        public void WriteObjectFile(string fileName, BasicObjectFile file)
            byte[] dataBytes;

            // "trick" our object file into writing data into our arrays.
            using (var strm = new MemoryStream())
                foreach (var dataElement in file.DataElements)

                dataBytes = strm.ToArray();

            byte[] textBytes;
            using (var strm = new MemoryStream())
                foreach (var textElement in file.TextElements)

                textBytes = strm.ToArray();

            using (var underlyingWriter = new ELF_Wrapper.ELF_Writer())
                underlyingWriter.AddDataSection(dataBytes, Common.CommonConstants.BASE_DATA_ADDRESS);
                underlyingWriter.AddTextSection(textBytes, Common.CommonConstants.BASE_TEXT_ADDRESS);
        /// <summary>
        /// Tries to handle any linkage declarations
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trimmedLine">The line with leading/trailing whitespace removed.</param>
        /// <param name="lineNum">The current line number.</param>
        /// <param name="objFile">The basic object file that will be written to.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if a linkage directive was processed in this line. Otherwise, returns false.</returns>
        private bool TryHandlingLinkageDeclaration(string trimmedLine, int lineNum, BasicObjectFile objFile)
            // tokenize the line;
            string[] tokens       = trimmedLine.Split(' ');
            bool     isLinkageDec = false;

            if (IsLinkageDeclaration(tokens[0]))
                isLinkageDec = true;

                // we expect three tokens,
                if (tokens[0] == ".extern")
                    int declarationSize = 0;
                    if (tokens.Length != 3)
                        throw new AssemblyException(lineNum, "Expected symbol name and byte size declaration after .extern token.");
                    else if (!int.TryParse(tokens[2], out declarationSize))
                        throw new AssemblyException(lineNum, ".extern requires a non-negative 32-bit integer size.");
                    else if (declarationSize < 0)
                        throw new AssemblyException(lineNum, ".extern requires a non-negative 32-bit integer size.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a non-trivial data size element to the object file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objFile">The object file to add the element to.</param>
        /// <param name="dataType">The string token declaring the data type</param>
        /// <param name="elemValue">The string</param>
        /// <param name="lineNum"></param>
        private void AddNonTrivialDataElementToObjectFile(BasicObjectFile objFile, string dataType, string elemValue)
            if (dataType == ".ascii")

            else if (dataType == ".asciiz")

            else if (dataType == ".space")
                int numReservedSpace = ParserCommon.DetermineNonTrivialDataLength(dataType, elemValue);
                for (int i = 0; i < numReservedSpace; ++i)
                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown data type " + dataType + " passed as non-trivial data type.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Outputs all data in the BasicObjectFile to the specified format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">The file path to generate the output at.</param>
        /// <param name="file">The data that will be written to the file.</param>
        public void WriteObjectFile(string fileName, BasicObjectFile file)
            using (FileStream fs = File.Open(fileName, FileMode.Create))
                using (MemoryStream tmpStrm = new MemoryStream())
                    // write the .data segment metadata
                    SegmentData dataMdataInfo;
                    dataMdataInfo.SegmentName    = ".dmdta";
                    dataMdataInfo.StartingOffset = CalculateSegmentOffset(tmpStrm.Position);
                    dataMdataInfo.SegmentSize    = WriteMetadataToFile(tmpStrm, file.DataElements);

                    // write the actual .data segment
                    SegmentData dataInfo;
                    dataInfo.SegmentName    = ".data";
                    dataInfo.StartingOffset = CalculateSegmentOffset(tmpStrm.Position);
                    dataInfo.SegmentSize    = WriteDataToFile(tmpStrm, file.DataElements);

                    SegmentData textInfo;
                    textInfo.SegmentName    = ".text";
                    textInfo.StartingOffset = CalculateSegmentOffset(tmpStrm.Position);
                    textInfo.SegmentSize    = WriteDataToFile(tmpStrm, file.TextElements);

                    // write the .extern segment.
                    SegmentData externInfo;
                    externInfo.SegmentName    = ".extern";
                    externInfo.StartingOffset = CalculateSegmentOffset(tmpStrm.Position);
                    externInfo.SegmentSize    = WriteDataToFile(tmpStrm, file.ExternElements);

