    384 | _BaseColor, three float4s

        // Compute start addresses for the different instanced properties. unity_ObjectToWorld starts
        // at address 96 instead of 64, because the computeBufferStartIndex parameter of SetData
        // is expressed as source array elements, so it is easier to work in multiples of sizeof(PackedMatrix).
        uint byteAddressObjectToWorld = kSizeOfPackedMatrix * 2;
        uint byteAddressWorldToObject = byteAddressObjectToWorld + kSizeOfPackedMatrix * kNumInstances;
        uint byteAddressColor         = byteAddressWorldToObject + kSizeOfPackedMatrix * kNumInstances;

        // Upload our instance data to the GraphicsBuffer, from where the shader can load them.
        m_InstanceData.SetData(zero, 0, 0, 1);
        m_InstanceData.SetData(objectToWorld, 0, (int)(byteAddressObjectToWorld / kSizeOfPackedMatrix), objectToWorld.Length);
        m_InstanceData.SetData(worldToObject, 0, (int)(byteAddressWorldToObject / kSizeOfPackedMatrix), worldToObject.Length);
        m_InstanceData.SetData(colors, 0, (int)(byteAddressColor / kSizeOfFloat4), colors.Length);

        // Set up metadata values to point to the instance data. Set the most significant bit 0x80000000 in each,
        // which instructs the shader that the data is an array with one value per instance, indexed by the instance index.
        // Any metadata values used by the shader and not set here will be zero. When such a value is used with
        // UNITY_ACCESS_DOTS_INSTANCED_PROP (i.e. without a default), the shader will interpret the
        // 0x00000000 metadata value so that the value will be loaded from the start of the buffer, which is
        // where we uploaded the matrix "zero" to, so such loads are guaranteed to return zero, which is a reasonable
        // default value.
        var metadata = new NativeArray <MetadataValue>(3, Allocator.Temp);

        metadata[0] = new MetadataValue {
            NameID = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_ObjectToWorld"), Value = 0x80000000 | byteAddressObjectToWorld,
        metadata[1] = new MetadataValue {
            NameID = Shader.PropertyToID("unity_WorldToObject"), Value = 0x80000000 | byteAddressWorldToObject,
        metadata[2] = new MetadataValue {
            NameID = Shader.PropertyToID("_BaseColor"), Value = 0x80000000 | byteAddressColor,

        // Finally, create a batch for our instances, and make the batch use the GraphicsBuffer with our
        // instance data, and the metadata values that specify where the properties are. Note that
        // we do not need to pass any batch size here.
        m_BatchID = m_BRG.AddBatch(metadata, m_InstanceData.bufferHandle);
        public HttpResponseMessage GetSearchResult(object data)
            var db = DbUtils.GetDBConnection();

            IEnumerable <IDictionary <string, object> > response = null;
            var    jsonData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data);
            var    dictJson = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, object> >(jsonData);
            object actionObject;

            dictJson.TryGetValue("actionName", out actionObject);
            string Action = actionObject.ToString();

            string input_queryapi = "";

            object userName;

            dictJson.TryGetValue("queried_by_username", out userName);

