public void WaitForCommands() { string input = null; this.Start(); LoadScripts(); InitGameData(); while (!IsConsoleShuttingDown) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Magenta; Console.Write("\n[{Realm World Server}] "); Console.ResetColor(); input = Console.ReadLine(); string[] args = input.Split(' '); switch (args[0].ToLower()) { case "pass": { // we gonna hash passwords here man !! string password = string.Empty; if (args.Length >= 2) { // get the pass password = args[1]; string hash = RealmOffline.Accounts.PasswordHash.CreateHash(password); bool back = RealmOffline.Accounts.PasswordHash.ValidatePassword(password, hash); Console.WriteLine("We got password ({0}) and hash ({1}), they {2} match.", password, hash, back ? "do":" do not"); } } break; case "/mob": { if (args.Length >= 2) { short id = 0; if (short.TryParse(args[1], out id)) { MobileType type = MobileType.None; string name = BaseMobile.MobNameFromID(id, out type); Console.WriteLine("We found {0} for MobID {1}, its type is {2}", name, id, type); } } } break; case "/sm": { if (args.Length >= 3) { //1 = topic 2 on = message string topic = input.Split('|').First(); string msg = input.Split('|').Last(); Console.WriteLine("Topic ({0}) Message ({1})", topic, msg); } } break; case "terd": { BaseMobile.Init(); string[] m = BaseMobile.NonHumanoid.Select(x => x.Value).ToArray(); foreach (string c in m) { Console.WriteLine(c); } } break; case "fight": { // We want stats 2 stats 2 skills for attack //1 = str 2 = dex 3 = CS 4 = wepskill if (args.Length >= 5) { int str = 0; int dex = 0; int cs = 0; int wep = 0; if (int.TryParse(args[1], out str) && int.TryParse(args[2], out dex) && int.TryParse(args[3], out cs) && int.TryParse(args[4], out wep)) { Console.WriteLine("We got STR:({0}) DEX:({1}) CS:({2}) Wep:({3})", str, dex, cs, wep); // Lets formulate a chance int[] attacker = { str, dex, cs, wep }; int[] oppn = { 12, 12, 5, 5 }; // int hitpoints = 3000; // both have 3k hp int aper = attacker.Sum(); int oper = oppn.Sum(); Console.WriteLine("We start with {0}% for Attacker and {1}% for opponent.", aper, oper); } } } break; case "id": { if (args.Length == 2) { short id = 0; if (short.TryParse(args[1], out id)) { bool vali = Mob.IsValidID(id); Console.WriteLine("{0} {1} a valid id.", id, vali ? "is" : "is not"); } } } break; case "ts": { byte[] t = new byte[] { 0x21, 0xFF, 0x00, 0x9C }; Array.Reverse(t); double d = (double)BitConverter.ToInt32(t, 0); DateTime dt = MagicMail.UnixTimeStampToDateTime(d); Console.WriteLine(dt); } break; #region Account Creation and Deletion case "account": { string useage = "[Create an Account]\naccount create username password emailaddress secretword 3 \n" + "Last value is User Priv's\n" + "5 = Player, 4 = EventHost 3 = Guide 2 = Moderator 1 = Admin 0 = Owner \n" + "\n" + "[Delete an Account]\n" + "account delete username"; string createUseage = "[Create an Account]\naccount create username password emailaddress secretword 3 \n" + "Last value is User Priv's\n" + "5 = Player, 4 = EventHost 3 = Guide 2 = Moderator 1 = Admin 0 = Owner \n"; string deleteUsage = "[Delete an Account]\n" + "account delete username"; // create or delete if (args.Length > 2) { if (args[1].ToLower() == "create") { if (args[2].ToLower() == "help" || args[2] == string.Empty) { Console.WriteLine(createUseage); } else { string error = string.Empty; if (!MySqlManager.ValidateAccount(args, out error)) { if (error.Trim() != string.Empty) { Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine(error); Console.ResetColor(); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Account {0} Created.", args[2]); } } } else if (args[1].ToLower() == "delete") { if (args.Length != 3) { Console.WriteLine(deleteUsage); } else { bool delete = MySqlManager.DeleteUserAccount(args[2].ToLower()); if (delete) { Console.WriteLine("Removed Account {0}.", args[2].ToLower()); } else { Console.WriteLine("Account {0} not found.", args[2].ToLower()); } } } else { Console.WriteLine("create or delete are the only valid options."); } } else { Console.WriteLine(useage); } // Ok this will be the command to create a new account /* * We need * 2: Username * 3: Password * 4: email address * 5: secret word * 6: Priv Level * string string string string int */ } #endregion break; case "spell": { List <Account> accts = ServerGlobals.GetAccountsInRoom(1310); Console.WriteLine("Total in room 1310 {0}", accts.Count); } break; case "online": { int online = 0; if (ServerGlobals.LoggedInAccounts != null) { online = ServerGlobals.LoggedInAccounts.Count; } Console.WriteLine("Currently {0} accounts online.", online); } break; case "clear": Console.Clear(); break; case "mem": { // Returns the current memory usage Console.WriteLine(MemoryUseDisplay); } break; case "q": { TestObject t = new TestObject(); string fileloc = Path.Combine(ServerGlobals.BaseDirectory, "TestSerialize.xml"); SerializedObject.Serialize(t, fileloc); TestObject t1 = SerializedObject.Deserialize <TestObject>(fileloc); Console.WriteLine(t1.ID); } break; case "touint16": { if (args.Length == 2) { // should be 4 letters / numbers string toParse = args[1].Trim(); // split string in half if (toParse.Length == 4) { string b1 = toParse.Substring(0, 2); string b2 = toParse.Substring(2); List <byte> blist = new List <byte>(); try { byte a; byte b; a = Byte.Parse(b1, NumberStyles.HexNumber); b = Byte.Parse(b2, NumberStyles.HexNumber); blist.Add(a); blist.Add(b); byte[] f1 = blist.ToArray(); ushort result = BitConverter.ToUInt16(f1, 0); Console.WriteLine("UInt16 result of bytes [{0}] [{1}] = {2}", BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { a }), BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { b }), result); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Bad Parse"); } } } } break; case "toint32": { if (args.Length == 2) { // should be 8 letters / numbers string toParse = args[1].Trim(); // split string in half if (toParse.Length == 8) { string b1 = toParse.Substring(0, 2); string b2 = toParse.Substring(2, 2); string b3 = toParse.Substring(4, 2); string b4 = toParse.Substring(6); List <byte> blist = new List <byte>(); try { byte a; byte b; byte c; byte d; a = Byte.Parse(b1, NumberStyles.HexNumber); b = Byte.Parse(b2, NumberStyles.HexNumber); c = Byte.Parse(b3, NumberStyles.HexNumber); d = Byte.Parse(b4, NumberStyles.HexNumber); blist.Add(a); blist.Add(b); blist.Add(c); blist.Add(d); byte[] f1 = blist.ToArray(); f1.Reverse(); Int32 result = BitConverter.ToInt32(f1, 0); Console.WriteLine("Int32 result of bytes [{0}] [{1}] [{2}] [{3}]= {4}", BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { a }), BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { b }), BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { c }), BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { d }), result); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Bad Parse"); } } } } break; case "touint32": { if (args.Length == 2) { // should be 8 letters / numbers string toParse = args[1].Trim(); // split string in half if (toParse.Length == 8) { string b1 = toParse.Substring(0, 2); string b2 = toParse.Substring(2, 2); string b3 = toParse.Substring(4, 2); string b4 = toParse.Substring(6); List <byte> blist = new List <byte>(); try { byte a; byte b; byte c; byte d; a = Byte.Parse(b1, NumberStyles.HexNumber); b = Byte.Parse(b2, NumberStyles.HexNumber); c = Byte.Parse(b3, NumberStyles.HexNumber); d = Byte.Parse(b4, NumberStyles.HexNumber); blist.Add(a); blist.Add(b); blist.Add(c); blist.Add(d); byte[] f1 = blist.ToArray(); f1.Reverse(); UInt32 result = BitConverter.ToUInt32(f1, 0); Console.WriteLine("Int32 result of bytes [{0}] [{1}] [{2}] [{3}]= {4}", BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { a }), BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { b }), BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { c }), BitConverter.ToString(new byte[] { d }), result); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Bad Parse"); } } } } break; case "tobytes32": { // the next value is a number if (args.Length == 2) { int value = 0; if (int.TryParse(args[1], out value)) { byte[] conv = BitConverter.GetBytes(value); Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(conv)); } } } break; case "m2ushort": { // we have 2 bytes space 2 bytes 0 1 2 args or 3 total if (args.Length == 3) { try { string firstushort = args[1].Trim(); string secondushort = args[2].Trim(); string b1 = firstushort.Substring(0, 2); string b2 = firstushort.Substring(2, 2); string b3 = secondushort.Substring(0, 2); string b4 = secondushort.Substring(2, 2); List <byte> blist = new List <byte>(); byte a; byte b; byte c; byte d; a = Byte.Parse(b1, NumberStyles.HexNumber); b = Byte.Parse(b2, NumberStyles.HexNumber); c = Byte.Parse(b3, NumberStyles.HexNumber); d = Byte.Parse(b4, NumberStyles.HexNumber); byte[] fArg = { a, b }; byte[] sArg = { c, d }; ushort vone = BitConverter.ToUInt16(fArg, 0); ushort vtwo = BitConverter.ToUInt16(sArg, 0); Console.WriteLine("We got {0} and {1} for a difference of {2} or {3}", vone, vtwo, vone - vtwo, vtwo - vone); } catch { Console.WriteLine("Bad Parse"); } } } break; case "bc": { if (args.Length > 2) { // get the rest of this string StringBuilder build = new StringBuilder(); foreach (string s in args) { build.Append(s + " "); } string first = build.ToString().Remove(0, 3); string[] parse2 = first.Split(' '); // whats the color ? int color = -1; if (int.TryParse(parse2[0], out color)) { // Fix the last string again then build.Clear(); foreach (string s in parse2) { build.Append(s + " "); } string message = build.ToString().Remove(0, parse2[0].Length + 1); byte[] messagePacket = RealmPacketIO.BuildGossipPacket(color, message, "SERVER"); ServerGlobals.SendToAllClients(messagePacket); byte[] messagePacket2 = Packet.ChatPacket(color, 1, message, "SERVER"); ServerGlobals.SendToAllClients(messagePacket2); //Console.WriteLine(message); } else { Console.WriteLine("Bad color argument of {0}", parse2[0]); } } else { Console.WriteLine("Usage: bc 10 I want to say hi !!"); } } break; case "sta": { //string fileLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "ServerPacket24Message.txt"); byte[] fake0 = RealmPacketIO.ServerMessageType1( "A Topic Test", "A Very Nice Message, we couldnt have much nicer, so dont be a dick!"); //RealmPacketIO.GetByteArrayFromFile(fileLocation); if (args.Length == 2) { if (args[1].ToLower() == "len") { Console.WriteLine("Message Packet Length {0}", BitConverter.ToString(BitConverter.GetBytes(fake0.Length - 8))); } } else { //ServerPacket24Message.txt ServerGlobals.SendToAllClients(fake0); } } break; case "sta2": { // ServerMessagePacket81.txt string fileLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "ServerMessagePacket81.txt"); byte[] fake0 = RealmPacketIO.ServerMessageType2( "F**k you and da horse you roded in on foo!"); //RealmPacketIO.GetByteArrayFromFile(fileLocation); if (args.Length == 2) { if (args[1].ToLower() == "len") { Console.WriteLine("Message Packet Length {0}", BitConverter.ToString(BitConverter.GetBytes(fake0.Length - 8))); } } else { // ServerMessagePacket81.txt ServerGlobals.SendToAllClients(fake0); } } break; case "switch": { if (ServerGlobals.LoadFromSql) { ServerGlobals.LoadFromSql = false; Console.WriteLine("Loading from CharData.txt File."); } else { ServerGlobals.LoadFromSql = true; Console.WriteLine("Loading from MySql."); } } break; case "croom": { // Sends a packet derived from a filename in our debug dir // args[1] is the filename string fileLocation = string.Empty; if (args.