protected override async UniTask OnExecuteAsync() { var user = (UnturnedUser)Context.Actor; var look = user.Player.Player.look; await UniTask.SwitchToMainThread(); if (!PhysicsUtility.raycast(new(look.getEyesPosition(), look.aim.forward), out var hit, 8f, RayMasks.BARRICADE | RayMasks.STRUCTURE | RayMasks.VEHICLE)) { return; } var vehicle = hit.collider.GetComponent <InteractableVehicle>(); if (vehicle != null) { VehicleManager.askVehicleDestroy(vehicle); return; } if (BarricadeManager.tryGetInfo(hit.transform, out var x, out var y, out var plant, out var index, out var region)) { BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(region, x, y, plant, index); return; } if (StructureManager.tryGetInfo(hit.transform, out x, out y, out index, out var structureRegion)) { StructureManager.destroyStructure(structureRegion, x, y, index,; return; } await PrintAsync(m_StringLocalizer["destroy:invalid"]); }
public static bool DestroyObject(this Transform transform) { if (transform == null) { return(false); } var vehicle = transform.GetComponent <InteractableVehicle>(); if (vehicle != null) { VehicleManager.askVehicleDestroy(vehicle); return(true); } if (transform.GetComponent <InteractableDoorHinge>() != null) { transform = transform.parent; } if (BarricadeManager.tryGetInfo(transform, out var x, out var y, out var plant, out var index, out var r)) { BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(r, x, y, plant, index); return(true); } if (!StructureManager.tryGetInfo(transform, out x, out y, out index, out var s)) { return(false); } StructureManager.destroyStructure(s, x, y, index, transform.position); return(true); }
public void Execute(IRocketPlayer caller, string[] command) { UnturnedPlayer player = (UnturnedPlayer)caller; string homeName = command.ElementAtOrDefault(0); if (homeName == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, pluginInstance.Translate("DestroyHomeFormat"), pluginInstance.MessageColor); return; } PlayerHome home = HomesHelper.GetPlayerHome(player.CSteamID, homeName); if (home == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, pluginInstance.Translate("HomeNotFound", home.Name), pluginInstance.MessageColor); return; } if (!HomesHelper.TryRemoveHome(player.CSteamID, home.InteractableBed) || home.InteractableBed == null) { return; } BarricadeManager.tryGetInfo(home.InteractableBed.transform, out var x, out var y, out var plant, out var index, out var region); if (home.InteractableBed != null) { BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(region, x, y, plant, index); } UnturnedChat.Say(caller, pluginInstance.Translate("DestroyHomeSuccess", home.Name), pluginInstance.MessageColor); }
#pragma warning restore CS1998 // Async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously #endregion #region Coroutines private IEnumerator C4DetonateCoroutine() { EffectManager.sendEffect(45, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, byte.MaxValue, Drop.model.position); ExplosionParameters parameters = new ExplosionParameters(Drop.model.position, 150f, EDeathCause.KILL, CSteamID.Nil); parameters.penetrateBuildables = true; parameters.playerDamage = 150; parameters.damageRadius = 64; parameters.barricadeDamage = 1000; List <EPlayerKill> deadPlayers = new List <EPlayerKill>(); DamageTool.explode(parameters, out deadPlayers); byte x; byte y; ushort plant; ushort index; BarricadeRegion region; if (!BarricadeManager.tryGetInfo(Drop.model.transform, out x, out y, out plant, out index, out region)) { yield return(null); } BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(region, x, y, plant, index); Defused = true; // quick fix to prevent time ticking C4Manager.ActiveC4.Remove(this); yield return(null); }
public void Destroy() { if (!BarricadeManager.tryGetInfo(InteractableBed.transform, out var x, out var y, out var plant, out var index, out var region)) { return; } BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(region, x, y, plant, index); }
public void Execute(IRocketPlayer caller, string[] command) { if (command.Length >= 1) { ulong PlayerID; if (ulong.TryParse(command[0], out ulong ResID)) { PlayerID = ResID; } else { UnturnedPlayer uPlayer = UnturnedPlayer.FromName(command[0]); if (uPlayer == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, "Failed to find player"); return; } else { PlayerID = uPlayer.CSteamID.m_SteamID; } } ushort BID = 0; if (command.Length >= 2 && ushort.TryParse(command[1], out ushort ResBID)) { BID = ResBID; } List <KeyValuePair <BarricadeRegion, BarricadeData> > WipeList = new List <KeyValuePair <BarricadeRegion, BarricadeData> >(); foreach (BarricadeRegion BRegion in BarricadeManager.regions) { foreach (BarricadeData B in BRegion.barricades) { if (B.owner == PlayerID && ((BID == 0) || ( == BID))) { WipeList.Add(new KeyValuePair <BarricadeRegion, BarricadeData>(BRegion, B)); } } } UnturnedChat.Say(caller, $"Found {WipeList.Count} buildables; wiping..."); foreach (var ent in WipeList) { if (Regions.tryGetCoordinate(ent.Value.point, out byte x, out byte y)) { ushort plant = ushort.MaxValue; ushort index = (ushort)ent.Key.barricades.IndexOf(ent.Value); BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(ent.Key, x, y, plant, index); } } UnturnedChat.Say(caller, $"Destroyed {WipeList.Count} Buildables."); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, Syntax); } }