            if (Action.Equals("GetTableSchema"))
                object tableName;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("TableName", out tableName);
                input_queryapi = tableName.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS").Select("COLUMN_NAME").WhereRaw("TABLE_NAME  = ?", tableName).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));
            if (Action.Equals("GetInstructorByName"))
                object empName;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("EmpName", out empName);
                input_queryapi = empName.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Employee").WhereRaw("lower(EmpName) = ?", empName).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
                //response = db.Query("Employee").WhereRaw("lower(EmpName) = ?", "dr. abdul aziz").Get().Cast<IDictionary<string, object>>();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetInstructorByEmail"))
                object email;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("Email", out email);
                input_queryapi = email.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Employee").WhereRaw("lower(Email) = ?", email).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetInstructorByRank"))
                object designationTitle;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("DesignationTitle", out designationTitle);
                input_queryapi = designationTitle.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Employee").Join("Designation", "Employee.DesignationID", "Designation.DesignationID").Where("DesignationTitle", designationTitle).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >(); //get product by id=1
            else if (Action.Equals("GetInstructorByDepartment"))
                object departmentID;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("DepartmentID", out departmentID);
                input_queryapi = departmentID.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Employee").Join("Department", "Employee.DepartmentID", "Department.DepartmentID").Where("Department.DepartmentID", departmentID).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >(); //get product by id=1
            else if (Action.Equals("GetInstructorByNameStartsWith"))
                object startNamePrefix;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("EmpName", out startNamePrefix);
                string prefixString = startNamePrefix.ToString() + "%";
                input_queryapi = startNamePrefix.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Employee").WhereLike("EmpName", prefixString).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >(); //get product by id=1
            else if (Action.Equals("GetInstructorByNameContains"))
                object startNamePrefix;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("EmpName", out startNamePrefix);
                string prefixString = "%" + startNamePrefix.ToString() + "%";
                input_queryapi = startNamePrefix.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Employee").WhereLike("EmpName", prefixString).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >(); //get product by id=1
            else if (Action.Equals("GetInstructorByCourseName"))
                object courseName;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("CourseName", out courseName);
                input_queryapi = courseName.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Employee").Join("CourseFaculty", "Employee.EmpID", "CourseFaculty.EmpID").Join("CourseOffered", "CourseOffered.CourseOfferedID", "CourseFaculty.CourseOfferedID").Join("Course", "CourseOffered.CourseID", "Course.CourseID").Where("CourseName", courseName).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >(); //get product by id=1
            else if (Action.Equals("GetInstructorByCourseCode"))
                object courseCode;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("CourseCode", out courseCode);
                input_queryapi = courseCode.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Employee").Join("CourseFaculty", "Employee.EmpID", "CourseFaculty.EmpID").Join("CourseOffered", "CourseOffered.CourseOfferedID", "CourseFaculty.CourseOfferedID").Join("Course", "CourseOffered.CourseID", "Course.CourseID").Where("CourseCode", courseCode).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >(); //get product by id=1
            else if (Action.Equals("GetCoursesTaughtByASpecificInstructor"))
                object EmpName;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("EmpName", out EmpName);
                input_queryapi = EmpName.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Semester").Select("CourseName").Join("CourseOffered", "Semester.SemesterID", "CourseOffered.SemesterID").Join("Course", "Course.CourseID", "CourseOffered.CourseID")
                                 .Join("CourseFaculty", "CourseFaculty.CourseOfferedID", "CourseOffered.CourseOfferedID")
                                 .Join("Employee", "Employee.EmpID", "CourseFaculty.EmpID")
                                 .Where("EmpName", EmpName).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >(); //get product by id=1
            else if (Action.Equals("GetCoursesTaughtByAInstructorInAParticularSemester"))
                object semesterName;
                object empName;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("EmpName", out empName);
                dictJson.TryGetValue("SemesterName", out semesterName);
                input_queryapi = empName.ToString() + " " + semesterName.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Semester").Join("CourseOffered", "Semester.SemesterID", "CourseOffered.SemesterID").Join("Course", "Course.CourseID", "CourseOffered.CourseID")
                                 .Join("CourseFaculty", "CourseFaculty.CourseOfferedID", "CourseOffered.CourseOfferedID")
                                 .Join("Employee", "Employee.EmpID", "CourseFaculty.EmpID")
                                 .Where("SemesterName", semesterName)
                                 .Where("EmpName", empName).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >(); //get product by id=1
            // STUDENT QUERIES
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentByName"))
                object SName;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("SName", out SName);
                input_queryapi = SName.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Student").WhereRaw("lower(SName) = ?", SName).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentByStudentID"))
                object RollNumber;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("RollNumber", out RollNumber);
                input_queryapi = RollNumber.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Student").WhereRaw("lower(RollNumber) = ?", RollNumber).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentByBatchID"))
                object BatchID;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("BatchID", out BatchID);
                input_queryapi = BatchID.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Student").WhereRaw("BatchID = ?", BatchID).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentsByDepartment"))
                object DepartmentName;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("DepartmentName", out DepartmentName);
                input_queryapi = DepartmentName.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Student").Join("Programme", "Programme.ProgrammeID", "Student.ProgrammeID").Join("Department", "Department.DepartmentID", "Programme.DepartmentID")
                                 .Where("DepartmentName", DepartmentName).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentsBySection"))
                object SectionName;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("SectionName", out SectionName);
                input_queryapi = SectionName.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Student").Join("Section", "Section.BatchID", "Student.BatchID")
                                 .Where("SectionName", SectionName).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentByNUEmail"))
                object Email;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("Email", out Email);
                input_queryapi = Email.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Student").Join("CandidateStudent", "CandidateStudent.CandidateID", "Student.CandidateID")
                                 .Where("Student.Email", Email).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentByPrimaryEmail"))
                object Email;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("Email", out Email);
                input_queryapi = Email.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Student").Join("CandidateStudent", "CandidateStudent.CandidateID", "Student.CandidateID")
                                 .Where("CandidateStudent.Email", Email).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentsByNameStartsWith"))
                object startNamePrefix;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("Sname", out startNamePrefix);
                input_queryapi = startNamePrefix.ToString();
                string prefixString = startNamePrefix.ToString() + "%";
                response = db.Query("Student").WhereLike("Sname", prefixString).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();  //get product by id=1
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentsByNameContains"))
                object startNamePrefix;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("EmpName", out startNamePrefix);
                input_queryapi = startNamePrefix.ToString();
                string prefixString = "%" + startNamePrefix.ToString() + "%";
                response = db.Query("Student").WhereLike("Sname", prefixString).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();  //get product by id=1
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentsByCourseName"))
                object CourseName;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("CourseName", out CourseName);
                input_queryapi = CourseName.ToString();
                response       = db.Query("Student").Join("CourseEnrollment", "CourseEnrollment.StudentID", "Student.StudentID").Join("Course", "Course.CourseID", "CourseEnrollment.CourseID")
                                 .Where("CourseName", CourseName).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentsByCourseCode"))
                object CourseCode;
                dictJson.TryGetValue("CourseCode", out CourseCode);
                input_queryapi = CourseCode.ToString();

