        public DirectResult DeleteMapping(IList <string> selectedEmps, int operationTypeId)
                string[] selectedEmpList = selectedEmps[0].Split(':');

                foreach (var s in selectedEmpList)
                    if (s == "")
                    var empId = int.Parse(s);

                    var filtered = _userMapping.GetAll().Where(p => p.UserId == empId && p.OperationTypeId == operationTypeId).ToList();

                    foreach (var filt in filtered)
                        _userMapping.Delete(c => c.Id == filt.Id);
                return(this.Json(new { success = true, data = "removed successfully!" }));
            catch (Exception exception)
                return(this.Json(new { success = false, data = "Error!" }));
        public ActionResult DeleteDetail(int id)
                _PackingSurveyDetail.Delete(c => c.Id == id);

                return(this.Json(new { success = true, data = "Record has been successfully deleted!" }));
            catch (Exception)
                return(this.Json(new { success = false, data = "Could not delete the selected record!" }));
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
                _invoiceDetail.Delete(c => c.InvoiceId == id);
                _invoiceHeader.Delete(c => c.Id == id);

                return(this.Json(new { success = true, data = "record has been successfully deleted!" }));
            catch (Exception)
                return(this.Json(new { success = false, data = "Could not delete the selected record!" }));
        public ActionResult Save(string operationTypes, int operationTypeId)
            operationTypes = operationTypes.Remove(operationTypes.Length - 1);
            var servicesCollection = operationTypes.Split(new[] { ';' });

            _OperationDocumentTemplate.Delete(o => o.OperationTypeId == operationTypeId);
            for (var i = 0; i < servicesCollection.Count(); i++)
                var service = servicesCollection[i].Split(new[] { ':' });
                var objOperationDocumentTemplate = new iffsOperationDocumentTemplate();
                objOperationDocumentTemplate.DocumentTypeId  = int.Parse(service[0]);
                objOperationDocumentTemplate.OperationTypeId = operationTypeId;

            return(this.Json(new { success = true, data = "Data has been saved successfully!" }));
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
                _documentNoSetting.Delete(c => c.Id == id);

                return(this.Json(new { success = true, data = "record has been successfully deleted!" }));
            catch (Exception)
                return(this.Json(new { success = false, data = "Could not delete the selected record!" }));
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
                _termsAndConditionsTemplate.Delete(c => c.Id == id);

                return(this.Json(new { success = true, data = "record has been successfully deleted!" }));
            catch (Exception)
                return(this.Json(new { success = false, data = "Could not delete the selected record!" }));
        public ActionResult DeleteAbsentDays(int id)
                _PackingStaff.Delete(c => c.Id == id);

                return this.Json(new { success = true, data = "Record has been successfully deleted!" });
            catch (Exception)
                return this.Json(new { success = false, data = "Could not delete the selected record!" });
 public ActionResult Delete(int id)
     using (var transaction = new TransactionScope())
             var detail = _CrateAndBoxRequestDetail.GetAll().Where(d => d.HeaderId == id).Select(item => new { item.Id }).ToList();
             foreach (var item in detail)
                 _CrateAndBoxRequestDetail.Delete(d => d.Id == item.Id);
             _CrateAndBoxRequestHeader.Delete(c => c.Id == id);
             return(this.Json(new { success = true, data = "Record has been successfully deleted!" }));
         catch (Exception)
             return(this.Json(new { success = false, data = "Could not delete the selected record!" }));
        public void Delete(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IWorkspace Workspace, BaseModel BaseModel, ModelProperty _property)
            ModelProperty _mpChaveFromField = BaseModel.ModelProperties.Where(x => x.Attribute is EntityKeyFieldAttribute).First();
            int           chave             = (int)BaseModel.GetType().GetProperty(_mpChaveFromField.Property.Name).GetValue(BaseModel, null);

            object[] _parametros = { (object)Workspace };

            EntityManyToManyFieldAttribute _attribute = (EntityManyToManyFieldAttribute)_property.Attribute;
            BaseModel _mtmField = (BaseModel)Activator.CreateInstance(_attribute.TargetModelType, _parametros);