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Please supply a filename with extention."); } else { if (args[1].Trim() == "off") { RealmPacketIO.CustomRoomLoad = false; RealmPacketIO.CustomRoomFile = string.Empty; } else { fileLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), args[1].Trim()); if (!File.Exists(fileLocation)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to find file {0}", fileLocation); } else { RealmPacketIO.CustomRoomLoad = true; RealmPacketIO.CustomRoomFile = args[1].Trim(); Console.WriteLine("CustomFile Atrrib = {0} for file {1}", RealmPacketIO.CustomRoomLoad, RealmPacketIO.CustomRoomFile); } } } } break; case "to": { } break; case "itempacket": { for (int f = 0; f < 2001; f++) { Item i = new Item(); i.GraphicID = 1444; i.Color = 0x69; //uint id = 0; // byte[] r = i.Ser(); //byte[] item = i.Serialize(out id); Console.Write("\rItem:{0}. ", f); } } break; case "send": { // Sends a packet derived from a filename in our debug dir // args[1] is the filename string fileLocation = string.Empty; if (args.Length != 2) { Console.WriteLine("Please supply a filename with extention."); } else { fileLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), args[1].Trim()); if (!File.Exists(fileLocation)) { Console.WriteLine("Unable to find file {0}", fileLocation); } else { byte[] fileToArray = null; try { fileToArray = RealmPacketIO.GetByteArrayFromFile(fileLocation); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); } if (fileToArray != null) { ServerGlobals.SendToAllClients(fileToArray); Console.WriteLine("Sent {0}", fileLocation); } } } } break; case "a": { } break; case "x": { //byte[] p = RealmPacketIO.Test; // ServerGlobals.SendToAllClients(p); } break; case "w": { /* * string fileLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "Lookat.txt"); * byte[] fake0 = RealmPacketIO.GetByteArrayFromFile(fileLocation); * byte[] len = BitConverter.GetBytes(fake0.Length); * Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(len)); */ } break; case "t": { // try to get this room Room found = null; if (ScriptResolver.ImportedRooms.TryGetRoom(213, out found)) { Console.WriteLine("Found room {0}", 213); Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(found.GetRoomPacket(3))); } } break; case "tt": { // messin wit commands if (ScriptResolver.ImportedCommands.Count == 0) { Console.WriteLine("WTF ?"); } else { Console.WriteLine("{0} commands found.", ScriptResolver.ImportedCommands.Count); foreach (Command cmd in ScriptResolver.ImportedCommands) { Console.WriteLine("Command Name {0}", cmd.CommandName); Command[] cmds = ScriptResolver.ImportedCommands.CommandsByPrefix('/'); Console.WriteLine("Commands by Prefix returned {0}", cmds.Length); } } } break; case "lmob": { string fileLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "mobtest.txt"); byte[] fake0 = RealmPacketIO.GetByteArrayFromFile(fileLocation); byte[] len = BitConverter.GetBytes(fake0.Length); Console.WriteLine(BitConverter.ToString(len)); } break; case "mob": { string fileLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "mobtest.txt"); byte[] fake0 = RealmPacketIO.GetByteArrayFromFile(fileLocation); Console.WriteLine("We have a packet {0} in length.", fake0.Length); ServerGlobals.SendToAllClients(fake0); } break; case "s": { string fileLocation = Path.Combine(ServerGlobals.BaseDirectory, "Test.log"); RLog log = new RLog(fileLocation); StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 2000; i != 0; i--) { b.AppendLine(i.ToString()); } log.LogMessage(b.ToString(), MessageType.Warning); } break; case "start": { this.Start(); } break; case "stop": ThreadMgr.Stop(); srv.Stop(); break; case "exit": this.Stop(); break; default: Console.WriteLine("No Such Command: " + input + "\r\n"); break; } } }
