        public static float[] Decode(string fileIn, int srate, int secondsToAnalyze)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();


            float[] floatBuffer = null;

            // check if file exists
            if (fileIn != null && fileIn != "")
                FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(fileIn);
                if (!fi.Exists)
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("No file found {0}!", fileIn);

            // Try to use Un4Seen Bass
            BassProxy bass     = BassProxy.Instance;
            double    duration = bass.GetDurationInSeconds(fileIn);

            if (duration > 0)
                Dbg.WriteLine("Using BASS to decode the file ...");

                // duration in seconds
                if (duration > secondsToAnalyze)
                    // find segment to extract
                    double startSeconds = (duration / 2 - (secondsToAnalyze / 2));
                    if (startSeconds < 0)
                        startSeconds = 0;
                    floatBuffer = bass.ReadMonoFromFile(fileIn, srate, secondsToAnalyze * 1000, (int)(startSeconds * 1000));

                    // if this failes, the duration read from the tags was wrong or it is something wrong with the audio file
                    if (floatBuffer == null)
                        IOUtils.LogMessageToFile(Mir.WARNING_FILES_LOG, fileIn);
                    // return whole file
                    floatBuffer = bass.ReadMonoFromFile(fileIn, srate, 0, 0);

                    // if this failes, the duration read from the tags was wrong or it is something wrong with the audio file
                    if (floatBuffer == null)
                        IOUtils.LogMessageToFile(Mir.WARNING_FILES_LOG, fileIn);

            // Bass failed reading or never even tried, so use another alternative
            if (floatBuffer == null)
                Dbg.WriteLine("Using MPlayer and SOX to decode the file ...");
                fileIn      = Regex.Replace(fileIn, "%20", " ");
                floatBuffer = DecodeUsingMplayerAndSox(fileIn, srate, secondsToAnalyze);
		/// <summary>
		/// Scan a directory recursively and add all the audio files found to the database
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="path">Path to directory</param>
		/// <param name="db">MandelEllis or Scms Database Instance</param>
		/// <param name="repository">Soundfingerprinting Repository</param>
		/// <param name="skipDurationAboveSeconds">Skip files with duration longer than this number of seconds (0 or less disables this)</param>
		/// <param name="silent">true if silent mode (reduced console output)</param>
		public static void ScanDirectory(string path, Db db, Repository repository, double skipDurationAboveSeconds, bool silent=false) {
			Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
			// scan directory for audio files
				// By some reason the IOUtils.GetFiles returns a higher count than what seams correct?!
				IEnumerable<string> filesAll =
					Directory.EnumerateFiles(path, "*", SearchOption.AllDirectories)
					.Where(f => extensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(f).ToLower()));
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Found {0} files in scan directory.", filesAll.Count());
				// Get all already processed files stored in the database and store in memory
				// It seems to work well with huge volumes of files (200k)
				IList<string> filesAlreadyProcessed = repository.DatabaseService.ReadTrackFilenames();
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Database contains {0} already processed files.", filesAlreadyProcessed.Count);

				// find the files that has not already been added to the database
				List<string> filesRemaining = filesAll.Except(filesAlreadyProcessed).ToList();
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Found {0} files remaining in scan directory to be processed.", filesRemaining.Count);

				int filesCounter = 1;
				int filesAllCounter = filesAlreadyProcessed.Count + 1;
				#if !DEBUG
				Console.Out.WriteLine("Running in multi-threaded mode!");
				Parallel.ForEach(filesRemaining, file =>
				                 	Console.Out.WriteLine("Running in single-threaded mode!");
				                 	foreach (string file in filesRemaining)
				                 		FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(file);

				                 		// Try to use Un4Seen Bass to check duration
				                 		BassProxy bass = BassProxy.Instance;
				                 		double duration = bass.GetDurationInSeconds(fileInfo.FullName);

				                 		// check if we should skip files longer than x seconds
				                 		if ( (skipDurationAboveSeconds > 0 && duration > 0 && duration < skipDurationAboveSeconds)
				                 		    || skipDurationAboveSeconds <= 0
				                 		    || duration < 0) {

				                 			if(!Analyzer.AnalyzeAndAddComplete(fileInfo, db, repository)) {
				                 				//if(!Analyzer.AnalyzeAndAddSoundfingerprinting(fileInfo, repository)) {
				                 				//if(!Analyzer.AnalyzeAndAddScms(fileInfo, db)) {
				                 				Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed! Could not generate audio fingerprint for {0}!", fileInfo.Name);
				                 				IOUtils.LogMessageToFile(FAILED_FILES_LOG, fileInfo.FullName);
				                 			} else {
				                 				Console.Out.WriteLine("[{1}/{2} - {3}/{4}] Succesfully added {0} to database. (Thread: {5})", fileInfo.Name, filesCounter, filesRemaining.Count, filesAllCounter, filesAll.Count(), Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
				                 				// Threadsafe increment (TODO: doesn't always seem to work?)
				                 				Interlocked.Increment(ref filesCounter);
				                 				Interlocked.Increment(ref filesAllCounter);
				                 		} else {
				                 			if (!silent) Console.Out.WriteLine("Skipping {0} since duration exceeds limit ({1:0.00} > {2:0.00} sec.)", fileInfo.Name, duration, skipDurationAboveSeconds);
				                 		fileInfo = null;
				                 	#if !DEBUG
				                 	int filesActuallyProcessed = filesCounter -1;
				                 	Console.WriteLine("Added {0} out of a total remaining set of {1} files. (Of {2} files found).", filesActuallyProcessed, filesRemaining.Count(), filesAll.Count());
				                 catch (UnauthorizedAccessException UAEx)
				                 catch (PathTooLongException PathEx)
				                 catch (System.NullReferenceException NullEx) {

				                 Console.WriteLine("Time used: {0}", stopWatch.Elapsed);