    public void DoPrediction()
        if (ballReference == null || activePaddle == null)
            return;                                                //can't do predictions because scripts are not initialised/can't find ball
        timeSinceLastPrediction = 0;
        predictionInfo          = ballReference.DoPrediction(activePaddle.paddlePosition);
        if (predictionInfo.success)
            //Debug.Log("PREDICTION SUCCESS !!!!!!!!!!!!!");

            predictedHitPoint = predictionInfo.finalHitPoint;
            Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, predictedHitPoint, Color.yellow, .2f);

            /* prediction confidence not working
             * if (predictionInfo.bounces == 0) //if only one bounce and a success, do another prediction to confirm it's accuracy
             * {
             *  if (doConfirmPrediction == true) //if we already started a confirmation request
             *  {
             *      if (hitPointToConfirm == predictedHitPoint) predictionConfidence = 3; //prediction is the same, confidence is high, no need for more predictions
             *      doConfirmPrediction = false; //remove confirmation request
             *      hitPointToConfirm = Vector3.zero;
             *  }
             *  else
             *  {
             *      doConfirmPrediction = true; //if we have not started a confirmation request, request one
             *      hitPointToConfirm = predictedHitPoint;
             *  }
             * }
             * else
             * {
             *  if (doConfirmPrediction == true)
             *  {
             *      doConfirmPrediction = false; //if we return more than on bounce on confirmation prediction was not accurate
             *      hitPointToConfirm = Vector3.zero;
             *      predictionConfidence = 0;
             *  }
             * }
             * if (predictionInfo.bounces == 1) predictionConfidence = 1;
             * if (predictionInfo.bounces > 3) predictionConfidence = 2;
            //Debug.Log("PREDICTION Failure !!!!!!!!!!!!!");
            if (predictionInfo.bounces > 2)
                predictedHitPoint = Vector3.zero;
            predictionConfidence = 0;