public void TryGetNextMessage_WhenThereIsAMessage_ReturnsValues() { //Arrange ulong deliveryTag = 1; string routingKey = "routingKey"; byte[] byteArray = {0,1,0}; IBasicProperties basicProperties = new BasicProperties();; IBasicConsumer basicConsumer = null; var model = Substitute.For<IModel>(); model.BasicConsume("queueName", false, Arg.Do<IBasicConsumer>(x => basicConsumer = x)); var sut = new ConfirmingSubscription(model); sut.Subscribe("queueName"); //Act basicConsumer.HandleBasicDeliver(string.Empty, deliveryTag, false, string.Empty, routingKey, basicProperties, byteArray); DeliveredRabbitMessage message = null; bool result = sut.TryGetNextMessage(out message); //Assert Assert.That(message.DeliveryTag, Is.EqualTo(deliveryTag)); Assert.That(message.RoutingKey, Is.EqualTo(routingKey)); Assert.That(message.Body, Is.EqualTo(byteArray)); Assert.That(message.Properties, Is.EqualTo(basicProperties)); }
public void Dequeue_ShouldDispatchFromSeparateThread() { var model = new Mock<IModel>(); var sharedQConsumer = new SharedQueueConsumer(model.Object); var msgsReceived = new List<MessageEnvelope>(); var curThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; int dispatchThreadId = 0; sharedQConsumer.Subscribe(new ActionAdapter((env) => { msgsReceived.Add(env); dispatchThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId; })); var prop = new BasicProperties(); sharedQConsumer.Queue.Enqueue(new BasicDeliverEventArgs() { Body = _serializer.Serialize(new MyMessage(), prop), BasicProperties = prop }); Thread.Sleep(100); msgsReceived.Count.Should().Be(1); dispatchThreadId.Should().BeGreaterThan(0); curThreadId.Should().NotBe(dispatchThreadId); }
internal static IBasicProperties Copy(this IBasicProperties source) { var result = new BasicProperties { AppId = source.AppId, ClusterId = source.ClusterId, ContentEncoding = source.ContentEncoding, ContentType = source.ContentType, CorrelationId = source.CorrelationId, DeliveryMode = source.DeliveryMode, Expiration = source.Expiration, MessageId = source.MessageId, Persistent = source.Persistent, Priority = source.Priority, Timestamp = source.Timestamp, Type = source.Type, UserId = source.UserId, ReplyTo = source.ReplyTo }; if (source.ReplyTo != null && source.ReplyToAddress != null) result.ReplyToAddress = source.ReplyToAddress; result.Headers = new Dictionary<String, Object>(); if (source.Headers != null) foreach (var header in source.Headers) result.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value); return result; }
public void Should_raise_message_returned_event_when_message_returned() { const string exchange = "the exchange"; const string replyText = "reply text"; const string routingKey = "routing key"; var body = new byte[0]; var properties = new BasicProperties(); publisher.Publish(channelMock, model => { }).Wait(); channelMock.Raise(x => x.BasicReturn += null, null, new BasicReturnEventArgs { Body = body, Exchange = exchange, ReplyText = replyText, RoutingKey = routingKey, BasicProperties = properties }); var arg = eventBus.GetArgumentsForCallsMadeOn(x => x.Publish(Arg<ReturnedMessageEvent>.Is.Anything))[0][0]; var messageEvent = arg as ReturnedMessageEvent; Assert.NotNull(messageEvent); Assert.AreSame(body, messageEvent.Body); Assert.NotNull(messageEvent.Properties); Assert.AreEqual(exchange, messageEvent.Info.Exchange); Assert.AreEqual(replyText, messageEvent.Info.ReturnReason); Assert.AreEqual(routingKey, messageEvent.Info.RoutingKey); }
public void Should_be_able_to_subscribe_using_non_generic_extensions() { var are = new AutoResetEvent(false); MyMessage deliveredMessage = null; Action<object> onMessage = message => { deliveredMessage = (MyMessage)message; are.Set(); }; mockBuilder.Bus.Subscribe(typeof (MyMessage), "subid", onMessage); var properties = new BasicProperties { Type = "EasyNetQ.Tests.MyMessage:EasyNetQ.Tests" }; var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{ Text:\"Hello World\" }"); mockBuilder.Consumers[0].HandleBasicDeliver( "consumer_tag", 0, false, "exchange", "routing_key", properties, body); are.WaitOne(1000); deliveredMessage.ShouldNotBeNull(); deliveredMessage.Text.ShouldEqual("Hello World"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var factory = new ConnectionFactory() { HostName = "localhost" }; using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection()) using (var channel = connection.CreateModel()) { channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange: "logs", type: "fanout"); Random rand = new Random(); while (true) { var message = GetMessage(rand); var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); var properties = new BasicProperties(); properties.Headers = new Dictionary<string, object>(); properties.Headers.Add("type", "1"); channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "logs", routingKey: "", basicProperties: properties, body: body); Console.WriteLine(" [x] Sent {0}", message); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } Console.ReadLine(); }
protected void DeliverMessage(string correlationId, string exceptionMessage) { var properties = new BasicProperties { Type = "EasyNetQ.Tests.TestResponseMessage:EasyNetQ.Tests.Messages", CorrelationId = correlationId, Headers = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "IsFaulted", true } } }; if (exceptionMessage != null) { // strings are implicitly convertered in byte[] from RabbitMQ client // but not convertered back in string // check the source code in the class RabbitMQ.Client.Impl.WireFormatting properties.Headers.Add("ExceptionMessage", Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(exceptionMessage)); } var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("{}"); mockBuilder.Consumers[0].HandleBasicDeliver( "consumer_tag", 0, false, "the_exchange", "the_routing_key", properties, body ); }
public void SetUp() { mockBuilder = new MockBuilder(); var queue = new Queue("test_queue", false); var are = new AutoResetEvent(false); mockBuilder.Bus.Advanced.Consume<ITestMessageInterface>(queue, (message, info) => Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { receivedMessage = message.Body; are.Set(); })); var publishedMessage = new Implementation { Text = "Hello Polymorphs!" }; var body = new JsonSerializer(new TypeNameSerializer()).MessageToBytes(publishedMessage); var properties = new BasicProperties { Type = new TypeNameSerializer().Serialize(typeof(Implementation)) }; mockBuilder.Consumers[0].HandleBasicDeliver( "consumer_tag", 0, false, "exchange", "routing_key", properties, body ); are.WaitOne(1000); }