            BaseModel _relateField = (BaseModel)Activator.CreateInstance(_attribute.RelateModelType, _parametros);

            _relateField.Delete(_attribute.FromFieldName + "=" + chave);
        public void SaveInvoiceOperations(string operationIds, int invoiceId)
            var operationId           = 0;
            var operationIdCollection = operationIds.Split(new[] { ',' });

            _invoiceOperation.Delete(q => q.InvoiceHeaderId == invoiceId);
            IList <iffsInvoiceOperation> invoiceQuotationList = new List <iffsInvoiceOperation>();

            for (var i = 0; i < operationIdCollection.Count(); i++)
                int.TryParse(operationIdCollection[i], out operationId);
                var objInvoiceQuotation = new iffsInvoiceOperation {
                    InvoiceHeaderId = invoiceId, OperationId = operationId
        public ActionResult Delete(int id)
                var objServiceAgreement = _serviceAgreement.Get(d => d.Id == id);
                if (objServiceAgreement != null)
                    string appPath      = HttpContext.Request.ApplicationPath;
                    string physicalPath = HttpContext.Request.MapPath(appPath);
                    string fullPath     = physicalPath + "\\Upload\\ServiceAgreement\\" + objServiceAgreement.AgreementFile;
                _serviceAgreement.Delete(u => u.Id == id);

                return(this.Json(new { success = true, data = "Service Agreement has been deleted successfully!" }));
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                return(this.Json(new { success = false, data = ex.InnerException != null ? ex.InnerException.Message : ex.Message }));
 public ActionResult Delete(IList <iffsPackingMaterialList> packingMaterialList)
     using (var transaction = new TransactionScope())
             //var detail = _PackingMaterialSetting.GetAll().Where(d =>  d.Id == id).Select(item => new { item.Id }).ToList();
             foreach (var item in packingMaterialList)
                 _PackingMaterialSetting.Delete(c => c.Id == item.Id);
             return(this.Json(new { success = true, data = "Record has been successfully deleted!" }));
         catch (Exception)
             return(this.Json(new { success = false, data = "Could not delete the selected record!" }));
        public DirectResult SaveExpense(int operationId, string rec)
            _operationExpense.Delete(f => f.OperationId == operationId);

            var expenseString = rec;

            expenseString = expenseString.Remove(expenseString.Length - 1);
            var expensees = expenseString.Split(new[] { ';' });

            for (var i = 0; i < expensees.Count(); i++)
                var expense          = expensees[i].Split(new[] { ':' });
                var operationExpense = new iffsOperationExpense
                    OperationId   = operationId,
                    ExpenseTypeId = int.Parse(expense[0]),
                    CurrencyId    = int.Parse(expense[1]),
                    ExchangeRate  = decimal.Parse(expense[2]),
                    Amount        = decimal.Parse(expense[3]),
            return(this.Json(new { success = true, data = "Operation expense have been saved successfully!" }));
        public string Save(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IWorkspace Workspace, BaseModel BaseModel, ModelProperty Property)
            object[]      _parametros                 = { (object)Workspace };
            ModelProperty _mpChaveFromField           = BaseModel.ModelProperties.Where(x => x.Attribute is EntityKeyFieldAttribute).First();
            int           chave                       = (int)BaseModel.GetType().GetProperty(_mpChaveFromField.Property.Name).GetValue(BaseModel, null);
            EntityManyToManyFieldAttribute _attribute = (EntityManyToManyFieldAttribute)Property.Attribute;
            BaseModel _mtmField                       = (BaseModel)Activator.CreateInstance(_attribute.TargetModelType, _parametros);

            BaseModel _relateField = (BaseModel)Activator.CreateInstance(_attribute.RelateModelType, _parametros);

