protected void barcode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { k++; if (fileUploader.HasFile) { try { #region Upload File string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileUploader.FileName); fileUploader.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(@"~/images/") + "barcodeImg" + k + Path.GetExtension(filename)); image.ImageUrl = @"~/images/" + "barcodeImg" + k + Path.GetExtension(filename); #endregion #region Barcode Reader Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Server.MapPath(image.ImageUrl)); BarcodeResult Result = IronBarCode.BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode(bitmap); txtISBN.Text = Result.Text; #endregion lblUpload.Style.Value = "Color:Gray"; lblUpload.Text = "ISBN textbox kısmı dolduruldu silme işlemi yapmak için sil butonuna basınız."; } catch (Exception ex) { lblUpload.Style.Value = "Color:Red"; lblUpload.Text = "Bir hata oluştu.<html></br></html> Hata Mesajı: " + ex.Message; } } else if (!fileUploader.HasFile) { lblUpload.Style.Value = "Color:Red"; lblUpload.Text = "Dosya Seçmediniz."; } }
private void btnBrowseBarCode_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog dlg = new OpenFileDialog(); dlg.InitialDirectory = "E:\\an3facsem2\\pdpf2\\FireCaffe\\FireCaffe\\bin\\Debug"; dlg.Filter = "Image files (*.jpeg)|*.jpeg|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; dlg.RestoreDirectory = true; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { string selectedFileName = dlg.FileName; BitmapImage bitmap = new BitmapImage(); bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.UriSource = new Uri(selectedFileName); bitmap.EndInit(); userBarCode.Source = bitmap; BarcodeResult FormatsResult = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("barcode.jpeg", BarcodeEncoding.Code128); string result = FormatsResult.Text; ClientServices clientServices = new ClientServices(); List <Client> scannedClient = clientServices.GetClientByPassword(result); scannedClient[0].SilverCups += 2; if (scannedClient[0].SilverCups >= num) { scannedClient[0].GoldenCups += 1; scannedClient[0].SilverCups = scannedClient[0].SilverCups % 10; } clientServices.Update(scannedClient[0]); MessageBox.Show("User: "******" has received 2 SilverCups"); } }
private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { txtResult.Text = string.Empty; if (txtImageFile.Text != "") { string[] words = txtImageFile.Text.Split('.'); string extension = words[words.Length - 1]; if (extension.ToLower() == "pdf") { //Create a new barcode reader BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader(txtImageFile.Text, FormatType.PDF); if (this.checkBox1.Checked) { //Scan multiple barcodes BarcodeResultCollection results = reader.ScanMultipleBarcode(); DisplayResult(results); } else { //scan barcode BarcodeResult result = reader.ScanBarcode(); DisplayResult(result); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select PDF", "Barcode Reader", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } } }
internal void BarcodeScannedResult(BarcodeResult result) { barcodeTextLabel.Text = result.BarcodeString; RLBarcodeType btype = (RLBarcodeType) result.BarcodeType; // update view with scanned barcode type if (btype == RLBarcodeType.EAN13) { // Use first digit to differentiate between EAN13 and UPCA if (result.BarcodeString[0] == '0') { barcodeTextLabel.Text = result.BarcodeString.Substring (1); typeLabel.Text = "UPC-A"; } else typeLabel.Text = "EAN-13"; } else if (btype == RLBarcodeType.EAN8) typeLabel.Text = "EAN-8"; else if (btype == RLBarcodeType.UPCE) typeLabel.Text = "UPC-E"; else if (btype == RLBarcodeType.QRCODE) typeLabel.Text = "QR Code"; else if (btype == RLBarcodeType.Code128) typeLabel.Text = "Code 128"; else if (btype == RLBarcodeType.Code39) typeLabel.Text = "Code 39"; else if (btype == RLBarcodeType.DataMatrix) typeLabel.Text = "Data Matrix"; else if (btype == RLBarcodeType.ITF) typeLabel.Text = "ITF"; else if (btype == RLBarcodeType.STICKY) typeLabel.Text = "STICKYBITS"; }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Clear text box txtResult.Text = string.Empty; string[] words = txtImageFile.Text.Split('.'); string extension = words[words.Length - 1]; if (extension.ToLower() == "png" || extension.ToLower() == "bmp" || extension.ToLower() == "jpg") { if (txtImageFile.Text != "" && txtImageFile.Text != string.Empty) { if (checkBox1.Checked) { //Read multiple barcodes BarcodeResultCollection result = BarcodeReader.ScanMultipleBarcode(txtImageFile.Text); AddText(result); } else { //Read barcode BarcodeResult result = BarcodeReader.ScanBarcode(txtImageFile.Text); AddText(result); } } } else if (extension.ToLower() == "pdf") { Bitmap[] images; //Load existing document PdfLoadedDocument ldoc = new PdfLoadedDocument(txtImageFile.Text); //Export the document as images images = ldoc.ExportAsImage(0, ldoc.Pages.Count - 1); //Scan barcodes foreach (Bitmap img in images) { BarcodeReader reader = new BarcodeReader(img); if (checkBox1.Checked) { reader.Settings.TryHarder = true; BarcodeResultCollection results = reader.ScanMultipleBarcode(); AddText(results); } else { BarcodeResult result = reader.ScanBarcode(); AddText(result); } } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please select a barcode image or PDF", "Barcode Reader", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } }
protected void ver() { try { i++; string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileUploader2.FileName); fileUploader2.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(@"~/images/") + "image" + i + Path.GetExtension(filename)); image2.ImageUrl = @"~/images/image" + i + Path.GetExtension(filename); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Server.MapPath(image2.ImageUrl)); BarcodeResult Result = IronBarCode.BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode(bitmap); SqlCommand kullanim = new SqlCommand("SELECT KULLANIMDA FROM KITAPLAR WHERE ISBN='" + Result.Text + "'", connection); kullanim.ExecuteNonQuery(); System.Data.DataTable dataTable = new System.Data.DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(kullanim); dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); string kullanimda = dataTable.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); kullanimda = kullanimda.Replace(" ", ""); if (kullanimda == "1") { SqlCommand kota = new SqlCommand("SELECT KITAP_KOTA FROM KULLANICILAR WHERE KULLANICI_ADI='" + userName + "'", connection); kota.ExecuteNonQuery(); System.Data.DataTable kotaTable = new System.Data.DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter kotaAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(kota); kotaAdapter.Fill(kotaTable); string kotaSTR = kotaTable.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); kotaSTR = kotaSTR.Replace(" ", ""); int kotaN = Convert.ToInt32(kotaSTR.ToString()); if (kotaN > 0) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("DELETE FROM KITAPSURE WHERE KULLANICI_ID='" + userName + "' AND KITAP_ID='" + Result.Text + "'", connection); if (connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { connection.Close(); } connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlCommand kullanimc = new SqlCommand("UPDATE KITAPLAR SET KULLANIMDA='0',KITAP_SAHIP=NULL WHERE ISBN='" + Result.Text + "'", connection); kullanimc.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlCommand kotaK = new SqlCommand("UPDATE KULLANICILAR SET KITAP_KOTA-=1 WHERE KULLANICI_ADI='" + userName + "'", connection); kotaK.ExecuteNonQuery(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Kitap Başarıyla Verilmiştir.')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Elinizde Hiç Kitap Yok. Olmayan Kitapları Veremezsiniz.')</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Kitap Zaten Verilmiş.')</script>"); } goruntule(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Hata" + ex.Message + "')</script>"); } }
public static void GetStarted() { BarcodeResult Result = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("GetStarted.png"); if (Result != null && Result.Text == "") { Console.WriteLine("GetStarted was a success. Read Value: " + Result.Text); } }
private void prs_barcode_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { BarcodeResult Result = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("GetStarted.png"); if (Result != null && Result.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("vahid", "vahid"); } }
public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { BarcodeResult barcodeResult = new BarcodeResult(intent); if (barcodeResult.IsBarcodeAction) { this.Barcode = barcodeResult.Barcode; OnScannerResponseEvent(new EventArgs()); } }
private void DisplayResult(BarcodeResult result) { if (result != null) { txtResult.Text += "Barcode Type: " + result.BarcodeType + " " + "Text: " + result.Text + "\r\n"; } else { MessageBox.Show("Barcode could not be detected", "Barcode Reader", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } }
protected void ekle() { txtISBN.Text = ""; txtName.Text = ""; i++; if (fileUploader.HasFile) { try { #region Upload File string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileUploader.FileName); fileUploader.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(@"~/images/") + "image" + i + Path.GetExtension(filename)); image.ImageUrl = @"~/images/" + "image" + i + Path.GetExtension(filename); #endregion #region Barcode Reader Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Server.MapPath(image.ImageUrl)); BarcodeResult Result = IronBarCode.BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode(bitmap); txtISBN.Text = Result.Text; #endregion #region Get Data From Web Site var url = "" + txtISBN.Text; var web = new HtmlWeb(); var doc = web.Load(url); String[] value = new String[3]; value[0] = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='book-1']/div[2]/div[1]/h2/a/span").InnerText.ToString(); value[1] = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='book-1']/div[2]/div[1]/p[1]/strong").InnerText.ToString(); value[2] = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode("//*[@id='listing_1']/div/img").Attributes["src"].Value; value[1] = value[1].Replace("Author:", ""); txtName.Text = value[0].Replace("'", "'"); #endregion #region Insert Book into Database SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("declare @isbn varchar(30); declare @name varchar(100); declare @author varchar(100); declare @image varchar(100);set @name=@namePar;set @isbn =@isbnPar; set @author=@authorPar; set @image=@imagePar;INSERT INTO KITAPLAR VALUES(@isbn, @name, DEFAULT, @author, @image,NULL)", connection); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@isbnPar", txtISBN.Text); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@namePar", txtName.Text); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@authorPar", value[1]); command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@imagePar", value[2]); if (connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { connection.Close(); } connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); lblUpload.Style.Value = "Color:Green"; lblUpload.Text = "Yükleme İşlemi:Başarılı!"; #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { lblUpload.Style.Value = "Color:Red"; lblUpload.Text = "Yükleme İşlemi:Bir hata oluştu.Bir nedenden dolayı dosyayı yükleyemedik.<html></br></html> Hata Mesajı: " + ex.Message; } } }
public string BarkodOku(string sFileName) { BarcodeResult Result = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode(sFileName); if (Result != null) { ViewBag.Barkod = Result.ToString(); return(Result.ToString()); } else { ViewBag.Barkod = "okunmadı"; return("Okunamadı."); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { /****** WRITE *******/ // Create A Barcode in 1 Line of Code //BarcodeWriter.CreateBarcode("", BarcodeWriterEncoding.QRCode).SaveAsJpeg("D:\\svg\\QuickStart.jpg"); /****** READ *******/ // Read A Barcode in 1 Line of Code. Gets Text, Numeric Codes, Binary Data and an Image of the barcode BarcodeResult Result = BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode("D:\\svg\\BARCODE.jpg"); // Assert that IronBarCode Works :-) if (Result != null) { System.Console.WriteLine(Result.Text); } Console.Read(); }
// Распознавание QR-кода в PDF-файле public void PDFQRCodeRecognition(string PDF) { Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap("c:\\QRPDF Test Directory\\Cutted QR\\Test11.png"); BarcodeResult barcode = BarCodeScanner.ScanSingle(bmp); Console.WriteLine("barcode data:{0}.", barcode.Data); BarcodeResult[] results = BarCodeScanner.Scan("c:\\QRPDF Test Directory\\Cutted QR\\Test11.png", BarCodeType.QRCode); foreach (BarcodeResult result in results) { Console.WriteLine(result.BarType.ToString() + "-" + result.Data); } Console.ReadKey(); }
/// <summary> /// Handles the Click event of the ScanBarcodeButton control. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param> /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param> private void ScanBarcodeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Image.Source != null && Image.Source.IsFilled) { IBarcodeReader barcodeReader = new ZXingBarcodeReader(true, BinarizerMode.Hybrid); BarcodeResult result = barcodeReader.ReadBarcode(Image.Source); if (result != null) { BarcodeTextTextBox.Text = result.Text; BarcodeFormatTextBox.Text = result.Format.ToString(); } else { BarcodeTextTextBox.Text = "Barcode not detected!"; BarcodeFormatTextBox.Text = "Barcode not detected!"; } } }
protected void al() { try { i++; string filename = Path.GetFileName(fileUploader1.FileName); fileUploader1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath(@"~/images/") + "image" + i + Path.GetExtension(filename)); image1.ImageUrl = @"~/images/image" + i + Path.GetExtension(filename); Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap(Server.MapPath(image1.ImageUrl)); BarcodeResult Result = IronBarCode.BarcodeReader.QuicklyReadOneBarcode(bitmap); SqlCommand date = new SqlCommand("SELECT KITAP_SURE FROM KITAPSURE WHERE KULLANICI_ID='" + userName + "'", connection); date.ExecuteNonQuery(); System.Data.DataTable dateTable = new System.Data.DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter dateAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(date); dateAdapter.Fill(dateTable); string