public void ReadingRabbitContentType() { const String contentType = "application/custom"; var properties = new BasicProperties { ContentType = contentType }; Assert.Equal(contentType, properties.ContentTypeOrDefault()); }
public void ReadingRabbitContentEncoding() { const String contentEncoding = "UTF-16"; var properties = new BasicProperties { ContentEncoding = contentEncoding }; Assert.Equal(contentEncoding, properties.ContentEncodingOrDefault()); }
public void Copying() { const String appId = "app-id"; const String clusterId = "cluster-id"; const String type = "type"; const String contentEncoding = "UTF-8"; const String contentType = "application/xml"; const String correlationId = "123"; const Byte deliveryMode = 2; const String expiration = "60000"; const String messageId = "456"; const Byte priority = 3; const String userId = "me"; const String replyTo = "amqp://"; var timestamp = new AmqpTimestamp(1445843868L); var properties = new BasicProperties { AppId = appId, ClusterId = clusterId, Type = type, ContentEncoding = contentEncoding, ContentType = contentType, CorrelationId = correlationId, DeliveryMode = deliveryMode, Expiration = expiration, MessageId = messageId, Priority = priority, UserId = userId, ReplyTo = replyTo, Headers = new Dictionary<String, Object> { { "h", "a" } }, Timestamp = timestamp }; var copy = properties.Copy(); Assert.Equal(appId, copy.AppId); Assert.Equal(clusterId, copy.ClusterId); Assert.Equal(type, copy.Type); Assert.Equal(contentEncoding, copy.ContentEncoding); Assert.Equal(contentType, copy.ContentType); Assert.Equal(correlationId, copy.CorrelationId); Assert.Equal(deliveryMode, copy.DeliveryMode); Assert.Equal(expiration, copy.Expiration); Assert.Equal(messageId, copy.MessageId); Assert.Equal(priority, copy.Priority); Assert.Equal(userId, copy.UserId); Assert.Equal(replyTo, copy.ReplyTo); Assert.Equal(PublicationAddress.Parse(replyTo), copy.ReplyToAddress); Assert.Equal(1, copy.Headers.Count); Assert.True(copy.Headers.ContainsKey("h")); Assert.Equal("a", copy.Headers["h"]); Assert.Equal(timestamp, copy.Timestamp); }
public override void Send(RabbitMqMessageWrapper message) { var properties = new BasicProperties { Headers = new Dictionary<string, object> { {MessageIdHeader, GetNewMessageId().ToString()} } }; _publishModel.BasicPublish(Configuration.ExchangeName, string.Empty, properties, message.Bytes); }
public void Should_copy_from_Rabbit_client_properties() { const string replyTo = "reply to"; var properties = new MessageProperties(); var originalProperties = new BasicProperties {ReplyTo = replyTo}; properties.CopyFrom(originalProperties); properties.ReplyTo.ShouldEqual(replyTo); }
public ExpectedResponse PrepareForResponse(string correlationId, BasicProperties basicProperties, AmqpModelContainer model, HttpRequestMessage request, TimeSpan requestTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TaskCompletionSource<HttpResponseMessage> taskSource) { //Set Reply to queue basicProperties.ReplyTo = RPCStrategyHelpers.DIRECT_REPLY_TO_QUEUENAME_ARG; var rpcModel = (RPCModelContainer)model; var arrival = new ExpectedResponse(rpcModel.ReceivedResponseEvent); rpcModel.ExpectResponse(correlationId, arrival); RPCStrategyHelpers.WaitForResponse(request, arrival, requestTimeout, model, true, cancellationToken, taskSource, () => CleanupMessagingResources(correlationId, arrival)); return arrival; }
public override void Send(RabbitMqMessageWrapper message) { var properties = new BasicProperties { Headers = new Dictionary<string, object> { { "forward_exchange", Configuration.ExchangeName } } }; _publishModel.BasicPublish(Configuration.StampExchangeName, "", properties, message.Bytes); }
public void Send(SendParams sendParams) { sendParams.BusMessage.Sent = DateTime.Now; sendParams.BusMessage.BusId = sendParams.BusId; BasicProperties basicProperties = new BasicProperties { AppId = sendParams.BusMessage.BusId, Timestamp = sendParams.BusMessage.Sent.ToAmqpTimestamp(), ContentType = sendParams.Serializer.ContentType, Headers = new Dictionary<string, object>() }; byte[] bytes; if (sendParams.BusMessage.Data != null) { Type type = sendParams.BusMessage.Data.GetType(); DataContractKey contractKey = _nameMappings.GetOrAdd(type, t => t.GetDataContractKey()); basicProperties.Type = contractKey.Name; basicProperties.Headers.Add(MessagingConstants.HeaderNames.Name, contractKey.Name); basicProperties.Headers.Add(MessagingConstants.HeaderNames.NameSpace, contractKey.Ns); bytes = sendParams.Serializer.Serialize(sendParams.BusMessage); } else { bytes = new byte[0]; } foreach (BusHeaderBase header in sendParams.BusMessage.Headers) { basicProperties.Headers.Add(header.Name, header.GetValue()); } if (sendParams.PersistentDelivery) { basicProperties.SetPersistent(true); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendParams.ReplyTo)) { basicProperties.ReplyTo = sendParams.ReplyTo; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sendParams.CorrelationId)) { basicProperties.CorrelationId = sendParams.CorrelationId; } sendParams.Model.BasicPublish(sendParams.Exchange, sendParams.RoutingKey, sendParams.MandatoryDelivery, false, basicProperties, bytes); }
public void Send(SendMessage messsage) { if (_publisherContext == null) throw new ApplicationException("The current channel can not publish message."); var properties = new BasicProperties() { DeliveryMode = 2 }; if (!_publisherContext.Durable) properties.DeliveryMode = 1; _channel.BasicPublish(_publisherContext.ExchangeName, messsage.RoutingKey, properties, messsage.ByteDatas); }
public void Send(GelfMessage message) { EstablishConnection(); foreach (var bytes in encoder.Encode(messageSerializer.Serialize(message))) { var basicProperties = new BasicProperties { DeliveryMode = configuration.Persistent ? (byte)2 : (byte)1 }; channel.BasicPublish(configuration.Exchange, configuration.RoutingKey, false, false, basicProperties, bytes); } }
public void Should_copy_to_rabbit_client_properties() { const string replyTo = "reply to"; var properties = new MessageProperties { ReplyTo = replyTo }; var destinationProperties = new BasicProperties(); properties.CopyTo(destinationProperties); destinationProperties.ReplyTo.ShouldEqual(replyTo); destinationProperties.IsReplyToPresent().ShouldBeTrue(); destinationProperties.IsMessageIdPresent().ShouldBeFalse(); }