            _relateField.Delete(_attribute.FromFieldName + "=" + chave);

            foreach (ModelProperty _mp in BaseModel.ModelProperties.Where(x => x.Attribute.FieldName.Equals(Property.Attribute.FieldName)))
                if (_mp.Property.GetValue(BaseModel, null) != null)
                    IList _list = (IList)_mp.Property.GetValue(BaseModel, null);

                    foreach (var _item in _list)
                        ModelProperty _mpChaveToField = BaseModel.ModelProperties.Where(x => x.Attribute is EntityKeyFieldAttribute).First();
                        int           _value          = Convert.ToInt32(_item.GetType().GetProperty(_mpChaveToField.Property.Name).GetValue(_item, null).ToString());

                        var _objFinal = Activator.CreateInstance(_attribute.RelateModelType, _parametros);
                        _objFinal.GetType().GetProperty(_attribute.FromFieldName.Split('.')[1]).SetValue(_objFinal, chave, null);
                        _objFinal.GetType().GetProperty(_attribute.ToFieldName.Split('.')[1]).SetValue(_objFinal, _value, null);

        public void SaveJobOrderDetails(iffsJobOrderHeader jobOrderHeader, IList <string> voucherDetails, string action, IList <string> quotationDetails)
            var jobOrderHeaderId = jobOrderHeader.Id;

            if (action == "Add")
                for (var i = 0; i < voucherDetails.Count(); i++)
                    var row           = voucherDetails[i].Split(new[] { ':' });
                    var fieldCategory = row[0].ToString();
                    var field         = row[1].ToString();
                    var value         = row[2].ToString();

                    var jobDetail = new iffsJobOrderDetail();
                    jobDetail.Id = 0;
                    jobDetail.JobOrderHeaderId = jobOrderHeaderId;
                    jobDetail.FieldCategory    = fieldCategory;
                    jobDetail.Field            = row[1] != null ? field : "";
                    jobDetail.Value            = row[2] != null ? value : "";


                //Save Job Order Quotations
                for (var j = 0; j < quotationDetails.Count(); j++)
                    var rowquote    = quotationDetails[j].Split(new[] { ':' });
                    var quotationId = int.Parse(rowquote[0]);

                    var jobOrderQuotation = new iffsJobOrderQuotation();
                    jobOrderQuotation.Id          = 0;
                    jobOrderQuotation.JobOrderId  = jobOrderHeaderId;
                    jobOrderQuotation.QuotationId = quotationId;

            else if (action == "Edit")
                _jobOrderDetail.Delete(s => s.JobOrderHeaderId == jobOrderHeaderId);
                for (int i = 0; i < voucherDetails.Count(); i++)
                    var row           = voucherDetails[i].Split(new[] { ':' });
                    var fieldCategory = row[0].ToString();
                    var field         = row[1].ToString();
                    var value         = row[2].ToString();

                    var jobDetail = new iffsJobOrderDetail();
                    jobDetail.Id = 0;
                    jobDetail.JobOrderHeaderId = jobOrderHeaderId;
                    jobDetail.FieldCategory    = fieldCategory;
                    jobDetail.Field            = row[1] != null ? field : "";
                    jobDetail.Value            = row[2] != null ? value : "";


                _jobOrderQuotation.Delete(q => q.JobOrderId == jobOrderHeaderId);
                //Save Job Order Quotations
                for (var j = 0; j < quotationDetails.Count(); j++)
                    var rowquote    = quotationDetails[j].Split(new[] { ':' });
                    var quotationId = int.Parse(rowquote[0]);

                    var jobOrderQuotation = new iffsJobOrderQuotation();
                    jobOrderQuotation.Id          = 0;
                    jobOrderQuotation.JobOrderId  = jobOrderHeaderId;
                    jobOrderQuotation.QuotationId = quotationId;

            else if (action == "Revised")
                _jobOrderDetail.Delete(j => j.JobOrderHeaderId == jobOrderHeaderId);
                for (var i = 0; i < voucherDetails.Count(); i++)
                    var row           = voucherDetails[i].Split(new[] { ':' });
                    var fieldCategory = row[0].ToString();
                    var field         = row[1].ToString();
                    var value         = row[2].ToString();

                    var jobDetail = new iffsJobOrderDetail();
                    jobDetail.Id = 0;
                    jobDetail.JobOrderHeaderId = jobOrderHeaderId;
                    jobDetail.FieldCategory    = fieldCategory;
                    jobDetail.Field            = field;
                    jobDetail.Value            = value;


