        private void SubmitReferenceEvents(ref JToken latestLocationEvent, ref JToken latestFileHeader, ref SingleThreadLogger logger)
                if (latestFileHeader != null)
                    logger.Log("submit ref event : latestFileHeader");
                    // memorize the latest header
                    JournalEventRecieved.Raise(this, new JournalEventArgs()
                        EventType = JournalEvent.Fileheader, Data = latestFileHeader
                    latestFileHeader = null;

                if (latestLocationEvent != null)
                    logger.Log("submit ref event : latestLocationEvent");

                    // pre-check for base data which is currently not in the database.
                    BasedataEventArgs newBasedataArgItem = new BasedataEventArgs()
                        EventType = JournalEvent.Basedata,
                        System    = latestLocationEvent.Value <String>("StarSystem").NToString(""),
                        Station   = latestLocationEvent.Value <String>("StationName").NToString("")

                    if (latestLocationEvent.Value <Object>("StarPos") != null)
                        newBasedataArgItem.Coordinates = new Point3Dbl((Double)latestLocationEvent["StarPos"][0],

                    BasedataEventRecieved.Raise(this, newBasedataArgItem);

                    // always inform about the latest location information
                    JournalEventRecieved.Raise(this, new JournalEventArgs()
                        EventType = JournalEvent.Location, Data = latestLocationEvent
                    latestLocationEvent = null;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new Exception("Error while processing reference events", ex);
        private void JournalScannerWorker()
            SingleThreadLogger      logger              = new SingleThreadLogger(ThreadLoggerType.FileScanner);
            String                  latestFile          = "";
            StreamReader            journalStreamReader = null;
            FileStream              journalFileStream   = null;
            JournalEvent            eventName;
            String                  rawEventName;
            DateTime                rawTimeStamp;
            string                  dataLine;
            JToken                  journalEntry        = "";
            List <String>           newFiles            = new List <string>();
            Boolean                 isFirstRun          = true;
            Boolean                 gotLatestEvent      = false;
            JToken                  latestLocationEvent = null;
            JToken                  latestFileHeader    = null;
            String                  lastEvent           = "";
            DateTime                lastEventTime       = DateTime.MinValue;
            List <JournalEventArgs> history             = new List <JournalEventArgs>();
            Boolean                 isZeroRun           = false;

            m_NewFileDetected = false;
            Boolean missingMessagePossible = true;
            Int32   errorCount             = 0;
            Boolean parsingError           = false;

            if (m_extLogging)
                logger.Log("scanning started");

                    if (!isFirstRun && missingMessagePossible && String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_LastScan_JournalFile))
                        if (m_extLogging)
                            logger.Log("Can't find E:D journal file!");
                        Program.MainForm.AddComboboxLine(Program.MainForm.txtEventInfo, "Can't find E:D journal file!");
                        missingMessagePossible = false;

                    // new files needed or notified ?
                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_LastScan_JournalFile) && (newFiles.Count == 0))
                        if (m_extLogging)
                            logger.Log("new files");
                        // get jounal for the first time, get only the latest
                        IOrderedEnumerable <string> journals = Directory.EnumerateFiles(m_SavedgamesPath, "Journal.*.log", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderByDescending(x => x);

                        if ((journals.Count() > 0) && (GetTimeValueFromFilename(journals.ElementAt <String>(0)) > 0))
                            m_LastScan_JournalFile = journals.ElementAt <String>(0);

                        if (isFirstRun)
                            isZeroRun = true;
                    else if (m_NewFileDetected || isFirstRun)
                        if (m_extLogging)
                            logger.Log("first run");

                        // check for new files
                        m_NewFileDetected = false;

                        IOrderedEnumerable <string> journals = Directory.EnumerateFiles(m_SavedgamesPath, "Journal.*.log", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).OrderByDescending(File.GetLastWriteTime);

                        foreach (String newFile in journals)

                            // add every new file, but only if
                            //  - it's "timevalue" is newer than the "timevalue" of the current file
                            //  - it's last write time is not longer than 24 hours ago
                            if ((GetTimeValueFromFilename(newFile) > GetTimeValueFromFilename(m_LastScan_JournalFile)) && ((DateTime.UtcNow - File.GetLastWriteTime(newFile)).TotalHours < 24))
                                if (!newFiles.Contains(newFile))
                                    var pos = newFiles.FindIndex(x => (GetTimeValueFromFilename(x) > GetTimeValueFromFilename(newFile))) + 1;
                                    newFiles.Insert(pos, newFile);
                                // now comes the older files

                    isFirstRun = false;