                    // write the symbol table
                    SegmentData symInfo;
                    symInfo.SegmentName    = ".symtbl";
                    symInfo.StartingOffset = CalculateSegmentOffset(tmpStrm.Position);
                    symInfo.SegmentSize    = WriteSymbolTableToFile(tmpStrm, file.SymbolTable);

                    // write the source map table segment.
                    SegmentData srcMapInfo;
                    srcMapInfo.SegmentName    = ".srcmap";
                    srcMapInfo.StartingOffset = CalculateSegmentOffset(tmpStrm.Position);
                    srcMapInfo.SegmentSize    = WriteSourceMappingInfoToFile(tmpStrm, file.DebugData);

                    // add the various sizes.
                    // the order matters, as this is the order in which they are written to the header.
                    var sizeList = new List <SegmentData>();

                    // write the actual file header, now that we know our absolute offsets
                    WriteHeader(fs, sizeList);

                    // copy the temp stream to the actual file stream.
                    tmpStrm.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a half element to the object file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objFile">The object file to add to.</param>
        /// <param name="fullText">The full text of the assembly line.</param>
        /// <param name="declarationToken">The token specifying the declaration of the size parameter.</param>
        private void AddShortElementToFile(BasicObjectFile objFile, string fullText, string declarationToken)
            // find the token directly after the size directive
            int    substrBeginIdx = fullText.IndexOf(declarationToken) + declarationToken.Length;
            string arguments      = fullText.Substring(substrBeginIdx);

            // split by commas.
            string[] tokenizedArgs = arguments.Split(new[] { ',' });
            tokenizedArgs = tokenizedArgs.Apply((str) => str.Trim()).ToArray();

            // iterate through each element in the "array".
            foreach (string token in tokenizedArgs)
                // if it contains a ':' character, then this itself is an array of the initialized token.
                if (token.Contains(':'))
                    string[] subtokens = token.Split(new[] { ':' }).Apply((str) => str.Trim()).ToArray();
                    if (subtokens.Length == 2)
                        int numElems = int.Parse(subtokens[1]);

                        // this syntax is wonky; we're trying to parse literal char elements
                        // as well as normal bytes here.
                        if (!IntExtensions.TryParseEx(subtokens[0], out short elemToAdd))
                            // see if we can resolve the string as a symbol.
                            Symbol sym = m_SymTbl.GetSymbol(subtokens[0]);
                            elemToAdd = (short)sym.Address;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numElems; ++i)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Expected size parameter after ':' token.");
                    // otherwise, it should just be an element (without any size modifiers).
                    // just parse it and add it.
                    if (!IntExtensions.TryParseEx(token, out short elemToAdd))
                        // see if we can resolve the string as a symbol.
                        Symbol sym = m_SymTbl.GetSymbol(token);
                        elemToAdd = (short)sym.Address;

        /// <summary>
        /// Adds either one or multiple trivially sized data elements to the object file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objFile">The object file to add to.</param>
        /// <param name="dataSize">The data size of the element to add.</param>
        /// <param name="fullText">The full text of the assembly line.</param>
        /// <param name="declarationToken">The token declaring the size of the data.</param>
        private void AddTrivialDataElementsToFile(BasicObjectFile objFile, int dataSize, string fullText, string declarationToken)
            const int BYTE_DATA_SIZE  = 1;
            const int SHORT_DATA_SIZE = 2;
            const int WORD_DATA_SIZE  = 4;
            const int DWORD_DATA_SIZE = 8;

            switch (dataSize)
            case BYTE_DATA_SIZE:
                AddByteElementToFile(objFile, fullText, declarationToken);

            case SHORT_DATA_SIZE:
                AddShortElementToFile(objFile, fullText, declarationToken);

            case WORD_DATA_SIZE:
                AddIntElementToFile(objFile, fullText, declarationToken);

            case DWORD_DATA_SIZE:
                AddLongElementToFile(objFile, fullText, declarationToken);

                throw new ArgumentException("Unknown data size passed to AddTrivialDataElementToObjectFile");
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates code for a .text instruction in the file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">The source file name.</param>
        /// <param name="asmLine">The line to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="objFile">The object file that will be written to.</param>
        /// <param name="currAlignment">The current specified alignment of the file. Unused for .text parsers.</param>
        public void GenerateCodeForSegment(string fileName, LineData asmLine, BasicObjectFile objFile, int currAlignment)
            // scan to the first instruction.
            // this could share the same line as a label, so split on ':' and ','
            string[] tokenizedStr     = asmLine.Text.Split(new char[] { ',', ':', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            bool     foundInstruction = false;