public ExpectedResponse PrepareForResponse(string correlationId, BasicProperties basicProperties, AmqpModelContainer model, HttpRequestMessage request, TimeSpan requestTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken, TaskCompletionSource<HttpResponseMessage> taskSource) { //Set Reply to queue basicProperties.ReplyTo = callbackQueueName; //Initialize response arrival object and add to expected responses dictionary var arrival = new ExpectedResponse(); expectedResponses[correlationId] = arrival; RPCStrategyHelpers.WaitForResponse(request, arrival, requestTimeout, model, false, cancellationToken, taskSource, () => CleanupMessagingResources(correlationId, arrival)); return arrival; }
public void HeadersFallbackContentType() { const String contentType = "application/custom"; const String contentEncoding = "UTF-8"; var encoding = Encoding.GetEncoding(contentEncoding); var properties = new BasicProperties { ContentEncoding = contentEncoding, Headers = new Dictionary<String, Object> { { "Content-Type", encoding.GetBytes(contentType) } } }; Assert.Equal(contentType, properties.ContentTypeOrDefault()); }
public void An_exchange_is_bound_to_a_queue() { Model.ExchangeDeclare("TypeA", ExchangeType.Fanout, true, true, null); _queueName = Model.QueueDeclare("TypeA", true, true, true, null); Model.QueueBind(_queueName, "TypeA", ""); Model.QueuePurge(_queueName); byte[] message = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("HELLO, WORLD."); IBasicProperties properties = new BasicProperties(); properties.Type = "System.string"; Model.BasicPublish("TypeA", "", properties, message); }
public void PublishMessagesToQueue(IEnumerable<HosepipeMessage> messages, QueueParameters parameters) { using (var connection = HosepipeConnection.FromParamters(parameters)) using (var channel = connection.CreateModel()) { foreach (var message in messages) { var body = errorMessageSerializer.Deserialize(message.Body); var properties = new BasicProperties(); message.Properties.CopyTo(properties); channel.BasicPublish(message.Info.Exchange, message.Info.RoutingKey, properties, body); } } }
public void PublishMessagesToQueue(IEnumerable<RecoveryMessage> messages, IQueueOptions options) { using (var connection = RabbitConnection.FromOptions(options)) using (var channel = connection.CreateModel()) { foreach (var message in messages) { var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message.Body); var properties = new BasicProperties(); message.Properties.CopyTo(properties); channel.BasicPublish(message.Info.Exchange, message.Info.RoutingKey, properties, body); } } }
public void BuildBasicProperties() { var collection = new HeaderCollection(new Dictionary<String, Object>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) { { "message_id", "one-id" }, { "timestamp", 123456789L } }); const String key = "foo"; const String value = "bar"; collection.AddHeader(key, value); var properties = new BasicProperties { Headers = new Dictionary<String, Object>() }; collection.HydrateProperties(properties); Assert.Null(properties.MessageId); Assert.Equal(new AmqpTimestamp(0L), properties.Timestamp); Assert.True(collection.Headers.ContainsKey(key)); }
private void DeliverMessage(string message, string type) { var properties = new BasicProperties { Type = type, CorrelationId = "the_correlation_id" }; var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); mockBuilder.Consumers[0].HandleBasicDeliver( "consumer tag", 0, false, "the_exchange", "the_routing_key", properties, body ); WaitForMessageDispatchToComplete(); }
public void Should_be_able_to_serialize_basic_properties() { var originalProperties = new BasicProperties { AppId = "some app id", ClusterId = "cluster id", ContentEncoding = "content encoding", //ContentType = "content type", CorrelationId = "correlation id", DeliveryMode = 4, Expiration = "expiration", MessageId = "message id", Priority = 1, ReplyTo = "abc", Timestamp = new AmqpTimestamp(123344044), Type = "Type", UserId = "user id", Headers = new Dictionary<string, object> { {"one", "header one"}, {"two", "header two"} } }; var messageBasicProperties = new MessageProperties(originalProperties); var binaryMessage = serializer.MessageToBytes(messageBasicProperties); var deserializedMessageBasicProperties = serializer.BytesToMessage<MessageProperties>(binaryMessage); var newProperties = new BasicProperties(); deserializedMessageBasicProperties.CopyTo(newProperties); Func<BasicProperties, string> getPropertiesString = p => { var builder = new StringBuilder(); p.AppendPropertyDebugStringTo(builder); return builder.ToString(); }; getPropertiesString(originalProperties).ShouldEqual(getPropertiesString(newProperties)); }
private IBasicProperties CreateOverrideProperties(IBasicProperties properties, IDictionary <string, object> headers) { IBasicProperties newProperties = new BasicProperties(); newProperties.ContentType = properties.ContentType ?? ""; newProperties.ContentEncoding = properties.ContentEncoding ?? ""; newProperties.Headers = properties.Headers; if (newProperties.Headers == null) { newProperties.Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>(); } foreach (var key in headers.Keys) { if (!newProperties.Headers.ContainsKey(key)) { newProperties.Headers.Add(key, headers[key]); } } newProperties.DeliveryMode = properties.DeliveryMode; return(newProperties); }
private static async Task SetAttributesAsync(IStorageItem item, FileAttributes attributes) { BasicProperties basicProperties = await item.GetBasicPropertiesAsync().TranslateWinRTTask(item.Path); // This works for only a subset of attributes, unsupported attributes are ignored. // We don't mask the attributes since WinRT just ignores the unsupported ones and flowing // them enables possible lightup in the future. var property = new KeyValuePair <string, object>("System.FileAttributes", (UInt32)ConvertFileAttributes(attributes)); try { await basicProperties.SavePropertiesAsync(new[] { property }).AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (Exception exception) { if (exception.HResult != HResults.ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER) { throw new ArgumentException(SR.Arg_InvalidFileAttrs); } throw exception.TranslateWinRTException(item.Path); } }
