public void SendData(BaseConnector from, string dat) { if (Connections.ContainsKey(from.Name)) { Connections[from.Name].ForEach(r => RegisteredConnectors[r].SendData(dat)); } }
public async Task <List <HocPhanExtend> > getListUnRegistableAsync() { try { List <HocPhanExtend> listHocPhan = new List <HocPhanExtend>(); BaseConnector connector = BaseConnector.getInstance(); BaseResponse res = await connector.GetObject(DeployEnvironment.GetEnvironment().GetUnEnrolablePath()); if (res.status) { JsonAttributes jsonAttr = JsonAttributeGetter.GetJsonAttributes(); List <Object> listO = JsonGetter.getList(res.obj.ToString(), jsonAttr.RES_RESULT()); for (int i = 0; i < listO.Count; i++) { HocPhanExtend hocPhan = new HocPhanExtend() { hocPhan = HocPhan.Parse(JsonGetter.getObject(listO[i].ToString(), jsonAttr.RES_SUBJECT())), lyDo = JsonGetter.getString(listO[i].ToString(), jsonAttr.RES_REASON()) }; listHocPhan.Add(hocPhan); } } return(listHocPhan); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Log("ERROR: " + ex); return(null); } }
public void Deregister(BaseConnector connector) { RegisteredConnectors.Where(c => c.Value == connector). ToList(). ForEach(e => RegisteredConnectors.Remove(e.Key) ); }
public UserModel() { bc = new PGConnector(Global.DefaultConnectionString); // // TODO: Add constructor logic here // }
private void UpdateConnectionType() { _connector = (ConnectorType)Properties.Settings.Default.ConnectionType switch { ConnectorType.WebConnector => new WebConnector(), ConnectorType.ComConnector => new ComConnector(), _ => throw new System.NotImplementedException("Неизвестный тип подключения"), }; }
public async Task <bool> SetListEnrol(List <int> listMaMon) { BaseConnector connector = BaseConnector.getInstance(); RequestEnrolOrCancel req = new RequestEnrolOrCancel(); req.subject_ids = listMaMon.ToArray(); BaseResponse res = await connector.PostObject(DeployEnvironment.GetEnvironment().GetEnrolPath(), req); return(res.status); }
public static async Task <bool> sendAuth(string un, string pw) { BaseConnector connector = BaseConnector.getInstance(); BaseResponse res = await connector.PostObject(DeployEnvironment.GetEnvironment().GetLoginPath(), new AuthRequest() { mssv = un, password = pw }); return(res.status); }
public void Register(BaseConnector c) { if (!RegisteredConnectors.ContainsKey(c.Name)) { RegisteredConnectors.Add(c.Name, c); } else { RegisteredConnectors[c.Name] = c; } }
public async Task <SinhVien> GetSinhVienDetailAsync() { try { BaseConnector connector = BaseConnector.getInstance(); sv.GetDataFromObject((await connector.GetObject(DeployEnvironment.GetEnvironment().GetStudentInfoPath(sv.mssv))).obj); return(sv); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Log("ERROR: " + ex); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// 发送并接收数据,不进行协议扩展和收缩,用于特殊协议 /// </summary> /// <param name="content">发送协议的内容</param> /// <returns>接收协议的内容</returns> public override async Task <OpcParamOut> SendReceiveWithoutExtAndDecAsync(OpcParamIn content) { //发送数据 var receiveBytes = await BaseConnector.SendMsgAsync(content); //容错处理 var checkRight = CheckRight(receiveBytes); return(checkRight == null ? new OpcParamOut { Success = false, Value = new byte[0] } : (!checkRight.Value ? null : receiveBytes)); //返回字符 }
public async Task <SinhVienInfo> getOveralInfo() { try { BaseConnector connector = BaseConnector.getInstance(); SinhVienInfo info = new SinhVienInfo(); info.nganh = sv.faculty; // Lấy năm hiện tại //BaseResponse res1 = await connector.GetObject("nam"); //if(res1.status) // info.nam = JsonGetter.getString(res1.obj.ToString(), "nam"); //info.nam = "2019 - 2020"; info.curCount = getCurCount(info.nam); return(info); } catch (Exception ex) { LogHelper.Log("ERROR: " + ex); return(null); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="direction"></param> /// <param name="connector"></param> public void SetConnection(RoomConnection.DirectionType direction, BaseConnector connector) { RoomConnection connection; if (!m_connections.TryGetValue(direction, out connection)) { Debug.LogError($"Failed to find a room connection for the direction '{direction}' within the room '{name}'."); return; } if (connection.transform.childCount > 0) { Debug.LogError($"The connection for direction '{direction}' within the room '{name}' already has a connector."); return; } var newConnection = Instantiate(connector.gameObject, connection.transform); newConnection.transform.localPosition =; newConnection.