public ShopProductController(ShopProductRepository shopProductRepository , IConfiguration configuration , ProductRepostitory productRepostitory , ProductPackageDetailsRepostitory productPackageDetailsRepostitory , ShopOrderRepository shopOrderRepository , ManageBankService manageBankService , UsersPaymentRepository usersPaymentRepository , UserAddressRepository userAddressRepository , UserRepository userRepository , ShopOrderPaymentRepository shopOrderPaymentRepository , ProductUnitRepository productUnitRepository , LogRepository logRepository , WarehouseProductCheckRepository warehouseProductCheckRepository , SmsRestClient smsRestClient , OstanRepository ostanRepository) { _bankConfig = configuration.GetSection(nameof(BankConfig)).Get <BankConfig>(); _shopProductRepository = shopProductRepository; _configuration = configuration; _productRepostitory = productRepostitory; _productPackageDetailsRepostitory = productPackageDetailsRepostitory; _shopOrderRepository = shopOrderRepository; _manageBankService = manageBankService; _usersPaymentRepository = usersPaymentRepository; _userAddressRepository = userAddressRepository; _userRepository = userRepository; _shopOrderPaymentRepository = shopOrderPaymentRepository; _productUnitRepository = productUnitRepository; _logRepository = logRepository; _warehouseProductCheckRepository = warehouseProductCheckRepository; _smsRestClient = smsRestClient; _ostanRepository = ostanRepository; }
public async Task Auctioncheck() { var DM = await Context.User.GetOrCreateDMChannelAsync(); if (auctionCheck.Equals("over") || auctionCheck.Equals("")) { var message = await DM.SendMessageAsync("Sorry there isn't an auction at this time."); await Delete.DelayDeleteMessage(Context.Message, 10); await Delete.DelayDeleteMessage(message, 10); return; } var auctionStatus = Context.Channel.GetMessageAsync(currentAuction); var embed = auctionStatus.Result.Embeds.FirstOrDefault() as Embed; await DM.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); await Delete.DelayDeleteMessage(Context.Message, 10); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public async Task Points() { var points = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; if (points >= 0) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.fightCol }; embed.Title = $"{Context.User.Username}'s Points"; embed.Description = $"You have " + points + " points from your fights!"; await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } else { await errors.sendError(Context.Channel, "You appear to have negative points, contact a developer.", Colors.fightCol); } var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
private async Task Help() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.helpCol }; var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = "Requested by " + Context.User.Username }; var generalField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "help general", Value = "Displays General Commands." }; var musicField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "help music", Value = "Displays Music Commands." }; var bankField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "help bank", Value = "Displays Bank Commands." }; var aucField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "help auction", Value = "Displays Auction Commands." }; var nsfwField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "help nsfw", Value = "Displays NSFW Commands." }; var adminField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "help admin", Value = "Displays Admin Commands." }; embed.Title = $"╋━━━━━━◥◣ KnightBot Help ◢◤━━━━━━╋"; embed.Description = "More Commands Will Be Added Soon!"; embed.WithFooter(footer); embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); embed.AddField(generalField); embed.AddField(musicField); embed.AddField(bankField); embed.AddField(aucField); embed.AddField(nsfwField); embed.AddField(adminField); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
private async Task UpDateHighBidder(SocketUserMessage messageDetails, int bid) { var exactMessage = await messageDetails.Channel.GetMessageAsync(currentAuction) as IUserMessage; var embed2 = new EmbedBuilder(); var oldField = exactMessage.Embeds.FirstOrDefault().Fields.FirstOrDefault(); embed2.AddField(x => { x.Name = oldField.Name; x.Value = oldField.Value; x.IsInline = oldField.Inline; }); embed2.AddField(x => { x.Name = "New Highest Bid!"; x.IsInline = false; x.Value = $"{currentItem} highest bid is {bid} by {highBidder}."; }); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public static void AddPaymentServices(this IServiceCollection services, IConfiguration config) { // Add bank services var bankConfig = new BankConfig(); config.GetSection(nameof(BankConfig)).Bind(bankConfig); if (bankConfig.UseFake) { services.AddTransient <IBankService, FakeBankService>(); services.AddTransient <IFakeBankValidatorService, FakeBankValidatorService>(); services.AddTransient <IFakeBankClientService, FakeBankClientService>(); services.AddTransient <IFakeBankClientRepository, FakeBankClientRepository>(); services.AddTransient <IFakeBankMerchantService, FakeBankMerchantService>(); } // Add validation services // Add payment services services.AddSingleton <IPaymentsService, PaymentsService>(); services.AddSingleton <IPaymentMapper, PaymentMapper>(); services.AddSingleton <IPaymentValidator, CardNumberPrefixValidator>(); services.AddSingleton <IValidatorService, ValidatorService>(); // Add automapper configs var mapperConfig = new MapperConfiguration(mc => { mc.CreateMap <MakePaymentCommandDto, MakePaymentCommand>(); mc.AddProfile <PaymentProfile>(); }); }