public static void RunDestroyTool(UnturnedPlayer Player, RaycastResult Raycast) { if (Raycast.Vehicle != null) { bool IsPlayersVehicle = Raycast.Vehicle.lockedOwner == Player.CSteamID || Raycast.Vehicle.lockedGroup == Player.SteamGroupID; bool Allow = IsPlayersVehicle; if (!IsPlayersVehicle) { Allow = PlayerCanDestroyOtherPlayersStuff(Player); } if (Allow) { VehicleManager.askVehicleDestroy(Raycast.Vehicle); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(Player, "PointTool_Destroy_Denied".Translate()); } } if (Raycast.Barricade != null) { bool IsPlayersBarricade = Raycast.Barricade.owner == Player.CSteamID.m_SteamID || == Player.SteamGroupID.m_SteamID; bool Allow = IsPlayersBarricade; if (!IsPlayersBarricade) { Allow = PlayerCanDestroyOtherPlayersStuff(Player); } if (Allow) { BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(Raycast.BarricadeRegion, Raycast.BarricadeX, Raycast.BarricadeY, Raycast.BarricadePlant, Raycast.BarricadeIndex); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(Player, "PointTool_Destroy_Denied".Translate()); } } if (Raycast.Structure != null) { bool IsPlayersStructure = Raycast.Structure.owner == Player.CSteamID.m_SteamID || == Player.SteamGroupID.m_SteamID; bool Allow = IsPlayersStructure; if (!IsPlayersStructure) { Allow = PlayerCanDestroyOtherPlayersStuff(Player); } if (Allow) { StructureManager.destroyStructure(Raycast.StructureRegion, Raycast.StructureX, Raycast.StructureY, Raycast.StructureIndex, new Vector3(0, 0, 0)); } else { UnturnedChat.Say(Player, "PointTool_Destroy_Denied".Translate()); } } }
/// <inheritdoc /> public override void UnsafeDestroy() { ThreadUtil.assertIsGameThread(); if (!BarricadeManager.tryGetInfo(Model, out var x, out var y, out var plant, out var index, out var bRegion)) { return; } BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(bRegion, x, y, plant, index); }
public override Task DestroyAsync() { async UniTask DestroyTask() { await UniTask.SwitchToMainThread(); if (BarricadeManager.tryGetInfo(BarricadeDrop.model, out var x, out var y, out var plant, out var index, out var region)) { BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(region, x, y, plant, index); } } return(DestroyTask().AsTask()); }
private IEnumerator HealthStationExpiredCoroutine() { byte x; byte y; ushort plant; ushort index; BarricadeRegion region; if (!BarricadeManager.tryGetInfo(Drop.model.transform, out x, out y, out plant, out index, out region)) { yield return(null); } BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(region, x, y, plant, index); Expired = true; C4Manager.ActiveHealthStations.Remove(this); yield return(null); }
public override Task DestroyAsync() { async UniTask DestroyTask() { await UniTask.SwitchToMainThread(); if (BarricadeDrop.GetNetId().IsNull()) { return; } if (BarricadeManager.tryGetRegion(BarricadeDrop.model, out var x, out var y, out var plant, out _)) { BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(BarricadeDrop, x, y, plant); } } return(DestroyTask().AsTask()); }
public void Execute(IRocketPlayer caller, string[] command) { var player = (UnturnedPlayer)caller; var raycastInfo = DamageTool.raycast(new Ray(player.Player.look.aim.position, player.Player.look.aim.forward), 10f, RayMasks.VEHICLE); var baseClusteringPlugin = BaseClusteringPlugin.Instance; if (baseClusteringPlugin == null) { throw new NullReferenceException("BaseClusteringPlugin.Instance is null. Cannot execute command."); } if (raycastInfo.vehicle == null) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, baseClusteringPlugin.Translate("no_vehicle_found")); return; } if (raycastInfo.vehicle.isDead) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, baseClusteringPlugin.Translate("vehicle_dead")); return; } if (!BarricadeManager.tryGetPlant(raycastInfo.transform, out var x, out var y, out var plant, out var region)) { UnturnedChat.Say(caller, baseClusteringPlugin.Translate("vehicle_no_plant")); return; } for (var i = region.barricades.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(region, x, y, plant, (ushort)i); } UnturnedChat.Say(caller, baseClusteringPlugin.Translate("vehicle_wreck", raycastInfo.vehicle.asset.vehicleName ??,, raycastInfo.vehicle.instanceID, raycastInfo.vehicle.lockedOwner.ToString())); }
public static bool Prefix(CSteamID steamID, byte x, byte y, ushort plant, ushort index, BarricadeManager __instance) { BarricadeRegion region; BarricadeManager.tryGetRegion(x, y, plant, out region); uint UID = region.barricades[index].instanceID; C4Manager.ActiveC4.ToList().ForEach(c4 => { if (c4.Drop.instanceID == UID) { c4.Defused = true; InterfaceManager.SendEffectLocationUnsafe(61, c4.Drop.model.position); BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(region, x, y, plant, index); C4Manager.ActiveC4.Remove(c4); } }); return(false); }
public bool Destroy() { var vector = BarricadeLocation.ToVector3(); if (!Regions.tryGetCoordinate(vector, out byte x, out byte y)) { return(true); } var region = BarricadeManager.regions[x, y]; var drop = region.drops.FirstOrDefault(c => c.instanceID == InstanceId); var barr = region.barricades.FirstOrDefault(c => c.instanceID == InstanceId); if (drop == null || barr.barricade.isDead) //Not found { return(false); } BarricadeManager.destroyBarricade(region, x, y, ushort.MaxValue, (ushort)region.drops.IndexOf(drop)); return(true); }