private static void HerdBehaviorCallback() { try { using (BaseWorldReversion reversion = new BaseWorldReversion()) { PetPool pool; if (!PetPoolManager.TryGetPetPool(PetPoolType.WildHorse, out pool)) { return; } WildHorsePool ths = pool as WildHorsePool; ths.HerdBehaviorCallback(); } } catch (ResetException) { throw; } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception("HerdBehaviorCallback", e); } }
private static void SpawnAlarmCallBack() { try { if (Household.ActiveHousehold == null) { return; } UnicornPool.sSpawnAlarm = AlarmHandle.kInvalidHandle; if (RandomUtil.RandomChance01(UnicornPool.kChanceOfSpawningUnicorn)) { using (BaseWorldReversion reversion = new BaseWorldReversion()) { UnicornPool.SpawnNPCUnicorn(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception("SpawnAlarmCallBack", e); } }
public void Dispose() { try { mSim.AssignedRole = mRole; mSim.IsNeverSelectable = mNeverSelectable; if (mSim.CelebrityManager != null) { mSim.CelebrityManager.ScheduleOpportunityCallIfNecessary(); } if (mOpportunities != null) { mOpportunities.Dispose(); } if ((mSchool != null) && (mSim.CareerManager != null)) { mSim.CareerManager.mSchool = mSchool; } if ((mCareer != null) && (mSim.CareerManager != null) && (mSim.Occupation == null)) { mSim.CareerManager.mJob = mCareer; if (mSim.Occupation != null) { using (BaseWorldReversion reversion = new BaseWorldReversion()) { if ((mFlags & Flag.LoadFixup) == Flag.LoadFixup) { mSim.Occupation.OnLoadFixup(false); } if (((mFlags & Flag.Selectable) == Flag.Selectable) && (SimTypes.IsSelectable(mSim))) { using (StoryProgressionServiceEx.SuppressCreateHousehold suppress = new StoryProgressionServiceEx.SuppressCreateHousehold()) { bool careerLoc = true; if (mSim.Occupation is Career) { careerLoc = (mSim.Occupation.CareerLoc != null); } if (careerLoc) { Corrections.FixCareer(mSim.Occupation, false, null); mSim.Occupation.OnOwnerBecameSelectable(); } } } else if ((mFlags & Flag.Unselectable) == Flag.Unselectable) { using (StoryProgressionServiceEx.SuppressCreateHousehold suppress = new StoryProgressionServiceEx.SuppressCreateHousehold()) { // fix for script error in GhostHunter:ApplyCareerSpecificModifiersToXp where // ownersim is not null checked and breaks when this is ran during age up. ActiveCareerLevelStaticData data = null; int experience = 0; GhostHunter hunter = null; try { hunter = mSim.Occupation as GhostHunter; if (hunter != null) { data = hunter.GetCurrentLevelStaticDataForActiveCareer(); if (data != null) { experience = data.DailyPerfectJobBonusExperience; data.DailyPerfectJobBonusExperience = 0; } } mSim.Occupation.OnOwnerBecameUnselectable(); } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception(mSim, e); } finally { if (hunter != null && data != null) { data.DailyPerfectJobBonusExperience = experience; } } } } } mSim.CareerManager.UpdateCareerUI(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception(mSim, e); } }
protected override bool OnPerform() { if ((HudController.Instance != null) && (GameUtils.IsOnVacation())) { HudModel model = HudController.Instance.mHudModel as HudModel; if (model != null) { if (model.MinuteChanged != null) { foreach (Delegate del in model.MinuteChanged.GetInvocationList()) { TimeControl control = del.Target as TimeControl; if (control != null) { TimeControlEx.sThs = control; model.MinuteChanged -= TimeControlEx.sThs.OnMinuteChanged; model.MinuteChanged -= TimeControlEx.OnMinuteChanged; model.MinuteChanged += TimeControlEx.OnMinuteChanged; break; } } } } } InventoryPanel inventory = InventoryPanel.sInstance; if ((inventory != null) && (inventory.Visible)) { if (inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton != null) { if (GameUtils.IsFutureWorld()) { inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton.Visible = (GameStates.TravelHousehold == Household.ActiveHousehold); } if (inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton.Visible) { inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton.Click -= inventory.OnClickTimeAlmanac; inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton.Click -= FutureDescendantServiceEx.OnClickTimeAlmanac; inventory.mTimeAlmanacButton.Click += FutureDescendantServiceEx.OnClickTimeAlmanac; } } } EditTownPuck puck = EditTownPuck.Instance; if (puck != null) { if (puck.mReturnToLiveButton != null) { puck.mReturnToLiveButton.Click -= puck.OnReturnToLive; puck.mReturnToLiveButton.Click -= OnReturnToLive; puck.mReturnToLiveButton.Click += OnReturnToLive; } } EditTownInfoPanel panel = EditTownInfoPanel.Instance; if (panel != null) { if ((panel.mActionButtons != null) && (panel.mActionButtons.Length > 8) && (panel.mActionButtons[0x8] != null)) { panel.mActionButtons[0x8].Click -= panel.OnChangeTypeClick; panel.mActionButtons[0x8].Click -= OnChangeTypeClick; panel.mActionButtons[0x8].Click += OnChangeTypeClick; } } OptionsDialog options = OptionsDialog.sDialog; if (options != null) { if (GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.EP8)) { Button testButton = options.mSeasonWindow.GetChildByID(0xdf085c3, true) as Button; if ((testButton != null) && (!testButton.Enabled)) { using (BaseWorldReversion reversion = new BaseWorldReversion()) { foreach (Button weather in options.mEnabledWeatherButtons.Values) { weather.Enabled = true; } if (options.mFahrenheitRadio != null) { options.mFahrenheitRadio.Enabled = true; } if (options.mCelciusRadio != null) { options.mCelciusRadio.Enabled = true; } options.SetupSeasonControls(false, ref options.mOldSeasonData); } } } } FutureDescendantService instance = FutureDescendantServiceEx.GetInstance(); if (Sims3.UI.Responder.Instance.InLiveMode && Traveler.Settings.mDisableDescendants && instance.mEventListeners.Count > 0) { instance.CleanUpEventListeners(); } return(true); }
public void Dispose() { try { mSim.AssignedRole = mRole; mSim.IsNeverSelectable = mNeverSelectable; if (mSim.CelebrityManager != null) { mSim.CelebrityManager.ScheduleOpportunityCallIfNecessary(); } if (mOpportunities != null) { mOpportunities.Dispose(); } if ((mSchool != null) && (mSim.CareerManager != null)) { mSim.CareerManager.mSchool = mSchool; } if ((mCareer != null) && (mSim.CareerManager != null) && (mSim.Occupation == null)) { mSim.CareerManager.mJob = mCareer; if (mSim.Occupation != null) { using (BaseWorldReversion reversion = new BaseWorldReversion()) { if ((mFlags & Flag.LoadFixup) == Flag.LoadFixup) { mSim.Occupation.OnLoadFixup(false); } if (((mFlags & Flag.Selectable) == Flag.Selectable) && (SimTypes.IsSelectable(mSim))) { using (StoryProgressionServiceEx.SuppressCreateHousehold suppress = new StoryProgressionServiceEx.SuppressCreateHousehold()) { bool careerLoc = true; if (mSim.Occupation is Career) { careerLoc = (mSim.Occupation.CareerLoc != null); } if (careerLoc) { Corrections.FixCareer(mSim.Occupation, false, null); mSim.Occupation.OnOwnerBecameSelectable(); } } } else if ((mFlags & Flag.Unselectable) == Flag.Unselectable) { using (StoryProgressionServiceEx.SuppressCreateHousehold suppress = new StoryProgressionServiceEx.SuppressCreateHousehold()) { mSim.Occupation.OnOwnerBecameUnselectable(); } } } mSim.CareerManager.UpdateCareerUI(); } } } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception(mSim, e); } }
public override void Startup() { Common.StringBuilder msg = new Common.StringBuilder("InWorldStateEx:Startup"); Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); try { // StateMachineState:Startup() mBaseCallFlag |= BaseCallFlag.kStartup; //base.Startup(); msg += Common.NewLine + "A"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); Sims3.Gameplay.UI.Responder.GameStartup(); mEnteredFromTravelling = GameStates.IsTravelling; bool flag = false; try { ModalDialog.EnableModalDialogs = false; if (World.IsEditInGameFromWBMode()) { Sims3.Gameplay.Autonomy.Autonomy.DisableMoodContributors = true; } msg += Common.NewLine + "B"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); mStateMachine = StateMachine.Create(0x1, "InWorld"); mSubStates[0] = new LiveModeStateEx(GameStates.IsMovingWorlds); // Custom mSubStates[1] = new BuildModeState(); mSubStates[2] = new BuyModeState(); mSubStates[12] = new ShoppingModeState(); mSubStates[3] = new CASFullModeState(); mSubStates[4] = new CASDresserModeState(); mSubStates[5] = new CASMirrorModeState(); mSubStates[6] = new CASTattooModeState(); mSubStates[7] = new CASStylistModeState(); mSubStates[8] = new CASTackModeState(); mSubStates[9] = new CASCollarModeState(); mSubStates[10] = new CASSurgeryFaceModeState(); mSubStates[11] = new CASSurgeryBodyModeState(); mSubStates[15] = new PlayFlowStateEx(); // Custom mSubStates[14] = new EditTownStateEx(); // Custom mSubStates[16] = new BlueprintModeState(); mSubStates[17] = new CASMermaidModeState(); mSubStates[0x12] = new CABModeState(); mSubStates[0x13] = new