                response = db.Query("Student").Join("CourseEnrollment", "CourseEnrollment.StudentID", "Student.StudentID").Join("Course", "Course.CourseID", "CourseEnrollment.CourseID")
                           .Where("CourseCode", CourseCode).Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentsBySkill"))
                response = db.Query("StudentSkills").Join("Skill", "Skill.SkillID", "StudentSkills.SkillID").Join("Student", "StudentSkills.StudentID", "Student.StudentID")
                           .Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();
            else if (Action.Equals("GetStudentsByDomain"))
                response = db.Query("Domain").Join("Skill", "Skill.DomainID", "Domain.DomainID").Join("StudentSkills", "StudentSkills.SkillID", "Skill.SkillID").Join("Student", "Student.StudentID", "StudentSkills.StudentID")
                           .Get().Cast <IDictionary <string, object> >();

            //var db1 = DbUtils.GetDBConnection();

            SqlConnection dbConnection = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SqlDBConn"].ToString());

                 * db1.Query("dbo.SearchLog").AsInsert(new
                 * {
                 *  input_query = input_queryapi,
                 *  actionName = Action,
                 *  queried_by_username = userName.ToString()
                 * });

                string query = "INSERT INTO dbo.SearchLog(input_query, actionName, queried_by_username) VALUES(@input_query,@actionName,@queried_by_username)";
                using (SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(query, dbConnection))
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@input_query", input_queryapi);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@actionName", Action);
                    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@queried_by_username", userName.ToString());

                    int result = command.ExecuteNonQuery();

                    // Check Error
                    if (result < 0)
                        Console.WriteLine("Error inserting data into Database!");
            catch (Exception e)

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, response));