private void gridBannerManagement_OnAction(string actionName, object actionArgument) { switch (actionName) { case "delete": int categoryID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(actionArgument, 0); BannerCategoryInfo bannerCategory = BannerCategoryInfoProvider.GetBannerCategoryInfo(categoryID); // If category wasn't found if (bannerCategory == null) { ShowError(GetString("banner.bannercategory_list.nocategoryid")); return; } CheckModifyPermission(bannerCategory.BannerCategorySiteID); // Delete the class bannerCategory.Delete(); break; } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { BannerCategoryInfo bannerCategory = BannerCategoryInfoProvider.GetBannerCategoryInfo(ValidationHelper.GetString(GetValue("BannerCategoryCodeName"), "")); if ((bannerCategory == null) || (bannerCategory.BannerCategoryEnabled == false)) { Visible = !HideIfBannerNotFound; return; } if (URLHelper.IsPostback() && KeepPreviousBannerOnPostBack && BannerIDViewState.HasValue) { bannerReused = true; banner = BannerInfoProvider.GetBannerInfo(BannerIDViewState.Value); } // If random banner should be picked or banner from viewstate was not found if (banner == null) { bannerReused = false; // Get random banner from selected category. Decrement hits left for this banner only if page is displayed on the live site. banner = BannerInfoProvider.GetRandomValidBanner(bannerCategory.BannerCategoryID, (currentViewMode == ViewModeEnum.LiveSite)); } // Exits if no banner was found if (banner == null) { Visible = !HideIfBannerNotFound; return; } // Store banner id in the viewstate if the same banner should be used if request is postback if (KeepPreviousBannerOnPostBack) { BannerIDViewState = banner.BannerID; } string width = ValidationHelper.GetString(GetValue("Width"), ""); string height = ValidationHelper.GetString(GetValue("Height"), ""); string anchorClass = ValidationHelper.GetString(GetValue("AnchorClass"), ""); bool fakeLink = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(GetValue("FakeLink"), true); if (width != "") { lnkBanner.Style["width"] = width; } if (height != "") { lnkBanner.Style["height"] = height; } lnkBanner.CssClass = string.Format("CMSBanner {0}", anchorClass).Trim(); lnkBanner.Visible = true; // Do not set link if we are not on the live site. if ((currentViewMode == ViewModeEnum.LiveSite) || (currentViewMode == ViewModeEnum.Preview)) { // Link pointing to our custum handler which logs click and redirects string bannerRedirectURL = string.Format( "{0}?bannerID={1}&redirectURL={2}", URLHelper.ResolveUrl("~/CMSModules/BannerManagement/CMSPages/BannerRedirect.ashx"), banner.BannerID, HttpUtility.UrlEncode(URLHelper.ResolveUrl(banner.BannerURL)) ); if (fakeLink) { // Defaultly href attribute will be set to 'nice' URL lnkBanner.Attributes.Add("href", URLHelper.ResolveUrl(banner.BannerURL)); // After clicking href will be set to URL pointing to custom handler which counts clicks lnkBanner.Attributes.Add("onclick", string.Format("this.href='{0}';", bannerRedirectURL)); // GECKO doesn't count middle mouse click as click, so onmouseup (or down) needs to be added lnkBanner.Attributes.Add("onmouseup", string.Format("this.href='{0}';", bannerRedirectURL)); } else { // If faking links is disabled, set href to redirect url lnkBanner.Attributes.Add("href", bannerRedirectURL); } // Add target="_blank" attribute if link should be opened in new window if (banner.BannerBlank) { lnkBanner.Target = "_blank"; } } if (banner.BannerType == BannerTypeEnum.Image) { BannerImageAttributes bannerImageAttributes = BannerManagementHelper.DeserializeBannerImageAttributes(banner.BannerContent); imgBanner.AlternateText = bannerImageAttributes.Alt; imgBanner.ToolTip = bannerImageAttributes.Title; imgBanner.CssClass = bannerImageAttributes.Class; imgBanner.Style.Value = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(bannerImageAttributes.Style); imgBanner.ImageUrl = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(bannerImageAttributes.Src); imgBanner.Visible = true; ltrBanner.Visible = false; } else { string text = CMSContext.ResolveMacros(banner.BannerContent); ltrBanner.Text = HTMLHelper.ResolveUrls(text, null, false); imgBanner.Visible = false; ltrBanner.Visible = true; if (banner.BannerType == BannerTypeEnum.HTML) { ControlsHelper.ResolveDynamicControls(this); } } }