public bool ShowDialogue(string agentName, string dialogue, bool tryAbove, bool autoClose, EventDialogue masterEvent = null, QuestionRole questionRole = QuestionRole.None) { GameObject boxObject = null; TextBox boxComponent = null; int boxSpeakerID = BaseAgent.INVALID_AGENT_ID; Vector2 boxDimensions =; Vector2 boxOffset =; Vector3 boxPosition =; bool boxPositionValid = false; BaseAgent agentComponent = null; GameObject boxTailObject = null; SpriteRenderer boxTailRenderer = null; Vector2 tailOffset =; int optionCurrentIndex = -1; if (!QuestionRoleAvailable(questionRole)) { return(false); } else { if (questionRole != QuestionRole.None) { autoClose = false; } } if ((textBoxParent != null) && (symbolDatabase != null) && (dialogue != null) && (cameraObject != null)) { if (stage != null) { boxSpeakerID = stage.GetAgentID(agentName, ref agentComponent); } if (boxSpeakerID == BaseAgent.INVALID_AGENT_ID) { /*halmeida - this is not a character's dialogue text, so it is system info text.*/ boxObject = new GameObject("SystemTextBox"); boxComponent = boxObject.AddComponent <TextBox>(); boxComponent.SetBoxLimits(systemBoxLimits.x, systemBoxLimits.y); boxComponent.SetEssentials(symbolDatabase, bodySpriteSystem, dialogue, 0f, TextBox.TextAlignment.AlignLeft, autoClose, BOX_OPENING_SPEED); } else { boxObject = new GameObject("DialogueTextBox"); boxComponent = boxObject.AddComponent <DialogueBox>(); boxComponent.SetBoxLimits(dialogueBoxLimits.x, dialogueBoxLimits.y); boxComponent.SetEssentials(symbolDatabase, bodySpriteDialogue, dialogue, TextBox.DEFAULT_TEXT_SPEED, TextBox.TextAlignment.AlignLeft, autoClose, BOX_OPENING_SPEED); if (agentComponent != null) { boxComponent.SetSpeakerName(agentComponent.GetCurrentName()); if (questionRole != QuestionRole.Option) { boxComponent.SetOrnamentPortrait(agentComponent.agentPortrait); } } if (questionRole == QuestionRole.None) { boxTailObject = new GameObject("DialogueBoxTail"); boxTailRenderer = boxTailObject.AddComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); boxTailRenderer.sprite = tailSpriteDialogue; } } boxComponent.Build(); boxDimensions = boxComponent.GetBoxWorldDimensions(); switch (questionRole) { case QuestionRole.None: boxPosition = GetBoxPositionForAgent(boxSpeakerID, boxDimensions, tryAbove, ref boxPositionValid, ref tailOffset); break; case QuestionRole.Enunciate: boxPosition = GetBoxPositionForEnunciate(boxDimensions, ref boxPositionValid); /*halmeida - with the dimensions of the enunciate set, I can already determine the area available * for the options.*/ optionAreaHeight = 2f * enunciateBoxTopOffset; optionAreaHeight *= ((enunciateBoxTopOffset < 0) ? -1f : 1f); optionAreaHeight -= boxDimensions.y; if (optionsToAllocate > 0) { optionAreaHeight = optionAreaHeight / optionsToAllocate; } optionHalfAreaHeight = optionAreaHeight / 2f; optionBoxTopOffset = enunciateBoxTopOffset - boxDimensions.y; /*halmeida - enunciate text boxes cannot react to any input.*/ boxComponent.BlockReactions(); enunciateBoxComponent = boxComponent; optionAwaitedIndex = 0; break; case QuestionRole.Option: boxPosition = GetBoxPositionForOption(optionAwaitedIndex, boxDimensions, ref boxPositionValid); /*halmeida - option text boxes can only react to precise input over them.*/ boxComponent.AllowReactions(true); optionCurrentIndex = optionAwaitedIndex; optionAwaitedIndex++; break; } if (boxPositionValid) { boxObject.transform.SetParent(textBoxParent.transform, false); /*halmeida - since the textBoxParent is at x = 0 and y = 0, I can use the local position of its * children as if it was their position. Changing just the local position is faster.*/ boxObject.transform.localPosition = boxPosition; if (boxTailObject != null) { boxTailObject.transform.SetParent(boxObject.transform, false); boxTailObject.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(tailOffset.x, tailOffset.y, boxComponent.GetBoxToTextDepth()); if (tailOffset.y > 0f) { boxTailObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0f, 0f, 180f); } } boxComponent.Open(); UsefulFunctions.IncreaseArray <GameObject>(ref boxObjects, boxObject); UsefulFunctions.IncreaseArray <TextBox>(ref boxComponents, boxComponent); UsefulFunctions.IncreaseArray <EventDialogue>(ref boxMasterEvents, masterEvent); UsefulFunctions.IncreaseArray <QuestionRole>(ref boxQuestionRoles, questionRole); UsefulFunctions.IncreaseArray <int>(ref boxOptionIndexes, optionCurrentIndex); UsefulFunctions.IncreaseArray <int>(ref boxSpeakerIDs, boxSpeakerID); UsefulFunctions.IncreaseArray <bool>(ref boxTryAboves, tryAbove); UsefulFunctions.IncreaseArray <GameObject>(ref boxTailObjects, boxTailObject); UsefulFunctions.IncreaseArray <SpriteRenderer>(ref boxTailRenderers, boxTailRenderer); return(true); } boxComponent.Clear(); GameObject.Destroy(boxObject); if (boxTailObject != null) { GameObject.Destroy(boxTailObject); } } return(false); }