                    // check current file for existence, get another if necessary and existing, filter out "dead bodies"
                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_LastScan_JournalFile))
                        if (!File.Exists(m_LastScan_JournalFile))
                            if (m_extLogging)
                                logger.Log("file not existing : " + m_LastScan_JournalFile);
                            m_LastScan_JournalFile = "";

                    if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_LastScan_JournalFile) && (newFiles.Count > 0))
                        for (int i = (newFiles.Count - 1); i >= 0; i--)
                            if (File.Exists(newFiles[i]))
                                // new "current" file
                                m_LastScan_JournalFile = newFiles[i];
                                // dead body

                    if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(m_LastScan_JournalFile))
                        if (m_extLogging)
                            logger.Log("check file for new events : " + Path.GetFileName(m_LastScan_JournalFile) + " (" + gotLatestEvent + ")");

                        missingMessagePossible = false;

                        // we still have a current file
                        if (journalFileStream == null)
                            Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "LastScan_JournalFile", m_LastScan_JournalFile);

                            journalFileStream   = File.Open(m_LastScan_JournalFile, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite);
                            journalStreamReader = new StreamReader(journalFileStream);

                        while (!journalStreamReader.EndOfStream)
                            // get json object
                            dataLine = journalStreamReader.ReadLine();

                            if (m_extLogging)
                                logger.Log("new line from : " + Path.GetFileName(m_LastScan_JournalFile) + " : " + dataLine);

                            parsingError = false;

                                journalEntry = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <JToken>(dataLine);
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                parsingError = true;
                                String msg = "Error while parsing json string from file '" + Path.GetFileName(m_LastScan_JournalFile) + "' : \n<" + dataLine + ">";
                                logger.Log(ErrorViewer.GetErrorMessage(ref msg, ex));

                            if (!parsingError)
                                // identify the event
                                rawEventName = journalEntry.Value <String>("event");
                                rawTimeStamp = journalEntry.Value <DateTime>("timestamp");

                                if (rawEventName == JournalEvent.Died.ToString())

                                if ((rawEventName != null) && (rawTimeStamp != null))
                                    if (!Enum.TryParse <JournalEvent>(rawEventName, out eventName))
                                        eventName = JournalEvent.Not_Supported;

                                    if (gotLatestEvent)
                                        // every recognized event is accepted as new
                                        lastEvent     = rawEventName;
                                        lastEventTime = rawTimeStamp;

                                        SubmitReferenceEvents(ref latestLocationEvent, ref latestFileHeader, ref logger);

                                        // pre-check for base data which is currently not in the database.
                                        switch (eventName)
                                        case JournalEvent.Location:
                                        case JournalEvent.Docked:
                                        case JournalEvent.FSDJump:
                                        case JournalEvent.Resurrect:

                                            if (m_extLogging)
                                                logger.Log("accepted (pre) : " + eventName.ToString());
                                            Debug.Print("accepted (pre) : " + eventName.ToString());

                                            BasedataEventArgs newBasedataArgItem = new BasedataEventArgs()
                                                EventType = JournalEvent.Basedata,
                                                System    = journalEntry.Value <String>("StarSystem").NToString(""),
                                                Station   = journalEntry.Value <String>("StationName").NToString("")

                                            if (journalEntry.Value <Object>("StarPos") != null)
                                                newBasedataArgItem.Coordinates = new Point3Dbl((Double)journalEntry["StarPos"][0],

                                            BasedataEventRecieved.Raise(this, newBasedataArgItem);


                                        // switch what to do
                                        switch (eventName)
                                        case JournalEvent.Fileheader:
                                        case JournalEvent.Location:

                                        case JournalEvent.Docked:
                                        case JournalEvent.Undocked:

                                        case JournalEvent.SupercruiseEntry:
                                        case JournalEvent.SupercruiseExit:

                                        case JournalEvent.Liftoff:
                                        case JournalEvent.Touchdown:

                                        case JournalEvent.FSDJump:

                                        case JournalEvent.Died:
                                        case JournalEvent.Resurrect:

                                        case JournalEvent.Scan:

                                        case JournalEvent.MissionAccepted:
                                        case JournalEvent.MissionCompleted:
                                        case JournalEvent.MissionAbandoned:
                                        case JournalEvent.MissionFailed:

                                        case JournalEvent.LoadGame:

                                            /***************       send events    ******************/
                                            if (eventName == JournalEvent.Docked)

                                            if (m_extLogging)
                                                logger.Log("accepted : " + eventName.ToString());
                                            Debug.Print("accepted : " + eventName.ToString());
                                            JournalEventArgs newJournalArgItem = new JournalEventArgs()
                                                EventType = eventName, Data = journalEntry, History = history

                                            JournalEventRecieved.Raise(this, newJournalArgItem);

                                            newJournalArgItem.History = null;
                                            history.Insert(0, newJournalArgItem);
                                            if (history.Count > 5)


                                            Debug.Print("ignored (contact): <" + rawEventName + ">");

