        public SceneContainer FuseefyScene(BaseDocument doc, string sceneRootDir, out List <string> textureFiles)
            _animationsPresent = false;
            _materialCache     = new Dictionary <long, MaterialComponent>();
            _sceneRootDir      = sceneRootDir;
            _doc           = doc;
            _weightManager = new WeightManager(_doc);

            Logger.Debug("Fuseefy Me!");

            String userName;

            using (BaseContainer machineFeatures = C4dApi.GetMachineFeatures())
                GeData userNameData = machineFeatures.GetDataPointer(C4dApi.MACHINEINFO_USERNAME);
                userName = userNameData.GetString();

            SceneContainer root = new SceneContainer()
                Header = new SceneHeader()
                    CreatedBy    = userName,
                    Generator    = "FUSEE Export Plugin for Cinema4D",
                    Version      = 1,
                    CreationDate = DateTime.Now.ToString("d-MMM-yyyy", CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"))

                Children = FuseefyOb(_doc.GetFirstObject()),

            // CreateWeightMap has to be called after creating the object-tree
            textureFiles = _textureFiles;