/// <summary>
 /// Internal ID
 /// 0 - Disconnecting
 /// 2 - Name Change
 /// 3 - Initialized Connection Msg
 /// 4 - Extended Msg (stub)
 /// 5 - RC data(stub)
 /// 6 - Chat
 ///   -> 0 - Broadcast to all
 ///   -> 1 - 
 ///   -> 2 - 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender"></param>
 /// <param name="e"></param>
 protected override bool OnRecv(BaseNetState state, byte msgType, object data)
     TcpState tcpState = state as TcpState;
     switch (msgType)
         case 0:
             //if (console != null) console.Print("Server", "Info", string.Format("Client {0} Disconnect ({1})", e.ClientID, e.FormattedData));
             return true;
         case 2:
             state.Name = VerifyName((string)data);
             byte[] sendingData = msgTypes[msgType].ServerFormatData(state.Name);
             tcpState.Connection.BeginSend(sendingData, 0, state.Name.Length + 8, 0, new AsyncCallback(SendAck), state);
             return true;
         case 3:
             if ((byte)data == 0)
                 state.Initialized = true;
                 //if (console != null) console.Print("Server", "Info", "Client (" + state.id + ")" + state.connection.LocalEndPoint + " Connected");
                 RaiseOnConnect(new ConnectionArgs(state.ID, state.Name));
             //send names
             //byte[] sending = PackageNames();
             //state.connection.BeginSend(sending, 0, sending.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(SendAck), state);
             return true;
         case 6:
             ChatData chat = data as ChatData;
             byte[] payload = msgTypes[msgType].ServerFormatData(chat.Message);
             if (chat.Recievers == null)
                 for (int i = 0; i < states.Length; i++)
                     TcpState recipiantState = states[i];
                     if (recipiantState == null) continue;
                     recipiantState.Connection.BeginSend(payload, 0, payload.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(SendAck), recipiantState);
                 return true;
             foreach (byte recipiant in chat.Recievers)
                 TcpState recipiantState = states[recipiant];
                 recipiantState.Connection.BeginSend(payload, 0, payload.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(SendAck), recipiantState);
             return true;
     return false;
 protected override bool OnRecv(BaseNetState state, byte msgType, object data)
     switch (msgType)
         case 0:
             //console.Print("Client", "Info", string.Format("Server shutting down({0})", e.FormattedData));
             RaiseOnDisconnect(new ConnectionArgs(serverState.ID, serverState.Name));
             return true;
         case 2:
             serverState.Name = (string)data;
             //Temporary - Initialize connection
             byte[] sending = msgTypes[3].ClientFormatData((byte)0);
             serverState.Connection.BeginSend(sending, 0, sending.Length, 0, new AsyncCallback(SendAck), serverState);
             return true;
         case 3:
             serverState.ID = (byte)data;
             //console.Print("Client", "Info", "Connected to server. Received id of " + serverState.id);
             byte[] sendingData = msgTypes[msgType].ClientFormatData((byte)0);
             RaiseOnConnect(new ConnectionArgs(serverState.ID, serverState.Name));
             return true;
         case 6:
             //console.Print("Client", "Info", "Server sent chat");
             if (OnChat != null)
                 OnChat(this, new NetChatArgs(255, (string)data));
             return true;
     return false;