public Task5_CloneMedia(MyNamedTasks Tasks) : base(Tasks, "Task5_CloneMedia") { var NamedTasks = Tasks; this.Description = @" Clone poster to imgbay. " ; this.YieldWork = (Task, Input) => { var Entry = new Entry().FromFile(Input); Input.Delete(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Entry.TinEyeHash)) { #region TinEyeHash AppendLog("in " + Entry.PirateBay.Name + " without tineye"); BasicTinEyeSearch.Search(Entry.IMDB.MediumPosterImage, h => { AppendLog("as " + h.Hash); Entry.TinEyeHash = h.Hash; Entry.ToFile(Input); } ); #endregion } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Entry.BayImgKey)) { #region BayImgKey AppendLog("in " + Entry.PirateBay.Name + " without bayimg"); // do we have it in memory? var BayImg = this.Memory[Entry.TinEyeHash].FirstDirectoryOrDefault(); if (BayImg == null) { BasicPirateBayImage.Clone(new Uri(Entry.TinEyeImageLink), e => { Entry.BayImgKey = e.Key; Entry.ToFile(Input); BayImg = this.Memory[Entry.TinEyeHash].CreateSubdirectory(e.Key); AppendLog("in " + Entry.PirateBay.Name + " now known as " + Entry.BayImgKey); } ); } else { Entry.BayImgKey = BayImg.Name; Entry.ToFile(Input); AppendLog("in " + Entry.PirateBay.Name + " already known as " + Entry.BayImgKey); } #endregion } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Entry.YouTubeKey)) { AppendLog("in " + Entry.PirateBay.Name + " looking for video..."); BasicGoogleVideoCrawler.Search(Entry.YouTubeQuery, (v, src) => { AppendLog("as " + v); Entry.YouTubeKey = v; Entry.ToFile(Input); } ); } else { var NextWork = NamedTasks.Task6_MediaCollector.AddWork(5, Entry.PirateBay.Hash); if (NextWork.Exists) { AppendLog("out already exists " + Entry.PirateBay.Name + " as " + Entry.PirateBay.Hash); } else { AppendLog("out " + Entry.PirateBay.Name + " as " + Entry.PirateBay.Hash); Entry.ToFile(NextWork); } } // if we fail, we this work item will not be retried //Input.Delete(); return(delegate { // this will be called if the task is still active }); }; }
public Task4_PrepareMedia(MyNamedTasks Tasks) : base(Tasks, "Task4_PrepareMedia") { var NamedTasks = Tasks; this.Description = @" We now should have the torrent, name, seeders, leechers. We must now get the poster, trailer, rating, tagline and hash. Uses memory to store tineye poster hash. " ; this.YieldWork = (Task, Input) => { var c = Input.ToFieldBuilder(); FileMappedField TorrentName = c, TorrentLink = c, TorrentSize = c, TorrentComments = c, IMDBKey = c, IMDBTitle = c, IMDBYear = c, IMDBRaiting = c, IMDBRuntime = c, IMDBGenre = c, IMDBTagline = c, OMDBSearched = c, MPDBSearched = c, PosterLink = c, TinEyeHash = c, BayImageLink = c, BayImageTinyLink = c, //BayImageTinySourceLink = c, YouTubeKey = c, TorrentLinkTinyLink = c, TaskComplete = c; c.FromFile(); Input.Delete(); //AppendLog("in " + TorrentName.Value); #region IMDBKey c[IMDBKey] = delegate { var TorrentSmartName = new BasicFileNameParser(TorrentName.Value); AppendLog("looking for imdb key"); BasicIMDBAliasSearch.SearchSingle(TorrentSmartName.Title, TorrentSmartName.Year, imdb => { AppendLog("imdb key found"); IMDBKey.Value = imdb.Key; } ); }; #endregion #region IMDBTitle c[IMDBTitle] = delegate { AppendLog("looking for imdb for details"); BasicIMDBCrawler.Search(IMDBKey.Value, imdb => { AppendLog("imdb details found"); IMDBTitle.Value = imdb.Title; IMDBYear.Value = imdb.Year; IMDBRaiting.Value = imdb.UserRating; IMDBRuntime.Value = imdb.Runtime; IMDBTagline.Value = imdb.Tagline; IMDBGenre.Value = string.Join("|", imdb.Genres); PosterLink.Value = imdb.MediumPosterImage; } ); }; #endregion #region PosterLink c[PosterLink] = delegate { AppendLog("looking for posters..."); c[OMDBSearched] = delegate { AppendLog("looking for posters... omdb"); OMDBSearched.Value = "true"; BasicOMDBCrawler.SearchSingle(IMDBTitle.Value, IMDBYear.Value, omdb => { omdb.GetPoster( poster => { AppendLog("looking for posters... omdb... found!"); PosterLink.Value = poster; } ); } ); }; c[MPDBSearched] = delegate { AppendLog("looking for posters... mpdb"); BasicMPDBCrawler.SearchSingle(IMDBTitle.Value, IMDBYear.Value, mpdb => { mpdb.GetPoster( poster => { AppendLog("looking for posters... mpdb... found!"); PosterLink.Value = poster; } ); } ); }; }; #endregion #region TinEyeHash c[TinEyeHash] = delegate { AppendLog("looking for tineye hash..."); BasicTinEyeSearch.Search(PosterLink.Value, tineye => { AppendLog("looking for tineye hash... found"); TinEyeHash.Value = tineye.Hash; var Memory = this.Memory[TinEyeHash.Value].FirstDirectoryOrDefault(); if (Memory != null) { BayImageLink.Value = "_"; //BayImageTinyLink.Value = "_"; BayImageTinyLink.Value = "" + Memory.Name; } } ); }; #endregion #region BayImageLink c[BayImageLink] = delegate { AppendLog("updating