public Response Add(BankConfig value) { Response response = new Response(); try { var exist = List().branchconfigs.Where(x => x.ConfigName.ToLower() == value.ConfigName.ToLower()); if (exist.Count() > 0) { response.Status = false; response.Description = "Record already exists"; return(response); } using (IDbConnection conn = GetConnection()) { conn.Insert(value); response.Status = true; response.Description = "Successful"; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.Status = false; response.Description = ex.Message; } return(response); }
public async Task EightBall([Remainder] string input) { int randomIndex = rand.Next(predictionTexts.Length); string text = predictionTexts[randomIndex]; var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.ballCol }; embed.Title = "**╋━━━━━━◥◣ Magic 8 Ball ◢◤━━━━━━╋**"; embed.Description = Environment.NewLine + Context.User.Mention + ", " + text; await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public async Task Fight(IUser user) { if (Context.User.Mention != user.Mention && SwitchCaseString == "nofight") { SwitchCaseString = "fight_p1"; player1 = Context.User.Mention; player2 = user.Mention; string[] whoStarts = new string[] { Context.User.Mention, user.Mention }; Random rand = new Random(); int randomIndex = rand.Next(whoStarts.Length); string text = whoStarts[randomIndex]; whosTurn = text; if (text == Context.User.Mention) { whoWaits = user.Mention; } else { whoWaits = Context.User.Mention; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.fightCol }; embed.Description = ("Fight started between " + Context.User.Mention + " and " + user.Mention + "!\n\n" + player1 + " you have " + health1 + " health!\n" + player2 + " you have " + health2 + " health!\n\n" + text + " your turn!"); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } else { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.fightCol }; embed.Description = (Context.User.Mention + " Sorry but there is already a fight going on, or you simply tried to fight yourself."); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public ManageBankService(IConfiguration configuration , UsersPaymentRepository usersPaymentRepository , ShopProductRepository shopProductRepository , ShopOrderRepository shopOrderRepository) { _bankConfig = configuration.GetSection(nameof(BankConfig)).Get <BankConfig>(); _usersPaymentRepository = usersPaymentRepository; _shopProductRepository = shopProductRepository; _shopOrderRepository = shopOrderRepository; }
private async Task NsfwHelp() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.nsfwCol }; var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = "Requested by " + Context.User.Username }; var joinField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "nsfw join", Value = "Adds The NSFW Role To You." }; var leaveField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "nsfw leave", Value = "Removes The NSFW Role From You." }; var buttField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "nsfw butt", Value = "Perfect For Any Butt Lovers." }; var boobsField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "nsfw boobs", Value = "Perfect For Any Boobs Lovers." }; var gifField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "nsfw gif", Value = "Sends A Random Gif ;)" }; embed.Title = $"╋━━━━━━◥◣ KnightBot NSFW Help ◢◤━━━━━━╋"; embed.Description = "Here Are All Of The NSFW Commands!"; embed.WithFooter(footer); embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); embed.AddField(joinField); embed.AddField(leaveField); embed.AddField(buttField); embed.AddField(boobsField); embed.AddField(gifField); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public async Task addMoney(SocketMessage msg) { var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public async Task Auction(int startingBid, int amount, string item, [Remainder] string info = null) { if (auctionCheck.Equals("live")) { await ReplyAsync("A auction is currently live!"); } else { if (auctionCheck.Equals("") || auctionCheck.Equals("over")) { auctionCheck.Equals("Live"); } else if (auctionCheck == "live") { var messageToDel = await ReplyAsync("Auction already started, only auction can be held at a time!"); await Delete.DelayDeleteMessage(Context.Message, 10); await Delete.DelayDeleteMessage(messageToDel, 10); return; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"Auction for {item} started {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC "; x.Value = $"{amount} x {item} is up for auction with a starting bid of {startingBid}\nType !bid [amount] to bid."; }); var message = await ReplyAsync("", embed : embed); hightBid = startingBid - 1; currentItem = item; currentAuction = message.Id; } var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