            string instructionToken = string.Empty;

            for (int i = 0; i < tokenizedStr.Length && !foundInstruction; ++i)
                string token = tokenizedStr[i].Trim();
                // we found our instruction. build a string from this token
                // to the end of the array.
                if (m_ParserFac.IsInstruction(token))
                    foundInstruction = true;
                    instructionToken = token;

            if (foundInstruction)
                // first, validate that the instruction is not the last token in the string.
                // try to parse the instruction parameters
                // get the substring starting at the index of the next character after the instruction
                string instSubstring = asmLine.Text.Substring(asmLine.Text.IndexOf(instructionToken) + instructionToken.Length);

                //split the substring at the comma to get the instruction parameters.
                string[] argTokens = instSubstring.Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                // trim whitespace from the beginning and end of each token.
                argTokens = argTokens.Apply((str) => str.Trim()).ToArray();

                // find the parser for the instruction.
                IInstructionGenerator parser = m_ParserFac.GetProcessorForInstruction(instructionToken);

                // beq instructions should (hopefully) not generate multiple instructions..
                IEnumerable <int> generatedInstructions = parser.GenerateCodeForInstruction(m_CurrTextAddress, argTokens);

                var srcInfo = new SourceLineInformation(fileName, asmLine.LineNum, m_CurrTextAddress, asmLine.Text);

                foreach (int generatedInstruction in generatedInstructions)
                    m_CurrTextAddress += CommonConstants.BASE_INSTRUCTION_SIZE_BYTES;
                // if not an instruction (may be a symbol)
                // preprocesor instruction shouldn't bring us here.
                // make sure the user is not typing garbage.
                string symStr = tokenizedStr[0];
                if (!m_SymTbl.ContainsSymbol(symStr))
                    throw new AssemblyException(asmLine.LineNum, "Unknown instruction \"" + asmLine.Text + "\" found.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates code for the given assembly file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="reader">A StreamReader instance that will read the input assembly file.</param>
        /// <param name="objFile">The basic object file that will be written to.</param>
        public void GenerateCode(string fileName, StreamReader reader, BasicObjectFile objFile)
            SegmentType currSegmentType = SegmentType.Invalid;
            int         currAlignment   = CommonConstants.DEFAULT_ALIGNMENT;

            // a list of all exceptions we encounter during parsing.
            // users can view them all at once instead of working through them piecemeal.
            var exceptionList = new List <AssemblyException>();
            int lineNum       = 0;

            while (!reader.EndOfStream)
                    // trim the whitespace from any read-in line.
                    string line = reader.ReadLine().Trim();

                    // get a substring up until the commented line, ignoring those in user quotes.
                    line = ParserCommon.GetSanitizedString(line);

                    // ignore blank lines. trim should remove all whitespace
                    if (line.Any())
                        LineParseResults directiveResults = ParserCommon.HandleAssemblerDirective(line, lineNum, currSegmentType, currAlignment);

                        // if we have a new data alignment, we need to record this in case the disassembler
                        // parses this file. otherwise, it will interpret padding bytes as actual data elements.
                        if (currAlignment != directiveResults.NewAlignment)

                        currAlignment   = directiveResults.NewAlignment;
                        currSegmentType = directiveResults.NewSegment;

                        // if our segment type is valid, then we're processing actual data versus an assembler directive.
                        if (!directiveResults.IsLineAssemblerDirective &&
                            currSegmentType != SegmentType.Invalid)
                            if (!TryHandlingLinkageDeclaration(line, lineNum, objFile))
                                ISegmentCodeGenerator codeGen = m_CodeGenFac.GetCodeGeneratorForSegment(currSegmentType);
                                var asmLine = new LineData(line, lineNum);
                                    codeGen.GenerateCodeForSegment(fileName, asmLine, objFile, currAlignment);
                                catch (AssemblyException)
                                catch (Exception ex)
                                    throw new AssemblyException(lineNum, ex.Message);
                catch (AssemblyException ex)

            // if any exceptions were encountered, throw an aggregate exception with
            // all of the encountered exceptions.
            if (exceptionList.Any())
                throw new AggregateAssemblyError(exceptionList);