/// <summary> /// This method purge old log files in the log folder, which are older than daysToKeepLog. /// </summary> public static async void PurgeLogFiles() { int daysToKeepLog; DateTime todaysDate; var logFolder = Windows.Storage.ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder; try { daysToKeepLog = 5; todaysDate = DateTime.Now.Date; logFolder = await logFolder.GetFolderAsync("Logs"); IReadOnlyList <StorageFile> files = await logFolder.GetFilesAsync(); if (files.Count < 1) { return; } foreach (StorageFile file in files) { BasicProperties basicProperties = await file.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); if (file.FileType == ".log") { if (DateTime.Compare(todaysDate, basicProperties.DateModified.AddDays(daysToKeepLog).DateTime.Date) >= 0) { await file.DeleteAsync(StorageDeleteOption.PermanentDelete); } } } } catch (Exception) { } }
/// <summary> /// Loads a header from the specified stream. /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">The input stream.</param> /// <returns>A header loaded from the specified stream.</returns> /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="stream"/> is <c>null</c>.</exception> public virtual Header Load(Stream stream) { if (stream == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(stream)); } // optimization: be one byte ahead when loading columns => only one I/O read per column var buffer = new byte[HEADER_SIZE + 1]; int totalReadBytes = stream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); BasicProperties headerProperties = ParseBasicProperties(buffer); LoadColumnsResult loadColumnsResult = LoadColumns(stream, buffer.Last()); totalReadBytes += loadColumnsResult.ReadBytes; int bytesToSkip = headerProperties.HeaderSize - totalReadBytes; if (bytesToSkip > 0) { // move to the end of the header if (stream.CanSeek) { stream.Seek(bytesToSkip, SeekOrigin.Current); } else { while (bytesToSkip > 0) { bytesToSkip -= stream.Read(buffer, 0, Math.Min(buffer.Length, bytesToSkip)); } } } return(CreateHeader(headerProperties, loadColumnsResult.Columns)); }
private async Task SendResponse(FlowContext context, object message) { var reply = context.FlowState == null ? GetReply(context.MessageContext) : context.FlowState.Metadata.Reply; if (reply == null) { throw new YieldPointException("No response is required"); } if (message.GetType().FullName != reply.ResponseTypeName) { throw new YieldPointException($"Flow must end with a response message of type {reply.ResponseTypeName}, {message.GetType().FullName} was returned instead"); } var properties = new BasicProperties(); // Only set the property if it's not null, otherwise a string reference exception can occur: // if (reply.CorrelationId != null) { properties.CorrelationId = reply.CorrelationId; } // TODO disallow if replyto is not specified? if (reply.ReplyTo != null) { await publisher.PublishDirect(message, reply.ReplyTo, properties); } else { await publisher.Publish(message, properties); } await context.Delete(); }
internal static IBasicProperties Copy(this IBasicProperties source) { var result = new BasicProperties { AppId = source.AppId, ClusterId = source.ClusterId, ContentEncoding = source.ContentEncoding, ContentType = source.ContentType, CorrelationId = source.CorrelationId, DeliveryMode = source.DeliveryMode, Expiration = source.Expiration, MessageId = source.MessageId, Persistent = source.Persistent, Priority = source.Priority, Timestamp = source.Timestamp, Type = source.Type, UserId = source.UserId, ReplyTo = source.ReplyTo }; if (source.ReplyTo != null && source.ReplyToAddress != null) { result.ReplyToAddress = source.ReplyToAddress; } result.Headers = new Dictionary <String, Object>(); if (source.Headers != null) { foreach (var header in source.Headers) { result.Headers.Add(header.Key, header.Value); } } return(result); }
static void Main(string[] args) { string input = ""; var factory = new ConnectionFactory() { Uri = "amqp://*****:*****@" }; // 心跳超时,默认60秒 factory.RequestedHeartbeat = 60; using (IConnection conn = factory.CreateConnection()) { using (IModel channel = conn.CreateModel()) { while ("exit" != (input = Console.ReadLine())) { var msgBody = new RabbitReq(); msgBody.FunctionName = "Login"; msgBody.Parameters.Add("Account", "xingchao"); msgBody.Parameters.Add("Password", "123456"); var msgBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msgBody)); var prop = new BasicProperties(); prop.ContentType = "application/json"; prop.ContentEncoding = "UTF-8"; //var client = new SimpleRpcClient(channel, "ExchangeName", ExchangeType.Direct, "RoutingKey"); var client = new SimpleRpcClient(channel, "QueueName"); IBasicProperties replyProp = new BasicProperties(); var replyMsgBytes = client.Call(prop, msgBytes, out replyProp); var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <RabbitRes>(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(replyMsgBytes)); Console.WriteLine(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response)); } } } }
private async void Save_ClickAsync(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { try { this.Document.TryGetFile(out StorageFile file); bool?overWrite = true; if (file != null) { BasicProperties properties = await file.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); if (properties.DateModified != this.Document.FileProperties.DateModified) { overWrite = await this.ShowOverWriteDialog(file.Name); } } if (overWrite.HasValue == false) { // User hit cancel. return; } else if (overWrite.Value && file != null) { this.ShowMessage(await this.Document.Save(file)); } else { this.SaveAs_ClickAsync(sender, e); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.ShowMessage($"ERROR OCCURRED: {ex.Message}"); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var factory = new ConnectionFactory() { HostName = "localhost" }; using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection()) using (var channel = connection.CreateModel()) { channel.ExchangeDeclare(exchange: "logs", type: "fanout"); Random rand = new Random(); while (true) { var message = GetMessage(rand); var body = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); var properties = new BasicProperties(); properties.Headers = new Dictionary <string, object>(); properties.Headers.Add("type", "1"); channel.BasicPublish(exchange: "logs", routingKey: "", basicProperties: properties, body: body); Console.WriteLine(" [x] Sent {0}", message); Thread.Sleep(1000); } } Console.ReadLine(); }