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; newConnection.transform.localScale =; = $"{name} - {} [{direction}]"; }
async static Task Main(string[] args) { var cfg = Config.FromFile(); var connectors = new BaseConnector[] { new TGConnector() }; var modules = new BaseModule[] { new ClockModule(), new GuthibModule() }; foreach (var connector in connectors) { await connector.Initialize(cfg); } foreach (var module in modules) { await module.Initialize(cfg, connectors); } Console.WriteLine("Online."); while (true) { foreach (var connector in connectors) { try { var msgs = await connector.FetchMessages(); foreach (var msg in msgs) { foreach (var module in modules) { await module.HandleMessage(msg); } Console.WriteLine("Handled: " + LitJson.JsonMapper.ToJson(msg)); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("Error: " + e.Message); } } await Task.Delay(1000); } }
/// <summary> /// 处理告警队列 /// </summary> private void StartAlarmEventProcessor() { Version = MGroup.Instance.Version; logger.Polling.Info("Current Management Server version is: " + Version.ToString()); RateLimitQueueSize = this.pluginConfig.RateLimitQueueSize; RateLimitTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(this.pluginConfig.RateLimitTimeSpan); if (AlarmProcessor == null) { AlarmProcessor = new Thread(delegate() { while (this.IsRunning) // TODO(turnbig) 假如Queue里面还有未处理的数据,直接丢弃? { logger.Polling.Info($"Current Alarm Processing Queue amount: {AlarmQueue.Count}."); if (AlarmQueue.Count > 0 || ReceiveAlarmEvent.WaitOne()) { AlarmData alarm = null; lock ( { if (AlarmQueue.Count > 0) { alarm = AlarmQueue.Dequeue(); } } if (alarm != null) { EventData eventObject = new EventData(alarm, this.FusionDirectorIp); logger.Polling.Info($"[{alarm.Sn}] Start processing alarm:: Source:{alarm.DeviceId}, Category:{alarm.EventCategory}, Status: {alarm.Status}."); var objectId = eventObject.UnionId; string mpClazzName = EventCategory.BMC.Equals(alarm.EventCategory) ? EntityTypeConst.Server.MainName : EntityTypeConst.Enclosure.MainName; ManagementPackClass mpClazz = MGroup.Instance.GetManagementPackClass(mpClazzName); MonitoringDeviceObject monitoringObject = BaseConnector.GetDeviceByObjectId(mpClazz, objectId); if (monitoringObject == null) { // TODO( should we trigger an update server task, and retry later? logger.Polling.Warn($"[{alarm.Sn}] No MonitoringObject({objectId}) exists, alarm will be ignored."); continue; } // waiting for monitoring-object ready. WaitForDeviceMonitored(monitoringObject); var now = DateTime.Now; ProcessedOn previewNProcessedOn = null; FixedSizedQueue <ProcessedOn> processedOnQueue = GetProcessedOnQueue(eventObject); if (EventStatus.Cleared.Equals(alarm.Status)) { // Close SCOM alert CloseSCOMAlert(eventObject, monitoringObject); } else if (ShouldProcessedAlarmLevels.Contains(eventObject.LevelId)) { // Create New EventLog for new alarms, and generate SCOM alert through associated rule CreateNewEventLogForAlarm(eventObject); // use a seperated process on tracker previewNProcessedOn = processedOnQueue.Enqueue(new ProcessedOn(now)); } if (previewNProcessedOn != null) { TimeSpan timeSpan = now - previewNProcessedOn.Timestamp; // do not know why system time was changed to yestoday. if (now >= previewNProcessedOn.Timestamp && timeSpan < RateLimitTimeSpan) { TimeSpan timeout = RateLimitTimeSpan - timeSpan; logger.Polling.Info($"Alarm processing reach rate limit, {processedOnQueue.Size} alarms have been processed during time span {timeSpan}, will sleep {timeout} now."); Thread.Sleep(timeout); } } } } } }); } this.AlarmProcessor.Start(); logger.Polling.Info("Alarm processor starts successfully."); }