CABModeEditState(); foreach (InWorldSubState state in mSubStates) { mStateMachine.AddState(state); } msg += Common.NewLine + "C"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); StateMachineManager.AddMachine(mStateMachine); if (GameStates.IsTravelling || GameStates.IsEditingOtherTown) { try { Sims3.Gameplay.WorldBuilderUtil.CharacterImportOnGameLoad.RemapSimDescriptionIds(); } catch (Exception e) { Common.DebugException("RemapSimDescriptionIds", e); } } else { CrossWorldControl.sRetention.RestoreHouseholds(); } msg += Common.NewLine + "D"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); if (GameStates.IsTravelling) { msg += Common.NewLine + "E1"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); bool fail = false; if (!GameStatesEx.ImportTravellingHousehold()) { msg += Common.NewLine + "E3"; fail = true; } if ((GameStates.TravelHousehold == null) && (GameStates.sTravelData.mState == GameStates.TravelData.TravelState.StartVacation)) { msg += Common.NewLine + "E4"; fail = true; } if (fail) { msg += Common.NewLine + "E5"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); GameStates.sStartupState = SubState.EditTown; GameStates.ClearTravelStatics(); WorldData.SetVacationWorld(true, true); } } else if ((!GameStates.IsEditingOtherTown) && (GameStates.HasTravelData) && (GameStates.TravelHousehold == null)) { switch (GameUtils.GetCurrentWorldType()) { case WorldType.Base: case WorldType.Downtown: msg += Common.NewLine + "E2"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); GameStates.ClearTravelStatics(); break; } } // Custom if (GameStates.sMovingWorldData != null) { Household.IsTravelImport = true; } msg += Common.NewLine + "F1"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); List <Household> households = new List <Household>(Household.sHouseholdList); foreach (Household a in households) { if ((a.LotHome != null) && (a.LotHome.Household == null)) { a.LotHome.mHousehold = a; } foreach (SimDescription simA in Households.All(a)) { // Must be validated prior to SimDescription:PostLoadFixup() if (simA.GameObjectRelationships != null) { for (int index = simA.GameObjectRelationships.Count - 1; index >= 0; index--) { if ((simA.GameObjectRelationships[index] == null) || (simA.GameObjectRelationships[index].GameObjectDescription == null) || (simA.GameObjectRelationships[index].GameObjectDescription.GameObject == null) || (!Objects.IsValid(simA.GameObjectRelationships[index].GameObjectDescription.GameObject.ObjectId))) { simA.GameObjectRelationships.RemoveAt(index); } } } foreach (Household b in households) { if (a == b) { continue; } if (!b.Contains(simA)) { continue; } if (b.NumMembers == 1) { continue; } try { b.Remove(simA, false); msg += Common.NewLine + "Duplicate: " + simA.FullName; } catch (Exception e) { Common.Exception(simA, e); } } } } msg += Common.NewLine + "F2"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); // Required to ensure that all homeworld specific data is fixed up properly (specifically careers) using (BaseWorldReversion reversion = new BaseWorldReversion()) { // Reset this, to allow the Seasons Manager to activate properly SeasonsManager.sSeasonsValidForWorld = SeasonsManager.Validity.Undetermined; try { mPostWorldInitializers = new Initializers("PostWorldInitializers", this); using (CareerStore store = new CareerStore()) { //InitializersEx.Initialize(mPostWorldInitializers); mPostWorldInitializers.Initialize(); } } catch (Exception e) { Traveler.InsanityException(msg, e); } } msg += Common.NewLine + "G1"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); try { if (GameStates.TravelHousehold != null) { LinkToTravelHousehold(); WorldName worldName = GameUtils.GetCurrentWorld(); switch (worldName) { case WorldName.China: case WorldName.Egypt: case WorldName.France: break; default: foreach (SimDescription sim in Households.All(GameStates.TravelHousehold)) { if (sim.VisaManager == null) { continue; } WorldData.OnLoadFixup(sim.VisaManager); sim.VisaManager.SetVisaLevel(worldName, 3); } break; } } } catch (Exception e) { Traveler.InsanityException(msg, e); } msg += Common.NewLine + "G2"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); List <SimDescription> dyingSims = null; if (GameStates.IsTravelling) { dyingSims = GameStatesEx.PostTravelingFixUp(); } msg += Common.NewLine + "H"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); if (GameStates.IsEditingOtherTown) { GameStates.PostLoadEditTownFixup(); } msg += Common.NewLine + "I"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); // We must stop the travel actions from running if the homeworld is an EA vacation world WorldData.SetVacationWorld(true, false); GameStates.NullEditTownDataDataIfEditingOriginalStartingWorld(); try { if (GameUtils.IsAnyTravelBasedWorld()) { if ((dyingSims != null) && (AgingManager.NumberAgingYearsElapsed != -1f)) { float yearsGone = GameStates.NumberAgingYearsElapsed - AgingManager.NumberAgingYearsElapsed; // Custom function FixUpAfterTravel(yearsGone, dyingSims); } AgingManager.NumberAgingYearsElapsed = GameStates.NumberAgingYearsElapsed; } } catch (Exception e) { Traveler.InsanityException(msg, e); } msg += Common.NewLine + "J"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.GameSpeed pause = Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.GameSpeed.Pause; if (GameStates.StartupState == SubState.LiveMode) { flag = !GameStates.IsEditingOtherTown && (((GameStates.ForceStateChange || !PlayFlowModel.Singleton.GameEntryLive) || (PlumbBob.SelectedActor != null)) || GameStates.IsTravelling); if (flag) { if (Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.sGameLoadedFromWorldFile) { pause = Sims3.SimIFace.Gameflow.GameSpeed.Normal; } else { pause = Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.sPersistedGameSpeed; } } } msg += Common.NewLine + "K"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.sGameLoadedFromWorldFile = false; string s = CommandLine.FindSwitch("speed"); if (s != null) { int num2; if (int.TryParse(s, out num2)) { pause = (Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.GameSpeed)num2; } else { ParserFunctions.TryParseEnum <Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.GameSpeed>(s, out pause, Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.GameSpeed.Normal); } } msg += Common.NewLine + "L"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.SetGameSpeed(pause, Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.SetGameSpeedContext.GameStates); NotificationManager.Load(); MainMenu.TriggerPendingFsiWorldNotifications(); } finally { ModalDialog.EnableModalDialogs = true; } if (SocialFeatures.Accounts.IsLoggedIn()) { Notify(0, 0, 0L); } switch (GameStates.StartupState) { case SubState.EditTown: msg += Common.NewLine + "StartupState: EditTown"; GameUtils.EnableSceneDraw(true); LoadingScreenController.Unload(); GotoEditTown(); break; case SubState.PlayFlow: if (World.IsEditInGameFromWBMode()) { msg += Common.NewLine + "StartupState: PlayFlow (A)"; GameUtils.EnableSceneDraw(true); LoadingScreenController.Unload(); GotoLiveMode(); } else if (!PlayFlowModel.PlayFlowEnabled || !PlayFlowModel.Singleton.GameEntryLive) { msg += Common.NewLine + "StartupState: PlayFlow (B)"; GameUtils.EnableSceneDraw(true); LoadingScreenController.Unload(); GotoLiveMode(); } else { msg += Common.NewLine + "StartupState: PlayFlow (C)"; GotoPlayFlow(); } break; case SubState.LiveMode: // Custom if (((!GameUtils.IsOnVacation() && !GameUtils.IsFutureWorld()) || EditTownModel.IsAnyLotBaseCampStatic() || EditTownModelEx.IsAnyUnoccupiedLotStatic()) && flag) { bool directToGame = false; if (!GameStates.IsTravelling) { // Entering an existing save directToGame = true; } else if (EditTownModel.IsAnyLotBaseCampStatic()) { // Normal transition to base camp directToGame = true; } else if (!GameUtils.IsInstalled(ProductVersion.EP9)) { // Use custom household selection directToGame = true; } // Custom if ((flag) && (directToGame)) { msg += Common.NewLine + "StartupState: LiveMode (A)"; GotoLiveMode(); break; } else { msg += Common.NewLine + "StartupState: LiveMode (C)"; GameUtils.EnableSceneDraw(true); LoadingScreenController.Unload(); GotoPlayFlow(); break; } } msg += Common.NewLine + "StartupState: LiveMode (B)"; GameUtils.EnableSceneDraw(true); LoadingScreenController.Unload(); GotoEditTown(); break; } msg += Common.NewLine + "M"; Traveler.InsanityWriteLog(msg); if (Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.sShowObjectReplacedWarning) { SimpleMessageDialog.Show(Common.LocalizeEAString("Ui/Warning/LoadGame:Warning"), Common.LocalizeEAString("Ui/Warning/LoadGame:ReplacedObjects"), ModalDialog.PauseMode.PauseSimulator); Sims3.Gameplay.Gameflow.sShowObjectReplacedWarning = false; } } catch (Exception e) { Traveler.InsanityException(msg, e); } finally { //Common.WriteLog(msg); } }