public async void UpdateInfobar() { try { StorageFile file = model.LoadedFiles[model.FileIndex].file; string info = "(" + (model.FileIndex + 1) + "/" + model.LoadedFiles.Count + ")"; BasicProperties basicProperties = await file.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); info += " - " + FilerModel.BytesToString((long)basicProperties.Size); view.window.Infobar.FontStyle = FontStyle.Normal; view.window.Infobar.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White); if (FilerModel.IsImageExtension(file.Name) && file.FileType.ToLower() != ".gif") { BitmapImage dimensions = (BitmapImage)view.window.imgMainContent.Source; int height = dimensions.PixelHeight; int width = dimensions.PixelWidth; info += " - ( " + width + " x " + height + " )"; if (height < 1000) { view.window.Infobar.FontStyle = FontStyle.Italic; view.window.Infobar.Foreground = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Coral); } } string location = file.Path.Replace(model.RootFolder.folder.Path, model.RootFolder.folder.Name); view.window.SetInfobar(info + "\n" + location); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } }
public static async Task <ulong> GetFolderSizeAsync(StorageFolder folder) { ulong size = 0; try { foreach (StorageFolder thisFolder in await folder.GetFoldersAsync()) { size += await GetFolderSizeAsync(thisFolder); } foreach (StorageFile thisFile in await folder.GetFilesAsync()) { BasicProperties props = await thisFile.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); size += props.Size; } } catch (Exception ex) { } return(size); }
public async Task SendMessage <T> (T messageBody) where T : class { var producerTopic = configuration.GetSection("ProducerTopic").Value; var activityName = $"{producerTopic} send"; var props = new BasicProperties(); using (var activity = ActivitySource.StartActivity(activityName, ActivityKind.Producer)) { if (activity != null) { TextFormat.Inject(activity.Context, props, this.InjectTraceContextIntoBasicProperties); AddMessagingTags(activity); using (var producer = new ProducerBuilder <Null, T> (producerConfig).Build()) { try { var dr = await producer.ProduceAsync(producerTopic, new Message <Null, T> { Value = messageBody, Headers = props.Headers }); } catch (ProduceException <Null, string> e) { Console.WriteLine($"Delivery failed: {e.Error.Reason}"); } } } } }
public void SendResponse(MessageContext context, HttpResponsePacket response) { if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("Subscriber has been disposed"); } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.ReplyToQueue)) { return; } if (conn == null) { //TODO: Log this -- it technically shouldn't happen. Also translate to a HTTP Unreachable because it means StartCallbackQueueConsumer didn't create a connection throw new ApplicationException("This is Bad"); } //TODO: Channel Pool this connection using (IModel channel = conn.CreateModel()) { BasicProperties basicProperties = new BasicProperties { CorrelationId = context.CorrelationId }; try { channel.BasicPublish(String.Empty, context.ReplyToQueue, basicProperties, response.Serialize()); } catch { //TODO: Log execption } } }
public async Task Issue90([Frozen] ISerializer serializer, [Frozen] IRabbitMqConfiguration configuration, RabbitMqBusEngine sut, string consumerTag, ulong headerDeliveryTag, ulong deliveryTag, bool redelivered, string exchange, string routingKey, string messageId, Guid correlationId, DateTimeOffset sentOn, FirstTestCommand testCommand) { Mock.Get(serializer).Setup(p => p.DeserializeObject(It.IsAny <byte[]>(), It.IsAny <Type>(), It.IsAny <Encoding>())).Returns(testCommand); sut.SubscribeToCommand <FirstTestCommand>(); var sequence = await sut.StartAsync(); var encoding = Encoding.UTF8; IBasicProperties properties = new BasicProperties { MessageId = messageId, ContentEncoding = encoding.WebName, Headers = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["Nybus:MessageId"] = encoding.GetBytes(messageId), ["Nybus:MessageType"] = encoding.GetBytes(DescriptorName(testCommand.GetType())), ["Nybus:CorrelationId"] = correlationId.ToByteArray(), ["RabbitMq:DeliveryTag"] = headerDeliveryTag } }; var body = configuration.Serializer.SerializeObject(testCommand, encoding); var incomingMessages = sequence.DumpInList(); sut.Consumers.First().Value.HandleBasicDeliver(consumerTag, deliveryTag, redelivered, exchange, routingKey, properties, body); Assert.That(incomingMessages, Has.Exactly(1).InstanceOf <CommandMessage <FirstTestCommand> >()); var message = incomingMessages[0] as CommandMessage <FirstTestCommand>; Assert.That(message.Headers, Contains.Key("RabbitMq:DeliveryTag")); Assert.That(message.Headers["RabbitMq:DeliveryTag"], Is.EqualTo(deliveryTag.ToString())); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var rand = new Random(); var factory = new ConnectionFactory() { HostName = "localhost" }; var properties = new BasicProperties(); using (var connection = factory.CreateConnection()) { using (var channel = connection.CreateModel()) { channel.QueueDeclare("hello", false, false, false, null); var message = new List <int> { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }; var binFormatter = new BinaryFormatter(); var mStream = new MemoryStream(); binFormatter.Serialize(mStream, message); channel.BasicPublish(string.Empty, "hello", null, mStream.ToArray()); Console.WriteLine(" Press Enter to continue"); Console.ReadLine(); } } }
private async void PopulateGridView(IReadOnlyList <StorageFile> files, ObservableCollection <FileItem> items) { foreach (StorageFile file in files.Where(file => file.FileType == ".xml")) { FileItem item = new FileItem(); item.Name = file.DisplayName; item.Load = this.Load; BasicProperties properties = await file.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); item.LastUpdated = properties.DateModified; items.Add(item); } creator = new FileItem { Name = "Untitled", Create = Create, Cancel = Cancel }; NewFile.DataContext = creator; fileList.DataContext = items; checkName(items); Binding bin = new Binding(); bin.Path = new PropertyPath("Name"); textBox.SetBinding(TextBox.TextProperty, bin); }
public async Task Commands_can_be_received([Frozen] IRabbitMqConfiguration configuration, RabbitMqBusEngine sut, string consumerTag, ulong deliveryTag, bool redelivered, string exchange, string routingKey, string messageId, Guid correlationId, FirstTestCommand command) { sut.SubscribeToCommand <FirstTestCommand>(); var sequence = await sut.StartAsync(); var encoding = Encoding.UTF8; IBasicProperties properties = new BasicProperties { MessageId = messageId, ContentEncoding = encoding.WebName, Headers = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["Nybus:MessageId"] = encoding.GetBytes(messageId), ["Nybus:MessageType"] = encoding.GetBytes(DescriptorName(command.GetType())), ["Nybus:CorrelationId"] = correlationId.ToByteArray() } }; var body = configuration.Serializer.SerializeObject(command, encoding); var incomingMessages = sequence.DumpInList(); sut.Consumers.First().Value.HandleBasicDeliver(consumerTag, deliveryTag, redelivered, exchange, routingKey, properties, body); Assert.That(incomingMessages, Has.Exactly(1).InstanceOf <CommandMessage <FirstTestCommand> >()); var message = incomingMessages[0] as CommandMessage <FirstTestCommand>; Assert.That(message, Is.Not.Null); Assert.That(message.MessageId, Is.EqualTo(messageId)); Assert.That(message.MessageType, Is.EqualTo(MessageType.Command)); Assert.That(message.Type, Is.EqualTo(command.GetType())); Assert.That(message.Command, Is.Not.Null); }