bay image..."); var tineye = new BasicTinEyeSearch.Entry { Hash = TinEyeHash.Value }; BasicPirateBayImage.Clone(tineye.QueryLink.ToUri(), bayimg => { AppendLog("updating bay image... done"); BayImageLink.Value = bayimg.Image.ToString(); } ); }; #endregion #region BayImageTinyLink c[BayImageTinyLink] = delegate { AppendLog("looking for tinyurl..."); BasicTinyURLCrawler.Search(BayImageLink.Value, tinyurl => { AppendLog("looking for tinyurl... found"); BayImageTinyLink.Value = tinyurl.Alias; } ); }; #endregion //#region BayImageTinySourceLink //c[BayImageTinySourceLink] = delegate //{ // BasicTinyURLCrawler.Search("" + BayImageTinyLink.Value, // tinyurl => // { // BayImageTinySourceLink.Value = tinyurl.Alias; // this.Memory[TinEyeHash.Value].CreateSubdirectory(tinyurl.AliasKey); // } // ); //}; //#endregion #region YouTubeKey c[YouTubeKey] = delegate { var Query = IMDBTitle.Value; var TorrentSmartName = new BasicFileNameParser(TorrentName.Value); var SeasonAndEpisode = TorrentSmartName.SeasonAndEpisode; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SeasonAndEpisode)) { Query += " " + SeasonAndEpisode; } else { Query += " trailer"; } BasicGoogleVideoCrawler.Search(Query, (key, src) => { YouTubeKey.Value = key; } ); }; #endregion #region TorrentLinkTinyLink c[TorrentLinkTinyLink] = delegate { BasicTinyURLCrawler.Search(TorrentLink.Value, torrent => { TorrentLinkTinyLink.Value = torrent.Alias; } ); }; #endregion c[TaskComplete] = delegate { var TorrentSmartName = new BasicFileNameParser(TorrentName.Value); var YouTubeLink = "" + YouTubeKey + @"&hl=en&fs=1"; var YouTubeImage = "" + YouTubeKey + @"/0.jpg"; var SmartTitle = ""; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(TorrentSmartName.SeasonAndEpisode)) { SmartTitle = "TV show: " + IMDBTitle.Value + " " + TorrentSmartName.SeasonAndEpisode + " " + IMDBYear.Value; } else { SmartTitle = "Movie: " + IMDBTitle.Value + " " + IMDBYear.Value; } var NextWork = NamedTasks.Task6_MediaCollector.AddWork(5, Input.Name); using (var w = new StreamWriter(NextWork.OpenWrite())) { w.WriteLine("<item>"); w.WriteLine("<title>" + SmartTitle + "</title>"); w.WriteLine("<link>" + TorrentLinkTinyLink.Value + "</link>"); #region description w.WriteLine("<description><![CDATA["); w.WriteLine(@" <object width='640' height='385'> <param name='movie' " + YouTubeLink.ToAttributeString("value") + @"></param> <param name='allowFullScreen' value='true'></param> <param name='allowscriptaccess' value='always'></param> <embed " + YouTubeLink.ToAttributeString("src") + @" type='application/x-shockwave-flash' allowscriptaccess='always' allowfullscreen='true' width='640' height='385'></embed> </object> " ); w.WriteLine( new IHTMLAnchor { Style = new IStyle { @float = "left" }, URL = YouTubeLink, innerHTML = new IHTMLImage { alt = YouTubeKey.Value, align = "left", src = YouTubeImage } }.ToString() ); w.WriteLine( new IHTMLAnchor { URL = BasicIMDBCrawler.ToLink(IMDBKey.Value), Title = SmartTitle, innerHTML = new IHTMLImage { align = "right", src = BayImageTinyLink.Value, } }.ToString() ); w.WriteLine( "<h2>" + SmartTitle.ToLink("" + TorrentComments.Value) + "</h2>" ); w.WriteLine( new IHTMLElement { innerHTML = IMDBRaiting.Value, title = "raiting" }.ToString() ); w.WriteLine( new IHTMLElement { innerHTML = (IMDBRuntime.Value + ", " + TorrentSize.Value.Replace(" ", " ")), title = "runtime" }.ToString() ); w.WriteLine( new IHTMLElement { innerHTML = IMDBTagline.Value, title = "tagline" }.ToString() ); w.WriteLine( new IHTMLElement { innerHTML = IMDBGenre.Value.Replace("|", ", "), title = "genres" }.ToString() ); w.WriteLine( new IHTMLElement { innerHTML = TorrentSmartName.SeasonAndEpisode, title = "episode" }.ToString() ); w.WriteLine( new IHTMLAnchor { URL = TorrentLinkTinyLink.Value, Title = SmartTitle, innerHTML = new IHTMLImage { src = "" }.ToString() + " " + TorrentName.Value }.ToString() ); w.WriteLine(" ]]></description>"); #endregion #region category if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(TorrentSmartName.SeasonAndEpisode)) { w.WriteLine("<category>Movies</category>"); } else { w.WriteLine("<category>TV shows</category>"); } var Genres = IMDBGenre.Value.Split(new[] { '|' }); foreach (var g in Genres) { w.WriteLine("<category>" + g + "</category>"); } #endregion w.WriteLine("<media:thumbnail url='" + BayImageTinyLink.Value + "' />"); w.WriteLine("<media:content " + YouTubeLink.ToAttributeString("url") + @" type='application/x-shockwave-flash' />"); w.WriteLine("<media:description type='plain'>" + SmartTitle + " | " + IMDBRaiting.Value + " | " + IMDBTagline.Value + " | " + IMDBGenre.Value + "</media:description>"); w.WriteLine("</item>"); } }; return(c.ToFileWhenDirty); }; }