private async Task AucHelp() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.moneyCol }; var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = "Requested by " + Context.User.Username }; var auctionField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "auction <amount> <quantity> <item>", Value = "Starts A New Auction." }; var auctionEndField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "auctionend", Value = "Ends The Current Auction." }; var auctionCheckField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "auctioncheck", Value = "Checks If There Is A Current Auction." }; var bidField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "bid <amount>", Value = "Bid On The Current Auction." }; embed.Title = $"╋━━━━━━◥◣ KnightBot Auction Help ◢◤━━━━━━╋"; embed.Description = "Here Are All Of The Bank Commands!"; embed.WithFooter(footer); embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); embed.AddField(auctionField); embed.AddField(auctionEndField); embed.AddField(auctionCheckField); embed.AddField(bidField); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public static IBankConfigService BuildBankConfigServiceMock(BankConfig expectedConfig) { var response = new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK); response.Content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedConfig), Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); var requestSenderMock = new Mock <IHttpRequestSender>(); IBankConfigService service = new BankConfigService(requestSenderMock.Object); requestSenderMock .Setup(x => x.GetAsync("/config")) .ReturnsAsync(response); return(service); }
public async Task Auctionover() { if (auctionCheck.Equals("over")) { await ReplyAsync("There is no auction right now."); } else { if (highBidder == null) { await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("The auction has ended with 0 bids."); auctionCheck = "over"; hightBid = 0; currentItem = null; currentAuction = 0; return; } var embed = new EmbedBuilder(); embed.Title = $"{highBidder} won the auction for {currentItem}"; embed.AddField(x => { x.Name = $"Auction ended at {DateTime.UtcNow} UTC"; x.Value = $"Once you pay {hightBid}, we will arrage payment and delivery of {currentItem} soon after. \n Congrats! :tada: "; x.IsInline = false; }); auctionCheck = "over"; highBidder = null; hightBid = 0; currentItem = null; currentAuction = 0; await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); } var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public ShopProductController(ShopProductRepository shopProductRepository , IConfiguration configuration , ProductRepostitory productRepostitory , ProductPackageDetailsRepostitory productPackageDetailsRepostitory , ShopOrderRepository shopOrderRepository , ManageBankService manageBankService , UsersPaymentRepository usersPaymentRepository) { _bankConfig = configuration.GetSection(nameof(BankConfig)).Get <BankConfig>(); _shopProductRepository = shopProductRepository; _configuration = configuration; _productRepostitory = productRepostitory; _productPackageDetailsRepostitory = productPackageDetailsRepostitory; _shopOrderRepository = shopOrderRepository; _manageBankService = manageBankService; _usersPaymentRepository = usersPaymentRepository; }
private async Task BankHelp() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.moneyCol }; var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = "Requested by " + Context.User.Username }; var bankField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "bank open", Value = "Opens A Bank Account In Your Name!" }; var moneyField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "bank balance", Value = "Displays Your Current Balance!" }; var transferField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "bank transfer <user> <amount>", Value = "Transfer Money To Another Player." }; embed.Title = $"╋━━━━━━◥◣ KnightBot Bank Help ◢◤━━━━━━╋"; embed.Description = "Here Are All Of The Bank Commands!"; embed.WithFooter(footer); embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); embed.AddField(bankField); embed.AddField(moneyField); embed.AddField(transferField); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
private async Task GenHelp() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.helpCol }; var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = "Requested by " + Context.User.Username }; var helpField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "help", Value = "Displays The Commands The KnightBot Can Do." }; var dogField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "doggo", Value = "Displays A Random Dog Image!" }; var catField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "cat", Value = "Displays A Random Cat Image!" }; embed.Title = $"╋━━━━━━◥◣ KnightBot General Help ◢◤━━━━━━╋"; embed.Description = "More Commands Will Be Added Soon!"; embed.WithFooter(footer); embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); embed.AddField(helpField); embed.AddField(dogField); embed.AddField(catField); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
private async Task AdminHelp() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.adminCol }; var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = "Requested by " + Context.User.Username }; var kickField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "kick <user> <reason>", Value = "Kicks The Specified User." }; var banField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "ban <user> <reason>", Value = "Bans The Specified User." }; var clearField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "clear <Amount>", Value = "Clears 1-100 Messages." }; embed.Title = $"╋━━━━━━◥◣ KnightBot Admin Help ◢◤━━━━━━╋"; embed.Description = "Here Are All Of The Bank Commands!"; embed.WithFooter(footer); embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); embed.AddField(kickField); embed.AddField(banField); embed.AddField(clearField); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public Response Update(BankConfig value) { Response response = new Response(); try { using (IDbConnection conn = GetConnection()) { conn.Update(value); response.Status = true; response.Description = "Successful"; } } catch (Exception ex) { response.Status = false; response.Description = ex.Message; } return(response); }
