        public override Controller GetOutput(rlbot.flat.GameTickPacket gameTickPacket)
            gameInfo.Update(gameTickPacket, GetRigidBodyTick());

            if (timeout > 5)
                GameState gamestate = new GameState();
                gamestate.BallState.PhysicsState.Location        = new DesiredVector3(RandomFloat(-3000, 3000), 2000, 100);
                gamestate.BallState.PhysicsState.AngularVelocity = new DesiredVector3(0, 0, 0);
                gamestate.BallState.PhysicsState.Velocity        = new DesiredVector3(RandomFloat(2000, 2000), RandomFloat(1000, 2000), RandomFloat(1500, 1600));

                CarState carstate = new CarState();
                carstate.PhysicsState.AngularVelocity = new DesiredVector3(0, 0, 0);
                carstate.PhysicsState.Velocity        = new DesiredVector3(0, 0, 0);
                carstate.PhysicsState.Location        = new DesiredVector3(0, 0, 17);
                carstate.PhysicsState.Rotation        = new DesiredRotator(0, (float)(Math.PI / 2), 0);

                gamestate.SetCarState(index, carstate);


                timeout = 0;
                aerial  = null;

            timeout += gameInfo.DeltaTime;

            Controller controller = new Controller();

            Car  car  = gameInfo.Cars[index];
            Ball ball = gameInfo.Ball;

            Slice[] slices = ballPrediction.ToArray();

            if (timeout > 0.3)
                if (aerial == null)
                    aerial = Aerial.FindAerialOpportunity(car, slices, gameInfo.Time, settings);
                    controller = aerial.Step(ball, 0.016667f, gameInfo.Time);
                    Renderer.DrawLine3D(Colors.Red, car.Position, aerial.Target);

                    if (aerial.Finished)
                        aerial = null;
                        aerial.UpdateAerialTarget(slices, gameInfo.Time);

        public override Controller GetOutput(rlbot.flat.GameTickPacket gameTickPacket)
            gameInfo.Update(gameTickPacket, GetRigidBodyTick());

            Controller controller = new Controller();

            if (timeout > 6)
                double angle = random.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 2;

                GameState gamestate = new GameState();
                gamestate.BallState.PhysicsState.Location        = new DesiredVector3(700 * (float)Math.Cos(angle), 700 * (float)Math.Sin(angle), 100);
                gamestate.BallState.PhysicsState.AngularVelocity = new DesiredVector3(0, 0, 0);
                gamestate.BallState.PhysicsState.Velocity        = new DesiredVector3(300 * (float)Math.Cos(angle), 300 * (float)Math.Sin(angle), 1500);

                CarState carstate = new CarState();
                carstate.PhysicsState.AngularVelocity = new DesiredVector3(0, 0, 0);
                carstate.PhysicsState.Velocity        = new DesiredVector3(0, 0, 0);
                carstate.PhysicsState.Location        = new DesiredVector3(0, 0, 17);
                carstate.PhysicsState.Rotation        = new DesiredRotator(0, (float)(Math.PI / 2), 0);

                gamestate.SetCarState(index, carstate);


                timeout       = 0;
                flipReset     = null;
                recovery      = null;
                recoveryState = false;

            Car car = gameInfo.Cars[index];

            Slice[] slices = ballPrediction.ToArray();

            if (timeout > 0.3)
                if (flipReset == null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < slices.Length; i++)
                        if (slices[i].Velocity.Z < 100)
                            Vector3 A = FlipReset.CalculateCourse(car, slices[i].Position, slices[i].Time - gameInfo.Time);

                            if (A.Length() < 800 && A.Length() > 700)
                                flipReset = new FlipReset(car, slices[i].Position, gameInfo.Time, slices[i].Time);

                if (flipReset != null && !recoveryState)
                    controller = flipReset.Step(gameInfo.Ball, 1f / 60f, gameInfo.Time);

                    Car     c         = new Car(car);
                    Vector3 lastpoint = c.Position;

                    for (int i = 0; i < ((flipReset.ArrivalTime - gameInfo.Time) / (5f / 60f)); i++)
                        c.Simulate(new Controller(), 5f / 60f);