public virtual byte[] GetRoomPacket(uint forAccountID) { PacketWriter writer = new PacketWriter(0x21); writer.WriteUInt32(forAccountID); writer.WriteInt32(0x00); writer.WriteByte(0x01); writer.WriteString(this.RoomName); writer.WriteBytes(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x17 }); // still dunno writer.WriteUInt32(this.RoomID); writer.WriteUShort((ushort)this.Background); writer.WriteByte(0); writer.WriteByte((byte)this.BlockedRoomExits); writer.WriteByte(0x00); int cast = this.AllowCasting ? 0 : 7; writer.WriteByte((byte)cast); // casting no = 7, yes = 0 // How many decorations writer.WriteByte((byte)this.Decorations.Count); //writer.WriteUShort((ushort)this.Decorations.Count); foreach (RoomDecoration dec in this.Decorations) { writer.WriteBytes(dec.Serialize()); } // How many items in room ? writer.WriteUShort((ushort)(this.Items.Count)); Console.WriteLine("Loading {0} items.", this.Items.Count); foreach (BaseGameItem item in this.Items) { ItemType type = BaseItem.GetItemType(item.GraphicID); if (type == ItemType.Container) { Container c = Container.CastFromBaseGameItem(item); writer.WriteBytes(c.Serialize()); } else if (item is Door) { Door d = item as Door; writer.WriteBytes(d.Serialize()); } else { Item i = Item.CastFromBaseItem(item); writer.WriteBytes(i.Serialize()); } } // Now all mobs, players, and npc's // Ok so we dont want to list us here or it adds a extra slot to room for npc / player but has no data afterwards // so if we are the only player we do not want to list us, we only want to list all other players ushort totalMobiles = (ushort)(this.Players.Count - 1 + this.Npcs.Count); // -1 for not you writer.WriteUShort(totalMobiles); // everyone but you. // npcs first Console.WriteLine("{0} Players.", this.Players.Count - 1); foreach (Character c in this.Players) { Account a = ServerGlobals.GetAccountFromCharacter(c); if (a.AccountId != forAccountID) { writer.WriteBytes(c.AddToRoom()); // dont add yourself twice } } Console.WriteLine("Loading {0} npcs and {1} players.", this.Npcs.Count, this.Players.Count - 1); foreach (Mobile m in this.Npcs) { MobileType type = MobileType.None; string name = BaseMobile.MobNameFromID((short)m.GraphicID, out type); if (m is NPC) { NPC n = m as NPC; NPCFace f = n.Face; if (n != null) { writer.WriteBytes(n.AppearInRoom()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.Name)) { name = n.Name; } Console.WriteLine("Added Npc {0} to room {1} at LocX:{2} LocY:{3} Facing:{4}.", name, this.RoomID, m.Location.X, m.Location.Y, m.Location.Facing); } } if (m is Mob) { Mob n = m as Mob; // NPCFace f = n.Face; if (n != null) { writer.WriteBytes(n.Serialize()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(n.Name)) { name = n.Name; } Console.WriteLine("Added Mob {0} to room {1} at LocX:{2} LocY:{3} Facing:{4}.", name, this.RoomID, m.Location.X, m.Location.Y, m.Location.Facing); } } } writer.WriteBytes(new byte[7]); byte[] room = writer.ToArray(); string fileLocation = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location), "loadroom.txt"); File.WriteAllText(fileLocation, BitConverter.ToString(room)); return(room); }