onay = ""; string yeni = ""; DateTime[] dateRow = new DateTime[3]; if (dateTable.Rows.Count == 0) { yeni = "yeni"; } for (int t = 0; t < dateTable.Rows.Count; t++) { dateRow[t] = Convert.ToDateTime(dateTable.Rows[t].ItemArray[0]); int a = (DateTime.Now.Subtract(dateRow[t])).Days; if (7 > a) { onay = "verildi"; } else { onay = "verilmedi"; break; } } if (onay == "verildi" || yeni == "yeni") { SqlCommand kullanim = new SqlCommand("SELECT KULLANIMDA FROM KITAPLAR WHERE ISBN='" + Result.Text + "'", connection); kullanim.ExecuteNonQuery(); System.Data.DataTable dataTable = new System.Data.DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(kullanim); dataAdapter.Fill(dataTable); string kullanimda = dataTable.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); kullanimda = kullanimda.Replace(" ", ""); if (kullanimda == "0") { SqlCommand kota = new SqlCommand("SELECT KITAP_KOTA FROM KULLANICILAR WHERE KULLANICI_ADI='" + userName + "'", connection); kota.ExecuteNonQuery(); System.Data.DataTable kotaTable = new System.Data.DataTable(); SqlDataAdapter kotaAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(kota); kotaAdapter.Fill(kotaTable); string kotaSTR = kotaTable.Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); kotaSTR = kotaSTR.Replace(" ", ""); int kotaN = Convert.ToInt32(kotaSTR.ToString()); if (kotaN < 3) { SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand("INSERT INTO KITAPSURE VALUES ('" + userName + "','" + Result.Text + "',GETDATE())", connection); if (connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { connection.Close(); } connection.Open(); command.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlCommand kullanimc = new SqlCommand("UPDATE KITAPLAR SET KULLANIMDA='1',KITAP_SAHIP='" + userName + "' WHERE ISBN='" + Result.Text + "'", connection); kullanimc.ExecuteNonQuery(); SqlCommand kotaK = new SqlCommand("UPDATE KULLANICILAR SET KITAP_KOTA+=1 WHERE KULLANICI_ADI='" + userName + "'", connection); kotaK.ExecuteNonQuery(); Response.Write("<script>alert('Kitap Başarıyla Alınmıştır.')</script>"); } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('3 Kitaptan Fazlasını Alamazsınız!')</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Kitap Kullanımda')</script>"); } } else { Response.Write("<script>alert('Tarihi Geçmiş Kitaplarınız Bulunmaktadır.')</script>"); } goruntule(); } catch (Exception ex) { Response.Write("<script>alert('Hata" + ex.Message + "')</script>"); } }
private void ShowBarcodeResults(BarcodeResult[] barcodeResults, float timeElapsed) { tbResults.Clear(); m_results.Clear(); m_barcodes = barcodeResults; if (barcodeResults != null && barcodeResults.Length > 0) { tbResults.AppendText(String.Format("Total barcode(s) found: {0}. Total time spent: {1} seconds\r\n\r\n", barcodeResults.Length, (timeElapsed / 1000))); for (int i = 0; i < barcodeResults.Length; i++) { tbResults.AppendText(String.Format(" Barcode {0}:\r\n", i + 1)); tbResults.AppendText(String.Format(" Page: {0}\r\n", barcodeResults[i].PageNumber)); tbResults.AppendText(String.Format(" Type: {0}\r\n", barcodeResults[i].BarcodeFormat)); tbResults.AppendText(String.Format(" Value: {0}\r\n", barcodeResults[i].BarcodeText)); tbResults.AppendText(String.Format(" Region: {{Left: {0}, Top: {1}, Width: {2}, Height: {3}}}\r\n", barcodeResults[i].BoundingRect.Left, barcodeResults[i].BoundingRect.Top, barcodeResults[i].BoundingRect.Width, barcodeResults[i].BoundingRect.Height)); tbResults.AppendText("\r\n"); } tbResults.SelectionStart = 0; tbResults.ScrollToCaret(); int iLastPageNumber = int.MinValue + 10; int iStartIndex = barcodeResults.Length - 1; for (int i = 0; i < iPageCount; i++) m_results.Add(null); for (int i = iStartIndex; i >= 0; i--) { if (barcodeResults[i] != null) { if (barcodeResults[i].PageNumber != iLastPageNumber) { if (i != iStartIndex) { int iEnd = i > iStartIndex ? i - 1 : i + 1; int iStart = iEnd > iStartIndex ? iStartIndex : iEnd; iEnd = iEnd > iStartIndex ? iEnd : iStartIndex; int[] resultsOnePage = new int[iEnd - iStart + 1]; for (int k = iStart; k <= iEnd; k++) { resultsOnePage[k - iStart] = k; } m_results[iLastPageNumber-1] = resultsOnePage; } iStartIndex = i; iLastPageNumber = barcodeResults[i].PageNumber; } if (i == 0) { int iStart = i > iStartIndex ? iStartIndex : i; int iEnd = i > iStartIndex ? i : iStartIndex; int[] resultsOnePage = new int[iEnd - iStart + 1]; for (int k = iStart; k <= iEnd; k++) { resultsOnePage[k - iStart] = k; } m_results[iLastPageNumber-1] = resultsOnePage; } } } } else tbResults.AppendText(String.Format("No barcode found. Total time spent: {0} seconds\r\n", (timeElapsed / 1000))); SetImageViewerImage(); }