                        Renderer.DrawLine3D(Colors.White, c.Position, lastpoint);
                        lastpoint = c.Position;

                    if (flipReset.Finished)
                        controller.Roll  = 0;
                        controller.Pitch = -1;
                        controller.Yaw   = 0;

                        controller.Jump = true;
                        recoveryState   = true;
                        recovery        = new Recovery(car);
                else if (recovery != null)
                    controller = recovery.Step(1f / 60f);

            timeout += gameInfo.DeltaTime;

        public override Controller GetOutput(GameTickPacket gameTickPacket)
            // This controller object will be returned at the end of the method.
            // This controller will contain all the inputs that we want the bot to perform.
            Controller controller = new Controller();

            // Wrap gameTickPacket retrieving in a try-catch so that the bot doesn't crash whenever a value isn't present.
            // A value may not be present if it was not sent.
            // These are nullables so trying to get them when they're null will cause errors, therefore we wrap in try-catch.
                if (gameInfo == null)
                    gameInfo = new KipjeBot.GameInfo(index, team, name);
                if (fieldInfo == null)
                    fieldInfo = new KipjeBot.GameTickPacket.FieldInfo(GetFieldInfo());
                if (ballPrediction == null)
                    ballPrediction = new BallPredictionCollection();

                gameInfo.Update(gameTickPacket, GetRigidBodyTick());

                Car  car  = gameInfo.Cars[index];
                Ball ball = gameInfo.Ball;

                PlayerInfo playerInfo = gameTickPacket.Players(this.index).Value;
                if (playerInfo.Name == "BrokenJoey")
                    controller.Throttle = 1;
                    controller.Steer    = -0.3f;
                    controller.Boost    = true;

                target = Target.Undecided;

                // Store the required data from the gameTickPacket.

                BallInfo ballInfo     = gameTickPacket.Ball.Value;
                Vector3  ballLocation = ballInfo.Physics.Value.Location.Value;
                Vector3  carLocation  = playerInfo.Physics.Value.Location.Value;

                Rotator carRotation       = playerInfo.Physics.Value.Rotation.Value;
                Vector3 ballVelocity      = ballInfo.Physics.Value.Velocity.Value;
                Vector3 carVelocityStruct = playerInfo.Physics.Value.Velocity.Value;

                System.Numerics.Vector3 carVelocity = new System.Numerics.Vector3(carVelocityStruct.X, carVelocityStruct.Y, carVelocityStruct.Z);
                var velocityValue = Math.Sqrt(carVelocity.LengthSquared());
                int ownGoalY      = team == 0 ? -5000 : 5000;
                int oppGoalY      = team == 0 ? 5000 : -5000;

                // Calculate to get the angle from the front of the bot's car to the target.
                //If car is in front of ball aim for goal, else aim for ball
                var    ballTrajectoryX  = ballLocation.X;
                var    ballTrajectoryY  = ballLocation.Y;
                var    ballTrajectoryZ  = ballLocation.Z;
                double botToTargetAngle = 0;
                double botToBallAngle;
                double botToOppGoalAngle;
                var    DistanceToBall = Get2DDistance(carLocation.X, ballLocation.X, carLocation.Y, ballLocation.Y);
                botToBallAngle = Math.Atan2(ballLocation.Y - carLocation.Y, ballLocation.X - carLocation.X);
                double botFrontToBallAngle = botToBallAngle - carRotation.Yaw;
                botFrontToBallAngle = CorrectAngle(botFrontToBallAngle);
                float goalY = Math.Abs(GetFieldInfo().Goals(0).Value.Location.Value.Y);
                if (GetFieldInfo().GoalsLength > 2)
                    mode = GameMode.Dropshot;
                else if (goalY == 5120)
                    mode = GameMode.Soccar;
                    mode = GameMode.Hoops;

                botToOppGoalAngle = Math.Atan2(oppGoalY - carLocation.Y, 0 - carLocation.X);
                double botFrontToOppGoalAngle = botToOppGoalAngle - carRotation.Yaw;
                botFrontToOppGoalAngle = CorrectAngle(botFrontToOppGoalAngle);
                int fieldLength = GetFieldLength(mode);
                controller.Jump      = false;
                controller.Handbrake = false;