                                        if (isZeroRun)
                                            // every recognized event is accepted as new
                                            lastEvent     = rawEventName;
                                            lastEventTime = rawTimeStamp;

                                        // switch what to do
                                        switch (eventName)
                                        case JournalEvent.Fileheader:
                                            latestFileHeader = journalEntry;
                                            Program.MainForm.AddComboboxLine(Program.MainForm.txtEventInfo, "Initial fileheader found");

                                        case JournalEvent.Location:
                                            latestLocationEvent = journalEntry;

                                        case JournalEvent.SupercruiseExit:
                                            if (latestLocationEvent != null)
                                                latestLocationEvent["StarSystem"] = journalEntry["StarSystem"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["Body"]       = journalEntry["Body"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["BodyType"]   = journalEntry["BodyType"];

                                        case JournalEvent.SupercruiseEntry:
                                            if (latestLocationEvent != null)
                                                latestLocationEvent["StarSystem"]  = journalEntry["StarSystem"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["StationName"] = "";
                                                latestLocationEvent["Docked"]      = "false";
                                                latestLocationEvent["Body"]        = "";
                                                latestLocationEvent["BodyType"]    = "";
                                                latestLocationEvent["StationType"] = "";


                                        case JournalEvent.FSDJump:
                                            if (latestLocationEvent != null)
                                                latestLocationEvent["StarSystem"]  = journalEntry["StarSystem"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["StationName"] = "";
                                                latestLocationEvent["Docked"]      = "false";
                                                latestLocationEvent["StarPos"]     = journalEntry["StarPos"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["Body"]        = journalEntry["Body"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["BodyType"]    = journalEntry["BodyType"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["Faction"]     = journalEntry["Faction"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["Allegiance"]  = journalEntry["Allegiance"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["Economy"]     = journalEntry["Economy"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["Government"]  = journalEntry["Government"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["Security"]    = journalEntry["Security"];

                                                latestLocationEvent["StationType"] = "";


                                        case JournalEvent.Docked:
                                            if (latestLocationEvent != null)
                                                latestLocationEvent["StarSystem"]  = journalEntry["StarSystem"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["StationName"] = journalEntry["StationName"];
                                                latestLocationEvent["Docked"]      = "true";
                                                latestLocationEvent["StationType"] = journalEntry["StationType"];;


                                            //Debug.Print("ignored (seeking) : <" + rawEventName + ">");

                        if (lastEventTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                            if (m_extLogging)
                                logger.Log("write new time");
                            // only rewrite if we've got a new event
                            Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "LastScan_Event", lastEvent);
                            Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "LastScan_TimeStamp", lastEventTime.ToString());

                            lastEventTime = DateTime.MinValue;

                        if (isZeroRun)
                            gotLatestEvent = true;

                        if (newFiles.Count > 0)
                            if (m_extLogging)
                                logger.Log("still have new files");

                            // prepare switching to next file
                            if (journalFileStream != null)

                            if (journalStreamReader != null)

                            journalFileStream   = null;
                            journalStreamReader = null;

                            m_LastScan_JournalFile = "";
                        else if (!gotLatestEvent)
                            // it's the end of the actual file -> so we found the latest item
                            gotLatestEvent = true;
                            if (m_extLogging)
                                logger.Log("force latest event");

                        if (gotLatestEvent)
                            SubmitReferenceEvents(ref latestLocationEvent, ref latestFileHeader, ref logger);

                    isZeroRun  = false;
                    errorCount = 0;
                catch (Exception ex)

                    Program.MainForm.AddComboboxLine(Program.MainForm.txtEventInfo, "Error while parsing E:D journal !");


                    String msg = "Error in the journal scanner main routine";

                    logger.Log(ErrorViewer.GetErrorMessage(ref msg, ex));

                    if (lastEventTime > DateTime.MinValue)
                        // only rewrite if we've got a new event
                        Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "LastScan_Event", lastEvent);
                        Program.DBCon.setIniValue(DB_GROUPNAME, "LastScan_TimeStamp", lastEventTime.ToString());

                        lastEventTime = DateTime.MinValue;

                    if (errorCount > 1)
                        // prepare switching to next file
                        if (journalFileStream != null)

                        if (journalStreamReader != null)

                        journalFileStream   = null;
                        journalStreamReader = null;
                        gotLatestEvent      = false;

                if (newFiles.Count == 0)
                    //  Because the current file is opened by ED with a permanent write stream no changed event
                    //  raises reliably in the SystemFileWatcher.  With Sleep(1000) we get every second the chance to
                    //  to detect new data with the line
                    //     while (!journalStreamReader.EndOfStream)
                    Debug.Print("because new files : " + DateTime.UtcNow);
            }while (!m_Stop);

            // clean up
            if (journalFileStream != null)

            if (journalStreamReader != null)

            if (m_extLogging)
                logger.Log("stopped !");