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (m_ImageCore.ImageBuffer.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer < 0) { MessageBox.Show("Please load an image before reading barcode!", "Index out of bounds", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } try { Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeReader reader = new Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeReader(); reader.LicenseKeys = m_StrProductKey; reader.ReaderOptions.MaxBarcodesToReadPerPage = int.Parse(tbxMaxNum.Text); this.textBox1.Text = ""; switch (cbxFormat.SelectedIndex) { case 0: break; case 1: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.OneD; break; case 2: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.CODE_39; break; case 3: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.CODE_128; break; case 4: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.CODE_93; break; case 5: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.CODABAR; break; case 6: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.ITF; break; case 7: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.EAN_13; break; case 8: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.EAN_8; break; case 9: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.UPC_A; break; case 10: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.UPC_E; break; case 11: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.PDF417; break; case 12: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.QR_CODE; break; case 13: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.DATAMATRIX; break; case 14: reader.ReaderOptions.BarcodeFormats = Dynamsoft.Barcode.BarcodeFormat.INDUSTRIAL_25; break; } this.textBox1.Text = "Recognizing..."; BarcodeResult[] aryResult = null; Rectangle rect = dsViewer1.GetSelectionRect(m_ImageCore.ImageBuffer.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer); if (rect == Rectangle.Empty) { int iWidth = m_ImageCore.ImageBuffer.GetBitmap(m_ImageCore.ImageBuffer.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer).Width; int iHeight = m_ImageCore.ImageBuffer.GetBitmap(m_ImageCore.ImageBuffer.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer).Height; rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight); } reader.AddRegion(rect.Left, rect.Top, rect.Right, rect.Bottom, false); aryResult = reader.DecodeBitmap((Bitmap)(m_ImageCore.ImageBuffer.GetBitmap(m_ImageCore.ImageBuffer.CurrentImageIndexInBuffer))); StringBuilder strText = new StringBuilder(); if (aryResult == null) { this.textBox1.Text = "The barcode for selected format is not found.\r\n"; } else { strText.AppendFormat(aryResult.Length + " total barcode" + (aryResult.Length == 1 ? "" : "s") + " found.\r\n"); for (int i = 0; i < aryResult.Length; i++) { BarcodeResult objResult = aryResult[i]; strText.AppendFormat(" Result " + (i + 1) + "\r\n"); strText.AppendFormat(" BarcodeFormat: " + objResult.BarcodeFormat.ToString() + "\r\n"); strText.AppendFormat(" Text read:{0}\r\n", objResult.BarcodeText); } this.textBox1.Text = strText.ToString(); } } catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show(exp.Message, "Decoding error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); this.textBox1.Text = ""; } }
public void SetBarcodeResults(int index, BarcodeResult[] results) { if (index >= 0 && index < m_data.Count) { if (m_data[index] != null && results.Length > 0) { Pen pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 1); Brush textBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(m_data[index]); for (int i = results.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (results[i] != null) { g.DrawRectangle(pen, results[i].BoundingRect); g.DrawString("[" + i + "] {" + results[i].BarcodeText + "}", SystemFonts.DefaultFont, textBrush, results[i].BoundingRect); } } pen.Dispose(); textBrush.Dispose(); g.Dispose(); if (index == m_index) Refresh(); } } }
protected void OnBarcodeScanned(BarcodeResult barcode) { ReturnResult(barcode); }
protected void OnBarcodeScanned(BarcodeResult result) { ReturnResult(result); }
public void HandleDecode(BarcodeResult rawResult, Bitmap barcode) { PlayBeepSound(); if(StatusManager.ScannerStatus == StatusManager.RLScannerStatus.DisabledSdkMode) { DenyDecode("Unregistered SDK Limit Reached"); } else if(StatusManager.ScannerStatus == StatusManager.RLScannerStatus.Error) { DenyDecode("Redlaser Error"); } else { Log.Debug("BarcodeScanActivity", rawResult.BarcodeType + ": " + rawResult.BarcodeString); var results = new List<BarcodeResult>(); results.Add(rawResult); StatusManager.LogScans(results); OnBarcodeScanned(rawResult); } }
protected void ReturnResult(BarcodeResult barcode) { if(barcode != null) { var returnIntent = new Intent(); returnIntent.SetAction(barcode.BarcodeString); returnIntent.PutExtra("barcode_type", barcode.BarcodeType); SetResult (Result.Ok, returnIntent); } Finish(); }