                //work out state code

                if (teammates == null)

                if (prevTarget == Target.Waiting && gameInfo.IsKickOffPause)
                    target = Target.Waiting;
                else if (gameInfo.IsKickOffPause && gameInfo.IsRoundActive)
                    target = Target.Kickoff;

                //goalkeeper mode
                else if (teammates.Count() >= MinTeammatesForGK && ((ownGoalY < 0 && carLocation.Y < (from x in teammates select x.Position.Y).Min()) || (ownGoalY > 0 && carLocation.Y > (from x in teammates select x.Position.Y).Max())))
                    //if (target != Target.AwayFromGoal)

                    //team 0 = blue team, defending negative, attacking positive
                    if (team == 0)
                        if (ballLocation.Y < GoalieBallTargetY * -1)
                            target           = Target.Ball;
                            botToTargetAngle = Math.Atan2(ballLocation.Y - carLocation.Y, ballLocation.X - carLocation.X);
                        else if (ballLocation.Y > 1000)
                            if (Math.Abs(ballLocation.X) < 800)
                                target           = Target.Ball;
                                botToTargetAngle = Math.Atan2(ballLocation.Y - carLocation.Y, ballLocation.X - carLocation.X);
                            else if (carLocation.Y < -1000 || Math.Abs(botFrontToBallAngle) > DegreesToRadians(30))
                                target       = Target.SpecificPoint;
                                TargetPointX = 0;
                                TargetPointY = 0;
                                target = Target.Waiting;
                        else if (carLocation.Y < GoalieWaitY * -1 && Math.Abs(carLocation.X) < 700 && Math.Abs(botFrontToBallAngle) < DegreesToRadians(45))
                            target = Target.Waiting;
                            target           = Target.Goal;
                            botToTargetAngle = Math.Atan2(goalY * -1 - carLocation.Y, 0 - carLocation.X);
                    //team 1 = orange team, defending positive, attacking negative

                        if (ballLocation.Y > GoalieBallTargetY)
                            target           = Target.Ball;
                            botToTargetAngle = Math.Atan2(ballLocation.Y - carLocation.Y, ballLocation.X - carLocation.X);
                        else if (ballLocation.Y < -1000)
                            if (Math.Abs(ballLocation.X) < 800)
                                target           = Target.Ball;
                                botToTargetAngle = Math.Atan2(ballLocation.Y - carLocation.Y, ballLocation.X - carLocation.X);

                            else if (carLocation.Y > 1000 || Math.Abs(botFrontToBallAngle) > DegreesToRadians(30))
                                target       = Target.SpecificPoint;
                                TargetPointX = 0;
                                TargetPointY = 0;
                                target = Target.Waiting;
                        else if (carLocation.Y > GoalieWaitY && Math.Abs(carLocation.X) < 700 && Math.Abs(botFrontToBallAngle) < DegreesToRadians(45))
                            target = Target.Waiting;
                            target           = Target.Goal;
                            botToTargetAngle = Math.Atan2(goalY - carLocation.Y, 0 - carLocation.X);

                //car is in goal
                else if (GetFieldInfo().GoalsLength == 2 && ((Math.Abs(carLocation.Y) > Math.Abs(goalY) - ownGoalTurnDistance && (prevTarget == Target.Goal || prevTarget == Target.AwayFromGoal)) || carLocation.Y > Math.Abs(goalY)))
                    botToTargetAngle = Math.Atan2(-carLocation.Y, 0);
                    if (Math.Abs(ballLocation.X) < 1000)
                        target = Target.Ball;
                        target = Target.AwayFromGoal;

                else if (ballLocation.X == 0 && ballLocation.Y == 0)
                    target           = Target.Ball;
                    botToTargetAngle = Math.Atan2(0 - carLocation.Y, 0 - carLocation.X);