            // reset the StreamReader to the beginning position.
            reader.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
        /// <summary>
        /// Task for assembling one individual file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inputFile">The input file to assemble.</param>
        /// <param name="logger">The logging implementation to log errors/info to.</param>
        /// <param name="options">The options to use while assembling.</param>
        /// <returns>True if the assembler could successfully generate code for the file; otherwise returns false.</returns>
        public AssemblerResult AssembleFile(string inputFile, string outputFile, ILogger logger, AssemblerOptions options)
            var result = new AssemblerResult();

            logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Invoking assembler for file " + inputFile);
                bool furtherProcessingNeeded = true;
                if (File.Exists(inputFile) &&
                    DateTime inputFileWriteTime  = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(inputFile);
                    DateTime outputFileWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTimeUtc(outputFile);
                    if (outputFileWriteTime > inputFileWriteTime)
                        logger.Log(LogLevel.Info, "Nothing to do for file " + inputFile);
                        furtherProcessingNeeded = false;

                if (furtherProcessingNeeded)
                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(File.OpenRead(inputFile)))
                        var symTable = new SymbolTable();

                        // build the symbol table
                        var instructionProcFac = new InstructionProcessorFactory(symTable);
                        var symTableBuilder    = new SymbolTableBuilder(logger, instructionProcFac);
                        symTableBuilder.GenerateSymbolTableForSegment(reader, SegmentType.Data, symTable);
                        symTableBuilder.GenerateSymbolTableForSegment(reader, SegmentType.Text, symTable);

                        // use the symbol table to generate code with references resolved.
                        var objFile = new BasicObjectFile(inputFile, symTable);

                        var codeGenerator = new CodeGenerator(logger, symTable, instructionProcFac);
                        codeGenerator.GenerateCode(inputFile, reader, objFile);

                        if (!objFile.TextElements.Any())
                            logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, "No .text segment to assemble. Stop.");
                            result.OperationSuccessful = false;
                            // write the object file out.
                            var writerFac            = new ObjectFileWriterFactory();
                            IObjectFileWriter writer = writerFac.GetWriterForOutputFile(outputFile);
                            writer.WriteObjectFile(outputFile, objFile);
            catch (AggregateAssemblyError ex)
                foreach (AssemblyException asEx in ex.AssemblyErrors)
                    logger.Log(LogLevel.Critical, "In file \"" + inputFile + "\" (line " + asEx.LineNumber + "):\n\t");
                    logger.Log(LogLevel.Critical, asEx.Message);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Log(LogLevel.Critical, ex.StackTrace);
                logger.Log(LogLevel.Critical, ex.Message);
                if (ex.InnerException != null)
                    logger.Log(LogLevel.Critical, ex.InnerException.StackTrace);
                    logger.Log(LogLevel.Critical, ex.InnerException.Message);

        /// <summary>
        /// Generates the byte representation of an instruction from a line of assembly code.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="asmLine">The line to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="objFile">The object file that will be written to.</param>
        /// <param name="currAlignment">The current specified alignment of the file.</param>
        public void GenerateCodeForSegment(string fileName, LineData asmLine, BasicObjectFile objFile, int currAlignment)
            string[] tokens               = asmLine.Text.Split(' ', '\t');
            string[] fixedTokens          = ParserCommon.GetTrimmedTokenArray(tokens).ToArray();
            bool     foundDataDeclaration = false;
            int      dataDeclarationIdx   = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < fixedTokens.Length && !foundDataDeclaration; ++i)
                if (ParserCommon.IsDataDeclaration(fixedTokens[i]))
                    foundDataDeclaration = true;
                    dataDeclarationIdx   = i;

            // we found a data declaration; make sure that there's at least one value following it.
            if (foundDataDeclaration)
                if (dataDeclarationIdx + 1 < fixedTokens.Length)
                    // if it is a trivial type, use our precomputed map to get the size.
                    if (ParserCommon.IsTrivialDataType(fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx]))
                        // determine before writing the next data element if we need to add padding.
                        int paddingSize = ParserCommon.GetNumPaddingBytes(m_NumBytesLaidOut, currAlignment);
                        int dataSize    = ParserCommon.DetermineTrivialDataSize(fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx]);
                        int numElements = ParserCommon.GetArraySize(asmLine.Text, fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx]);

                        if (dataSize > paddingSize)
                            // add as much padding as we need to reach the next alignment boundary.
                            for (int i = 0; i < paddingSize; ++i)
                                m_NumBytesLaidOut += 1;