private static void WriteBasicPropertiesAsHeader(AmqpPrimitivesWriter writer, ushort channel, ulong bodySize, BasicProperties properties) { if (properties.IsEmpty) { // short cut when it's empty uint payloadSize = 4 + 8 + 2; writer.WriteFrameStart(AmqpConstants.FrameHeader, channel, payloadSize, 60, 0); writer.WriteULong(bodySize); // no support for continuation. must be less than 15 bits used writer.WriteUShort(properties._presenceSWord); writer.WriteOctet(AmqpConstants.FrameEnd); } else { writer.WriteFrameHeader(channel, bodySize, properties); } }
private async Task <DateTime> LastModifiedDate() { BasicProperties properties = await Folder.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); return(properties.DateModified.DateTime); }
/// <summary>Send an HTTP request as an asynchronous operation.</summary> /// <returns>Returns <see cref="T:System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1" />.The task object representing the asynchronous operation.</returns> /// <param name="request">The HTTP request message to send.</param> /// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token to cancel operation.</param> /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">The <paramref name="request" /> was null.</exception> public override Task <HttpResponseMessage> SendAsync(HttpRequestMessage request, System.Threading.CancellationToken cancellationToken) { if (request == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("request"); } if (request.RequestUri == null && BaseAddress == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("The request URI must either be set or BaseAddress must be set"); } if (disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException(GetType().FullName); } hasKickStarted = true; PrepareMessage(request); //Get Request Options RequestOptions requestOptions = GetRequestOptions(request); var messageProperties = GetMessagingProperties(requestOptions); //Determine if message expects a response TimeSpan requestTimeout = GetRequestTimeout(requestOptions); //TODO: expectingResponse has a slightly different meaning in publisher confirms //where timespan may be longer than zero but MessageExpectsReply is false //in which case the timeout only applies to how long to wait for the publisher confirmation. bool expectingResponse = requestTimeout != TimeSpan.Zero && GetExpectsReply(request); //Declare messaging resources ExpectedResponse arrival = null; AmqpModelContainer model = null; bool modelClosed = false; string correlationId = null; //Get channel pool and decide on RPC strategy var pool = connectionMgr.GetConnectedPool(); IRPCStrategy rpcStrategy = pool.IsDirectReplyToCapable && !Settings.DisableDirectReplies ? directStrategy : callbackStrategy; try { #region Ensure CallbackQueue is started (If Using CallbackQueue Strategy) rpcStrategy.StartStrategy(pool, expectingResponse); #endregion #region Populate BasicProperties //Fill BasicProperties BasicProperties basicProperties = new BasicProperties(); //Set message delivery mode -- Make message persistent if either: // 1. Properties.Persistent is true // 2. messagingConfig.PersistentMessages is true and Properties.Persistent is null // 3. messagingConfig.PersistentMessages is true and Properties.Persistent is true if (messageProperties.Persistent == true || (messagingConfig.PersistentMessages && messageProperties.Persistent != false)) { basicProperties.Persistent = true; } //Set Exchange Headers var exchangeHeaders = messageProperties.Headers ?? messageMapper.GetHeaders(request); if (exchangeHeaders != null) { basicProperties.Headers = exchangeHeaders; } if (expectingResponse) { //Set CorrelationId correlationId = correlationIdGen.GetNextId(); basicProperties.CorrelationId = correlationId; //Set Expiration if messageProperties doesn't override Client.Timeout, RequestOptions and MessageMapper. if (!messageProperties.Expiration.HasValue && requestTimeout != System.Threading.Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan && (messagingConfig.MessageExpires == null || messagingConfig.MessageExpires(request))) { if (requestTimeout.TotalMilliseconds > Int32.MaxValue) { basicProperties.Expiration = Int32.MaxValue.ToString(); } else { basicProperties.Expiration = ((int)requestTimeout.TotalMilliseconds).ToString(); } } } else if (!messageProperties.Expiration.HasValue && (messagingConfig.MessageExpires == null || messagingConfig.MessageExpires(request))) { //Request has a zero timeout and the message mapper indicates it should expire and messageproperties expiration is not set: //Set the expiration to zero which means RabbitMQ will only transmit if there is a consumer ready to receive it. //If there is no ready consumer, RabbitMQ drops the message. See basicProperties.Expiration = "0"; } //Set expiration if set in message properties if (messageProperties.Expiration.HasValue) { if (messageProperties.Expiration != System.Threading.Timeout.InfiniteTimeSpan) { var expiration = messageProperties.Expiration.Value.Duration(); if (expiration.TotalMilliseconds > Int32.MaxValue) { basicProperties.Expiration = Int32.MaxValue.ToString(); } else { basicProperties.Expiration = ((int)expiration.TotalMilliseconds).ToString(); } } else { //Infinite Timespan indicates that message should never expire basicProperties.ClearExpiration(); } } #endregion #region Get Ready to Send Message model = rpcStrategy.GetModel(pool, false); var serviceName = (requestOptions == null || requestOptions.ServiceName == null) ? (messageMapper.GetServiceName(request) ?? String.Empty).Trim() : requestOptions.ServiceName.Trim(); RedeclareExchangesAndQueues(model, serviceName); //TODO: Check if cancellation token was set before operation even began var taskSource = new TaskCompletionSource <HttpResponseMessage>(); var exchangeKind = ExchangeKind.Direct; //TODO: Get ExchangeKind from CLient.Settings.ExchangeKind //TODO: Pull exchangeName from a concurrent dictionary that has a key of serviceName, exchangeKind //exchangeKind could be an index into arrays that have concurrentDictionaries. var exchangeName = AmqpUtils.GetExchangeName(messagingConfig, serviceName, exchangeKind); #endregion #region Start waiting for response //Start waiting for response if a request timeout is set. if (expectingResponse) { //TODO: Better to just check if cancellationHasbeen requested instead of checking if it's None if (!cancellationToken.Equals(System.Threading.CancellationToken.None)) { //TODO: Have cancellationtokens cancel event trigger callbackHandle //In fact turn this whole thing into an extension } arrival = rpcStrategy.PrepareForResponse(correlationId, basicProperties, model, request, requestTimeout, cancellationToken, taskSource); } #endregion #region Send Message //TODO: Implement routing to a different exchangeKind via substituting exchangeName //Send message model.Channel.BasicPublish(exchangeName, messageProperties.RoutingKey ?? messageMapper.GetRoutingKey(request, exchangeKind) ?? AmqpUtils.GetWorkQueueRoutingKey(), basicProperties, request.ToHttpRequestPacket().Serialize()); //Close channel if (!expectingResponse || rpcStrategy.ReturnModelAfterSending) { CloseAmqpModel(model); modelClosed = true; } #endregion #region Cleanup if not expecting response //Exit with OK result if no request timeout was set. if (!expectingResponse) { //TODO: Investigate adding a publisher confirm for zero timeout messages so we know that RabbitMQ did pick up the message before replying OK. //Might add extra complexity to this class. //Zero timespan means the client isn't interested in a response taskSource.SetResult(new HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { Content = _emptyByteArrayContent }); rpcStrategy.CleanupMessagingResources(correlationId, arrival); } #endregion return(taskSource.Task); } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO: Log this if (model != null && !modelClosed) { if (expectingResponse && model.Flags == ChannelFlags.RPC || model.Flags == ChannelFlags.RPCWithPublisherConfirms) { //Model might still be in use in waiting thread and so unsafe to be recycled model.Discard = true; } CloseAmqpModel(model); } rpcStrategy.CleanupMessagingResources(correlationId, arrival); if (ex is HttpRequestException) { throw; } else { throw GetWrappedException("An error occurred while sending the request.", ex); } } }
public StorageMedia(StorageFile file, BasicProperties basic) { File = file; Basic = basic; }
public void Return(BasicProperties properties) { _channel.Return(properties); }
public void BasicPublishFast(string exchange, string routingKey, bool mandatory, BasicProperties properties, ArraySegment <byte> buffer) { ThrowIfRecoveryInProcess(); _channel.BasicPublishFast(exchange, routingKey, mandatory, properties, buffer); }
public static IPortableFileBasicProperties AsPortableBasicProperties(this BasicProperties properties) { return(new WinRTFileBasicProperties(properties)); }
public TestBusCommandMessage(ICommandMessage message, BasicProperties props) { Message = message; Props = props; }
private static async Task <DateTimeOffset> GetLastWriteTimeAsync(IStorageItem item) { BasicProperties properties = await item.GetBasicPropertiesAsync().TranslateWinRTTask(item.Path); return(properties.DateModified); }
public override async Task <BasicProperties> GetBasicPropertiesAsync(CancellationToken ct) => BasicProperties.FromFilePath(Owner.Path);
/// <summary> /// Gets a file's size. /// </summary> private async Task <long> GetSizeAsync(IStorageFile file) { BasicProperties fileProperties = await file.GetBasicPropertiesAsync().AsTask().ConfigureAwait(false); return((long)fileProperties.Size); }
public async Task Read_BasicReturn(Func<ushort, string, string, string, int, BasicProperties, Stream, Task> continuation, BasicProperties properties) { ushort replyCode = _amqpReader.ReadShort(); string replyText = _amqpReader.ReadShortStr(); string exchange = _amqpReader.ReadShortStr(); string routingKey = _amqpReader.ReadShortStr(); byte frameEndMarker = _amqpReader.ReadOctet(); if (frameEndMarker != AmqpConstants.FrameEnd) throw new Exception("Expecting frameend!"); // Frame Header / Content header byte frameHeaderStart = _amqpReader.ReadOctet(); if (frameHeaderStart != AmqpConstants.FrameHeader) throw new Exception("Expecting Frame Header"); // await _reader.SkipBy(4 + 2 + 2 + 2); ushort channel = _reader.ReadUInt16(); int payloadLength = _reader.ReadInt32(); ushort classId = _reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort weight = _reader.ReadUInt16(); var bodySize = (long) _reader.ReadUInt64(); // BasicProperties properties = ReadRestOfContentHeader(); ReadRestOfContentHeader(properties, bodySize == 0); // Frame Body(s) if (bodySize != 0) { frameHeaderStart = _reader.ReadByte(); if (frameHeaderStart != AmqpConstants.FrameBody) throw new Exception("Expecting Frame Body"); await _reader.SkipBy(2); // channel = _reader.ReadUInt16(); uint length = _reader.ReadUInt32(); // must leave pending Frame end if (length == bodySize) { // continuation(replyCode, replyText, exchange, routingKey); var marker = new RingBufferPositionMarker(_reader._ringBufferStream._ringBuffer); await continuation(replyCode, replyText, exchange, routingKey, (int)length, properties, _reader._ringBufferStream); if (marker.LengthRead < length) { checked { int offset = (int)(length - marker.LengthRead); await _reader.SkipBy(offset); } } } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Multi body not supported yet. Total body size is " + bodySize + " and first body is " + length + " bytes"); } } else { // no body await continuation(replyCode, replyText, exchange, routingKey, 0, properties, EmptyStream); } }
