    public Player() : base(new Image("img/samus.gif", 1333, 757))
        LastMovement       = "LEFT";
        AimDirection       = "LEFT";
        HitboxXMarginLeft  = 4;
        HitboxXMarginRight = 4;
        IsChrouching       = false;
        IsBallForm         = false;
        CanConvertToBall   = false;
        IsAimingDiagonal   = false;
        IsLookingUp        = false;
        IsFalling          = false;
        IsJumping          = false;
        VerticalSpeed      = 0;
        timeCharging       = 0;
        FramesJumping      = 0;

        HealthPoints = 100;

        PrimaryWeapon = new BasicBeam(1, 1, this);

        //Coordinates of the animated images in the spritesheet

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.LEFT] = new int[] { 12, 48, 88, 131, 179, 223, 263, 298, 339, 386 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.LEFT] = new int[] { 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.RIGHT] = new int[] { 438, 475, 519, 569, 613, 650, 691, 735, 782, 827 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.RIGHT] = new int[] { 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296, 296 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_LEFT] = new int[] { 151, 190, 231 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_LEFT] = new int[] { 56, 56, 56 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_RIGHT] = new int[] { 343, 387, 427 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_RIGHT] = new int[] { 56, 56, 56 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_LEFT_UP] = new int[] { 483, 524, 568 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_LEFT_UP] = new int[] { 172, 172, 172 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_RIGHT_UP] = new int[] { 692, 728, 760 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_RIGHT_UP] = new int[] { 172, 172, 172 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.CHROUCH_LEFT] = new int[] { 10 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.CHROUCH_LEFT] = new int[] { 171 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.CHROUCH_RIGHT] = new int[] { 117 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.CHROUCH_RIGHT] = new int[] { 171 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.LEFT_UP_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 17, 53, 92, 136, 181, 228, 266, 303, 348, 389 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.LEFT_UP_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 356, 356, 356, 356, 356, 356, 356, 356, 356, 356 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.RIGHT_UP_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 430, 466, 509, 561, 607, 646, 685, 729, 779, 825 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.RIGHT_UP_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 356, 356, 356, 356, 356, 356, 356, 356, 356, 356 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_LEFT_UP_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 8, 47, 86 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_LEFT_UP_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 117, 117, 117 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_RIGHT_UP_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 198, 238, 277 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.STILL_RIGHT_UP_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 117, 117, 117 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.CHROUCH_LEFT_DOWN_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 322 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.CHROUCH_LEFT_DOWN_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 171 };

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.CHROUCH_RIGHT_DOWN_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 434 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.CHROUCH_RIGHT_DOWN_DIAGONAL] = new int[] { 171 };

        /*Uncompleted coordinates*/

        SpriteXCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.BALL_FORM] = new int[] { 720, 743, 766, 788 };
        SpriteYCoordinates[(int)MovableSprite.SpriteMovement.BALL_FORM] = new int[] { 107, 107, 107, 107 };
    public void CreateNewShots(Hardware hardware, List <Weapon> weaponList, short XOffset)
        /*For now, it always creates a BasicBeam shot, later, I will add another weapon parameter to create shots from that specific class*/

        if (hardware.IsKeyPressed(Hardware.KEY_M))
            PrimaryWeapon.CanShoot = true;

        if (timeCharging > 200)
            PrimaryWeapon.IsCharged = true;

        if (!hardware.IsKeyPressed(Hardware.KEY_M) && PrimaryWeapon.CanShoot)
            timeCharging           = 0;
            PrimaryWeapon.CanShoot = false;

            short tempweapX;
            short tempweapY;
            short xinc;
            short yinc;

            switch (AimDirection)
            case "LEFT":

                xinc      = -1;
                yinc      = 0;
                tempweapX = (short)(this.X - 8);
                tempweapY = (short)(this.Y + 16);

            case "RIGHT":
                xinc      = 1;
                yinc      = 0;
                tempweapX = (short)(this.X + 24);
                tempweapY = (short)(this.Y + 16);

            case "LEFT_UP_DIAGONAL":
                xinc      = -1;
                yinc      = -1;
                tempweapX = (short)(this.X - 8);
                tempweapY = (short)(this.Y);

            case "RIGHT_UP_DIAGONAL":
                xinc      = 1;
                yinc      = -1;
                tempweapX = (short)(this.X + 24);
                tempweapY = (short)(this.Y);

            case "CHROUCH_LEFT":
                xinc      = -1;
                yinc      = 0;
                tempweapX = (short)(this.X - 8);
                tempweapY = (short)(this.Y + 28);

            case "CHROUCH_RIGHT":
                xinc      = 1;
                yinc      = 0;
                tempweapX = (short)(this.X + 24);
                tempweapY = (short)(this.Y + 28);

            case "CHROUCH_LEFT_DOWN_DIAGONAL":
                xinc      = -1;
                yinc      = 1;
                tempweapX = (short)(this.X - 10);
                tempweapY = (short)(this.Y + 38);

                xinc      = 1;
                yinc      = 1;
                tempweapX = (short)(this.X + 26);
                tempweapY = (short)(this.Y + 40);

            case "UP":
                xinc      = 0;
                yinc      = -1;
                tempweapX = (short)(this.X);
                tempweapY = (short)(this.Y);

                xinc      = 1;
                yinc      = 0;
                tempweapX = (short)(this.X);
                tempweapY = (short)(this.Y);

            if (PrimaryWeapon.IsCharged)
                ChargedBasicBeam temp = new ChargedBasicBeam(xinc, yinc, this);
                temp.MoveTo((short)(tempweapX + XOffset), tempweapY);
                BasicBeam temp = new BasicBeam(xinc, yinc, this);
                temp.MoveTo((short)(tempweapX + XOffset), tempweapY);
            PrimaryWeapon.IsCharged = false;