public UserModel(BaseConnector _connector) { bc = _connector; }
internal static async Task UpdateReportAsync(string projectName, string version, IConfiguration configuration) { var genericRepo = new BaseConnector(null, null, AuthenticationType.None); var reportStatus = new List <ReportExecutionStatus>(); var projectDescription = string.Empty; try { var timeoutInMinutes = 10; var url = configuration["Fortify:Url"]; var key = Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes($"{configuration["Fortify:User"]}:{configuration["Fortify:Password"]}")); _fortifyConnector = new FortifyConnector(url, key, AuthenticationType.Basic) { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeoutInMinutes) }; var unifiedLoginToken = await _fortifyConnector.GetUnifiedLoginTokenAsync(); _fortifyConnector = new FortifyConnector(url, unifiedLoginToken, AuthenticationType.FortifyToken) { Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(timeoutInMinutes) }; var projects = await _fortifyConnector.GetProjectsAsync(); var project = projects.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name.Equals(projectName)); if (project != null) { var projectVersions = await _fortifyConnector.GetProjectVersionsAsync(project.Id); var projectVersion = projectVersions.FirstOrDefault(v => version.Equals(v.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); projectDescription = project.Description; if (projectVersion != null) { Console.WriteLine($"{project.Name} {project.Description} {projectVersion.Name} started"); var appSecItems = new List <AppSecItem>(); var issues = await _fortifyConnector.GetIssuesAsync(projectVersion.Id); if (issues != null) { foreach (var issue in issues) { var issueDetails = await GetIssueDetailsAsync(project.Name, projectVersion.Name, issue.IssueInstanceId); var appSecItem = new AppSecItem() { Id = issue.IssueInstanceId, UploadDate = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), UAID = $"{project.Name} {project.Description}", Version = projectVersion.Name, Status = issue.IssueStatus, Category = issue.IssueName, Severity = issue.friority, Source = issue.EngineType, Tag = issue.PrimaryTag, IsRedBall = IsRedBall(issue) || issueDetails.IsOWASPTopTen, OWASPCategory = issueDetails.OWASPCategory, File = issue.PrimaryLocation, LineNumber = issue.LineNumber, ScanStatus = issue.ScanStatus }; appSecItems.Add(appSecItem); } } var jsonBody = JsonSerializer.Serialize(appSecItems); //Save file for further analysis File.WriteAllText($@"C:\Temp\UVMS\{DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")} {projectVersion.Name} {project.Name} {project.Description}.json", jsonBody); await genericRepo.PostWithJsonAsync(configuration["PowerBI:UVMSDashboardUrl"], jsonBody); Console.WriteLine($"{project.Name} {project.Description} {projectVersion.Name} finished"); var executionStatus = new ReportExecutionStatus() { ReportDate = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), UAID = $"{projectName} {projectDescription}", Version = version, Status = "Successful" }; reportStatus.Add(executionStatus); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine($"{ex.Message}"); var executionStatus = new ReportExecutionStatus() { ReportDate = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), UAID = $"{projectName} {projectDescription}", Version = version, Status = "Failed" }; reportStatus.Add(executionStatus); } await genericRepo.PostWithJsonAsync(configuration["PowerBI:ReportExecutionDashboardUrl"], JsonSerializer.Serialize(reportStatus)); }
public BasicInformation(BaseConnector connector) { this.Connector = connector; this.PortName = Connector.PortName; }