                        int totalReservedSize = dataSize * numElements;

                        m_NumBytesLaidOut += totalReservedSize;

                        AddTrivialDataElementsToFile(objFile, dataSize, asmLine.Text, fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx]);

                    // see if we can figure out the string length
                    else if (ParserCommon.IsStringDeclaration(fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx]))
                        int paddingSize = ParserCommon.GetNumPaddingBytes(m_NumBytesLaidOut, currAlignment);

                        // if this is a string declaration, then get the original string data
                        string dataStr  = ParserCommon.GetStringData(asmLine.Text);
                        int    dataSize = ParserCommon.DetermineNonTrivialDataLength(fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx], dataStr);

                        if (dataSize > paddingSize)
                            // add as much padding as we need to reach the next alignment boundary.
                            for (int i = 0; i < paddingSize; ++i)
                                m_NumBytesLaidOut += 1;

                        // add the string data to the object file.
                        AddNonTrivialDataElementToObjectFile(objFile, fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx], dataStr);
                        m_NumBytesLaidOut += dataSize;

                    // otherwise, this must be a .space declaration. just get the size following it.
                        int dataSize    = ParserCommon.DetermineNonTrivialDataLength(fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx], fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx + 1]);
                        int paddingSize = ParserCommon.GetNumPaddingBytes(dataSize, currAlignment);

                        // fill the space and padding with zeroes.
                        for (int i = 0; i < dataSize + paddingSize; ++i)

                        // we expect one token after this word.
                        // otherwise, it may be garbage that we should detect.
                        if (fixedTokens.Length > dataDeclarationIdx + 2)
                            throw new AssemblyException(asmLine.LineNum, "Unknown token \"" + fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx + 2] + "\" found.");
                    throw new AssemblyException(asmLine.LineNum, "Expected data value after token " + fixedTokens[dataDeclarationIdx]);

            // check to see if this is just a label.
            // otherwise, it is probably garbage that we should throw.
            else if (!ParserCommon.ContainsLabel(asmLine.Text))
                throw new AssemblyException(asmLine.LineNum, "Unable to ascertain data type from line " + asmLine.Text);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a byte element to the object file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="objFile">The object file to add to.</param>
        /// <param name="fullText">The full text of the assembly line.</param>
        /// <param name="declarationToken">The token specifying the declaration of the size parameter.</param>
        private void AddByteElementToFile(BasicObjectFile objFile, string fullText, string declarationToken)
            // find the token directly after the size directive
            int    substrBeginIdx = fullText.IndexOf(declarationToken) + declarationToken.Length;
            string arguments      = fullText.Substring(substrBeginIdx);

            // split by commas.
            string[] tokenizedArgs = arguments.Split(new[] { ',' });
            tokenizedArgs = tokenizedArgs.Apply((str) => str.Trim()).ToArray();

            // iterate through each element in the "array".
            foreach (string token in tokenizedArgs)
                // if it contains a ':' character, then this itself is an array of the initialized token.
                if (token.Contains(':'))
                    string[] subtokens = token.Split(new[] { ':' }).Apply((str) => str.Trim()).ToArray();
                    if (subtokens.Length == 2)
                        int numElems = int.Parse(subtokens[1]);

                        // first, try to get the value as a byte.
                        if (!IntExtensions.TryParseEx(subtokens[0], out byte byteElem))
                            // if we fail, then try parsing the character as a literal.
                            if (!StringUtils.TryParseCharacterLiteralAsByte(subtokens[0], out byteElem))
                                // as a fallback, see if we can resolve the string as a symbol.
                                Symbol sym = m_SymTbl.GetSymbol(subtokens[0]);
                                byteElem = (byte)sym.Address;

                        for (int i = 0; i < numElems; ++i)
                        throw new ArgumentException("Expected size parameter after ':' token.");
                    // otherwise, it should just be an element (without any size modifiers).
                    // just parse it and add it.
                    // first, try to get the value as a byte.
                    if (!IntExtensions.TryParseEx(token, out byte byteElem))
                        // if we fail, then try parsing the character as a literal.
                        if (!StringUtils.TryParseCharacterLiteralAsByte(token, out byteElem))
                            // as a fallback, see if we can resolve the string as a symbol.
                            Symbol sym = m_SymTbl.GetSymbol(token);
                            byteElem = (byte)sym.Address;