                //defending when blue
                else if (GetFieldInfo().GoalsLength == 2 && team == 0 && (carLocation.Y > ballLocation.Y || (prevTarget == Target.Goal && carLocation.Y > ballLocation.Y - 1000)) &&
                         ballVelocity.Y < 0)
                    botToTargetAngle = Math.Atan2(goalY * -1 - carLocation.Y, 0 - carLocation.X);
                    controller.Boost = true;
                    target           = Target.Goal;
                //defending when orange
                else if (GetFieldInfo().GoalsLength == 2 && team == 1 && (carLocation.Y < ballLocation.Y || (prevTarget == Target.Goal && carLocation.Y < ballLocation.Y + 1000)) && ballVelocity.Y > 0)
                    botToTargetAngle = Math.Atan2(goalY - carLocation.Y, 0 - carLocation.X);
                    controller.Boost = true;
                    target           = Target.Goal;

                    var goForBall = true;

                    if (teammates.Count >= MinTeammatesForWait)
                        var distanceToBall   = car.DistanceToBall(ball);
                        var teammateDistance = (from x in teammates select x.DistanceToBall(ball)).Min();

                        if (teammateDistance < distanceToBall && teammateDistance < 2000)
                            goForBall = false;

                        if (Math.Abs(ballLocation.X) < 1000 && teammateDistance > 500 && teammateDistance < 1500)
                            goForBall = true;

                    if (goForBall)
                        botToTargetAngle = botToBallAngle;
                        var trajectoryAngle = Math.Atan2(ballVelocity.Y - carVelocity.Y, ballVelocity.X - carVelocity.X);

                        if (playerInfo.Boost > 10 && ballLocation.Z > 700 && Math.Abs(botFrontToBallAngle) < Math.Abs(DegreesToRadians(20)) && (Math.Abs(trajectoryAngle) < DegreesToRadians(maxAerialTrajectoryAngleDegrees) || Math.Abs(trajectoryAngle) > 180 - maxAerialTrajectoryAngleDegrees))
                            target = Target.BallInAir;
                            if (ballLocation.Z > ballLandingPointHeight)
                                target = Target.BallLandingPoint;
                                target = Target.Ball;
                        botToTargetAngle = botToBallAngle;
                        if (Math.Abs(carLocation.X) < 800 && Math.Abs(botFrontToOppGoalAngle) < DegreesToRadians(30))
                            //if ball behind, reposition other side of ball

                            target = Target.Waiting;
                            if (team == 0)
                                if (carLocation.Y > ballLocation.Y)
                                    target       = Target.SpecificPoint;
                                    TargetPointX = carLocation.X;
                                    TargetPointY = ballLocation.Y - 1000;

                                if (carLocation.Y < ballLocation.Y)
                                    target       = Target.SpecificPoint;
                                    TargetPointX = carLocation.X;
                                    TargetPointY = ballLocation.Y + 1000;
                            TargetPointX = 0;
                            TargetPointY = team == 0 ? 2000 : -2000;
                            if (team == 0 && ballLocation.Y < 2000)
                                TargetPointY = ballLocation.Y - 1000;
                            if (team == 1 && ballLocation.Y > -2000)
                                TargetPointY = ballLocation.Y + 1000;
                            target = Target.SpecificPoint;

                double botFrontToTargetAngle = botToTargetAngle - carRotation.Yaw;

                // Correct the angle
                botFrontToTargetAngle = CorrectAngle(botFrontToTargetAngle);

                if (DistanceToBall <= 300 && botFrontToTargetAngle < MinimumSteeringAngleRadians / 2 && ballLocation.Z < 200 && ballLocation.X != 0 && ballLocation.Y != 0)
                    target = Target.GuidingBall;

                if (target == Target.Ball)
                    Slice[] slices           = ballPrediction.ToArray();
                    float   targetTime       = 0;
                    double  ballVelocityUnit = Math.Sqrt(ballVelocity.X * ballVelocity.X + ballVelocity.Y * ballVelocity.Y);
                    if (ballVelocityUnit < 200 || DistanceToBall < 600)
                        targetTime = 0.1f;
                    else if (ballVelocityUnit < 400)
                        targetTime = 0.6f;
                    else if (ballVelocityUnit < 600)
                        targetTime = 1.25f;
                        targetTime = 2;
                    Slice?targetSlice = slices.Where(x => x.Time - gameInfo.Time >= targetTime).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (targetSlice != null)
                        target       = Target.SpecificPoint;
                        TargetPointX = targetSlice.Value.Position.X;
                        TargetPointY = targetSlice.Value.Position.Y;

                switch (target)
                case Target.BallInAir:
                    Slice[] slices = ballPrediction.ToArray();

                    if (aerial == null)
                        for (int i = 0; i < slices.Length; i++)
                            float B_avg = Aerial.CalculateCourse(car, slices[i].Position, slices[i].Time - gameInfo.Time).Length();
                            if (B_avg < 970)
                                aerial = new Aerial(car, slices[i].Position, gameInfo.Time, slices[i].Time);
                        controller.Jump = true;
                        controller       = aerial.Step(ball, 0.0083335f, gameInfo.Time);
                        controller.Boost = true;