                _jobOrderQuotation.Delete(q => q.JobOrderId == jobOrderHeaderId);
                //Save Job Order Quotations
                for (var j = 0; j < quotationDetails.Count(); j++)
                    var rowquote    = quotationDetails[j].Split(new[] { ':' });
                    var quotationId = int.Parse(rowquote[0]);

                    var jobOrderQuotation = new iffsJobOrderQuotation();
                    jobOrderQuotation.Id          = 0;
                    jobOrderQuotation.JobOrderId  = jobOrderHeaderId;
                    jobOrderQuotation.QuotationId = quotationId;

        public void SaveServiceRequestDetails(iffsServiceRequest serviceRequestHeader, IList <string> serviceRequestDetails, string action)
            var serviceRequestHeaderId = serviceRequestHeader.Id;

            if (action == "Add")
                for (var i = 0; i < serviceRequestDetails.Count(); i++)
                    var     row             = serviceRequestDetails[i].Split(new[] { ':' });
                    var     operationTypeId = int.Parse(row[0]);
                    int?    commodityTypeId = int.Parse(row[1]);
                    decimal volume          = Convert.ToDecimal(row[2].ToString());
                    decimal weight          = Convert.ToDecimal(row[3].ToString());
                    var     pcs             = row[4].ToString();
                    var     containerTypeId = int.Parse(row[5]);
                    var     poe             = row[6].ToString();
                    var     pod             = row[7].ToString();
                    var     description     = row[8] != null && row[8] != "undefined" ? row[8].ToString() : "";
                    var     tareWeight      = row[9] != null && row[9] != "undefined" ? row[9].ToString() : "";

                    var sr = new iffsServiceRequestDetail
                        HeaderId        = serviceRequestHeaderId,
                        OperationTypeId = operationTypeId,
                        CommodityTypeId = commodityTypeId == 0 ? null : commodityTypeId,
                        Volume          = volume,
                        Weight          = weight,
                        Pcs             = pcs,
                        ContainerTypeId = containerTypeId,
                        POE             = poe,
                        POD             = pod,
                        Description     = description,
                        TareWeight      = tareWeight

            else if (action == "Edit")
                _serviceRequestDetails.Delete(s => s.HeaderId == serviceRequestHeaderId);
                for (int i = 0; i < serviceRequestDetails.Count(); i++)
                    var     row             = serviceRequestDetails[i].Split(new[] { ':' });
                    var     operationTypeId = int.Parse(row[0]);
                    int?    commodityTypeId = int.Parse(row[1]);
                    decimal volume          = Convert.ToDecimal(row[2].ToString());
                    decimal weight          = Convert.ToDecimal(row[3].ToString());
                    var     pcs             = row[4].ToString();
                    var     containerTypeId = int.Parse(row[5]);
                    var     poe             = row[6].ToString();
                    var     pod             = row[7].ToString();
                    var     description     = row[8] != null && row[8] != "undefined" ? row[8].ToString() : "";
                    var     tareWeight      = row[9] != null && row[9] != "undefined" ? row[9].ToString() : "";

                    var sr = new iffsServiceRequestDetail
                        HeaderId        = serviceRequestHeaderId,
                        OperationTypeId = operationTypeId,
                        CommodityTypeId = commodityTypeId == 0 ? null : commodityTypeId,
                        Volume          = volume,
                        Weight          = weight,
                        Pcs             = pcs,
                        ContainerTypeId = containerTypeId,
                        POE             = poe,
                        POD             = pod,
                        Description     = description,
                        TareWeight      = tareWeight

 /// <summary>
 /// 删除数据
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="gird"></param>
 protected void DeleteData <T>(Grid gird) where T : BaseModel <T, long>
     BaseModel <T, long> .Delete(Sql.Builder
                                 .Where("Id IN (@ids)", new { ids = GetSelectedIds(gird) }));