private async Task MusicHelp() { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.musicCol }; var footer = new EmbedFooterBuilder() { Text = "Requested by " + Context.User.Username }; var playField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "play <link directly to song on youtube>", Value = "Plays The Song In Your Voice Channel!" }; var stopField = new EmbedFieldBuilder() { Name = ServerConfig.Load("servers/" + Context.Guild.Id.ToString() + ".json").serverPrefix + "stop", Value = "Stops The Songs That Is Currently Playing!" }; embed.Title = $"╋━━━━━━◥◣ KnightBot Music Help ◢◤━━━━━━╋"; embed.Description = "Here Are All Of The Music Commands!"; embed.WithFooter(footer); embed.WithCurrentTimestamp(); embed.AddField(playField); embed.AddField(stopField); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public ManageBankService(IConfiguration configuration , UsersPaymentRepository usersPaymentRepository , ShopProductRepository shopProductRepository , ShopOrderRepository shopOrderRepository , SmsRestClient smsRestClient , UserRepository userRepository , ShopOrderStatusRepository shopOrderStatusRepository , ShopOrderPaymentRepository shopOrderPaymentRepository , TreeRepository treeRepository , LogRepository logRepository) { _bankConfig = configuration.GetSection(nameof(BankConfig)).Get <BankConfig>(); _usersPaymentRepository = usersPaymentRepository; _shopProductRepository = shopProductRepository; _shopOrderRepository = shopOrderRepository; _smsRestClient = smsRestClient; _userRepository = userRepository; _shopOrderStatusRepository = shopOrderStatusRepository; _shopOrderPaymentRepository = shopOrderPaymentRepository; _treeRepository = treeRepository; _logRepository = logRepository; }
public async Task Cat() { await Program.Logger(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Debug, "[API]", "The Cat API Is Loading!")); using (var client = new HttpClient(new HttpClientHandler { AutomaticDecompression = DecompressionMethods.GZip | DecompressionMethods.Deflate })) { string websiteurl = ""; client.BaseAddress = new Uri(websiteurl); HttpResponseMessage response = client.GetAsync("").Result; response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); string result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); var json = JObject.Parse(result); string CatImage = json["file"].ToString(); var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.generalCol }; embed.WithImageUrl(CatImage); await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embed); } await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); var result2 = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result2 + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public async void BankConfigIsReturned() { var expectedConfig = new BankConfig { PrimaryValidator = new ValidatorNode { AccountNumber = "2e86f48216567302527b69eae6c6a188097ed3a9741f43cc3723e570cf47644c", IpAddress = "", NodeIdentifier = "2262026a562b0274163158e92e8fbc4d28e519bc5ba8c1cf403703292be84a51", Port = null, Protocol = "http", Version = "v1.0", DefaultTransactionFee = 1, RootAccountFile = "", RootAccountFileHash = "0f775023bee79884fbd9a90a76c5eacfee38a8ca52735f7ab59dab63a75cbee1", SeedBlockIdentifier = "", DailyConfirmationRate = null, Trust = "100.00" }, AccountNumber = "dfddf07ec15cbf363ecb52eedd7133b70b3ec896b488460bcecaba63e8e36be5", IpAddress = "", NodeIdentifier = "6dbaff44058e630cb375955c82b0d3bd7bc7e20cad93e74909a8951f747fb8a4", Port = null, Protocol = "http", Version = "v1.0", DefaultTransactionFee = 1, NodeType = NodeType.Bank }; var service = BuildBankConfigServiceMock(expectedConfig); var bankConfig = await service.GetBankConfigAsync(); var expectedConfigStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(expectedConfig); var actualConfigStr = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bankConfig); Assert.Equal(expectedConfigStr, actualConfigStr); }
public async Task GiveUp() { if (SwitchCaseString == "fight_p1") { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.fightCol }; embed.Description = ("The Fight Has Stopped!"); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); SwitchCaseString = "nofight"; health1 = maxHealth; health2 = maxHealth; } else { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() { Color = Colors.fightCol }; embed.Description = (Context.User.Mention + ", There is no fight to stop."); await ReplyAsync("", false, embed.Build()); } await Context.Message.DeleteAsync(); var result = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentMoney; int bal = 10; total = result + bal; save.userID = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").userID; save.currentMoney = total; save.currentPoints = BankConfig.Load("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json").currentPoints; save.Save("bank/" + Context.User.Id.ToString() + ".json"); }
public Response Add([FromBody] BankConfig value) { return(repo.Add(value)); }
public void OutPut() { Output.WriteLine(BankConfig.GetBankInfoList().ToJson()); }
public EodLogic() { config = _bankConfig.GetFirst(); financialDate = config.FinancialDate; }
public Response Update([FromBody] BankConfig value) { return(repo.Update(value)); }