                        if (aerial.Finished)
                            aerial = null;
                            for (int i = 0; i < slices.Length; i++)
                                if (Math.Abs(slices[i].Time - aerial.ArrivalTime) < 0.02)
                                    if ((aerial.Target - slices[i].Position).Length() > 40)
                                        aerial = null;

                case Target.BallLandingPoint:
                    if (ballVelocity.X == 0 && ballVelocity.Y == 0)
                        controller.Throttle = 1;
                        controller.Boost    = true;
                        //speed calculation based on height of ball

                        var slice = ballPrediction.GetNextGroundTouch();

                        if (slice != null)
                            var target = slice.Value;

                            var distance = Math.Abs(Get2DDistance(target.Position.X, carLocation.X, target.Position.Y, carLocation.Y)) + 100;

                            var time            = target.Time - gameTickPacket.GameInfo.Value.SecondsElapsed;
                            var ticks           = time * 120;
                            var currentDistance = ticks * velocityValue;

                            if (currentDistance < distance)
                                controller.Throttle = 1;
                                controller.Boost    = true;
                                controller.Throttle = 0.1f;
                                controller.Boost    = false;

                        controller = SetSteeringBasedOnTarget(controller, botFrontToTargetAngle);

                case Target.GuidingBall:
                    var complete = false;

                    ballTrajectoryX = ballLocation.X;
                    ballTrajectoryY = ballLocation.Y;

                    while (!complete)
                        if (ballTrajectoryY > GetFieldLength(mode))
                            if (oppGoalY == 5000 && mode == GameMode.Soccar)
                                if (ballLocation.X < 700 && ballLocation.X > -700)
                                    complete = true;
                                    if (ballLocation.X < -700)
                                        controller.Steer = -largeSteering;
                                        controller.Steer = largeSteering;
                                    complete = true;
                                controller.Steer = 1;
                                complete         = true;
                        else if (ballTrajectoryY < GetFieldLength(mode) * -1)
                            if (oppGoalY == -5000 && mode == GameMode.Soccar)
                                if (ballLocation.X < 700 && ballLocation.X > -700)
                                    complete = true;
                                    if (ballLocation.X < -700)
                                        controller.Steer = -largeSteering;
                                        controller.Steer = largeSteering;
                                    complete = true;
                                controller.Steer = 1;
                                complete         = true;
                        else if (ballTrajectoryX < -700 && ballLocation.X > -700 && mode == GameMode.Soccar)
                            controller.Steer = -smallSteering;
                            complete         = true;

                        else if (ballTrajectoryX > 700 && ballLocation.X < 700 && mode == GameMode.Soccar)
                            controller.Steer = smallSteering;

                            complete = true;

                        if (botFrontToBallAngle > DegreesToRadians(180))
                            controller.Steer *= -1;

                        if (ballVelocity.X == 0 && ballVelocity.Y == 0)
                            complete = true;
                        if (!complete)
                            ballTrajectoryX += ballVelocity.X;
                            ballTrajectoryY += ballVelocity.Y;
                    controller.Throttle = 1;

                case Target.Kickoff:

                    if (teammates == null)
                    if (teammates.Count() == 0)
                        controller = GoForKickoff(gameTickPacket, controller);

                        SetJump(ref controller, ref ballLocation, ref carLocation, DistanceToBall, botFrontToBallAngle);
                        var furthestTeammate = (from x in teammates select x.DistanceToCentre()).Max();
                        if (gameInfo.MyCar.DistanceToCentre() <= furthestTeammate)
                            controller = GoForKickoff(gameTickPacket, controller);