/// <summary> /// ログ書き込み・ログバッファ消去 /// </summary> /// <param name="log">ログデータ</param> /// <param name="logName1">ログファイル名</param> /// <param name="logName2">ログファイル名(リネーム用)</param> private static async Task WriteLogBufferToFileAsync(LoggingData log, string logName1, string logName2) { StorageFolder logFolder = await ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFolderAsync(Settings.Folder, CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); if (Settings.LoggingMode == LoggingModes.Size) { // サイズチェック try { StorageFile cf = await logFolder.GetFileAsync(logName1); BasicProperties bprop = await cf.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); if (bprop.Size > (ulong)Settings.MaxFileSizeKB * 1024) { // サイズオーバー DebugWrite("]]>!! SIZE OVER !!"); try { StorageFile df = await logFolder.GetFileAsync(logName2); await df.DeleteAsync(); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { // ファイルなし } await cf.RenameAsync(logName2); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { // ファイルなし } } else { // ファイル日付チェック try { StorageFile cf = await logFolder.GetFileAsync(logName1); BasicProperties bprop = await cf.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); TimeSpan dtdiff = bprop.DateModified.Subtract(log.DateTime); bool fileChear = false; switch (Settings.LoggingMode) { case LoggingModes.Day: case LoggingModes.Week: // ログデータ日時とログファイル更新日時差が1日越で1周したとみなす if (dtdiff.Days > 1) { fileChear = true; } break; case LoggingModes.Month: // ログデータ日時とログファイル更新日時差が31日越で1周したとみなす if (dtdiff.Days > 31) { fileChear = true; } break; } if (fileChear) { DebugWrite("]]>!! FILE CLEAR !!"); StorageFile df = await logFolder.GetFileAsync(logName1); await df.DeleteAsync(); } } catch (FileNotFoundException) { // ファイルなし } } var sf = await logFolder.CreateFileAsync(logName1, Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.OpenIfExists); DebugWrite("]]>", sf.Path, lastFilename); // 書き込み await FileIO.AppendLinesAsync(sf, new List <string>(log.ToStrings())); // タイムスタンプ変更 if (Internal.DateTime.DifferenceNow.Ticks != 0) { // できません } lastFilename = sf.Path; WriteQueueCount--; }
private async void More_Tab_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (infos_opened) { RemoveInfos.Begin(); infos_opened = false; if (current_tab.TabContentType == ContentType.Folder) { current_tab.FolderOpened = false; await TabsWriteManager.PushUpdateTabAsync(current_tab, current_list, false); } } else { enable_selection = false; switch (current_tab.TabContentType) { case ContentType.File: try { list_types.SelectedItem = LanguagesHelper.GetLanguageNameViaType(current_tab.TabType); bool ItemFound = false; int EncodingCodepage = Encoding.GetEncoding(current_tab.TabEncoding).CodePage; for (int i = 0; i < (list_encodings.Items.Count - 1); i++) { if (((EncodingType)list_encodings.Items[i]).EncodingCodepage == EncodingCodepage && ((EncodingType)list_encodings.Items[i]).EncodingBOM == current_tab.TabEncodingWithBOM) { list_encodings.SelectedIndex = i; ItemFound = true; break; } } if (!ItemFound) { list_encodings.Items.Insert(0, new EncodingType { EncodingName = Encoding.GetEncoding(current_tab.TabEncoding).EncodingName, EncodingCodepage = Encoding.GetEncoding(current_tab.TabEncoding).CodePage }); list_encodings.SelectedIndex = 0; } switch (current_tab.TabStorageMode) { case StorageListTypes.LocalStorage: StorageFile file = await StorageFile.GetFileFromPathAsync(current_tab.TabOriginalPathContent); BasicProperties properties = await file.GetBasicPropertiesAsync(); if (properties.Size != 0) { if (properties.Size > 1024f) //Ko { size_file.Text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", (properties.Size / 1024f)) + " Ko"; if ((properties.Size / 1024f) > 1024f) //Mo { size_file.Text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", ((properties.Size / 1024f) / 1024f)) + " Mo"; } } else //Octect { size_file.Text = properties.Size + " Octect(s)"; } } modified_file.Text = properties.DateModified.ToString(); created_file.Text = file.DateCreated.ToString(); break; case StorageListTypes.OneDrive: if (await OneDriveAuthHelper.OneDriveAuthentification()) { var Item = await TabsDataCache.OneDriveClient.Drive.Items[current_tab.TabOriginalPathContent].Request().GetAsync(); if (Item.Size != 0) { if (Item.Size > 1024f) //Ko { size_file.Text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", (Item.Size / 1024f)) + " Ko"; if ((Item.Size / 1024f) > 1024f) //Mo { size_file.Text = string.Format("{0:0.00}", ((Item.Size / 1024f) / 1024f)) + " Mo"; } } else //Octect { size_file.Text = Item.Size + " Octect(s)"; } } modified_file.Text = Item.LastModifiedDateTime.ToString(); created_file.Text = Item.CreatedDateTime.ToString(); //path_tab.Text = System.Net.WebUtility.HtmlDecode(Item.ParentReference.Path); } break; } } catch { } break; case ContentType.Folder: current_tab.FolderOpened = true; await TabsWriteManager.PushUpdateTabAsync(current_tab, current_list, false); break; } ShowInfos.Begin(); infos_opened = true; enable_selection = true; } }
public Task BasicPublishWithConfirmation(string exchange, string routingKey, bool mandatory, BasicProperties properties, ArraySegment <byte> buffer) { ThrowIfRecoveryInProcess(); return(_channel.BasicPublishWithConfirmation(exchange, routingKey, mandatory, properties, buffer)); }
public async Task Read_BasicDelivery(Func<string, ulong, bool, string, string, int, BasicProperties, Stream, Task> continuation, BasicProperties properties) { string consumerTag = _amqpReader.ReadShortStr(); ulong deliveryTag = _amqpReader.ReadULong(); bool redelivered = _amqpReader.ReadBits() != 0; string exchange = _amqpReader.ReadShortStr(); string routingKey = _amqpReader.ReadShortStr(); byte frameEndMarker = _amqpReader.ReadOctet(); if (frameEndMarker != AmqpConstants.FrameEnd) throw new Exception("Expecting frameend!"); // Frame Header / Content header byte frameHeaderStart = _amqpReader.ReadOctet(); if (frameHeaderStart != AmqpConstants.FrameHeader) throw new Exception("Expecting Frame Header"); // await _reader.SkipBy(4 + 2 + 2 + 2); ushort channel = _reader.ReadUInt16(); int payloadLength = _reader.ReadInt32(); ushort classId = _reader.ReadUInt16(); ushort weight = _reader.ReadUInt16(); long bodySize = (long) _reader.ReadUInt64(); // BasicProperties properties = ReadRestOfContentHeader(); ReadRestOfContentHeader(properties, bodySize == 0); // Frame Body(s) if (bodySize != 0) { // Support just single body at this moment. frameHeaderStart = _reader.ReadByte(); if (frameHeaderStart != AmqpConstants.FrameBody) throw new Exception("Expecting Frame Body"); // await _reader.SkipBy(2); channel = _reader.ReadUInt16(); uint length = _reader.ReadUInt32(); // Pending Frame end if (length == bodySize) { var marker = new RingBufferPositionMarker(_reader._ringBufferStream._ringBuffer); await continuation(consumerTag, deliveryTag, redelivered, exchange, routingKey, (int) length, properties, (Stream) _reader._ringBufferStream); if (marker.LengthRead < length) { checked { int offset = (int) (length - marker.LengthRead); await _reader.SkipBy(offset); } } } else { throw new NotSupportedException("Multi body not supported yet. Total body size is " + bodySize + " and first body is " + length + " bytes"); } } else { // Empty body size, which is OK await continuation(consumerTag, deliveryTag, redelivered, exchange, routingKey, 0, properties, EmptyStream); } }