         * ReceiveHandling
         * This method is responssible to devide the data received to packets and call
         * the ReceiveHandling method of the process
         * Note that there no connection from the way the data is sent to the way it is
         * Received. That meens that a several packets can be received in one Receive and
         * There is no garentee that the last packet in the data will end.
         * The packets (messages) are send with '#' termination flag
         * The received data is collected in state.buffer
         * Then it is copied to state.sb . The role of this variable is to hold all the
         *      data that was not processed
         * Then it converted to string
         * Then it is devided to packets
         * Then each packet except the last packet is handled
         * Then the last packet is checked :
         *      If the data received ends with '#' - do nothing because that meens that the last
         *          packet is empty
         *      else clear the state.data and fill it with the unterminated last packet to be joined
         *          by the next receive data
         * The following is the handling of a complete packet
         * 1. Generate a message object from the message data
         * 2. If the MessageType attribute of the message is "Terminate" set the termnateFlag and return
         * 3. wait untill the ReceiveHandling method of the process is not locked by another
         *      AsynchronousReader object
         * 4. Activate the ReceiveHandling method of the process with the data.

        * Receive handling.
        * \author  Ilan Hindy
        * \date    29/09/2016
        * \param   bytesReceived   The bytes received.

        public void ReceiveHandling(int bytesReceived)
            String content = String.Empty;

            // There  might be more data, so store the data received so far.
                                state.buffer, 0, bytesReceived));

            //Convert the data to string
            content = state.sb.ToString();

            // Get the process
            BaseProcess process = state.process;

            //If any end of packets was received
            if (content.IndexOf("#") > -1)
                //Devide the data to packets
                string[] packets = Regex.Split(content, "#");

                //Packet handling
                for (int idx = 0; idx < packets.Length - 1; idx++)
                    //Create message from the packet
                    //BaseMessage message = new BaseMessage(packets[idx]);
                    string processName = "Process_" + process.ea[ne.eak.Id].ToString();
                    Logger.Log(Logger.LogMode.MainLogAndProcessLog, processName, "Receive", "Received message - packets[idx]", packets[idx], "ProcessReceive");
                    BaseMessage message = BaseMessage.CreateMessage(process.Network, packets[idx]);

                    if (TypesUtility.CompareDynamics(message.GetHeaderField(bm.pak.MessageType), bm.MessageTypes.Terminate))
                        terminateFlag = true;
                    process.MessageQHandling(ref message, MessageQOperation.AddMessage);
                    MessageRouter.ReportMessageReceive(process, new object[] { message });
                    //Logger.Log(Logger.LogMode.MainLogAndProcessLog, process.ToString(), "Receive", "Received message", message);

                //If there is a unfinished packet
                if (content[content.Length - 1] != '#')
                    //This is the last packet received and it is fregmented with the next package
                    state.sb.Append(packets[packets.Length - 1]);