                            SetJump(ref controller, ref ballLocation, ref carLocation, DistanceToBall, botFrontToBallAngle);
                            target = Target.Waiting;

                            controller.Throttle  = 0;
                            controller.Handbrake = true;
                            controller.Steer     = 0;

                case Target.SpecificPoint:
                    botToTargetAngle      = Math.Atan2(TargetPointY - carLocation.Y, TargetPointX - carLocation.X);
                    botFrontToTargetAngle = botToTargetAngle - carRotation.Yaw;

                    // Correct the angle
                    botFrontToTargetAngle = CorrectAngle(botFrontToTargetAngle);

                    SetHandbrakeAndBoost(ref controller, ref carLocation, carVelocity, botFrontToTargetAngle);

                    SetJump(ref controller, ref ballLocation, ref carLocation, DistanceToBall, botFrontToBallAngle);

                    SetThrottle(ref controller, ref ballLocation, ref carLocation, ballVelocity, DistanceToBall, botFrontToTargetAngle);

                    controller = SetSteeringBasedOnTarget(controller, botFrontToTargetAngle);


                case Target.Waiting:

                    controller.Throttle = 0;


                    SetHandbrakeAndBoost(ref controller, ref carLocation, carVelocity, botFrontToTargetAngle);

                    SetJump(ref controller, ref ballLocation, ref carLocation, DistanceToBall, botFrontToBallAngle);

                    SetThrottle(ref controller, ref ballLocation, ref carLocation, ballVelocity, DistanceToBall, botFrontToTargetAngle);

                    controller = SetSteeringBasedOnTarget(controller, botFrontToTargetAngle);
                    if (target == Target.AwayFromGoal && Math.Abs(botFrontToTargetAngle) > DegreesToRadians(90))
                        controller.Handbrake = true;
                    if (target == Target.AwayFromGoal)
                        controller.Boost = false;


                switch (target)
                case Target.Ball:
                    Renderer.DrawLine3D(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 0, 0), new System.Numerics.Vector3(carLocation.X, carLocation.Y, carLocation.Z), new System.Numerics.Vector3(ballLocation.X, ballLocation.Y, ballLocation.Z));

                case Target.BallInAir:
                    Renderer.DrawLine3D(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 0), new System.Numerics.Vector3(carLocation.X, carLocation.Y, carLocation.Z), new System.Numerics.Vector3(ballLocation.X, ballLocation.Y, ballLocation.Z));

                case Target.BallLandingPoint:
                    Renderer.DrawLine3D(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(0, 255, 0), new System.Numerics.Vector3(carLocation.X, carLocation.Y, carLocation.Z), new System.Numerics.Vector3(ballTrajectoryX, ballTrajectoryY, ballTrajectoryZ));


                case Target.Goal:
                    Renderer.DrawLine3D(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 255), new System.Numerics.Vector3(carLocation.X, carLocation.Y, carLocation.Z), new System.Numerics.Vector3(0, ownGoalY, 10));

                case Target.AwayFromGoal:
                    Renderer.DrawLine3D(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(0, 0, 0), new System.Numerics.Vector3(carLocation.X, carLocation.Y, carLocation.Z), new System.Numerics.Vector3(ballLocation.X, ballLocation.Y, ballLocation.Z));

                case Target.Undecided:
                    Renderer.DrawLine3D(System.Windows.Media.Color.FromRgb(255, 255, 255), new System.Numerics.Vector3(carLocation.X, carLocation.Y, carLocation.Z), new System.Numerics.Vector3(ballLocation.X, ballLocation.Y, ballLocation.Z));
                prevTarget = target;

                LastPositionX     = carLocation.X;
                LastPositionY     = carLocation.Y;
                LastBallPositionX = ballLocation.X;
                LastBallPositionY = ballLocation.Y;
                LastBallPositionZ = ballLocation.Z;
                if (DateTime.Now > lastChat.AddSeconds(10) && random.NextDouble() < 0.00033)
                    int chatNo = (int)(random.NextDouble() * 63);
                        SendQuickChatFromAgent(false, (QuickChatSelection)chatNo);
                        Console.WriteLine("QuickChat Exception: " + chatNo);
                    lastChat = DateTime.Now;
            catch (Exception e)
